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Author's Chapter Notes:
Note: this story takes place on a parallel-Earth where the White House never pushed back the end of Daylight Savings Time to early November. ;-)
OCTOBER 24, 2009
(11:55 P.M./EST)

* * * * *

As they had planned (via some telepathic conferencing on Willek's part), Toray went down to the basement and switched the circuit-breaker off. Thereby plunging the whole house into darkness. Michael and Martin then went upstairs to the master bedroom. The window of which overlooked the front lawn and Farmstead Road.

Michael looked through the telescopic sight of the tranquilizer rifle. Its laser beam-targeting component placing a red dot on the left nipple of the Osiri warrior to Malagor's right.


"Thotor!" exclaimed the latter when he saw his right-hand man seemingly vanish from his saddle.

Martin used the ensuing confusion to fire a painted-black arrow from a compound bow. That arrow plunged itself into the throat of another Osiri warrior. As did the two that followed it!

By which time, Michael had loaded and fired another of the tranq-darts filled with shrinking potion.

"What sorcery is this, shaman?" screamed Malagor.

"I know not. But, were I you, I would follow through on our plan. Now!"

Malagor hurriedly nodded: "Half of you! Over this wall! NOW!!"

Two groups of ten split off from the Osiri troupe. Galloping right up to the wall surrounding three-fourths of the academy. Ten to the left; ten to the right. And, having done so, they used their saddles as springboards to jump to the top of that wall.

Landing on the other side, they rendezvoused at the back door to the kitchen. Whereupon, three of them began putting their shoulders to it. Willek, hearing them, telepathed a message to his faithful guide dog.

"Lorraine! Into the living room. Protect Vara."

The German Shepherdess whined, somewhat, though she did as she was instructed. Whereupon, Willek raised his polearm. It was actually a gravel rake, with a hole drilled near the top of the handle. An icepick, however, had been inserted through the hole, and secured in place with twine. Which would make it just as lethal as a real polearm for the bloody business that was to follow.

Thank the Great Parent there would be no two-pronged attack! For, unbeknownst to the Osiri trying to break down the front door, that entry way had been reinforced. By a ten-foot tall Sandy Bigelow, who was now fetally propped up against it.

His retrospection ended when the back door finally gave way. Letting the first wave of Osiri warriors into the garage. Whereupon, they started in on the inner door, leading to the kitchen.

"Landor! Rojar!" he telepathed.

"We're on our way," replied Martin.

"Yeah," added Michael: "We're out of projectiles, anyway."

The two young men ran into the kitchen from the second floor. Each one armed with a sword in his right hand, and a claw hammer in his left. No sooner had they done so, however, than the inner door gave way.




The Osiri warrior who had come through, first, wound up with rake tines slashed across his face. Followed by the plunging of an icepick blade into his right ear! And, with Willek twirling his polearm like a quarterstaff, three more soon followed. All in less time than it takes to tell.

At which point, he telepathed Toray to flip the circuit-breaker back on. The sudden illumination naturally blinded the Osiri for a precious few seconds. Allowing Willek and his two young charges just enough time to shout:


Whereupon, they began hacking and slashing their enemies to pieces.

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