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In Las Vegas, I’d established my largest harem yet. The 150,000 hotel rooms in Vegas became a room for 4 hot chicks; comprising my harem. Vegas became an effective forbidden city, with no males allowed. Now, 600,000 was so many that I could have sex 24/7 without getting through all of them, but they had another job. 

I lay on my back, 75 miles tall, in the desert east of Las Vegas. I peer down my naked body as the tiny, barely imperceptible objects, buzz over it. I can see only the planes, but I know the members of my harem are parachuting out on to me. It is a major logistical undertaking. The ridges of my 6-pack abs are about 3000 feet deep, and some of the women land down there to clean it- that was their job (I love the pictures of “the valleys”- microscopic women surrounded by mountains of hard, tan, flesh-me!).  Cleaning was what they all were to do- on me, and scrub me down. It was planned in great detail by me. 

The area of my body was about 75 miles long, with my shoulders being 20 miles wide. They were 600,000 women to do the job, meaning there were about 400 of them per square mile. Each one of them had to clean a roughly 250 feet by 250 feet patch of my body, and were spaced accordingly. The planes flew across my body, side to side, and the women parachuted out in steady increments. There were about 425 planes from my feet to my shoulders. Just the landings took a better part of an hour! 

Now, there were always casualties in this phase (as in all phases) When dealing with someone my size, it’s just inevitable. Parachutes that didn’t deploy, mostly. 

They are to parachute out with only the chute, which goes on top of a different backpack, containing a couple gallons of water and some body wash. Other than, they are to be nude. They’d requested helmets, but I’d vetoed that idea. Hair is such an underrated sensual part of a woman, in my opinion. And my opinion is all that matters, you mite :).

Anyway, they’re now all crawling around my body like the insects they are. It’s difficult to land on my legs, many slide into the gap between them, and are splattered. I try not to be hard at this point, so that they can get a good landing on my dick, but sometimes I can’t help it, and they’re only capable of landing on the very top. Other times, when I get hard, they fall to their deaths. They’re to start scrubbing immediately. They are given 3 hours to have their 250 feet by 250 feet section spotless. 


It can get slippery, and those on the edges of the cliffs of my body have on occasion fallen and splattered down below. I do greatly enjoy these attractive women, probably being given anything they want by men, now *dying* unceremoniously in order to do this humiliating task for me. 

Now, once the three hours are up, a large number of helicopters descend on my body, picking up the women to prepare for phase 2. It is so surreal to envision helicopters swooping low into the cracks of my abs, or dodging pubic hairs to rescue the girls stranded there. Sometimes, the mission is to retrieve a splattered body. I am a stickler with the 1-hour rule. Once I lazily check my phone, they all know what's coming next. I will roll over, crushing anything that remains on me, so that the 600,000 can repeat the same on my back.


Mary had quite literally drawn the short straw, multiple times. Seth had, on the night that he crushed a large portion of New Orleans under his dick, had her dragged to her private plane, fucked her in a fury, and then sent her home hours later, ghosting her. Then, days later, she was kidnapped to be brought as part of his largest harem ever in Las Vegas. As they were given the task of cleaning Seth weekly, her landing point was particularly dangerous, his dick. The same dick that had entered her weeks earlier, and taken her virginity, was now miles tall to be cleaned by thousands of women.

Mary knew his dick was unstable ground, and she hurriedly began to scrub her portion as if it to make it go faster. Completely nude, she was glad that she was olive-skinned, as she would not burn. But her skin tone didn’t stop heat exhaustion. Seth, in his cruelty, had demanded all the water be used on himself. Just as Mary was realizing she was soon going to pass out from heat exhaustion and dehydration, the fleshy ground underneath her shifted….

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