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Author's Chapter Notes:

Passions unleashed get the better of two male students and threaten Alden Smith's marriage.

Clarissa and Robin climbed up the worn bricks to the second floor ledge. There were hand holds carved into the wall, as these weren't the first two people who tried to sneak into a dorm, although they might have been the first females to attempt the feat. With some exertion, Clarissa was able to pry open the window to Stan's room. Stan and his roommate were snoozing away in their beds.

"We didn't wake them up", Clarissa whispered.

"Clarissa! You're not going to go through with this, are you? This is our last chance to get out. Otherwise, I'm going to stand right here over you while you screw your boyfriend!" Robin was surprised by the word 'screw' coming out of her mouth, though not terribly so. Clarissa began stripping and didn't stop till she was in the buff.

"The way I feel right now, Robbie, I wouldn't care if you took pictures!" Clarissa answered.

Robin withdrew to the shadow of the room. Clarissa climbed on top of the bed and awoke Stan with a kiss. "Wh-what's going on?" Clarissa silenced him with a finger to her lips. She climbed under his blanket and began kissing him, then worked to edge him out of his T-shirt and boxer shorts. It didn't take long for Stan's manhood to rise in salute. Soon the springs were squeaking in a way never intended by those long-departed elderly ladies, who sent in their widow's mites to pay for construction of the men's dorm back in 1947.

Watching this scene, hearing Clarissa's banshee-like moans, Robin found her own desires racing forward. She found she couldn't leave this scene, and she finally decided she wasn't leaving the room until she had a man of her own. The only candidate was Stan's roommate Andrew. The fact that Robin didn't know Andrew deterred her not in the least.

Following Clarissa's lead, Robin unzipped her modest skirt, unbuttoned her blouse, popped off her bra and tore away her panties, then leaped onto Andrew's bed. She had her arms wrapped around his body before he awoke.

"Hi, I'm Robin. This is your dream. Don't wake up. I'm here to make love to you." She then planted her lips on his. Believing it was a dream (and not needing much encouragement to suspend disbelief), Andrew took off his clothes and began to kiss Robin.

As Robin was getting started with Andrew, Clarissa was already up on her knees, taking Stan's manhood inside her at last. It felt incredible for a moment, and then
Stan's manhood began to deflate inside her. Clarissa was disappointed. Did he come already? Aunt Suzy, the family jezebel and Clarissa's only source of sexual information, must have been right about men. Then Clarissa heard a voice shifting upward in pitch. "Heeeeelp me." Clarissa looked down to see Stan contracting beneath her. At first glance, he was the size of a midget. Then, as Clarissa, clasped her hands around him, he was the size of a baby. Then he was the size of a Ken doll. Finally, as Clarissa watched in horror, Stan reached the rough size of a shrimp, about one inch in height. Clarissa began crying.

Upon hearing her roomie's sobs, Robin stopped in mid-thrust, pulled herself off Andrew, and gave him the "shhhh" sign. She then walked over to the other bed.
"Robin, look!", Clarissa moaned. Robin leaned in to see the inch-tall Stan, apparently unconscious, on the bed.

"The wages of sin!" a still-nude Clarissa moaned as she fell into Robin's arms.

"Clarissa! Is he alive? See if he responds." She turned toward Andrew, still not knowing his name. "Hey roommate, could you take a look --". Robin stopped in mid-sentence. Andrew was gone.

"He must have sneaked out to turn us in. We'd better get out of here", Robin said.

"I can't leave Stan like this", Clarissa cried.

"Then take him with you. He's small enough", Robin replied.

Clarissa wanted to make sure she couldn't be spotted with Stan. She dressed up to the point of wearing a bra and panties. She wanted to make sure Stan was
in a safe place. She was afraid she might hurt him just by holding him. He could get squished if she ran into something, thus a slot in her bra was no good.
She stared at Stan. "Stan, are you OK?"

Stan struggled to open his eyes. He saw Clarissa looming in front of him. "It must be a nightmare!" he thought to himself as his eyes grew.

Relieved at this sign of life, Clarissa scooped Stan up and tossed him into her panties. She shook her underwear until he fell snugly into the crotch, held in place
by the sticky substance still coating her labiae.

