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Gilly had made short work of the crowd, and in minutes the densely packed evacuees were red stains in her huge footprints.  She felt quite proud of herself for that, as she looked over her shoulder and peered at the gore-stained craters she had made.

Looking around, she spotted the sea some distance away, which might have been considered far if she wasn’t a giantess, but would now be a pleasant walk for her and a deadly one for everyone else, for directly in her way, however, a vast expanse of American suburbia stretched out like a vast desert of identical little houses and long, straight streets.  Hardly anything interesting to step on, she thought.

And then she saw it — a little out of the way of the straight line path directly on top of the field of detached houses was something that set her pulse racing and made her almost giddy with excitement.  There it was, that cliche of giantess fiction, a football stadium.  They would have evacuated by now, she reasoned, if they knew anything about rampage stories, but the idea of acting out one of her favourite scenes from one of her favourite stories was too great to miss.

Something caught her eye as she looked down at the street at her feet.  It was mostly empty, except for a few stragglers who hadn’t fled from her yet, but on the roof of a small tower a few steps away, she saw a woman.  She didn’t know why this one tiny individual interested her more than any of the hundreds she’d stepped on and the millions more in this city, but when she bent over and peered down, she saw that this tiny lady was watching her and masturbating.  She was a young woman in professional dress, but her skirt had dropped to her ankles and her hands were down the front of her silk panties.  It was obvious even to Gilly’s colossal perspective that she was fingering herself vigorously.

Curious, Gilly decided to go in for a closer look.  The building itself trembled on its foundations as the colossal woman stepped closer, as though shaking in fear.  She tried to be careful, but it looked as though it might collapse at any moment.  The streets were mostly empty around here, with only abandoned vehicles falling victim to her feet.  A few people who had lingered too close to her scattered, but as she wasn’t particularly bothered about stepping on anyone only a few were squished.

Gilly wanted to get a closer look at this strange little woman, so she began to squat down.  It was an awkward motion in the tight street, trying to keep her long, shapely legs from colliding with the little calf-high office buildings and apartments, but then she remembered that wanton death and destruction from her giant body was the entire point and simply brought her knees down to kneel more comfortably.  She still needed to discard the last few vestiges of her sense of restraint if she was to truly embrace being the giantess of her dreams, she thought.  Her knees crashed carelessly through the surrounding buildings, flattening them into rubble faster than they could just collapse of their own accord.  Smoke and debris exploded out of the shattering walls, filling the streets with a dense cloud that was wafted away with a few waves of her hand.

The building she was interested in, with the woman now yelping in fear as mortal terror overrode her lust, was squarely between her thick thighs, and rose just to the level of her naval as she rested her rear on her heels.  It wobbled, and Gilly was afraid that it might collapse; everything was just so bloody fragile now!  She instinctively reached out to steady it with her hand, and was pleasantly surprised that it worked.  Her fingers curled around the little structure, and though the concrete cracked under the godlike strength of her fingers, the building ceased shaking.  Carefully withdrawing her hand, she was even more impressed that it remained standing.

Whether this businesswoman was turned on by sight of Gilly’s huge and magnificent body or she imagined herself in the giantess’s place, Gilly didn’t know, but she felt rather touched by the gesture.  The woman was tall, perhaps even as tall as her old height, slim, and very pretty, she thought.  She clearly cared greatly about presenting a professional appearance, with modest, tasteful make up, a prim and proper grey suit with heels, and blondehair tied into a ponytail.  Though, Gilly noticed that her blouse had been buttoned just low enough to reveal a hint of deep cleavage.

“Aw, don’t you stop on my account!” said Gilly. She had to peer over her own bust to get a good look at her.

The woman flinched from the power of her voice, but otherwise obliged; she lowered herself down to sit, kicking off her crumpled skirt, and her hand once again dived into her soaked panties.

“So.”  Gilly paused, trying to make conversation with people half an inch tall still proved awkward.  “You like me smashing things?”

