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A few days later Amy’s first date nerves really started to kicked in. Which was weird, as this was not a date. If anything, it was a business meeting. But, their conversations had become so flirty that it was surely a first date in all but name. She agonised about what to wear and elected for bear feet (as they were meeting in her house) to show off her freshly painted toes and a cute short casual dress.

Meanwhile, Seb was having a huge dilemma as, technically, he needed to wear the company uniform! He selected his comfy smart trousers and his Amiga corporate shirt. He thought that, all things considered, he was looking sharp and dressed to impress! 

Over the course of the week, they had both found that they thought each other to be lovely, funny, interesting, and sexy beyond words, but neither dare say it. Seb could not stop fantasising about being in her gigantic presence. They both knew inside that they felt incredibly compatible and one thing was for sure, their mutual chemistry was off the chart and both had never had butterflies quite like it before.

He tried to imagine how she would see him by putting himself in her shoes. Grabbing his calculator, he worked out that, to be able to size it up, he’d need to convert downwards using the same size differential. That is, if he was Amy, then Seb would need to be something 2.7mm tall, or just over a tenth of an inch. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bunch of change; he tried different combinations. Then, he had it, a quarter and a dime stacked was just about it. The combined edges came to about 2.6mm, so nearly the right height. He looked at it. Almost too hard to imagine a person being so small and yet that was him, that was how he’d appear to her. His legs were as long as the edge of a dime. Insane!

Laying in bed, Seb tried to imagine standing near a being over half a mile high, it didn’t seem possible, but the thought of affections from someone of this size made him stir inside. He was both terrified and excited.


Seb got the flight to Amiga island. This highly restricted island could only be visited by select people, that is, company employees with the right access and guests of the Amigas (mainly paying guests!) He settled into the human hotel on the far side of the island. The Amiga’s were by the beach on the opposite side about 100 miles away. Knowing she was on the same island as him only increased the excitement. 

Amy heard he’d arrived and began to panic a little. Why was meeting this tiny man such a worry? She’d never felt like this before about meeting humans. I guess normally, when speaking with the crumb sized people there to help, it was just business; and business at a distance. Never get too close without good reason as it’s just extra risk. They are so fragile. 

She painted her toe nails again. She wanted it to be right, he was likely going to see them up close! Amy imagined him standing on her toes. She ruled out the big toe, at over 40ft long it would be gigantic. Instead, she concentrated her thoughts on her petite middle toe, the painted nail only about 18ft wide and 21ft long. She longed for him to stand on it while she looked down.


The day arrived and at 7pm the drone arrived on cue. It set down the transportation pod, a huge device well over 150ft tall and capable of transporting dozens of people. It’s huge door opened, revealing the cavern sized interior with many seats which looked like those you’d find on a roller-coaster. Seb climbed into the pod and strapped himself in. The pod closed and the in-flight music commenced with a countdown to arrival, followed by safety information. Don’t forget your in ear defenders, never deviate from the safe areas, don’t take photos. He felt very tiny in this massive chrome missile and he wondered how Amy would view it…

…an hour later the drone arrived at Amy’s and entered the house. Amy could not believe that her ‘date’ was housed in such a tiny pod barely as long or as thick as her little finger. Her excitement grew when it landed and powered down.

His display panel announced his arrival at Amy’s house. Seb made sure his earplug and mic were on and said “Hey, I am here!”

“I know, you are on my table and I am sat at the table, looking at your transport pod!” The voice boomed back “Come on out!” This was the first time he’d heard her voice for real. On the phone both their voices were normalised. The vibrations from her voice seemed to oscillate the pod.

He pressed the green ‘open’ button and the door obeyed, he walked out onto the mini platform on the table, looked up, and there she was.

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