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Author's Chapter Notes:

This chapter features light breast play and entrapment

This chapter revolves around Angela's visit from her friend Cathy, who already owns a shrunken man named Johnny. Cathy shares her experiences with Johnny, revealing how she has trained him and the power dynamics at play. Angela, who has also ordered a shrunken man, Andrew, is left feeling a mix of intrigue and unease after witnessing Cathy's relationship with Johnny. The chapter ends with Angela making a resolve to treat Andrew with care and respect, unlike Cathy's treatment of Johnny.

Chapter 2: Angela

Angela is a 45 year old divorcee, single for the past four years. Her life had become a monotonous cycle of office work and failed dating attempts. No one seemed to satisfy her needs or meet her expectations. Loneliness had crept in, filling her world with a silence that screamed of her yearning for companionship.

However, Angela sought companionship on her terms, a relationship where she wouldn’t be met with disappointments or resistance, where the terms were dictated by her desires alone. That's why she found herself browsing through the catalogue of Micro Exotic Inc. The idea of owning a shrunken individual appealed to her, not for any perverse desire, but for the simple need for companionship.

Unlike other online stores that sold shrunken individuals, Micro Exotic Inc. suited her purposes more. She wasn't looking for shrunken individuals with specific skill sets that came with additional costs. She was interested in the simple companionship that these pint-sized individuals could offer.

The shrunken men and women advertised on the Micro Exotic Inc. website couldn't change their minds, couldn't disappoint her, couldn't resist her and most importantly… couldn’t leave her. They were the perfect solution to her loneliness, a way to fill the silence of her life on her own terms.

As Angela delved deeper into the catalogue, her fingers danced on the mouse, clicking on the profiles of various shrunken individuals. Each click revealed more about them - their ages, their heights, their ethnicities - all stripped down to mere statistics in an online catalogue. Yet, each one represented a potential companion, a solution to her loneliness.

Through her half-lidded, sleepy eyes, Angela studied each shrunken individual with a discerning gaze. The process was as methodical as it was cold, each profile scrutinized and evaluated against her personal criteria. She was not just browsing; she was choosing a companion, an individual who would fill the silence in her world.

Despite the early hour and the mundanity of her nightgown, Angela’s focus was unwavering. The glow from the computer screen illuminated her face, casting long shadows around her as she immersed herself in the task at hand. This was no casual browsing session - it was a calculated decision, a step towards regaining control over her loneliness. The shrunken individuals offered by Micro Exotic Inc. were perfect for her.

This was precisely what Angela needed, a relationship on her own terms. A connection where she didn’t have to compromise, didn’t have to adjust, didn’t have to worry about being left alone again.

The lonely hours of the morning slipped by as Angela continued her search. Her coffee grew cold, forgotten on the desk beside her, as she delved deeper into the catalogue of Micro Exotic Inc. With each click, she moved closer to her goal.

Angela's search came to a halt when her mouse hovered over a profile that caught her eye - a shrunken man named Andrew. He was much younger than her, a mere 21 years old. She felt a twinge of fascination as she clicked on his profile, her eyes fixating on the pictures of the naked shrunken man in his glass prison.

His body was toned and lean, a stark contrast to her own slightly overweight figure that was beginning to sag in places that were once firm. She bit her lower lip as she studied him, her gaze lingering over his well-defined muscles and youthful physique. She found herself imagining what it would be like to have him in her life, to possess this shrunken man who was in the prime of his youth.

Why shouldn't she purchase this younger shrunken man? She thought to herself. She worked hard and deserved to indulge herself. It was a rationalization that made sense to her. He would get used to his situation one way or another, and in her mind, she was doing him a favor. After all, who knew what kind of deviant could snatch him up if not for her?

She paused to check the details of his crime, reading about the drunk driving accident that Andrew was responsible for. She furrowed her brow, contemplating whether his crime was severe enough to merit the extreme punishment he was now living. She concluded that it wasn't, strengthening her resolve to purchase him. In her mind, she was saving him from the potential cruelty of a more ruthless owner. She was, in her own way, his savior.

