Summary: A story about a shrinking son/brother whos condition gains the attention of a reality TV show, that decides to film his shrinking journey.
Full disclosure, I am working with chatGPT to write this. I pretty much rewrite almost everything it does, but I am using it to help me frame out the chapters and be more detail oriented.
(tags are subject to change as the story evolves/comments request new things)
Rated: PG
Categories: Slow Size Change,
Body Exploration,
Mouth Play,
Maternal Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)Size Roles: FF/mWarnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7
Completed: No
Word count: 10707
Read: 33299
Published: November 26 2023
Updated: May 18 2024
1. Chapter 1 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 8] ![star](images/star.gif)
(696 words)
This chapter sets up the story, the rest of the story will be more dialogue focused and detailed.
2. Chapter 2 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 0] (1289 words)
This chapter sets up the family and show dynamics. I plan on the next chapter coming out this weekend. Let me know what you think.
3. Chapter 3 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 2] ![star](images/star.gif)
(1547 words)
Next chapter, let me know what you think! Comments motivate me to write faster
4. Chapter 4 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 1] (1509 words)
A little interlude between filming episodes for the show. Next chapter will be the water park episode.
5. Chapter 5 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 0] (2289 words)
The infamous pool episode is here. Let me know what you think, and what kind of events the producers should set up for them next.
6. Chapter 6 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 2] ![star](images/star.gif)
(1903 words)
Sorry for the delay, holiday season had me busier than expected. Please leave a review and let me know what you think/what you are hoping to see happen. It really motivates me to write more.
7. Chapter 7 by ittybittyman [Reviews - 0] (1474 words)