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Cereal Surprise



©Giantess World 2011-2012


Drool slid down James’s face as he lay crumpled in a pile against a plastic wall. Unaware that his usually perfect brown hair was a tussled mess, matted against his skull. His bones wail as they uncomfortably contort in the cramped space.  A shiver writhes through his body like a seizure stirring him awake.

Groggily James peeled his eyes open pulling him from a penitentiary of slumber. He clumsily whisked the sleep from his eyes so that he could be greeted with nothing. He began to panic, his arms attempted to flail only to be welcomed by the hard contoured plastic wall which pressed against him on either side. His legs and back pressed firmly against another curved wall.

“Help” The simple word bombarded the small room which startled James by his own reaction to his plea. He pushed his arms upward only to be met with a thin plastic ceiling. The small room felt as if it were a coffin.

Time itself seemed to be at a standstill, a minute passed by so slow it was as if you could watch the entirety of a man’s life play out in front of you as if it were a one act play. The lifeless void around James drew him into a trance like state. It wasn’t until heavy rhythmic thuds stirred James from his trance, that he was aware that something was more wrong than he knew; a screech reminiscent of an old door opening followed by clanking and shuffling.

“Hey, hey! Can you hear me?” James yelled confused on where he was and what was going on. His plea fell on deaf ears as the room swayed from side to side while what sounded like hail, pounded against the plastic walls of his cage. He felt the coffin shift slightly at first, then ferociously.

Light erupted in from the heavens as the coffin he was in tumbled down a steep slope apart of what appeared to be a landslide. James struggled to find something to brace himself with as he neared the bright white light; however before he could blink he was pushed through the blinding light and plummeted like a rock over a cliff.

James landed with a splash in a white sea. The plastic walls which first appeared to be a coffin in the darkness had begun to take shape. It was more a bubble then a rectangular coffin, only the ceiling which is now the floor is pink and flat. The entire structure had the appearance of a capsule, a capsule which was much too small for his six foot frame. 

 White waters shot up into the air from his landing and then rained down against the clear plastic walls. Frantically James tried to maneuver himself about to where he could see what was going on. As he did so, he could make out large white walls surrounding him with giant brown boulders floating in the water like buoys in an ocean. 

James wondered briefly how he was going to get out of this capsule when his eyes forebodingly drifted upward. Trepidation coursed through his body as if it were a blood cell.  A cry of terror erupted from James as he looked up at a creature straight out of a science fiction film. A creature which could best be described as girlzilla.

The size of the girl was nearly unimaginable. She stood towering over nearly everything; much of her shrouded, James could only see her from the waist up.  Frenziedly he pounded against the contoured plastic capsule in hope of somehow breaking through. However, his hopes were dashed as behemoth sat down. 

The arms of the girl extended forward with the greatest of ease as her fingers seemingly reached towards the heavens like mighty redwood trees. Everything shook from side to side as waves of white waters crashed against the side of the capsule while gigantic brown boulders assaulted the integrity of the structure.

James could hardly comprehend what his eyes were telling him was right in front of him. As he fearfully stared up at gargantuan girl a troubling realization befell him.  A realization which seemed preposterous under any circumstance if it weren’t for the fact he was looking up at the proof that was right in front of him. This girlzilla was somehow, someway, his cousin Kaitlyn.

A large metallic spoon the size of an ocean liner plowed into the milky waters causing the capsule to tip over onto its side.  James struggled to right himself in the cramped capsule as he continued to look up at the massive girl. As his breath expelled from his lungs he watched his breath cover the plastic wall, using his finger he wrote out the word help on the capsule only to watch it dissipate seconds later.

 “Looks like I’m a winner. Let’s see what cheap crap they stuck me with.” Kaitlyn said. James’s head slammed into the bottom of the plastic wall as she roughly held the capsule between her fingers before letting it tumble end over end onto the table.  James forced his bare feet and hands against either side of the capsule as it slid across the table like a sled down a hill. When it finally came to a rest; The entire room was spinning as James looked about the massive kitchen. Just a few feet from him was the largest box of Cocoa Puffs he had ever seen.  The box stood stood like a skyscraper on a table the size of a continent.  The freckled face of his cousin Kaitlyn facetiously dismissed his existence as he watched several boulders of cereal all of which appeared to be the size of his chest, disappear into her mouth.

The crunching of the cereal sounded like a cow smacking on hay. The crunching seemed to encompass the entirety of the kitchen causing James to cover his ears as he doubled over in a futile attempt to block out the noise.

“This isn’t real, this isn’t possible” James kept chanting as he tried to wrap his head around the reality that had been placed before him.  He closed his eyes tightly, slowing his breathing till he just about stopped before opening his eyes calmly.  The table seemed to extend outward for miles in every direction and the far end sat his cousin. 

He could see her short brown hair that followed the curvature of her face stopping just at the bottom of her cheeks.  Kaitlyn always had a small skinny anorexic looking frame, with no hint of fat or muscle on her body. However now, as her grey eyes scanned towards him he felt his heart begun to race. The feeling was unexpected and unnerving. He didn’t know what to call it at first, then it hit him.

