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Author's Chapter Notes:
Content Warning: Giant Male. Although present for most of the chapter, I'll flag the more explicit interaction with asterisks.

Chloe surveyed the party with wide-eyed wonder. From her perch atop Mia's shoulder, Chloe's perspective was familiar–after all, her and Mia were only a few inches apart height-wise. There was a strangeness to the familiarity, though, she felt as if she were sitting on top of a mountain looking across a vast expanse.

Except–she wasn't. She was sitting on her friend's shoulder, inside the living room that she had spent many hours in at normal size. The strange familiarity of her situation left her with a deep sense of dissonance.

While trapped in her room, she had heard the thumping of music and general sounds of merriment echo through the house. Still, she was surprised at how well her peers had adapted to the surprise shrinking of a third of the partygoers. She saw the usual cliques hanging out–now at mixed sizes, while others continued to play their favorite drinking games. If anything, she realized, the party was even more lively than before!

As her giant friend stepped outside, Chloe was even more surprised to see people in the pool! Most of the shrunken students stayed in the shallow end, while the unaffected classmates continued to use the whole pool. 

Chloe took particular note of Jessica, one of the college's cheerleaders, who was wearing a green bikini that barely contained her assets. Chloe was surprised to see her alone in the water, as a fairly popular girl she had expected her to be surrounded by people. 

Chloe noticed the tiny people swimming in the shadow of Jessica's bust. Jessica's attention was fully focused on the dozen or so tiny people swimming near her boobs. Chloe chuckled to herself and shook her head, knowing Jessica had likely talked every one of them into shrinking for her amusement.

As she surveyed the party, Chloe also noticed she was the only shrinkee still wearing clothes. Opting to embrace the party as the others had–she removed the pink thong she was wearing as a toga and let it fall to the ground.

"Now it's a party," Mia teased. Her voice felt especially powerful to the 9" tall woman riding on her shoulder.

When they reached an open beer pong table, Mia deftly picked Chloe up and set her on the table. She looked around the expanse of the table, the red cups for beer pong stood in a stack taller than her. Chloe was amazed at how surreal mundane things looked since she had shrunk.

"Pretty crazy, right?" Mike asked suddenly, making Chloe jump.

"Yeah it is," Chloe said as she spun to face the football star. 

Only–she was surprised to see he was a whole head shorter than her. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. Looking down at the 'big man on campus' was somewhat of a thrill–all enhanced by the fact they were both completely naked. Chloe bit her lip and gave the shorter man a sultry grin, but before she could say anything–the shadow of Mia and Lily loomed overhead.

"So I guess we'll just play one-on-one?" Lily asked Mia, disappointed. 

Mia understood Lily's disappointment. She loved playing beer pong, but wasn't terribly great at it. In a one-on-one, Mia would easily win. Her attention turned to the two tiny people standing atop the table, the wheels of her mind began to turn. Perhaps a variation of the traditional game?

"Can I join?" Amy said as she walked up to the other side of the table. Her sudden appearance startled the whole group, but especially Mike and Chloe–who had no idea how a building-sized woman snuck up on them.

"I could really use a break... plus I think I have enough notes to write a book!" Amy laughed.

"Perfect! We just need one more and we can play two-on-two!" Lily said excitedly.

"Did I hear you're looking for a partner?" Jake's voice came from across the patio.

Mia and Mike's faces both turned sour as he approached the table.

"Why don't you go hang out with your girlfriend instead. I'm sure she's tired of being stuck in your pocket." Mia said, her voice dripping with venom.

"Laura and I broke up," Jake shrugged, unphased by Mia's distaste for him, "So I left her with some dude playing King's Cup."

Mia, Chloe, and Amy looked at him with disgust. His casual disregard for Laura made them sick. Mia made a mental note to send a group text to her sorority to make sure Laura was okay.

