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Chapter 6: The Chronicles of Jack McCoy

"Okay, Jack. It's time to come clean." Rei spoke with a force both stern and respectful. After all, if she was willing to reveal that she and Amy were Sailor Scouts, then Jack should at least be willing to reveal his past. It didn't matter to her that Serena was unconscious in back of them. The antidote would return her to normal in due time.

Jack simply looked at Rei, and sighed. "Well, let me see where to begin," he said with a sigh.

"I was the result of a drunken night in the back of a pick up truck. My father is unknown; my mom was too drunk and high to remember who he was. My mom never wanted me but, thanks to a defective condom, I was born. She hated me. She would always hit me and yell at me and blame me for her problems. I still loved her though; she was my mom after all.

"When I was 7 she gave birth to my two younger brothers, Todd and Louis. She would have hit them like she did me, but I wouldn't let her. I took all the beatings. My mother wasn't a good person. She was an alcoholic and she put at least three illegal drugs into her system a day.

"I grew up in the Victoria courts. It was the worst neighborhood in all of San Antonio. While there I learned, from an old guy who lived in the dumpster behind the alley we lived in, how to fight. He taught me how to move swift as the wind, strike like a raging fire, with all the force of a great typhoon, to be accurate as a lightning bolt with my attacks.

"My brothers weren't fighters; I wanted them to live the best life they could though so I became sort of their personal body guard. I wanted to make sure that they didn't have to go through the hell of a childhood I went through.

"I spent most of my free time playing paintball with the other kids. I learned to shoot while playing paintball.

"Then I got a job as a cop, I lied about my age so that I could get the job. That was the first time I held a real gun. It became my best friend and outlaws worst enemies. My life was getting better, but my mom was becoming an even nastier piece of work by the day.

"She hated me and my brothers. But she only ever hit me. I wouldn't let her hit my brothers. She started getting more violent with me though. She gave me a lot of scars. Most of them are still there... forever on my back they'll remain as a reminder.

"One day mom got more drunk than ever. She tried to strangle Todd... I punched her. I actually punched her!! I was shocked that I hit her and she was too. What really scared me was that, when I hit her, it felt good. She grabbed me by the throat and slammed my face into the pavement. She threw me through the window to a Texas Land and Cattle Steak House. I landed on my back on top of the grill. The burns I received were life threatening... if the manager hadn't called the hospital, I'd be dead.

"3 months later I got out of the critical condition ward. I went to the police station and grabbed my Springfield 03' rifle. The police force had tracked down my mom's supplier, we were to go there and set up positions. Kill him if he tried to run.

"I was going to kill the son of a bitch that kept supplying my mom with those god damned pills. I knew that my mom was gonna be in the Menger Hotel meeting with Enrique. I set up position in the Crocket Hotel. I looked through the scope and saw my mom buying her pills from Enrique.

"I've seen a lot of dirt bags before, but somehow, this was different. I knew Enrique was supplying my mom since before I was born, but I never said a word because my mom needed her pills. This was different, THIS was personal. I didn't just want to arrest this scum ball so he could walk free on the streets the very same day; I wanted to send this bastard to hell where he belonged.

"2 officers were set up on the other side so that we formed a triangle. Enrique was at the point of the triangle, I was at the bottom left point and Officer Zepata and Nixon were on the bottom right.

"Our sergeant moved in to get Enrique, he ran for it and my mom did too. He gave the orders, shoot to kill, I repeat shoot to kill. I found that bastard in my scope and I fired away!! I shot every ounce of hate I had for that man out in 12 rounds of 8 hot lead bullets. I got him... I got him. But it cost me... and it cost my mom even more. I hit her in the back of the head with 3 of the shots.

"Everyone praised me and said great shooting... but I killed my own mother! What had I done... god what had I done?!! With her gone my brothers and I went to an orphanage.

"I managed to get the blueprints of the place from an old friend from thee force. My brothers and I formed an escape plan from the orphanage. Louis, Todd, 3 of their friends who wanted to leave the orphanage and myself snuck out of the orphanage via the heating ducts and ventilation system. We used the plumbing system for a little bit since the toilets didn't flush at all, they were just for show. We managed to escape the orphanage.

"I went back to my old job at the police academy. I saved up some money and managed to rent a ratty crap ass apartment for us to live in. I stayed on the force for a while, working on dismantling the Mexican Mafia, the Italian Mafia, and the Russian Mob. With the help of my friends, Freak Boy & Somedude, we managed to crack down all three of them. But it wasn't over.

"I had made mortal enemies out of all of them and the few survivors from the raids joined up with the single goal of ruining my reputation and killing me. Fortunately we managed to stop that, but the three of us ended up getting fired from the force. With our source of income gone, we were gonna have to find a new way to make money." Of course, Jack decided to leave out the part where he took over all organized crime in San Antonio and made it look legitimate by calling his business McCoy Corp and only developing a conscience again when two masked vigilantes (Freak Boy & Somedude's alter-egos) launched a war on his organization. But we'll learn about that later.

"I saw an add in the paper about a foreign exchange student program. Each week you participate in the program you receive 500 smackers in cash. I took the opportunity so I could support my brothers. Unfortunately, Freak Boy bought tickets to Sudan instead of Japan and we spent half a year traveling across Africa, the Middle East, Russia and China. We finally managed to get here about 3 months ago.

"Anyway, when I get the Exchange Student checks, I send them to my brothers in the mail. That's why I'm here...." After Jack tells his story there was nothing left but a loooong silence.

The tension on the field by the school could be cut with a knife. After Jack finished his story, the room remained quiet for several minutes. Finally, Rei began to speak.

"That's, horrible."

"I can't believe your own mother would do that," added Amy.

"That's why I worked on the growth formula. I figured something like that could revolutionize the world and give my family the money we needed to live. I never expected any human to drink it, and I definitely didn't expect it to drive people insane." The last sentence was accompanied with a sense of regret and sadness.

"Aw, cheer up Jack," added Rei. "You can still work on it. We made an antidote together, didn't we?"

Jack was surprised by the unrelenting optimism of the girls in front of him. "You'd be willing to help me? Even if I know who you two really are?

"Sure!" answered a cheery Amy. "After all you've gone through, and helped us out; it wouldn't be a problem at all!"

With a life as tragic as Jack's, he was used to rejection and the like, so the fact that these two girls were willing to reveal their deepest secret, and then help him still, was something of a small miracle to him. Tears came to his eyes.

"Jack," asked Rei, "are you crying?"

"I didn't expect the two of you to be so nice, that's all."

"Hey, don't worry about it. We're friends. We're supposed to help each other out." Amy nodded in agreement.

Jack looked at the unconscious Serena. Even though she tried to kill him, and she wasn't the first, he still felt sorry for her.

"Well... it'd be mean to leave meatball head here." said Jack as he walked over to the now 20 foot giantess. "Especially since she's still half naked. Rei, Amy, you grab her legs. I'll get her shoulders."

"Where are we taking her?" asked Amy as they began hauling her off like a beached whale.

"To my place.... no wait... how bout one of your places?" asked Jack.

"Our parents would kill us." they both said in unison. Jack sighed.

"To my place it is then."
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