“Mmmm, yes!” the woman moaned huskily.  Her fingers pushed into her pussy, as she kept her eyes locked on the huge face above her.  “You’re a goddess!”

A goddess.  The word made her feel warm and tingly inside; she supposed that’s how she must look to the ordinary men and women of this city now.

“Oh, I’m just a big girl having fun,” said Gilly with a smile.  She liked this little worshipper, and wanted to do something to reward her, but the vast gulf in size made helping her get off extremely risky.  That left putting on a show for her, and there were still plenty of toys around.  The woman seemed to be staring at Gilly’s breasts, so that would be a good start.

“You like my huge titties?” she asked, leaning forwards and pushing her chest out so they loomed over the tiny woman.  “Want to see me squish people with them?”

The woman could only respond with a deep moan and a vigorous nod, which told Gilly all she needed.  Leaning back to give her little admirer a better view, she clasped her breasts with a hand each and squeezed them together, the soft flesh oozing between her fingers.  She rolled her massive breasts together, and as she felt their hefty weight and softness in her hands she was amused by the memory of considering having them reduced when she was tiny; a big woman like her needed to have big tits, capable of demolishing buildings on their own, she thought, and she needn’t worry about people leering at them anymore when she could just step on them.

Speaking of people, there were still plenty of them in these streets.  Gilly almost couldn’t believe that they simply couldn’t get out of her way, and in her mind made it their own fault for what she was about to do to them next.

Her left hand slipped from her breast, which wobbled back into position, and reached down into the streets to grab a handful of tiny people.  Gilly lifted them up to the level of her chest to inspect them, and saw that she had caught a nice collection of people for what she was about to do; a varied assortment of tiny people, men and women, young and old, all with their own lives, only to become toys for her amusement, packed together in the palm of her hand, shivering and crying in fear.  She showed them to her masturbating admirer, who nodded in approval.

“You’re going to get squi-ished!” said Gilly to her victims in a playful sing-song voice.

One, a middle aged man jumped off the edge of her palm and was smeared across her thigh.  Gilly shrugged; the end result was much the same.

Gilly leaned forwards, allowing her left breast to hang freely.  Excitement fluttered in her chest and her loins as she brought her handful of victims to her colossal boob.  She heard their shrill shrieks intensify, and then muffled as she began to press their bodies against the wall of soft flesh.  Their hands pushed and beat in vain against the vast, inexorable breast bearing down upon them, and she could feel each one.  She held them there for a moment, enjoying the sensation of so many doomed, helpless people against her sensitive breast, and then, grinning at her adoring worshipper, applied more pressure.

The screams ceased abruptly.  Their bodies bursting and breaking under the vast weight of her soft mound tickled.  Gilly curled her fingers into her breast and ground the gory remains with a luxuriant moan, then let go to reveal her already quite dirty skin marked with a vivid streak of red.  She wiped it away, making the massive mammary jiggle pleasingly, and then cleaned her hand by rubbing her palm in her thigh.

It felt good, but above all, she was struck by just how natural this act of horrific slaughter felt, as though she was always meant to be this big and her previous, boring, normal life was an abnormality.

Gilly reached into the streets again, grabbing more people who were too slow to escape her grasping fingers.  Her free forearm curled under her bosom, to lift her breasts up, and cupping one to form a canyon of cleavage.  Again, she showed off her collection of victims to her admirer, who by now was all but crying out with her self-pleasure, before lifting them above her cleavage and tipping them all in.

Some dropped onto the top of her breasts, but most tumbled directly into the darkness between them.  There, they were sandwiched helplessly between two massive breasts, squirming against each other and the two walls of flesh confining them.  Gilly shook her upper body, which jostled the stragglers into the cleavage, and satisfied that they were all in there, began to squeeze her boobs together.

They lasted a few seconds, perhaps, before the softness of the titanic boobs could no longer protect them from their unbelievable mass.  She felt them squirm and thrash to prevent the inevitable.  As she giggled at the tickling sensation, they felt the ‘walls’ confining them shudder all around them.  Their frail little bodies met the same fate as those before, and were pulped into a gory paste.