Angela mulled over her decision for a few more moments, her eyes fixed on the screen. Andrew was fresh, an untouched canvas. He had not been conditioned or trained to fit any specific role in his new shrunken state. This fact alone was incredibly appealing to Angela. She could shape him, mold him into whatever she desired. The idea of having this control, of being able to dictate their dynamic, was irresistible.

Taking into account his good looks, she realized the price was a worthy investment. Andrew was a handsome, young specimen with a well-sculpted body. She had seen other shrunken individuals with similar physical attributes being sold at exorbitant prices. But Andrew was reasonably priced, a deal she knew she wouldn't come across again.

After a few more moments of contemplation, Angela made up her mind. She was going to purchase Andrew. It was a decision that brought a rush of excitement, a thrill that had her heart pounding in her chest.

She quickly navigated to the purchase page, her fingers typing in her credit card information with practiced ease. As she filled in the details, she could feel the anticipation building, a pleasant tingling sensation that had her heart racing.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she clicked on the ‘Confirm Purchase’ button. As the screen loaded, she felt a rush of adrenaline. She was doing it. She was buying a shrunken individual.

"Andrew..." she whispered to herself, a fond smile spreading across her face. She could barely contain her excitement. She was no longer alone. She had a companion, a shrunken man who would be hers alone, a man who she could control and shape as she pleased.

As she leaned back in her chair, a sense of satisfaction washed over her. She had done it. She had taken control of her loneliness, and found a solution in the form of a shrunken man named Andrew. The thought brought a toothy grin to her face, a sign of the excitement that bubbled within her.

She looked at the screen, her eyes lingering on the confirmation message. The sale was finalized. Andrew was hers.

Angela lifted her cup of cold coffee to her lips, taking a sip only to immediately spit it back into the cup, her face contorting in distaste. She rose from her chair, her bare feet padding across the wooden floor as she made her way to the kitchen. As she moved, her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and possibilities. Owning another person was a daunting prospect, but she reassured herself that she had every intention of being kind. What reason would she have to be cruel?

She had seen the horrors that other shrunken individuals had to endure - the brutal gladiatorial games on television where men fought for others' entertainment, sometimes even to the death, depending on the severity of their crimes. And then there were people who objectified shrunken individuals as nothing more than accessories - like her younger co-worker who wore a shrunken man as a pendant on her necklace, displayed for the whole world to see as a mere fashion statement. The sex industry had also shown no mercy, incorporating unwilling shrunken individuals into a variety of humiliating scenarios.

In comparison, Angela believed that being owned by her was a far better fate for Andrew. She would treat him with kindness and respect, unlike those who saw him as nothing more than a commodity or a toy. The idea of being his savior, of rescuing him from a potentially worse fate, brought a sense of purpose and righteousness to her decision. She was doing him a favor, she reasoned, and he should be grateful for the opportunity to be hers.

The distinct click of the kettle brought Angela out of her thoughts. She poured the boiling water into her mug, the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee filling the kitchen. As she stirred her drink, she allowed herself a smile. She was no longer alone. Soon, she would have a companion in Andrew, a relationship on her own terms. And she was determined to make it work.

Just as Angela was taking a sip of her freshly brewed coffee, the doorbell to her home rang, breaking the tranquility of her morning. She set her coffee down and made her way to the door, her feet slapping softly against the hardwood floor.

Opening the door, she was met with the excitable face of her neighbor, Cathy. Cathy was around 50 years old, with short brown hair and a stout figure. Standing at 5'6", she was an imposing presence, with large breasts and an even larger stomach that her joggers attire did little to hide. She wore large circular earrings and bottle-like glasses, her face heavily made up with layers of foundation and rosy red lipstick.

Angela stepped back, a smile spreading across her face as Cathy entered her home. Cathy's excitement was contagious, and Angela found herself returning the smile, despite her usual reserved demeanor.

With barely contained excitement, Cathy blurted out, "Did you get one? One of the 'shrinkees'?" Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she looked at Angela expectantly, eager to hear about her new shrunken companion.