Mike felt his stomach lurch for an entirely different reason. As Lily's friend, he knew she had a crush on Jake. As Jake's rival and teammate, he knew how awful Jake could be. Mike had tried to dissuade Lily's pursuit of Jake before, but only came off as the 'jealous friend'. So, instead, he simply tried to protect her from him by keeping them away from each other. Of course, that was all but impossible now that he was the size of a doll.

Completely oblivious to the red flags, Lily excitedly jumped over and clung to Jake's arm. Her reaction caused a predictable eye-roll amongst her friends.

"Okay! Let's get the table set up!" Lily said excitedly as she grabbed a stack of cups.

With only a few quick strides, their giant peers were gone, leaving Mike and Chloe alone on the table. Without the comfort of their giant friends' familiar faces, the big world around them seemed so much scarier than before. It didn't help that there was no place to hide and no place to run.

Suddenly, a blur of giant coeds ran by toward the pool. As the skyscraper-sized students ran by, Chloe instinctively grabbed onto Mike's arm. She knew there was little he could do to protect her, but it was still somewhat comforting to not be completely alone.

Thankfully their giant friends–and Jake–returned shortly afterwards. Mia and Lily both set up their respective sides, placing the partially filled red cups into a pyramid formation. Jake and Amy set a single shot glass on the table near their respective sides. It was filled with the spiked, ocean-blue jungle juice.

"What's this for?" Mike eyed the spiked concoction carefully.

His normal-sized peers completely ignored him–or perhaps they simply couldn't hear him over the sound of their own conversations. Mike looked up at Lily, her attention was solely on Jake. He felt a burning of jealousy as Lily clung to Jake's frame.

Jealousy? He realized. No, Lily was a friend, he reminded himself. He shook the thought from his head. In any case, it would be useless to get her attention now.

"Okay you two," Mia's voice was assertive, her gaze directly on the two shrunken people on the table.

"We talked it over while we were filling the cups–us normal-sized people are going to be playing a normal game," Mia motioned to the four normal-sized coeds.

"As for you tinies–your job is to try to block our shots." Mia grinned excitedly.

Mike felt a strange chill down his spine. He didn't like the distinction between 'people' and 'tinies'. He ignored this feeling as he had a more pressing concern.

"Wait a second! She's like a foot taller than me. This is hardly fair," Mike shouted up at the giantess.

Mia raised her eyebrow then, without warning, grabbed both Chloe and Mike and stood them back-to-back. Amy, Lily, and Jake gathered around to examine the difference between the two shrunken students.

"She's barely an inch taller than you," Jake points out, "That's nothing."

"Ordinarily, I'd agree with you, Jake," Mike growled, very annoyed, "But from my perspective it's nearly a foot difference. That's a huge advantage!"

After an awkward pause, Lily was the first to speak, "Please Mike, don't make a big deal of it. Otherwise, we'll have to find another tiny–I mean person to play with."

Lily pouted and Mike melted instantly. She had always managed to get what she wanted out of Mike–especially now that she stood as tall as a building.

"Fine," Mike groaned reluctantly.

"Yay!" Lily said excitedly. She scooped up the toy-sized Mike and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek–which covered his entire face.

"Thanks," she smiled as she set him back on the table.

"Okay, ready? As defending champs, we'll go first." Amy said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah!" Mike said as positioned himself a few inches in front of the cups.

Across the table he saw Chloe get into position as well. Amy and Mia both loomed far behind and above the tiny woman. He was fairly intimidated by the sight of the giant women as they each prepared to line up their shot. He tried to keep his focus on the ping-pong ball instead of the towering giantesses.

First came Amy's shot, which bounced a few inches in front of him–just barely out of reach. As it arced into the sky, he had no hope of blocking it. The ping pong ball landed with a splash in the center cup.

Mike shook off the loss and prepared for the next throw. This time, Mia's ball came flying at him with incredible speed. It bounced in a low arc and he narrowly missed turning the ball away. It bounced off the rim of a cup and then splashed inside.

"It's okay, we can still win this," Jake said reassuringly.

