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I would like to thank banfield for writing the first two paragraphs he is persistent in his approach. I did not plan on adding anything to this tale; it seems he had other ideas.


No monsters here….or is there?

The sun is sinking fast; darkness begins to spread its cloak over the city. Artificial lights begin to illuminate the streets, but not the shadows. Not many people dare walk in the shadows unless they have to. They are the people the young thug awaits with knife at the ready. He needs cash. It’s his way of earning money – the easy way.

Darkness descends the blackness envelopes him where he lurks. He feels safe as he waits as a predator, ready to launch himself at the first unwary victim; but he is not as he thinks, alone.

Two verdant eyes are watching, two eyes belonging to another more frightening predator. Silently, motionless and unseen, she waits as patiently as the callous footpad. She moves with the breeze silent foot falls dancing on the fallen leaves a beating heart filled with excitement an unborn in need of a meal.
A noise in the darkness gets his attention, he is aware of a rustling sound behind him. He turns around, there before him stands a beautiful creature dressed in white. He uttered an uncouth word. It was his last utterance.

She weaves a silken net, his mouth the first to be covered by the fine thread. She lifted him up the shadows masking her, hiding her away from the sight of man; his fate already sealed no more victims to be maimed this night a good deed done.

As swiftly as she had sprung, she bore him deeper into the shadows and away to her lair. Sleep taking control she sprawled out on soft bed of woven twine. Patience is a virtue few posses time as always needed for her to recuperate, he was heavy a worthwhile quarry to feed the young. The struggling thief getting tired his body trapped wrapped in a blanket of white the cool breeze kissing his skin.

The darkness his companion his life, soon to be sucked from him slowly her sibling soon to join her. She stirred the young life within desperate for freedom she needed to prepare him for her new born, he was large a big man strong and muscular in stature. She moved silently in the shadows he screamed out the silken thread muffling his screams, She smiled at him her bulbous tummy pressed against the warm flesh her daughter sensing the meal inches away.

She bit into his penis injecting a paralyzing drug into a flowing blood stream the vehicle that would help transport the deadly cocktail through his veins. She adroitly stripped him of his clothes and gazed on his naked form. He stared at her aware of his inability to move the words fighting to leave his lips, the horror written on his face. His eye’s screaming out for freedom from the horror he now found himself embroiled in.

She floated away on invisible wings the steep walls the walkway to her bed.

He watched her in the shadows; the night passed by slowly the creature hidden within the body of a woman her moaning echoing through the still night air.
The first rays of a new dawn stabbed at the dark corners the battle for a new day raging once more.

He was startled by her scream the sound of a baby crying echoed around the room, a mother’s love now shared. A baby in need of its first feed, the rustling of a dress as it dragged across a tiled floor. The smell of life filled his nostrils the sound of a zip being undone her dress now removed. She went to him a soft breeze moving in the dimly lit room her aroma strong the soft touch of a woman’s skin against his face.

He looked into her eyes her daughter already attached to his erect muscle her small mouth sucking hard on the erect feeding tube.
She moved up his body her hairy sex brushed against his lips an eager tongue licked her clean, his purpose clear. Her sexual urges in control once again her warm fluids filled his mouth his body soon to be used up, sexual pleasures and the hunger of new born reasons enough to die for.

He was going to provide enough food for all her needs.

He stared bleary eyed sleep coming and going he was aware of the small child suspended from a thin net just below his stomach; he could feel the gentle pulling below as she sucked his dissolved flesh from the living receptacle.

A mother’s love unbreakable no release from a fate now sealed a young life taking another’s. He moaned the empty feeling filled his visions dreams of a life gone by tormented him .His body only half eaten three days now past three more remained the time taken to feed on a thief’s life force. Arms and legs now devoid of flesh vital organs left o keep the food source alive whilst she feeds on the living.

Day Six

The meal now complete an empty bag of skin all that remains, the child stands up her deep blue eyes looking around curious as to where she was. Her mother sat quietly in a corner the world outside going about its business the thief not missed a lost soul left to wander in the heavens.

Four months later

Normality now returned her future needed to be secured soon they would leave this place and join the masses. The park would become her play ground a mother teaching her showing her what was needed to survive.

She matured quickly the nutritious meals speeding her growth, her pert breasts and curvy bum attracting lots of male attention her dark desires yet to surface, normality all around her the questions not yet asked the answers not needed to be told. The memories locked away inside hormones driving her forward the meals forgotten for now.

Soon she would be awakened by her burning desire to feed upon a man’s life force.

They had remained hidden from view for centuries these creatures of the shadows unseen hiding in the darkness.

A part of our past an enigma with the taste for man’s life force to feed upon, pleasure from the pain a life sucked out whilst it still lives inside, unable to stop himself from being drained as spider with a fly.

A woman still, the monster hidden from sight her need to feed stronger than a man’s right to live, a daughter’s needs soon to change her path unsure of her purpose. Soon to be revealed by her sexual desire to explore the new possibilities, a life changing moment must never be forgotten it must be embraced and remembered for what it was, lost moments and forgotten pleasures, time her play ground men her victim’s.

Many to die a slow death at her hands but that’s another story…maybe?

The end…..or is it

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