The lewd display had tipped the woman on the rooftop over the edge, and she lay there in orgasmic bliss, staring up adoringly at her goddess peering back down at her over her bust.  Gilly wondered what to do with her, and considered demolishing the entire building beneath her tits.  But she wanted the tiny lady to live, at least for now; it was her city now, and she got to decide who to spare from her playful rampage.  Besides, there were more places to explore and she was not about to run out of other people to squish, and she remembered that she wanted to see the stadium on her way to the beach.

Gilly rubbed her hands together to try and clean off the bloody mess but to no avail, and her breasts were streaked a deep, gritty, greasy crimson with the remains of the people she’d  crushed with them.  Being a giantess was incredibly messy, and it was another little fact that her favourite photoshopped collages tended to omit; in addition to the blood and gore of her many victims, her pale freckled skin was covered in a patina of grey-brown dust and muck, especially below her knees.  She would have to go for a swim in the ocean to clean off once she got to the beach, and there ought to be plenty of bath toys to keep her occupied, she thought.

The woman stared mesmerised as her goddess rose to her full, imposing height.  The building shook as hundreds of thousands of tons of raw feminine beauty and power moved with a speed that basic physics and biology said should have been impossible; she watched as the goddess’s thick, powerful thighs propelled her mighty body skywards, the plain of her stomach with its slight amount of pleasing softness, and then her crotch - dear goddess, her pussy.  Framed with a tuft of ginger pubic hair, her vulva glistened with her apparently constant state of arousal.  Her clit, about as big as the comparatively tiny woman, was swollen and red, and her tiny admirer felt a longing to leap right onto it to please her almighty goddess.  Her thick, curvy legs followed suit, and the woman lay on her back to gaze up at the sexy skyscraper of a woman smiling down at her.

Gilly blew her tiny admirer a kiss, and her warm breath wafted over her, then giggled and stomped off towards her goal, the ground trembling beneath every footstep.


The stadium sat atop a small hill, now little more than a mound to the gigantic woman rampaging through the city.  Between her around midtown and this structure, hopefully teeming with tiny, helpless people for her to abuse, lay the relatively open spaces of suburbia literally at her feet.  A desert of seemingly identical homes, punctuated by oases of shops, supermarkets, and parks, stretched out before her.  From eight hundred feet up, she could see beyond that the waterfront, beaches, and the sea, which all promised more fun at the expense of the city’s inhabitants.

Gilly walked, and it spelt armageddon for suburbia.  A modest family home fit neatly under her massive foot, and she singled out particularly large and lavish homes for destruction.  They were all laid out before her, as though presenting themselves to be stepped on, with their neat little plots of land and picket fences.  Yet this idyllic suburban wasteland was gripped in the usual sort of panic and terror that came with her shere colossal presence; though less densely populated than the downtown and midtown areas the colossal Gilly had visited and ravaged, there were still enough tiny people in the streets, either fleeing from her at the peak of their ability or frozen in mortal fear, for her to amuse herself by stepping on them.  That there were fewer of them in the wide open streets and gardens between the detached houses made it into more of a game for her, as the crowds were not so densely-packed she had to put a little more effort into squishing individuals and small groups.  She would raise her foot high in the air until her thigh was almost touching her breast, single out a particular target - that little red car would do nicely, weaving around and sometimes over people running from her in the street - try to predict where it was going, then stomp down with force.  That she was so huge and her feet covered so much of the street below meant that the majority of the time her intended victim (and many others) were squished instantly, and even if she missed, the resulting earthquake stunned them and everyone else in the vicinity that they were quickly finished off with a quick crush under her toes.

Though suburbia seemed like it might be boring for a brand new giantess, Gilly was still having enormous fun displaying her immense size and power at every turn.  She raised her foot over an ankle-high detached house, the thought of people trapped inside and fearing what was to come next gave her butterflies, and lowered her sole down upon it.  The flimsy two-story suburban home offered next to no resistance to the almighty giantess’s sole, and it exploded instantly into splinters.  ‘Splinters’, by her perspective, but great jagged beams of broken wood and chunks of brick and stone for everyone else.