"Let's go!" an already dressed Robin hissed. The two climbed out through the window they rode in on, leaving a three inch tall Andrew buried in his blanket.

Lying in bed, Clarissa found herself awakened by a voice. It was incredibly tiny and high pitched, yet somehow Clarissa deciphered it as belonging to a man. The sound seemed to travel from someplace near her womanhood up to her body. It was as though her crotch had grown ears. "Clarissa? Where are you, Clarissa? Can you tell me where I am?"

Stan was shouting Clarissa's name, because she was the last human being he remembered seeing before the world got huge. He vaguely remembered shrinking, then getting thrown into this dark, steamy place. He seemed to be sitting upright on a hammock mounted up-and-down. In front of him was a soft, folded surface with
fibers growing out of it that looked like a blanket.

Suddenly, a huge, raspy voice surrounded Stan. "I hear you Stan..."

It was a voice he recognized, but it was incredibly deep and resonant. "Clarissa? Where are you?"

"I'm all around you!"

"Baby, don't mess with me."

"Stan, you don't know where you are, do you?"

"The last thing I remember I was in my room..."

Clarissa pulled a small flashlight off the nightstand. She pulled up the front of her panties and shone the light down past her navel. Stan could make out Clarissa's
vaginal lips and the tiny bulge of her clitoris, as big to him as a laptop computer.

"Now do you recognize this place?" the deep voice returned.

"Oh my... that's your... that's your... Oh... I swear to God I wasn't doing any drugs. I must be tripping..."

"Well, if you're tripping, why don't you enjoy the ride and play a little bit?"

"You mean... can I touch this?"

"It's part of me, and I give you permission."

"This... this is scary."

"You don't have to be scared as long as you're with me. I love you just as your are, just where you are."

Stan began to caress the hairy blanket in front of him. Great rumblings of delight rose from the giantess surrounding him. The opening in front of him widened.
In a moment of ambition, he leaped at the clitoris and hugged it with all his might. An earthquake erupted all around him. Clarissa held her hand to her mouth to avoid
waking Robin with her cries of pleasure. Stan brought Clarissa to peak after peak, and Clarissa's bed smelled like the inside of a beehive, as perceived by the bee.
At last, an exhausted Clarissa and an equally exhausted Stan fell asleep.
"Why didn't you tell them it was a plague involving only men? Why didn't you tell them how the men got small?" Janet Smith asked her husband over breakfast.

"I didn't think it was appropriate," Alden Smith answered. "These youngsters are not here to have sex, and I don't want them focusing on the prurient. Whether it is contagious or not, the fact is, abstinence will keep them out of trouble for the time being. We'll give them that information in context, pointing out how important it is
to remain chaste until marriage. This should be a discouragement to sexual activity, just like any venereal disease."

"The news said some of the men who shrank had been married to their women for years, and both parties had been faithful. I don't think this is spread like AIDS or herpes", Janet answered. "It seems as though any man who has sex with any woman from now on runs the risk of becoming tiny."

Smith had a ready answer. "They could be overstating the situation, just as the AIDS activists did twenty years ago, to try to scare people into supporting their perversions."

"If you think that's so, then why didn't you want to make love with me last night?"

"Did I? I can't recall, Janet. But with everything going on, maybe it's best that we not become intimate until this situation is resolved."

"Well! Then you're either implying that I've broken my marriage vows to you, or that you think this isn't a sexually transmitted disease. Which one is it, Alden?"

Smith knew he was caught. "I would never accuse you of unfaithfulness, honey."

"Honey!" Janet caught the unintentional double entendre. "You do think I have the power, don't you? The shrinking power?"

Smith stared into his wife's eyes, afraid to say another word.

"It looks like this 'plague' is going to reduce our marriage as well!" Janet said coldly.

Smith's attempt at a response was interrupted by a knock at the door. It was Tim Davis, an intern who doubled as overseer of the men's dorm. "Dr. Smith, we've got a problem! Two of our students have disappeared! Stan Jenkovic and Andrew Patterson missed breakfast this morning."

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