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A short while into his escape Adrian heard a sound which sent chills racing down his spine: she was threatening to hurt him if he didn't come back! Truly he was in quite the mess, and now he knew with certainty that he had done the right thing. He simply had to press onward.

Unfortunately, just as she was propelling him forward, his growing trepidation at the sounds of the surrounding wild life threatened to stop his progress altogether. He was no expert, but it almost seemed as if, and here he was extremely hesitant to think this, that whatever was making the particularly dangerous sounding noises was getting closer. With a nervous chuckle Adrian thought that whatever it was probably didn't want an autograph, and, like the giant now hunting him, it'd be for the best to avoid it too.

A gap between two boulders, mere stones to the larger denizens of this horrible place, presented itself and Adrian slipped in between them, hunkering down. Now he just had to wait for that thing to go away and he'd be back on his merry way.

The dark blue ressop sniffed around the ground, scenting for the prey it had heard before. Its large nostrils inhaled and its efficient brain filed away all the information. Finally, it caught the scent. It picked its pace back up into a trot before stopping at a couple of rocks. It clawed and slathered furiously, trying to get between them and get to his prey.

Anna's breathing was fast but efficient as she ran down the trail. Damn! She saw the ressop slobbering over a couple of rocks and instantly knew that's where Adrian was hidden. She swung the crooked end of her staff and caught the beast in the side of his head. He went flying and she hit her knees beside the rocks. Her eyes saw the frightened human alive and well and she sighed.

"Good. You're alright. Now come o--" She didn't get to finish her sentence as she was blind-sided by the enraged ressop. She screamed a bit but was able to manipulate the fall into a roll. She held the staff across the beast's massive chest, keeping him at bay for the moment. "Bastard!"

She kicked it in the stomach and set it over her head. She leaped to her feet and placed herself between Adrian's hiding spot and the ressop. "Listen you stupid, blundering, idiotic human! Stay in that fucking spot or you will DIE. I cannot keep you safe if you don't stay there."

Adrian poked his head out from his hiding space, glancing upwards as Anna stood over his hiding place, "Idiotic my ass! What'd you expect me to do after telling me you won't help me get home, treating me like crap, and then threatening me? You're as much of a menace as whatever that other thing is!" Having spotted it coming back, Adrian promptly ducked back into the safe embrace of the rocks.

He wasn't really sure what options he had considering the escalation of the situation. Even when she ends up killing that animal, he'd still be stuck there with her, and it's not like he could very easily run away when she was right there. It seemed a certainty that he'd be trapped in her clutches once again. Hopefully she wasn't planning on bullying him in an even more drastic way than she had previously.

It didn't take much time for her to pound the snot out of the animal, and rather than risk angering his captor any further, Adrian sat waiting right where he was.

Anna plopped to the ground, rather exhausted. She forgot how much fight those things put up. She glanced over at Adrian.

"Look, I shouldn't have stuck you in my bag, much less at the bottom. But you didn't have to start punching my breasts when you fell. I'm telling you the truth: no human has ever left this island once they land here. There is a small human city, perhaps about eighty people, on the north side of the island. I was planning on dropping you off there."

She plucked him up and stood. She stuck him back on her shoulder, this time in a place where he could hook his heels into the dip of her collarbone.

"This time, don't work yourself up into such a frenzy. I told you I wasn't going to let you die."

"Dropping me off-? Are you kidding me?? I need to get to my gig! I'm the world's most famous guitarist, in the world's biggest metal band. I don't belong in some tiny little town: I've seen seedy bars with more than 80 people in them! I mean, come on! And hey-!" He swatted at her hand with little success, "Ever hear of a space bubble!?"

He sat on her shoulder grumpily and swept back his hair. "Look, I've got millions of dollars back home: just get me there, and I'll give you whatever you want, seriously. Not to mention, if you're a freaking relative of the people who can get me back home, then why wouldn't you introduce me if you really are so keen to keep me alive? Because you know, if I get stuck in that stinking city, I might just die of insanity there." He crossed his arms in futility, "This is crap. You'd might as well just eat me or squish me or whatever it is you big brutes do."

"You know what? You are so ignorant. I have never done anything of the sort but I might just make an exception for you." She picked him up and dangled him over her open mouth. After a couple minutes of him screaming, she pulled him away and stared him down.

"Don't you ever, EVER say anything as obnoxiously ignorant as that again. My grandfather, when he returns, will check on the town. Then you can address your wish of going home with him. My great-grandparents can do nothing other than what I've said. He will help you when he returns."

She set him back on her shoulder and kept walking.