Angela nodded slowly in response, biting her lower lip nervously. "I don't have him yet, but I have ordered the perfect one," she confessed.

Cathy clapped her hands together with an excited squeak. "I told you it would be hard to resist once you started browsing!"

Angela didn't respond immediately, her mind filled with thoughts of what lay ahead. She gestured for Cathy to follow her further inside, leading her towards the couch in her living room. "I do not even know what to do with him when he comes, it was all in the moment," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Cathy laughed slightly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Anything you want darling, that's half the fun... discovery! Since I got my Johnny, I feel like a new woman." With that, she seated herself on the couch, the cushion groaning under her weight.

Angela made her way to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee for Cathy. The soft hum of the coffee machine filled the air, blending with the distant chatter from the living room. The aroma of fresh coffee soon permeated the air, a comforting scent that added to the cozy atmosphere of Angela's home.

After a few minutes, Angela returned, a steaming cup of coffee held in each hand. Her face was lit with a warm smile as she offered one of the cups to Cathy. The older woman accepted it gratefully, her eyes bright with anticipation.

Once Cathy was settled with her coffee, Angela took a seat on the couch opposite her. A small table separated them, providing a surface for them to set their drinks. The two women placed their cups down almost in unison, the rich aroma of the coffee blending with the homey scent of Angela's living room.

Leaning over eagerly, Cathy broke the silence. "So, what sort of shrinkee did you get?" Her voice was filled with curiosity, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Taking a deep breath, Angela began to recount the details about Andrew. She spoke of his youth, his physical attributes, and the crime he had committed. She told Cathy about the pictures she had seen, the measurements, and the price she had paid. As she spoke, her words painted a vivid picture of Andrew, adding life to the statistics and images she had seen online.

Cathy's eyes sparkled with eager excitement as Angela revealed her choice. She leaned forward, her laughter almost cackling in its intensity. "A younger and fit one, eh?" She teased, a playful glint in her eyes. "Darling, take it from me, it'll shave at least ten years off you. You'll honestly surprise yourself."

Angela nodded enthusiastically, suddenly self-conscious as she reached up to run her fingers through her messy black hair. She realized, in comparison to her friend, she wasn't as put together as she thought.

"I've not seen the one you got since you acquired him," Angela confessed, her curiosity piqued. "It's been months now. How has it been?" She leaned forward expectantly, eager to hear Cathy's experiences.

Cathy laughed in response to Angela's question. "Oh, I have him right here," she announced. Angela blinked in confusion, her green eyes darting around the room as if expecting to see Cathy's shrunken man appear from thin air.

Cathy, however, reached into her own cleavage with a chubby, manicured hand. After a moment of digging around, she pulled out a tiny figure and dropped him onto the table. The shrunken man, whom Cathy had named Johnny due to her inability to pronounce his actual name, landed with a tiny thud. He quickly pushed himself up to his feet, using one arm for balance and the other to shield his eyes from the sudden exposure to light.

Johnny was of Asian descent, a fact that Cathy often made light of with her 'made in China' jokes. Angela watched in awe as the tiny man adjusted to his surroundings, a living testament to the reality she would soon be a part of.

Johnny was a pitiful sight to behold. He was drenched in sweat, having spent what must have been hours nestled in the moist crevice of Cathy's enormous breasts. His skin, deprived of sunlight, had taken on a sickly pallor, a stark contrast to the healthy glow he may have once possessed. His body was a far cry from the muscular physique usually associated with his age. It was weak and frail, a testament to the restricted movement he was subjected to, his muscles visibly atrophied.

His attire, if one could call it that, consisted of nothing but a pair of miniature speedos, a garment that did little to preserve his dignity. Unlike Andrew, Johnny's hair had grown back in, a messy tangle that gave him a disheveled appearance. If Angela had to hazard a guess, she would place Johnny's age in his early 30s, a man who should have been in the prime of his life but was instead reduced to such a pitiful state.