She carried on, with lazy but targeted steps to cause the maximum amount of death and destruction even in this relatively barren suburbia.  The ground sloped upwards towards where the stadium sat upon the hill, which was little more than a mound to Gilly.  As she approached she could see a car park filled with vehicles.  The worry that they might have done the sensible thing and evacuated, or that she simply missed whatever sports event was scheduled to take place, had occurred to her, but as she drew closer and could glimpse over the edge of the huge bowl-shaped structure, she spotted thousands of spots of colour filling the seats.

It was full to capacity!  Gilly stifled an excited giggle and dropped down to her hands and knees, hoping not to scare them into running away before she had a chance to have some fun.  Her knees and shins obliterated a row of houses beneath them, and though her right hand fell into an empty space between the homes, her left palm connected with the roof of a mini-mart, which promptly collapsed into rubble when she pressed down and applied some weight.

It was absurd, she thought, trying to be sneaky at the size of a skyscraper, but it was worth a try at least.  She crawled slowly on her hands and knees, reaching out with one hand and not particularly caring whether it landed on a house, empty garden, or a nice mob of bystanders, then dragging her gargantuan body forwards.  Survivors beneath her looked up to see her curves becoming their sky; her breasts swung pendulously overhead, perilously close above their heads, bouncing against her arms as she moved, then her cutely soft tummy.  Then she would pass them harmlessly, though having wrecked their homes and livelihoods in her wake, to see her huge rear swaying erotically with every pull forwards, and glimpse her sex now dripping with arousal.  The soles of her feet, the deadliest part of this impossibly huge woman, were stained with so much dust and muck and bodily remains.

Despite the awful, thunderous noise that accompanied her every movement, it seemed to work.  Gilly crested the hill, still on her hands and knees and entered the open space of the car park.  Thousands of parked vehicles filled it, and there was nowhere where she couldn’t place her hands without crushing a few at a time.  They crunched nicely into colourful slivers of metal in her handprints in concrete, however, and she fought the temptation to stop and experiment to see precisely how many she could fit under her palm at once.

They must have seen her by now, she thought, the people in the tower overlooking the stadium.  There were a few tinies in the car park itself, and those closest to the main gates of the stadium raced towards its perceived safety.  Even when crawling, Gilly was quicker; the distance was closed in a matter of seconds, as she cut a path of destruction through the car park to leave hundreds of pancaked vehicles and the odd squished stray parking attendant behind her.


The game had been suspended for about an hour with little explanation, but neither was anyone allowed to leave.  What scant bits and pieces they had heard from the announcer over the speakers was some vague nonsense about an unexplained ‘incident’ that necessitated keeping them here, but aside from that the crowd, packed into a stadium almost full to capacity, had been largely kept in the dark.

“It’s finally happening,” said Burt, a middle-aged man in a sports jersey, to no one in particular.  He had a seat at one end of the long, oval-shaped stadium, overlooking the field from over the touchdown line, where there really should have been a spirited and exciting game of football being played, but now was completely empty save for a few stadium officials milling about doing seemingly nothing.  “They’re rounding us up for the FEMA camps.”

“What the fuck are you on about?” said the man next to him, a younger guy with a youthful stubble.  “Haven’t you seen the news?”  He waved his phone at Burt.

Burt shrugged.  “Can’t get a signal on mine.  It’s obvious.  They’re jamming everyone’s phones so it’ll be easier to round us all up.  It’s the new world order, alright, and they’re just getting started.”

“Well, I can.”  The young man tapped away on his phone, then held it up for Burt to see; it displayed an image of a hot, young, naked woman with pale, freckled skin, a mess of ginger hair, and a stunningly curvaceous figure with tits each about as big as her head.  Though he briefly drooled over it, he noticed that there was something wrong with the picture -- for starters it seemed to be taken from a very low angle, such that the photographer would have had to have been lying on the floor, but as Burt reluctantly looked away from the vision of loveliness and focused on the things around her naked body, he saw high rise apartment buildings and office blocks that reached only up to her knees and thighs.

