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The following morning, I awoke, but not as I usually did inside my miniature house, nor was I still lying on top of Rachel’s breast. Instead, I found myself tucked in between two layers of blankets on her bed. I crawled out into the open and looked around, but I couldn’t see her in the room. However, I could hear her talking in the living room next door and it sounded as if she was having a phone conversation. As I waited for her to return, I climbed up on top of her pillow. When she finally came back to the bedroom, wearing nothing but her underwear, I saw that she had a big grin on her face. She saw me waiting for her and leapt onto the bed, but that impact sent me flying up into the air, which she hadn’t expected. Still, she reacted quickly and caught me before I fell back down, then gave me the usual good-morning kiss and hug.

“Good morning, my gorgeous man!” she said, full of cheerfulness. “Guess what news I just got?”

“I…um…I don’t know…oh, wait! Don’t tell me…you got the job?”

“I got the job! I’ll be starting there on Monday as a full-time member of the company, with my own office and everything…and it’s all thanks to you, Sam! Come here, let me show you how much I appreciate you and love you…”

She rolled around on the bed and played with me in all kinds of kinky and titillating ways, while I just let go of myself and enjoyed the experience. I was, of course, very happy for my giant-sized girlfriend, and happy as well that I had played an important part in her reaching her goals. She took me with her to the shower, where she continued to affectionately play with me while washing me and herself. Later, back in the bedroom, I lay on her dressing table, on the soft fabric of the panties she’d worn last night, and watched her get dressed while she explained what her plans for the day were:

“I’ll have to go in to work today as well, just to clear out my old temporary office and so that they can show me the new one. I suppose they’ll also give me some kind of talk about what exactly the job entails and what they’ll be expecting of me from now on.”

“I take it Alan was happy with your presentation yesterday, then?” I asked.

“Oh yeah, he was very impressed – that was him on the phone with me just now, by the way. He said he could tell I was under a lot of stress and pressure – he knew how hard I’d been working these last few weeks – but that the way I remained calm and composed during the presentation was particularly impressive. As for the higher-ups…well, they tried catching me out with all sorts of trick questions afterwards, but I guess I must’ve done really well in that part too. Maybe I was still on such a high from what you did that I just felt extra-sharp and confident.”

“What about Leanne? She came right after you, didn’t she? How did her session go?”

Rachel gave a groan of disgust.

“No idea,” she replied. “Alan didn’t mention it and I didn’t ask. But who cares, right? She tried to cheat me out of my work, but she lost, I won, and hopefully I won’t run into her again any time soon. I can find better people to be friends with than her, don’t you agree?”

She pinched the two ends of her panties together and lifted them up, with me lying in the fabric as though it were a hammock. In this way she held me up to her beautiful, magnetic eyes.

“So, that’s that, I guess?” I told her. “All’s well that ends well. You’re finally off to the job you’ve been working so hard to get for as long as I’ve known you, and I…”

“You get to come along with me, every step of the way, supporting me and loving me as only you can, my little angel.”

“Thanks, honey, but I don’t think I’ve got enough strength left for another day at your place of work, to be perfectly honest.”

“Oh, that’s okay, you can stay home today. I’ll only be gone for a few hours at most, I think. But this afternoon, however, we’re going out and celebrating, so rest up and get your strength back by then, okay?”

“Celebrating? Like, how? You mean, you’re taking me out someplace?”

“That’s right, lover-boy! Someplace special, where you and I can enjoy an evening of fine food and drink and each other’s company, without anyone else spoiling it for us.”

“Can I ask, where exactly this place is?”

Rachel just chuckled and gave me a bump with her finger, sending me swinging back and forth in the folds of her underwear.

“No, you may not. You can stay here and wait patiently for me to return, and you’ll find out when I want you to, got it?”

“Got it, boss!”

She laughed again, then dragged me out of my comfy hammock and lay me down on her shoulder. I grabbed on tightly to her jacket collar as she headed for the kitchen to make us breakfast. For all of the pain and doubt I’d experienced in the course of accepting my new place in life, I couldn’t deny that over these last few weeks Rachel and I had grown closer in a way that we never had before. More than ever, I’d come to realize how much I needed someone like her in my life.

Midway through the afternoon, when Rachel returned home from work, she found me busy putting the finishing touches on some additional tiny furniture pieces for my miniature house. I ran out onto the balcony so that she could pick me up, but instead she picked up the entire house and gave me a kiss like that. Then she sat down on the couch and placed my house squarely in her lap. I leapt from the balcony onto the fabric of her jacket and, with a little bit of help from her, climbed all the way up to her shoulder.

“Hey there, gorgeous!” she whispered to me. “Ready to go out and have some fun?”

“You know I am…although I wish you’d tell me where exactly it is we’re going to celebrate? But first, how was work?”