The tiny figure just stood there, a shivering mass of vulnerability, as he was exposed to the cooler air of the room, a stark contrast to the warmth of Cathy's body heat he had grown accustomed to. He was silent, not uttering a single word. Whether it was due to fear or the language barrier, Angela couldn't be certain. His eyes, wide with uncertainty, darted back and forth between the two towering women. There was a wariness in his gaze, a clear indication of his fear, but also an expectancy, a silent plea for whatever was to come next.

Cathy's face lit up with a childish glee as she started to gush about Johnny, her voice adopting a girlish tone. "Oh, Johnny here has been such a delight!" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with pride. "I can't begin to tell you what a difference he's made in my life. He's so obedient, so quiet, and just...there, you know? He's made me so happy!" She looked down at the tiny man with a fond smile, her tone full of pride and satisfaction. "He's truly the best purchase I've ever made. And besides, because of he can’t speak English I got him at fifty percent off!"

Angela stared at Cathy's shrunken man, Johnny, in stunned silence. The sight of him was pitiful, a stark contrast to the vibrant, fit young man she had seen in Andrew's online profile. Johnny was frail.

As her gaze lingered on the tiny man, Angela noticed the fear in his eyes as he shivered in the cooler air of the room.

Meanwhile, Cathy's voice filled the room with a girlish glee as she gushed about how Johnny had made her life so much better. Angela found the contrast between Cathy's joy and Johnny's apparent misery jarring. Was Cathy so wrapped up in her own happiness that she was unaware of the deplorable state her shrunken man was in? Or did she simply not care?

Finally breaking her gaze from the tiny figure, Angela took a slow sip of her coffee. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, her heart heavy with concern for the tiny man's wellbeing. She wanted to voice her concerns, to question Cathy about Johnny's condition, but she was unsure how to approach the topic without offending her friend.

After what seemed like an eternity, Angela finally found her voice. She chose her words carefully, attempting to express her concern without sounding accusatory. "He looks like he's lost weight since you got him," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Her words hung in the air, a subtle hint at the concern she felt for the tiny man's wellbeing. She watched Cathy closely, waiting for her response, hoping her friend would understand the unspoken question behind her statement.


Cathy burst into a fit of laughter at Angela's comment, amusement sparkling in her eyes. She gave Angela a playful nudge, her voice filled with mirth as she responded, "Of course he has lost weight, I have to keep him fit after all!" Cathy winked, her laughter echoing in the room as she added, "And besides, we get lots of exercise in, believe you me."

Angela slowly nodded in response to Cathy's statement, her mind whirring as she tried to decipher the hidden implications behind her friend's words. The reality of Cathy's confession was slowly sinking in, painting a picture of a life that she hadn't initially envisioned for her future shrunken companion.

Cathy, her large eyes taking in the sight of the small man on the table, allowed a tender smile to spread across her features. Her gaze met Johnny's, their eyes locking in a moment of shared understanding. Slowly, she puckered her lips, blowing out a soft, gentle breath. It was an invisible kiss, an intimate gesture sent down towards the small man.

As if responding to a silent cue, Johnny sprang into action. He leapt upwards, his tiny form reaching as high as it could in an effort to catch the unseen affection. His hands, small yet determined, stretched out, making a desperate attempt to grasp hold of the invisible kiss. It was a sight that was both endearing and pitiful, a testament to the man's resilience and desperate need for approval.

As Johnny landed back on the table, he looked back up at Cathy. His eyes, wide and expectant, sought out hers. He clutched at the air in his hands, holding onto the invisible kiss as if it were a tangible object. His gaze held a single question, a silent plea for validation.

Cathy's gaze softened further as she met his eyes. In Johnny's hopeful expression, she saw reflected her own need for companionship and control. She felt a surge of affection for the tiny man, his actions reinforcing her beliefs that he was more than just a purchase. He was her companion, her shrunken man, and she found immense satisfaction in his need for her approval.

Turning back to Angela, Cathy wore a smug smile on her face as she asked, "Did you see that?"

Cathy's question hung in the air, her smug smile growing wider as she waited for Angela's response. Angela felt a knot tightening in her stomach as she watched the interaction between Cathy and Johnny, her mind still processing the implications. "Yes, I saw," she finally replied, her voice barely hiding the unease she felt.