The two giants picked up a cup and chugged its contents, then looked expectantly at Mike.

"You gotta drink too," Lily said simply, motioning to the shot glass filled with Shrinxel-spiked jungle juice.

"No way! That's the stuff that shrinks me!" Mike said indignantly, "You can't be serious."

"Sorry, man. But us big people need regular drinks. We don't want to end up tiny like you," Jake said with a laugh.

"He's right... Everyone that didn't shrink is hoarding everything else," Lily explained. She wore a guilty expression.

"Don't worry, Mike," Amy said from across the table, "Since you're already shrunk, your body won't metabolize the Shrinxel as readily as before."

"So I won't shrink anymore?" Mike asked hopefully.

Amy simply laughed, "Oh no, you'll still shrink if you drink it... It just won't be as potent as before."

"Then I refuse! I don't want to get any smaller!" Mike said, stamping his foot down as he turned back to Lily and Jake.

"If he doesn't drink, then you forfeit," Mia reminded them.

Lily looked at Mike with a pout. This time, Mike stood his ground and didn't give in to Lily's charms.

"Please? For me?" Lily pleaded with the tiny man.

Mike still didn't budge. Being 8" tall was bad enough–he couldn't bear the thought of losing any more height–especially with his rival hitting on his best friend.

"Sorry little Mikey... I'm not letting them win twice," Lily said as her hand wrapped around Mike's torso.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" Mike shouted, banging his fist against Lily's unrelenting grip.

Lily easily tipped the toy-sized man upside down. Mike tried to struggle free as his head hovered over the opening of the shot glass. His captor's fist slowly lowered him head-first into the ocean-blue liquid. Mike struggled and thrashed uselessly against Lily's grip. As he gasped for air, he swallowed quite a bit of the Shrinxel-spiked alcoholic concoction.

Lily held her tiny friend's head in the glass until she was satisfied that he had drunk some of the liquid. She felt terrible for what she was doing–but she also didn't want to look bad in front of Jake. She lifted Mike out of the glass, turned him right-side up, and set him on the table. He was spitting and sputtering as he wiped the drink from his face.

"Please don't make me do that again..." Lily looked at him with a pang of guilty sadness.

Jake silently snickered to himself as he watched his rival get manhandled by such a short and petite woman. He carefully wrapped his arm around Lily's shoulder as if to claim her.

Mike sat in a small puddle of jungle juice, completely dumbfounded by what happened. He refused to believe that Lily would ever do something like that. He wiped the burning alcohol from his face and looked up at the giant scene before him with bleary eyes.

His face burned angrily as he saw Jake wrap his arms around Lily. Mike had seen this a dozen times before. Jake would soon be pressuring Lily to put out–threatening her if she refused. A part of him wanted to warn her–to tell her to stay away, but he also knew she wouldn't listen. 

Besides–she just made him drink more shrinking serum! Maybe she deserves whatever happens. He thought angrily, but immediately regretted it. Despite what had just happened–he couldn't bear the thought of anything bad happening to Lily.

Mike finally stood up in time for Amy's ball to bounce past him. The game didn't pause while he tried to reflect on what happened–he ran back into position with renewed determination. If his size was on the line, he had to block every shot he could.

Mia's ball came flying towards him. Mike sprang up with all his strength and smacked the volleyball-sized ping-pong ball as hard as he could. The ball spiked downward and bounced off the table and whizzed straight past Chloe–and into a cup.

Mia, Amy, and Chloe looked at the tiny man, stunned. They had not expected such force to come from such a small thing.

"That counts!" Lily said, pointing at the trio on the other side of the table.

She then turned to Mike on the table and held her palm out for a high five. She giggled softly when his tiny hand slapped her palm.

Mia's competitive spirit was burning. She was fuming at the fact Mike had not only blocked her ball–but had made a cup as well. She chugged the drink and slammed the empty cup onto the table angrily. The tremors caused by her fist hitting the table knocked both Chloe and Mike onto their butts–a humbling reminder of how much power these giants had.

