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Author's Chapter Notes:

Introduction of a new character. Lily's younger sister Jenna.

As we made our way into the kitchen, I took in my surroundings. The house itself was breathtaking and everything looked so huge, even if it was from Lily's point of view. "Hey Lily, is anyone else here right now?" I asked with concern for my well-being.

Lily looked down at me and put on a nice, friendly (but certantly not fake) smile and replied: "There's only one other person here and that would be my younger sister Jenna. Don't worry though, I'm sure when I call her down for dinner she'll be happy to meet you." She replied making sure to let me know that I'd be safe even around her other family members.

"My parents are gone for a while, so for now I guess it'll just be the three of us." She also mentioned.

I just had to wonder what her sister would be like. It wasn't that I didn't trust Lily's words (after all, she was my caretaker now) it was just that I was curious about her sister and how'd she react upon seeing me. It was like a young boy who wonders what he's going to learn once he goes to school. Soon after we arrived in the kitchen, she set me down on the counter not close enough to the burner where I could get major burns, but close enough to where she could keep an eye on me.

"Now stay right there okay Travis? I'm only heating up what we had for leftovers which lucky for us is steak." She said happily, but with some seriousness to show she didn't want me wandering off.

I took her words of concern seriously and stayed where I was, only standing up to see how she made the steak. The way she made the steak fascinated me. I hadn't ever seen someone actually make something before (for obvious reasons), as I had only seen scraps of food that had been left to decompose and rot. After about five minutes Lily removed the steak from the burner, put it on a plate, then moved both it and me onto the dining room table. Then she called upstairs to what I think was her sister's room, telling her it was time to eat. Almost immediately I started to hear footsteps pounding into the ground, getting closer and closer with each approaching step. In the back of my mind my fear was starting to form, but I quickly replaced it with calmness, seeing how it was only her own sister and Lily would take advantage if things started to go wrong. When the tremors finally became overwhelming, a younger girl with her hair up with bands of some kind entered the room, taking a seat.

"Sis, what's for dinner this time? Is it leftovers?" The younger asked sweetly.

"Yes it is. Oh, also there's someone I'd like you to meet." Lily replied.

The girl looked around the room, hoping to see someone else, but to her suprise, she didn't see anyone. "Where's the guest?" She asked.

Not wanting to keep her waiting I cleared my throat and spoke: "I'm down here."

The girl seemed to hear me as she turned her head and looked down to see a tiny boy wearing minature jeans and a t-shirt. The look on her face said it all. "Jenna, I want you to meet someone special. I found him on the streets and took him in. I named him Travis." Lily explained.

At the moment the two of us stared at each other eye-to-eye. She slouched down in her chair so that she was down to my level and waved a friendly hand with a pleasent "Hello".

I looked at my hand for a second, then held it up and said the exact same thing. She seemed to have a rather underwhelming reacition to seeing me. (not that I expected her to totally lose her marbles and collapse)

"Travis, this is my ten-year-old cousin Jenna. She's very nice and she has a small group of friends as well." Lily said in brief detail.

The whole dinner only lasted for about 25 minutes, but they were a very attentive, talkative 25 minutes where Jenna fired question after question similar to Lily, but much faster and excitied about learning about me. When the plates were emptied Lily started to pick them up, but Jenna tugged on her shirt. "Yes Jenna? Did you need something?" Lily asked.

"Can I take Travis into my room? I wanna play with him." Jenna answered.

Lily pondered this for a moment weighing her options; If she let her have Travis something could go wrong, but at the same time, it would be a great opportunity for them to bond just like with her, and it would also prepare him for later engagements as well. "Sure, you can play with Travis but make sure to be careful. I don't want you to hurt him on accident or scare him with anything alright?" Lily replied.

"Okay, I'll be careful." Jenna answered once again.

She walked over to the table's corner where I was sitting and extended her hand downwards to me. "Lily said I could play with you for a little while. Don't worry I promised her that I'd be careful." She explained.

Having heard enough I slowly walked up into her hand and sat back down, while she lifted her arm up and began walking at a brisk pace back to her room.

Chapter End Notes:

NO, the next chapter DOES NOT have any form of torture or anything else evil related to giantesses. It will simply be a bonding chapter between Jenna and Travis. Stay tuned for chapter 4 and leave a review stating your thoughts!

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