“Why the fuck are you showing me this weird crap?” he blurted out.

“There’s some fucking…” -The young man trailed off, waving his hand with the phone as he tried to come up with the right words- “kaiju-sized girl wrecking the place downtown.  I guess they’re keeping us here because anyone out in the street’s getting stepped on, or worse.”

Burt was silent for a moment, and now finally really paying attention to everyone else around him, the packed crowd sitting in the bleachers, that much of the conversation was of much the same nature - a giant woman; impossibly huge; no one knows where she came from or how she came to be so big; mass chaos and devastation downtown; kept here for their own safety…

“It’s fake news,” Burt scoffed.  “It’s the liberal media; some feminist deception before they establish the new world order, I tell you.  They’ll think we’ll believe-”

Screams of terror interrupted his speech, deafening him too.  Burt’s new friend wasn’t listening either, and he followed the slack-jawed, horrified gaze upwards, to a massive thing that blotted out the bright midday sun.  A gargantuan woman’s face, the exact one from image on the guy’s phone, peered down and over the rim of the stadium; she grinned as she stared down into the sea of terrified humanity beneath her with a hungry interest, and her great green eyes, shockingly beautiful and terrifying at the same time, scanned over the panicking crowds just under her nose.

“Ey up!”  Her voice drowned out the one on the tannoy imploring calm, not that it was doing much good anyway.  Her breath had almost cleared the area just in front of her lips, the hot wind knocking over the scores of people in the bleachers and sending them tumbling down the terraces.  

All over it was utter chaos, as the tens of thousands of people in the stadium audience scrambled over the seats, tripping and falling in places, trying desperately to get to the exits, but Burt was barely aware of it.  He could only sit, paralysed in fear, at the pretty face blown up to the size of a blimp peering over the edge.  The cacophony of screams seemed faded, and was drowned out by her powerful voice anyway.

“I hope I haven’t missed t’ match,” she said, and another wave of spectators were blasted down the terrace.  “I hope you all saved a seat for me!”

With that, the giantess rose to her full height.  Burt stared up at twin, pale skyscrapers that were a pair of curvy legs; the supple flesh rippled and quivered as she raised one, the underside of her sole, stained red, swept into view overhead and briefly hovered over the field where a great mass of people had flooded into to try and escape her, and then dropped down.

The entire stadium shook with the footfall, and again when the other joined the first.  The colossal woman stood on the field, having buried hundreds of innocent people mercilessly under her feet.  Each, Burt noted in an abstract way, as her toes wiggled playfully in the deep footprint her vast weight made in the grass and mud, was about two thirds as long as the width of the field.

Further shudders ensued when the giantess turned around, reverberating through the wooden bleachers, with her back to Burt.  People fell all around him, screaming uselessly, pushing and fighting one another in an effort to get away in futile flight.  Though the crowd around him drove itself to madness with fear and horror all around him, he remained rooted to the spot, staring up past endlessly long legs to gaze transfixed upon the Perfect Ass.  The massive twin globes of smooth, supple flesh jiggled delightfully from when she had turned around.

“Excuse me!”  Her voice thundered from the heavens.  She looked over her shoulder, directly down on him.  “This seat is reserved for giantesses!”

Her ass was stunning, glorious; the sort that he would have willingly accepted a slap across the face for pinching at a dive bar somewhere.  Burt could only imagine giving it a firm spank, and the cheeks would ripple, before sinking his grubby little fingers into each perfectly round, soft cheek, and burying his face between them.  He was still imagining it when the divine rear end came rushing straight down towards him and hundreds upon hundreds of other doomed individuals, crushing him and everyone in the vicinity beneath its incredible mass in an instant.