"You still have to drink for Amy's shot," Mia grinned competitively.

Jake and Lily both quaffed the drink and then Lily's gaze fell upon Mike. A dark scowl appeared on her face, springing Mike into action. He ran over to the knee-high shot glass, bent down, and took a hearty drink.

"Good boy," Lily said with a smile as she patted her toy-sized friend on the head.

Before Mike could say anything about her comment, Lily loomed overhead, lining up her shot. As she threw her ball, Chloe easily turned the shot away. Chloe's expertise in volleyball was apparently a transferable skill for this game.


Chloe crouched low, her body glistening with sweat. She looked across the table at her opponent–Mike. She could tell he had already shrunk a bit due to the effects of the Shrinxel. The truth was she, too, had shrunk. However, she was careful to only take small sips and drink just enough to satisfy her giantess teammates. What was once a 1" difference was now closer to a 2" difference. She grinned to herself, it wasn't cheating after all there was no hard rule on how much they had to drink.

Despite her advantage in size, the game turned out to be a real challenge.  Thankfully it was nearly over as both teams were down to their final cup. Chloe had just successfully turned away both shots and it was now time for the giant women behind her to go.

Meanwhile, Mike stared across the expansive table which had only gotten larger. He couldn't quite tell, but was Chloe taller than before? He pushed the thought aside and stayed focused as the first giantess, Amy, threw her ball. He jumped and smacked the ball to the side, successfully turning it away.

Mia stepped up and began to line up her shot. Mike suddenly felt a little dizzy–a tell-tale sign that a shrink spurt was coming on. Mia released the ball and Mike jumped to turn it away–only something was wrong. The sudden shrink spurt had left him just barely too small to block the ping-pong ball. It landed in their final cup with a splash.

Mia and Amy begin jumping up and down, screaming excitedly as they relish in their victory. Their victorious cries thundered all around for the tiny people on the table. Even Chloe had to cover her ears as the giantesses celebrated.

"Losers have to clean up!" Mia says confidently before scooping the tiny Chloe into her palm. "And we're going to go celebrate!"

The three winners walk away,  heading back into the house. The sun had set and the only remaining lights on the patio were the soft glow from the pool and the string lights overhead on the patio. Most of the partygoers had already gone inside–and those that were still outside were on their way in.

Mike, who had fallen onto the table in his last attempt to save, lay there in defeat. Twice he had failed to help Lily win and twice it had been because of a shrink spurt. Suddenly a giant finger stroked his back gently.

"It's okay, Mike. Don't beat yourself up. It was a lot of fun–even though we lost," Lily said.

Mike looked up and was surprised to see she was smiling.

"Let's get this cleaned up so we can go inside," Lily said to Jake, fully aware that Mike was much too small to be of any use in cleaning up the cups that now stood nearly twice as tall as him.

"How about we ditch the tiny and go upstairs?" Jake said as he pulled Lily closer to him. He firmly held her petite frame against his body and groped her ass with one hand.

"N-no, I can't leave him out here by himself," Lily said as she tried to push away from Jake. He easily held her in place, continuing to fondle the petite woman.

Mike looked up at the scene angrily. It was just as he had feared–Jake was trying to force himself on her. He had to do something–but what? He was half the size he was earlier! How could he possibly protect his skyscraper-sized friend from a skyscraper-sized threat?

"That's okay, bring him along. We can make him watch–or join. I don't really care," Jake said with a grin, his breath reeked of alcohol.

"Jake... No... You're drunk... and... I'm... not that kind of girl," Lily struggled fiercely against Jake's grip. 

Her struggles made her body rub against Jake, increasing his arousal. The remaining partygoers had gone inside–it was now just the three of them outside in the backyard. Jake leaned in forcefully to kiss Lily, who turned her head away.

"Leave her alone!" Mike shouted at the top of his lungs. His voice was nearly as loud as a normal-sized person.