This was fear, this wasn’t the kind of fear you get when watching a scary movie, or when you see bug or rodent dart out near you fit. Not even the kind of fear you get when a friend surprises you. This was true fear, the kind of fear you get when someone points a gun at you, or your plane drops a few thousand feet suddenly; the kind of fear in which time slows and gives you a matrix like effect

Kaitlyn’s eyes were deadlocked on the tiny capsule which rested on her table.  As her spoon clanked against the side of the bowl, her arm reached out towards the capsule her fingers spreading out blocking out the view of anything else as her fingers tips curled inward. A shriek of fear escaped James’s lips as Kaitlyn’s hands enveloped the capsule.

James’s world was shrouded in darkness as her fingers wrapped around the plastic capsule like a boa constrictor as it lifted off the table while he continually sputtered out the words please again and again. Light shone in around the fingers like a cage as he felt himself get pulled closer and closer to his cousin.

It wasn’t until her fingers started to unwrap themselves from the capsule that the true reality of their size differential became apparent. She popped off the capsule top as if it were nothing. The smooth clear plastic walls begun to slope downward as James slid down there length and into her warm, oily palm.

“What kind of charm is this?” Kaitlyn said as her warm rancid morning breath washed over him causing his nose scrunch up and his eyes to water.

A finger that looked to be as thick as he was tall shoved him over unto his stomach as if he was weightless as she looked over her prize. James screamed Kaitlyn’s name with veracity of lion chasing a gazelle.  As her ringers ran down his miniature body he could feel himself press down against her oily skin muffling any plea for help.

James felt the pressure on himself release as his cousin begun to stand up. He rolled over onto his back and screamed for Kaitlyn to see him. However, she was no longer looking down at him.  Her attention was back down at her empty cereal bowl. James glared upward marveling at his petite cousin as her fingers begun to curl back around him.

The clunk of her of her dishes hitting the sink could be heard as James world shifted back to one of pure darkness. Kaitlyn’s fleshy palm pressed against him on either side completely immobilizing him as he heard her walk back upstairs towards her bedroom.  

                “This isn’t happening; this isn’t happening.” James muttered as he heard her bedroom shut and then seconds later his world was once again illuminated her fingers pulled away from his miniature body. James felt Kaitlyn’s hand tilt more and more, soon the severe angle caused him to tumble off her warm fleshy palm and onto the cold hard wood of her desk.

                James’s back cried out in pain as his cousin reached over him grasping a large wooden box. The box itself looked to be mountainous in and of itself and the lid she easily lifted up looked to weigh tons upon tons.  He knew he desperately needed to get her attention. He needed her help if he was to get out of this maddening situation.

                Once again James shouted Kaitlyn’s name at the top of his lungs, but it was as if she couldn’t even hear him. Her attention remained on the wooden box. Sensing the hopeless nature of this James knew he had to get away. If Kaitlyn wasn’t going to help him surely his aunt would. However as he soon as he stood up he was knocked back to the ground by a powerful gust of wind.

                Turning around to see what had happened James’s face turned ghost white. A large hand braided bracelet lay sprawled across the desk. The bracelet had several metal hooks with various decorative charms attached.  James had seen Kaitlyn wear this bracelet hundreds of times. In fact, he remembered her saying how all her friends wore them. It was a symbol of their little clique.

                His fear begun to rise as he back pedaled in a crabwalk like motion away from Kaitlyn, but it was too late.  He froze like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck as her hand descended upon him.  James cried out in desperation for some kind of salvation as her pointer finger pinned him against her desk.

                “No, no, no” James shouted however his voice was inaudible to his cousin due to his size.  He found himself completely restrained by her finger as her opposite hand lowered towards him holding a metal clip.

                The closer the metal clip came the wider James’s eyes became until he felt the metal clip slid against his skull. Kaitlyn slid her finger across the latch opening up one side of the metal clip.  Confused as to what was going on at first James reached his hands up. As he glided his hands across his head he felt a metal loop come out of his head in a half moon pattern before entering back into his head.

                “What the fuck! What has happened to me!” James yelled as he felt the metal clip that Kaitlyn had attached to the metal loop on his head; before another thought could enter his brain his body lurched backwards. He felt himself dragged against the wooden desk foot after foot passing all too quickly. Then it all came to a halt as he crashed into the hand braided bracelet.

                James could only look on powerlessly as he watched his now giant cousin attach the short metal chain to her bracelet. As soon as the click of the metal chain attaching to the bracelet sounded he felt as if he had died.  He pleaded once again to his young giant cousin hoping somehow she could magically hear him this time. However the only response he got was her lifting the bracelet off the desk and sliding it around her left wrist.

                “HELP ME” James screamed as she shook the bracelet before her face. A terse smile formed as she looked at her newest charm. She watched the miniature charm wave his arms and legs which brought about a slight giggle.

                “You really do look like a real boy. If only real boys were your size, there would be so much less drama” Kaitlyn said with a huff before heading into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

                James screamed and yelled for the whole hour it took Kaitlyn to get ready, but her attention was no longer focused on him. Her interest in her tiny charm had passed as she now focused on her challenges of the day. Glancing over at the clock she knew she would have to hurry to catch her bus.

                James cried for the first time in what felt like years as he watched the world whiz by from his place on Kaitlyn’s wrist. As hours turned to days which led into months he became nothing but an afterthought to her. Something she would briefly play with or look at between classes or dull points of her day.

                Much to James’s dismay he found he no longer needed things like food, or water. He never felt hungry or tired. His life subsisted of watching his cousin live hers from his new place in the world. As the months passed he knew he would never be anything but a piece of jewelry to her.





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