Cathy’s satisfaction was evident as she basked in Angela's acknowledgment. She reveled in the power she held over Johnny, the control she wielded with just a simple gesture. It was a dynamic that Angela found somewhat unsettling, a stark contrast to the companionship she envisioned with her own shrunken man.

As Angela sat there, her mind raced with thoughts, questions, and concerns. She found herself questioning her decision to purchase a shrunken individual. Would her relationship with Andrew be similar to the one Cathy had with Johnny? Would she too become oblivious to the wellbeing of her shrunken companion, blinded by the power and control she held?

While Angela was lost in her thoughts, Cathy continued to revel in her power, oblivious to her friend's inner turmoil. She picked up Johnny and placed him back into her cleavage, a contented smile on her face. The sight of Johnny disappearing into the crevice of Cathy's breasts brought Angela back to reality.

With a deep breath, Angela decided she would not let her uncertainty cloud her judgment. She would treat Andrew with kindness and respect, ensuring his wellbeing at all costs. She was determined to make their relationship work, on her terms, and she would not allow Cathy's dynamics with Johnny to influence her.

Feeling somewhat reassured, Angela forced a smile on her face as she turned to Cathy, ready to change the topic and steer the conversation away from the unsettling reality of Cathy's relationship with Johnny.

Cathy, still brimming with excitement, continued to expound on her unique relationship with Johnny. "You know, training him wasn't the easiest task. But he's been trained well," she said, a triumphant smile playing on her lips. She leaned forward in her seat, her eyes gleaming with a sense of accomplishment. "I can blow a hundred kisses and he'll fall over himself every single time trying to catch them. Isn't it just adorable?"

She paused for a moment, her gaze flitting to Johnny, who was back in the safe confines of her bosom. Her laughter was light and warm, her delight in their dynamic evident. Angela watched as Cathy's face softened, a fondness in her eyes that was hard to ignore.

"But it wasn't easy, I'll tell you that," Cathy resumed, her tone taking on a more serious note. She leaned back in her seat, her gaze distant as she reminisced. "We had to overcome the language barrier. Johnny doesn't speak English, you see. That was a hurdle, but not one we couldn't overcome."

Her eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief as she added, "I had to get... creative, but he learned." She laughed, her mirth filling the room, "And now look at him. All it takes is a simple gesture from me, and he knows exactly what to do."

As Cathy concluded her elaborate narration of her journey with Johnny, Angela couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. The power dynamic at play was evident, and despite Cathy's jubilant retelling, Angela couldn't shake off the discomfort that bubbled up within her.

Having finished her elaborate narration of her journey with Johnny, Cathy turned her attention back to Angela. Her large eyes, still shining with excitement, met Angela's. A playful smile played on her lips as she leaned further across the small table that separated them. Her hands, still cradling her coffee mug, were set aside as she leaned in, her body language suggesting a shared secret.

"Besides," she began, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. Her tone had an edge of anticipation, suggesting a revelation that was meant to both surprise and intrigue Angela. The word hung in the air between them, drawing Angela in, her curiosity piqued by the promise of a shared secret.

Leaning even closer, so close that Angela could feel the warmth of her breath, Cathy continued. "You wouldn't believe how they can make you feel." The whisper was barely audible, a tantalising hint dropped into the silence of the room.

Cathy's eyes were wide, her expression one of shared excitement and anticipation. The words were both a statement and an invitation, a shared secret between two friends. Cathy sat back, her expression one of satisfaction, seemingly pleased with the effect her words had on Angela.

In the silence that followed Cathy's surprising revelation, Angela found a certain comfort in the simple act of reaching for her coffee. Her fingers curled around the smooth ceramic of the mug, the warmth seeping into her skin and spreading up her arm in a soothing wave. She lifted the mug, the rich aroma of the brew wafting up to greet her nostrils, a familiar scent that brought a sense of normalcy to the unusual conversation.