“Eh, fine, I guess. Not really very exciting, apart from everyone there congratulating me and welcoming me to the team. Also, there was a lot of them explaining to me exactly what my new position in the company required of me and what sorts of projects I can expect to be working on beginning next week. Alan and Reginald – he’s the other mid-level supervisor – both offered to take me out to lunch to celebrate, but I politely declined and told them I’d already made other plans.”

“So, that’s that. Now, do I have to ask you again, or is it supposed to come as a total surprise to me when we get there?”

“No, no, it’s okay, I’ll tell you!” she laughed. “You and I, my love, have a reservation at the Mosaic Café downtown, where we’ll have our own little private dining room with curtains separating us from the rest of the restaurant. Complete privacy, in other words.”

“You got a reservation there?” I asked, shocked. “Jesus, Rachel, isn’t it, you know, a bit too expensive?”

I didn’t mention it to Rachel that that particular establishment with its fine cuisine was one of the places I’d been planning to take her once I’d begun earning a proper salary of my own…but that was all way behind me in the past now.

“Yeah, sure, it isn’t the cheapest place in town,” she replied. “But what difference does that make? In the first place, I’ll only be paying for myself, since you don’t need anywhere close to a full meal to satisfy you. We’ll just have to agree on something from the menu that both of us like, that’s all. But, more importantly, we won’t have to worry about anyone seeing you in public like this. Even the waiters only come to the tables when they’re called for, and I’ll always make sure to hide you somewhere out of sight in such an event. Besides, just splurging a little bit of extra cash on this one special day won’t bankrupt me, darling!”

She turned her head to the side and began nuzzling me with her lips, while I half-heartedly fought back with my fists.

“Okay, okay, you’ve convinced me!” I said, giving up in defeat. “So, are we leaving right away? And do I need to get myself ready or anything?”

“You, my big man, don’t need to do anything. Hell, you can even come naked if you want! Who’s gonna know, besides me? I, on the other hand, have to go and freshen up and change into something more suitable, so just give me a couple of moments, and then we’re off.”

She gave me a little nudge with her chin, which sent me plummeting off from her shoulder and down onto her lower arm, and then onto the pillow beside it. Then she stood up and headed off to her room, leaving me all to myself again. Those ‘couple of moments’ turned out to be rather long ones, but I didn’t mind waiting, since I knew she wanted to look perfect for our first evening out since I had been shrunk. How could I possibly have hurried her along anyways, even if I had wanted to, while being this small?

When she returned to the living room, I stared up at her with slack-jawed awe…not to mention arousal. She was wearing a perfectly stunning tight red dress, with slits that came up to her thighs and which showed a more-than-adequate amount of cleavage. She came sauntering towards me on the couch and did a little spin for me to show off her choice in fashion, which in turn sent a breeze filled with the scent of her perfume towards me. How I wish I could’ve grown back to normal size and grabbed her and held her – but I had no choice but to wait for her to come and pick me up. She lifted me up slowly from the couch to the level of her chest, giving me some great views of her curves and letting me take in just how drop-dead beautiful she looked in that outfit.

“Worth the wait?” she asked beguilingly as she held me almost within arms’ reach of her bosom.

“Hell yeah! Rachel, you…you look like…look, I’m sorry, but you’re already making me horny, and we haven’t even left the house yet!”

“Yeah, I can see that…speaking of, what exactly do you think you’re doing like this, if I may ask?”

“Well, you did say I could go naked if I wanted to, so I just thought…”

I was still completely in the nude, having taken off my clothes and left them on the couch far below.

“If we’re going to have a private little evening out, we might as well make it as sexy as possible, right?” I added, turning around in the palm of her hand and letting her see what I looked like underneath. “Besides, you can’t really complain, not with the way you’re dressed. Shit, as soon as all the other men in that place get a load of you, they’ll be forming a line to your table, wondering what a gorgeous girl like you is doing eating out alone while all dressed up like this.”

“Oh, they can try, but I’ll be ready for them!” she reassured me with a wink. “All right then, I think enough time’s been wasted here. Let’s get going, shall we?”

“You…you sure? Look, I can get dressed again if it makes you feel awkward like this? Well, actually, I’m the one feeling a bit…”

“Sorry, too late! Into my purse you go, little guy! I’ll just grab my coat, then we can be off.”

She dropped me casually into the little black purse she always carried, as though I were nothing more than a tube of lipstick. Thankfully, the purse compartment in which I found myself was empty except for me, so I didn’t have to worry about being injured by any of her belongings whenever I was jostled around a bit. I could feel her tucking the purse into her coat pocket, adding another layer of separation between me and her. Though I would have wanted to ride on her shoulder the whole way to the restaurant, I suppose it made more sense for her to conceal me in here, where I was extremely unlikely to be seen by anyone. I could only hope that we’d have the same amount of privacy once we arrived at our destination.
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