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As nobody would ever find out, Mark hadn't recognized Kate because her hood was up. Also, he hadn't bothered to learn her class schedule yet. Kate, in turn, had not heard Mark behind her as she had on her headphones. Moments after Mark's departure she removed them, stopping - as Jason was to find - her unstoppable urge to twitch her toes in time with the music.

Jason was in heaven. Even as he was stomped, squeezed, shaken, and smothered, he never felt a moment of pain. The rhythmic squeezing of her toes would, in fact, put him to sleep after a particularly energetic song played while Kate waited for a bus.

He woke up later as she walked into her house. After going upstairs to her bedroom, she kicked her shoes off. Dragged by her foot, Jason rolled partway out of the shoe. Looking up in a moment of terror, he was surprised to see Kate walking away. He sighed in relief, then crawled back into the shoe where he realized whose foot he had been under. While he was tempted to go explore the house, for the time being he didn't want to miss his chance to go back to the school. Still, knowing it was Kate made it all the more exciting, and he waited tensely for her to come back.

She came back shortly, having gotten a sandwich, chips, and a glass of wine. After eating the sandwich and chips, she proceeded to roll and smoke a joint, then drink the wine. Jason watched all this with utter longing, as he was not only hungry, but had been wondering for months whether to ask Kate to smoke pot with him. He had his answer, but having it smoked in front of him wasn't what he had in mind. Half out of her shoe and watching her from behind on the computer, the smell soon became too much for him and he was forced to crawl back into the shoe, preferring the smell of feet he wasn't touching to the smell of marijuana he wasn't smoking.

Moments afterward, though, she stood up, sprayed herself lightly with the same scent he'd noticed before, and walked over to her shoes. Jason noticed - with glee - that her socks were gone. His ride back to school under her toes was better than the first, her toes acting like a giant down comforter, keeping him warm in the late fall breeze. As she was thoroughly high, her music had changed to a more mellow, relaxed pace, and the rhythmic squeezing of her toes had become more slow and gentle now. Believing Jason to be the long-present fold in her sneaker, she played with him somewhat.

When she reached class, her feet pulled out for air. This concerned Jason, wondering if someone behind her might see him. However, he soon found that it was another lecture hall, with three long tables accomodating three people each on each level. Coincidentally, Kate's partners were gone, and she sat at the furthest back table.

After crawling out and realizing all this (or at least as much as he could from his position; all he could really see was two empty chairs and one chair with Kate, her legs and feet, and what appeared to be a wall behind her.), he began wondering how to spend his hour.

He got his answer quickly. Standing out and exposed, he was unprepared when Kate leaned down to get something from her backpack. They locked eyes and frozen, Kate's mouth dropping open slightly. She sat up, looked around to see if anyone could see (they couldn't, as everyone in front was looking forward and the teacher wasn't actually there yet), then ducked back down and grabbed him. She stood and, with Jason still gripped firmly in one hand, left. When she opened her fingers she was in the bathroom, alone.

"Jason? Oh my god, is that you?"

Jason, slightly disoriented from the trip, could only sit back on her hand and nod at her.

"What happened to you? Was it Mark? It was Mark, wasn't it?"

When Jason answered, he was too far away to be heard. She lifted him up to her ear and he tried again. "It was Mark."

Kate sighed. "This isn't permanent, is it?"

"No, he told me I'd be fine in a day. Did you know about this?"

"Kinda. I saw an instruction book for it in the garbage, but I figured it was a joke. You're not mad, are you?"

Jason shrugged, though she couldn't see it. "Not really. To be honest this has always kinda been a dream of mine."

Kate pulled him away from her ear to look at him. Jason, meanwhile, looked at her. Kate was short, nearly five feet tall, and thin, but not through any virtue of healthy eating. Her brown hair was pulled back as it usually was, with a few loose strands dangling in front of her face. She was, in a word, pretty.

"Really? I mean that kind of figures, since this is a Mark revenge we're talking about." She had a relevant thought. "How'd you get here, anyway? Are you in the class before this? I thought you were free last hour like I was?" He was.

Jason hesitated a moment, slightly afraid to answer. He'd never told anybody about his fetish, and to reveal that to someone liked seemed risky. What if she got creeped out? Would she tell his friends?

He shrugged. Everything else had gone good so far. "No, I was sitting behind you in Sociology when it happened. At the end of class I didn't want to get left there, so I jumped into your shoe. To be fair, I didn't know it was you at the time," he quickly added.

"My shoe?" She cocked her head, confused. "I know you wouldn't get hurt, but how'd you know? Did he tell you? That seems... silly." She sighed. "Why my shoe though? You could've gone for the purse or something."

Jason had, in fact, never thought of that. If he had, though, he doubted he would've done it. "To be honest, I have a foot fetish." Saying it felt better than he'd thought. Her eyes widened slightly and she gasped quietly, immediately grinning and putting a hand over her mouth. "Well, I could've expected a worse reaction than that."

She giggled, then leaned in close and whispered. "I have one too. This could work to our advantage."

Jason was shocked, then giddy. He really, really had to remember to thank Mark for this. He considered going so far as to buy him a bottle of wine.

Nahhh. He hadn't meant for this to be enjoyed.
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