Gilly’s huge arse went straight through bleachers, which collapsed under her with barely any resistance, but she was expecting it this time; she thought she was getting better at interacting with (and destroying) the tiny world around her.  The entire southern end of the stadium disintegrated under the full, unstoppable weight of her massive rear end.  The panicked crowds tickled as they were effortlessly crushed beneath her.  There was no way the structure could have supported tens of thousands of tons of mass, so her shapely butt kept pushing straight through steel and concrete rendered flimsy by the mere act of this colossus sitting down on it.  Her butt slammed into the ground below with an earth-shaking thud, and the two thirds of the stadium not demolished beneath it wobbled and shook violently with the tremors, tossing the already panicked people down the bleachers into hideous tangles of writhing bodies.

For a moment it looked as though the whole thing might collapse, but the shuddering subsided.  Gilly sat there on the remains of one end of the stadium, leaning back to support her upper body with her hands in the packed car park behind her, and watched the roiling sea of packed humanity surrounding her.  It was hard to single out individual people, looking more like clumps of ants grouped together; their voices, too, was a single, multi-faceted noise to her ears.  Most were flooding towards the exits and spilled out, like water from a broken dam, into the car park beyond.  She watched them for a time, trying to pick out one or two single people amidst this multi-coloured canvas that caught her interest - a handsome man in a white T-shirt and jeans who was quickly lost to the crowd, a middle-aged but still pretty lady cowering under the bleachers, a group of college boys in identical sports shirts…

“Aw, I just want to watch t’ match!” Gilly said with mock disappointment.  The pitch was between her long legs, which formed two great arches over the footprint-ruined field; no one seemed interested in football anymore, and the pitch was almost empty save for a few brave souls looking at her crotch.  She wondered where the football players were, and if star athletes would last any longer than regular people inside her vagina.

“We have proper football back home, anyway,” she continued, lifting her left leg in the air and pulling it back like a piston.  She spotted a rather nice, packed group trying to make it down the ruined stairs to the exits.  “This is how you play a game with your feet!”

With that, her leg, pulled back like a loaded spring, lashed out.  Her foot struck the opposite side of the stadium, obliterating anyone still there in an instant.  The shattered debris erupted forth, spilling out into the packed car park beyond for hundreds of feet and burying anyone still there beneath rubble.  When she pulled her leg back, it left a gaping, jagged hole where there had been a full set of terraced seating.

Gilly had an abrupt sense of deja vu, but realised that she was merely acting out a favourite scene from one of her favourite stories.  She let out a sharp ‘little’ giggle as she realised that her situation matched that particular fictional goddess perfectly, and hoped that she was doing it justice.  There was another nice big clump of people clogging the narrowing sets of stairs to the left of the yawning gap, so she lashed out with her foot again, striking the terraces with her heel and sending another avalanche of ruin.

By now, a sizable chunk of the surviving spectators had spilled out into the vast open space of the car park.  Gilly saw them, spreading out in all directions.  Some had made it to their vehicles, but with the dense mob all over the place they were just as trapped as those fleeing on foot.  Most were heading down the slope towards the suburbs, the way she had come from, while other smaller groups scurried off in opposite directions.

Gilly paid the smaller groups no heed; she was merely having fun than aiming for a thorough and deliberate extermination of absolutely every single tiny person she came across.  It was only that they were the largest and therefore most exciting group for her that singled them out for her murderous play, and spared the others.

“Aw, does no one want to play?” she said, and the persistent sound of thousands of screaming voices intensified.  The warmth in her loins only grew hotter.

Her huge body rolled to the side, and she planted her hands on the ground before her, crushing dozens of fleeing people and trapped cars as before, then rotated her legs so that she was on all-fours.  One side of the stadium still standing was soundly pulverised by her shins, and the remainder quickly followed when the giantess crawled forwards and drove her knees into the swaying, still-packed stands as she crawled forwards.  In a matter of minutes, the stadium was nothing but rubble and dust and smashed bodies.

As much as she truly relished stepping on people, it was just as much fun to get up close and personal with her doomed victims.  Crushing them underfoot made her feel truly above them, like they were nothing more than bugs to her, but now, on all fours crawling, she could see them better; they weren’t just bugs but people, once like her and each with their own lives, but here she was more than a hundred times bigger, and thus possessed immense power over their tiny lives that she was more than willing to use.  The thought only stoked the flames of arousal within her.

