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Chapter eight

 Lisa moved about the changes now occurring disturbing her slumber memories of a lost sister haunting her dreams, the cell structures once again mutating wildly, her body in a state of flux her skin seeped a sticky fluid from her pores it covered her nakedness the oxygen rich air helping to transform it into twine it weaved  her a silken shell a living organism summed to protect her from danger.

Pierre wandered amongst the hedgerows trying to find a way out he was exhausted most of the spent night spent wandering around aimlessly each turn leading him deeper inside the vast maze of ornate bushes, there was a clearing ahead he ran to it hoping to escape.
It opened up into a large open space with a fountain in its centre the noise from the cascading water was soothing he curled up beside it on one of the benches sleep grabbed  him relief from the horrors for now at least.

Lisa stirred the light beams warming her nakedness the dye on her bedding had run the colours blended into each other she smiled curious as to why, the memory of the last 13 hours had fled temporarily. It was the rustling above her that took precedent the large cocoon of silk hanging from the ceiling showed signs of life it moved about the creature inside struggling to tear its self free from its silken prison. She was not afraid she sat up watching the struggle for freedom the hours passed by she sensed the creatures presence and It hers, Pierre’s escape still not noticed the temporary loss of all that had passed his saviour.

Hours passed by Lisa waited patiently for it to emerge her memories now restored she pondered over the out comes, she was sure it would need sustenance when it finally broke free he would provide enough food for one sitting her stomach rumbled demanding to be fed. She walked towards the south side of the vast château  her senses tasted the air seeking out the meal she smiled to herself Pierre was nearby, he was never going to leave her it was his duty to provide the meal she was not finished he would leave in stages just like his son had earlier. Her thoughts now turned to recapturing him he was needed there was a  new mouth to feed.

Pierre stirred his back ached from the hardness of the wooden bench he looked around bleary eyed  the sunlight temporarily stealing his vision, the rustling in the rose  bush brought fear to his heart the rabbit sat staring at him. He relaxed the danger in his imagination the air smelt of greenery it reminded him of past memories spent with his son the reality of his situation once again making fun of him.The rabbit sat motionless he stared at it something was not right he watched in horror as it slowly folded inside out the flesh and bone removed leaving only the fur coat behind. He stood up there was something in the under growth he could not make out what it was, the suns rays broke through the clouds lighting up the ground beneath it.
Pierre stood shakily the fear rising his heart pounded loudly in his chest his eyes slowly adjusted to the day lights rays, the clearing looked devoid of movement unsure of himself he walked towards the first opening the long tunnel of greenery went on into the distance. It did not give away its secrets to him he checked the others they all bore the same resemblance he fell to his knees in despair the hopelessness of his situation taunting him.

The little girl spoke he looked around confused she was  young a teenager, her body naked her wispy blonde  hair capturing the sunlight, he stared at her curves her large breasts were firm her stomach toned long legs that went on for ever her hairy mound covered with her slender fingers. She smiled at him coyly he was bewildered by her sudden appearance he turned around she must be nearby also, by this time the teenager come closer. He angrily told her to stay where she stood he was confused this girl had not been at the chaetae? why was she naked and more to the point how the hell had she found her way into this maze. He had so many questions screaming at him for answers Lisa hid in the shadows blending into the shrubbery unseen she was unsure herself on the way her sibling born of her DNA would react, she had no memories to relate to the world was new to her only the primal instincts she had witnessed when she broke free from her cocoon were stamped in her minds eye. He removed his top  calling out to her to come closer no fear in his heart all thoughts of his situation hidden in his desire to cover her embarrassment. She walked towards him unafraid Lisa watched from afar her body blending into the under growth the buck rabbits flesh clung to her teeth, a snack only she wanted something bigger to fill her stomach. He pulled his shirt over her head it was to big for her she giggled as it slid down over her breasts, the shirt sleeves covering her delicate fingers her nakedness now hidden from view. She had a strong aroma unknown to him it teased the tiny hairs in his nostrils not unpleasant it soothed him. He asked her name she hesitated the bewildered look in her eye answer his question, she must be a part in this play he now found himself acting in. He held her hand and walked towards one of the openings she pulled him towards a different one he was right his gut feeling had paid of she led him out of the maize and into the open fields away from the Château. Lisa followed silently hidden from view she moved from tree to tree effortlessly a predator hunting her prey, her mind filled with confusion at her siblings mannerisms, she  tried probe her mind to seek out the truth but she was strong an impenetrable wall  stood between them she filled her mind with past memories long forgotten Lisa stopped the thoughts now playing back to her memories of child hood and love of others filled her head, she cried humanity crept back in clawing at the monster hiding in the shadows.  She looked on as Pierre walked into the distance with her, Lisa unable to do harm her mind in turmoil she took flight back to the château clearing away all evidence of her being there the guilt weighed heavy on her heart.              

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