Summary: A story where one young man grows up, finding out that he has a condition that makes him gradually shrink while excited and though he may find means to help regulate it, so do women who may stay around him too long.
Rated: X
Categories: Giantess,
Body Exploration,
Growing/Shrinking out of clothes,
Mouth Play,
Slow Size Change,
Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13
Completed: No
Word count: 17992
Read: 461895
Published: December 05 2012
Updated: December 29 2012
1. Prologue by sm7in [Reviews - 6] 

(820 words)
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
I made this story in a realistic framework, but with some room for the surrealism that can make a GTS story feel more fun and less restricted, while still maintaining some level of believability. Not much feet or crush but it will happen later on when the story finally delves into cruel giantess territory. The story is primarily gentle or selfish giantesses, but cruel will happen for all of you who wouldn't want this too 'childish' :P
I have this up on under the same name, but as an interactive. I don't know if it's kosher to post the link, but if not I am le sorry Gtswrld and I'll take it down if you tell me to!
I'm writing the main story but would love to see anything you may have done differently, put onto that story!
Review, give suggestions, what you liked, and what you didn't like. If you would have done things differently, remember you can if you go to the story on :)
Also, if you aren't a fan of incest in gts as some people understandably are, it's a varying amount of quasi-incest in this story, predominantly light, and it thins out by chapter 7 to 8.
2. In the Morning by sm7in [Reviews - 1] 

(637 words)
Short chapters, for all of us Americans with those short attention spans. Look at the kitty!
No, really it's because this story is originally posted on for everyone to add their own direction to these events.
Deal with it. Please?
3. An Early Morning Prank by sm7in [Reviews - 1] 

(940 words)
We begin to see the effects of the females in the family becoming desensitized to the aroused shrinking condition of their male family member.
4. Aunt Maria Comes Over by sm7in [Reviews - 1] 

(1073 words)
Flashback! Flashback! Flashback! Flashback! ......
5. Pudding Bath by sm7in [Reviews - 2] 

(1168 words)
So if this hasn't gone in the direction you wanted it to go, you should go to and under the same story title as this, make your own point by writing in what you would have done.
Back to our hero begining to fear for his life.
6. Swallowed Down by sm7in [Reviews - 2] 

(2109 words)
This was fun to write... when I wrote it a few days ago. Still. Now I'm on a vore streak but where it's going after that doesn't really call for it so... agh!
Right, back to Steve being eaten by his selfish, fat, and now seemingly peverted aunt.
7. Mom's Mouth by sm7in [Reviews - 1] 

(1003 words)
And wouldn't you know it, I found a way to gradually get myself out of the vore at the time I was writing this.
I like that the close family hasn't sexualized anything, though what could normally be somewhat sexual has been somewhat redefined based on the families predicament. I have ideas for them to do it, and if you do as well, you should go... you guessed it, add your thoughts on my interactive version of this story on
I may stop saying it, I may not. We'll see.
8. To School by sm7in [Reviews - 1] 

(1327 words)
On my original writing of this chapter on, I made this a chapter to explain some of the potential upcoming characters but decided to skim edit it to make it flow a little more as one story. Should be ok. If not, insert hate mail here.
9. An Escape to Normalcy. Almost. by sm7in [Reviews - 1] 

(877 words)
Ok, so I got busy writing a new chapter since I am looking forward to writing a few chapters in an alternate tangent of the story with a talented author on Tired of that yet?
The next chapter may be another day or four away. Meh, we'll see how it goes. Enjoy the fun filler between the good stuff to come!
10. The Offer by sm7in [Reviews - 2] 

(1379 words)
Sometimes it's like opening up a pack of Oreos: You think 'Oh, just one more wont hurt' and BAM! You're overweight with diabetes, and have arthritis from writing too many papers/erotica!
Enjoy! :D
11. In Trouble With Mrs. Adams by sm7in [Reviews - 1] 

(2575 words)
Sorry, I've been busy writing with another author on a different take of the story, so my attempts are a little bit divided right now, my life being busy at times put aside :P I want to load regularly but know that I make no promises, except for that.
This chapter is review inspired :) ENJOY
12. The Long Walk by sm7in [Reviews - 1] 

(1122 words)
Hey, it's been a minute, what with grad school, the holidays, and work! Good to be back! Again, may be a little distracted by my other story so I'll try to add when I can.
Steve has some difficulty getting home but at least texting helps.
13. E-mail Assault by sm7in [Reviews - 3] 

(1481 words)
Steve has had a hard time dealing with his day, especially after a new disturbing E-mail.