She paused in her crawling, leaving a short trail of bloody craters in her wake, to observe the scurrying mass of humanity beneath her huge body.  In the shadow cast by her hanging, swaying breasts, they fought and struggled to get away, or cowered in resignation of their fate.  Gilly shook her shoulders, which made her boobs wobble over the heads of a hundred doomed souls.  She thought she heard them scream louder when she did that.

“You should know screaming like that only makes me hornier,” she said with a cheeky giggle.

With that, Gilly bent her arms at the elbows as though doing a push-up.  Her massive tits descended on the screaming crowd; the first few were pinned beneath her firm nipples, then crushed, and their remains pushed into the gouges in the clay-like tarmac; the great mass of seemingly soft flesh enveloped the rest of them, crushing hundreds at a time, as she rested on her front the unstoppable advance of her breasts spreading under her body claimed more victims.  She folded her left arm under her chin to support herself with her generous rear sticking up in the air.

Hot breath washed over the crowd as Gilly giggled at the sight of tiny people under her nose.  She raised her free hand ominously over the heads of a dozen people trapped between wrecked cars, and brought it down upon them with predictably violent results.  Her laughter chilled the hearts of the survivors around her handprint; the giant woman was enjoying crushing them like bugs.  A dozen more were crushed when she repeated the process, and a dozen more after that, until the space before her was littered with gory red handprints in the concrete.  

Deciding to mix things up a little and make the very one-sided game a little more challenging, Gilly crushed tiny people one at a time with her fingers.  She raised her hand over the fleeing mobs, index finger pointing down like the sword of Damocles, then descended mercilessly down upon her intended victim.  She picked them at random, just anyone who happened to catch her fleeting interest - someone with a bright red hat, or another in a pretty dress, or one who seemed to be able to run much faster than the others.  It took barely effort; just the slightest amount of pressure on her fingertip and their tiny bodies popped like ripe berries.  At times she left a long, lingering pause between each crush, just to heighten the sense of terror her murderous play inflicted on the crowd.

Despite her self-inflicted handicap, Gilly made short work of the crowd within her immediate reach.  There were only a few stunned, shell shocked survivors still within crushing range, but still a great many more had reached the relative safety offered by the nearby suburbs she had just stomped through.  She could see them, like a horde of ants scurrying away from her, further down the slope.

Gilly was about to stand up to chase after them and finish off the puny things underfoot, when she had a much more fun idea.  Stepping on people hadn’t lost its appeal, but she was eager to try out new ways of being a rampaging giantess.  She pushed her upper body up, revealing the two circular craters formed by the ungodly weight of her breasts, all filled with the flattened remains of hundreds of people, and manoeuvred herself until she was lying down on her side, facing the shallow slope.

“Here I come!” she called out, and rolled down the hill.  Her huge body annihilated everything in its path - people, houses, shops, cars, and trees.  

There wasn’t even time for them to register what this gargantuan woman was doing, let alone scream, before they were ground out of her existence by her bulldozing body.  She came to a stop at the base of the hill, though slightly dizzy she grinned from ear to ear at the immense fun she was having at this wanton destruction, and sat up to see what she had done; an entire suburban neighbourhood, white picket fences and quaint family homes, had been just utterly erased in seconds.  A great swathe of churned up mud and dirt was all that was left.

“Ick, I’m filthy,” she said, looking down at herself, covered now in mud, blood, and dust. Her hair was even more of a mess now, not only a rat's nest of ginger tendrils, but with so much debris trapped inside.  She tried to brush the muck from her breasts, but that proved ineffectual not just because there was too much of it, but she quickly got distracted and started groping herself.  Yet her inner thighs were damp with her juices flowing from her needy pussy, and she could not resist the urge to caress the distended folds of her vulva with her fingers.