Jake stopped and let go of Lily, his attention turning toward his tiny rival. Lily wanted to run away as fast as she could–but fear for her friend held her feet to the ground.

"Shut up, you. This is between us big people," Jake scowled, returning his attention to Lily by grabbing her roughly.

"I said, 'leave her alone!'  or else!" Mike shouted.

Jake turned to face him again and Mike immediately regretted his decision.


Content warning: the following sections will involve MF/m content. If this isn't your thing, please skip below to the next set of asterisks.


"Or else what? You can't do shit. You're not even as big as my dick now," Jake mocked as He undid his belt.

"Jake, don't!" Lily said, her voice wavered in fear.

It was too late, however. Jake had already whipped out his dick and dropped it onto the table. Mike jumped back from the tree-trunk-sized organ as it landed with a thud. At best, Mike's height was half the length of Jake's appendage.

"Stop it!" Lily shouted.

She pushed Jake, but his muscular frame barely moved from the petite woman's efforts. Jake took note of Lily's worry for Mike and decided to leverage it. He turned to face her, his erection pointing straight out.

"Fine then. Give me a blow job or else..." Jake said as he cocked his hand, ready to strike his rival.

"Okay! Okay, just.. Don't hurt him, please," Lily said as she held up her hands. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail as she became teary-eyed.

Mike knew he had to do something to stop this. He couldn't let Lily do this just to protect him. His eyes darted around the table when he spotted the shot glass–with adrenaline pumping he ran as fast as he could. He approached the now chest-high glass and began to push with all of his strength toward the two giant people.

Lily closed her eyes and slowly got to her knees, unaware of Mike's efforts. She just wanted to get this over with so she and Mike could get far away from him. She'd apologize to Mike and tell him that he was right about Jake. A single tear streamed down her cheek.

Mike pushed against the heavy glass–it vaguely reminded him of one of the many training exercises he had done for football. He tapped into his athleticism and, with a final burst of energy, he pushed the glass over the ledge... and onto Jake's foot. Jake jumped as the glass bounced off his foot and then shattered on the floor.

"You little shit," Jake said angrily.

Lily's eyes popped open, realizing what Mike had done–and the imminent danger he had put himself in to save her. She quickly punched Jake in the groin before he could do anything else. The towering football player instantly crumpled to the ground. Lily snatched up her palm-sized friend and ran inside the house.


Content warning ends. Lily and Mike have safely escaped into the house.


Mike could feel Lily trembling as she gripped him tightly. Before, her hand had wrapped around his chest, but now her palm covered him completely from the shoulders down. Only his head peaked out from inside her fist. She held him close to her chest, which now loomed much bigger than before.

"What happened?" Mia said. Her voice sounded muffled to Mike, who was being pressed against Lily's chest.

Lily was so upset, that she couldn't quite form words. Mia instantly knew that whatever it was–it was Jake's fault.

"Don't worry–we'll take care of this. First Laura, and now you? It's high time he left," Mia said reassuringly as she and several others rushed outside to deal with Jake.

"Where's Mike? Is he okay?" Amy asked the still-trembling Lily as she led her to a nearby chair.

"Actually, he's the reason I got away before... anything happened," Lily managed to say, finally calming down now that the danger had passed. 

Lily carefully opened her hand, revealing the now palm-sized Mike. Amy looked relieved and took a seat next to her.

"Th-thank you," Lily said as her attention turned to the tiny friend she held in her hands. She brought Mike closer so she could see him.

"Hey..." Mike said soothingly as he petted her giant hand, "It's okay... I don't care if I'm full-sized or pocket-sized... I'm here for you."

Despite her friend's tiny size, Lily felt comforted by Mike's words. She said nothing but instead leaned in for a big kiss–which covered his entire upper body. She giggled as she pulled back as Mike was partially covered in her lip gloss.

"You kind of are pocket-sized now..." she smiled playfully, her demeanor slowly returning to her usual self.

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