As she took a sip, the hot liquid slid down her throat, spreading warmth throughout her body and grounding her in the moment. She savored the taste, allowing it to linger on her tongue for a moment before swallowing. The mundane act of drinking coffee seemed to create a small pocket of normalcy amidst the strange revelations, giving her time to process Cathy's words.

Her eyes never left Cathy's. The older woman's expression was alight with excitement and anticipation, her eyes gleaming as if she was sharing the most delicious secret. Angela found herself drawn in, her earlier concern for the pitiful Johnny fading into the background, replaced by a burning curiosity. The power of Cathy's words, the promise of an experience beyond her comprehension, intrigued her.

Angela let the silence stretch out a moment longer, her gaze never wavering from Cathy's. She could see the older woman's satisfaction at having captured her attention so completely. Angela knew she was playing into Cathy's hands, knew she was giving the older woman exactly what she wanted. But her curiosity was now a living entity within her, demanding to be sated.

With the taste of coffee still lingering on her tongue, Angela leaned forward in her seat. The motion was slow, deliberate, her eyes still locked with Cathy's. She could see the anticipation growing in the older woman's eyes, could see her leaning in closer, eager to share more of her secret.

Finally, Angela broke the silence. Her voice, when she spoke, was barely a whisper, a soft sound that barely disturbed the quiet of the room. The words, however, carried a weight to them, a request for more information, a plea for understanding. "Like what?" she asked, her curiosity giving her the courage to seek answers to the questions swirling in her mind.

A playful smile graced Cathy's face as she delicately bit her lower lip, the gesture subtle and seemingly unintentional. Her attention was drawn to her own coffee. She cradled the mug gently in her hands, her fingers curling around it with a certain grace that was almost mesmerizing. As she lifted the mug to her lips, she paused, her eyes locked onto Angela's over the rim of her coffee.

The hot liquid disappeared slowly behind her lipstick-stained lips, a testament to the leisurely sip she took. The silence in the room seemed to stretch as she savored the taste, her eyes never leaving Angela's. Setting the mug back down on the table, she did so gently, careful to prevent any noise from shattering the thick silence that had enveloped the room.

The quiet was punctuated only by the soft ticking of a wall clock, a constant reminder of the passing time, and the distant hum of appliances, a background noise that had become part of the room's ambiance. Cathy let the silence linger, her eyes flickering with a gleam of mischief as she reveled in the anticipation building in the room.

She broke the silence with a low, suggestive voice, each word enunciated clearly to ensure Angela caught her meaning. "Sensations... you know? Below," she finally said, her words hanging in the air, adding an element of intrigue to the hushed conversation.

Angela blinked in surprise, her curiosity piqued by Cathy's suggestive words. She found herself leaning in slightly, her interest in Cathy's words evident in her posture.

Cathy, noticing Angela's intrigued expression, let out a low chuckle. "You'll see," she said, her voice filled with a knowing tone, "it's something you can't really explain. You have to experience it for yourself."

The older woman's cryptic words left Angela with more questions than answers. Her mind began to buzz with possibilities, each more intriguing than the last. She found herself looking forward to the arrival of her own shrunken man with renewed anticipation.

The silence stretched between them once more, but this time it was comfortable, filled with shared understanding and anticipation. Angela finally broke the silence, her voice soft yet firm, "I guess I'll have to wait and see then."

Cathy simply nodded, a knowing smile playing on her lips. The conversation gradually shifted to other topics, but Angela couldn't shake off the intriguing prospect Cathy had introduced. As she said her goodbyes to Cathy, Angela found herself looking forward to the arrival of Andrew with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

As she returned to the tranquility of her home, Angela found herself lost in thought. The conversation with Cathy had given her much to consider. Despite the unsettling aspects of Cathy's relationship with Johnny, Angela couldn't deny the intrigue that Cathy's words had sparked within her.

With renewed determination, Angela decided that she would navigate her own journey with Andrew with care and respect. She would ensure that their relationship was based on mutual understanding and care. With these thoughts in mind, Angela found herself eagerly awaiting the arrival of her new companion.

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