“In more ways than one,” she added.  “Fuck me, have I always been this horny?”

She answered her own question by plunging her two middle fingers into herself, with a sharp gasp.  With her palm grinding against her clit, she masturbated with abandon before a terrified city.  Perhaps her libido had grown in proportion with her body, or did she only now have the total freedom to indulge it?  Either way, she seemed to be in an almost constant state of arousal.

Much of the city heard her deep, throaty moans of pleasure, and while the world over saw her brazenly fingering herself again in a relatively short amount of time, the inhabitants of the suburbs were treated to a front row seat to this lewd display.  Even those in the downtown towers could glimpse her colossal sitting form, towering over the tiny suburbia around her, her body rocking back and forth with each stroke of her fingers.

The fireworks came and went; it was a quick session just to take the edge off for now, like releasing a little pressure from a boiler set to blow, and there would be more than ample opportunity for a proper fuck with these tiny bug-people later.  Gilly sat there, panting a little with the excitement, as she peered down at tiny suburbia around her through the haze of her brief climax.

“I really need a wash,” said Gilly with a giggle.  She picked herself up clumsily, her feet smashing through what houses still remained standing around her as she righted herself, and then stomped off towards the seafront with her usual disregard for the safety of anyone in her way.

A wide open park, with lush green fields and trees, piqued her fickle interest, and she felt she could afford another little diversion.  A few more striding steps and a couple more houses crushed underfoot brought her to the edge of the park.  There were a few tiny people out in the open, gawking up at her and presumably thinking themselves beneath her all-powerful attention.  They were not what interested her, but that still didn’t save them when she casually stepped over the minuscule little fence and into the park, catching the closest unlucky souls under her sole.

The park might have seemed fairly large, were Gilly not eight hundred feet tall. She reckoned she could probably lie down with her toes touching one end and the top of her head not far from the opposite side.  However, there was a modest pond in the centre, and after her undignified splash in the river she felt slightly adverse to getting too wet again.  Still, being caked in mud and dust from her roll down the hill, the vast swathe of suburbia now a barren wasteland as a result, prompted Gilly to move closer.  She squatted down by the pond, not much more than a sink full of water to her, but it was a start at least.  The dry dust and muck had started to become itchy on her skin.

Her hands descended into the pond, and when she cupped them she found she could touch the bottom with her knuckles.  Water rained down through the gaps between her fingers.  She lifted the scoopful of water, pursed her lips, and took a small sip.  Unbeknownst to the giantess, she had caught someone in her hand.  A young man, having taken shelter from her in the park, had, upon realising the depths of his mistake in his choice of hiding place, attempted to flee from her in the most direct route possible - swimming over the lake.  Gilly only spotted him floundering in her cupped hands as she drank from it, and it was too late; he slipped between her pursed lips into her mouth.

She stopped short of swallowing, and could feel him on her tongue floundering in the water.  For some reason Gilly felt strange about the thought of eating people, but after crushing thousands already was that truly too much of a leap?  Besides, she thought, could she really call herself a giant without having eaten at least one tiny person?  Still, she felt anxiety and excitement in equal measure.  The sensation of a living person in her mouth was an exhilarating one, and that simple, singular thing made her feel even more powerful and indomitable; her size had raised her beyond petty human morality now, and whatever she wanted she just do heedless of the consequences to those much, much smaller than her.

Gilly tilted her head back, swallowed, and the man was gone - dragged down into her stomach.

“Oh wow,” she said to herself, rubbing her stomach as she imagined the horrifying fate that awaited him inside her stomach.  “Didn’t think I was all that into vore until I tried it!”

She wanted more, though in truth she didn’t really feel hungry, but this little park seemed devoid of people in any particularly large capacity.  A few stragglers remained to gape uselessly up at her.  However, beyond the park and the suburbs was the seafront, which beckoned to her with its gaudy high rise luxury hotels and the beach itself.  Not that she was out for extermination for the sake of it, but she reckoned that her play thus far had only put a modest dent in the city's vast population, so she was assured of more toys and snacks for her.

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