"Hmph! Ignorant- hardly. Have you looked at your views on men lately? Now that's ignorant. Since we've met you've given me every reason to think I might get squished or eaten. First you toss a plane after telling me to get out of it or die, then ya abandoned me, and not long after that I get trapped under a mountain of garbage in your back pack. And it sure felt like you were trying to crush me the way you suddenly broke into a sprint! Then when I run away, you yell at me to come back if I want to live! Not to mention that I'm a guy, so you already dislike me. So yes, I'd say you've given me plenty of reason to think that you might try and hurt me." He sighed and shook his head. She obviously had hardly if any friends. And she certainly hadn't made a good impression on the only person in this awful place who didn't already know how rude she was.

"All of my hard feelings towards you aside, you know if you can't kick that men-hating habit of yours you're gonna be doomed to die alone right? I mean, shit, doesn't not have any friends suck? Obviously not every fan I have is what one would call a close friend, but man, the guys in my band. They're practically family. We've been through so much together. And when I say guys I don't strictly mean men either. Our bassist is a girl ya know." Anna didn't really seem to be listening or paying attention, at least not visibly. "Whatever."

"I have friends. And I yelled after you because I knew the russop den was right here. This is the fifth trip I've made as cartographer. I knew it would go after you. I tried to stop you."

The finally arrived back at the camp. The fire had burned low, nearly out, but thankfully her pack remained intact. She set Adrian down with another warning to stay put. She quickly built the fire back up and pitched her tent. She produced some dried meat and fruits and set them on the floor of the tent.

She looked down at Adrian. "Do you want to bathe in the spring? I will take you down there."

"I guess. Might as well get off whatever was leaking on me in your bag. Though, this better not just be a ploy to get to see a hot guy naked." He grinned and winked despite not feeling particularly jovial.

Being soaked and getting to flip his hair around reminded him of his band's first music video, which had been filmed in a mock rainstorm. It was of course a bitter sweet thought. At least the spring felt nice, though for him it felt more like a lake, and it was a liberating feeling to be out of his battered clothes. Speaking of a lack of clothing, he hadn't been kidding: he was quite the attractive specimen, and there didn't really seem to be any flaws to him as far as looks went. Well cared for hair accompanied a well groomed face, and below that was an incredibly finely toned body, not to mention whatever lurked below the water between his legs.

He smirked and laughed, almost hoping that he was being spied on. If nothing else, it'd give him the opportunity to chide Anna, and it wasn't like he had anything to be embarrassed about.

Anna was currently stalking a sliade--a large, deer-like creature. She had retrieved her bow and arrow from the camp and was nearly within range. A few more steps and her arrow flew. The sliade dropped like a rock, and arrow through its eyes.

She hurriedly dressed it and used the skin to haul the meat back to camp. By the time Adrian returned, she had most of the meat either laid out to dry or cooking. She seasoned it with a few basic spices before leaving it to finish. She glanced at the human as he walked back topless with wet hair.

"You'll get sick like that. Or freeze to death."

"Man, you're no fun are you? I try and give you a gift and you go and make a practical statement like that!" Adrian chortled to himself, clearly in better spirits overall. "Though, while we're being practical, it should be noted that I have nothing to change into." He shrugged as he made his way over to the fire and plopped down comfortably.

"So, considering how you feel about guys, this must be your first time seeing one without a shirt huh? " He sniggered, "Sorry I don't have a magnifying glass to help you check me out better."

"Tch. I don't need a magnifying glass. My eyes automatically zoom, just like a hawk's." She pulled a hunk of sliade off the spit and set it on a plate along with a fork and knife. She held her hand over it and murmured a few words. It quickly reduced in size to become proportional to Adrian. "Eat. You'll warm up faster that way. As for clothes, there is a very small town along the way. We'll probably reach it tomorrow evening, if you don't run off and nearly get eaten again. I can get you some clothes then."

She took the rest of the sliade off the fire and tore into it with her teeth, having given her only plate, fork and knife to Adrian.

Rather than start eating, Adrian was far too busy staring up at the terrifying sight of Anna tearing into a freshly killed animal. "Jesus Christ. If you ever do decide to eat me, do me a favor and just swallow me or painlessly break my neck first or something. God, that's the scariest thing I've ever seen." He gulped before turning his attention to this miraculously smaller plate. "And uh, what other tricks do you have up your sleeve exactly? "

He tentatively began to eat. It wasn't exactly bad, but it was definitely not one of the five star meals he was used to.

"So ah, you said you DO actually have friends? You're not just talking about voices you hear, right?"

"I wouldn't eat you. You would probably give me the trots." She tore off another piece of meat. "Besides, how else am I supposed to eat when you have the only plate and utensils?" When all that was left was the bone, she gave it a hard toss and sent it flying into the trees.

"And my friends are quite real in flesh and blood. Elas would probably try to use you as a dildo, and get Nina to help her out. Jarmica would probably use you as a butt plug and Jensa would probably eat you. Depending on her mood, she would probably play with you first and if you were a good toy, she would swallow you whole. If you were a bad toy or she was in a bad mood, she would probably take you bite by bite and make you watch as she chewed up whatever she bit off."

She took a long drink from her canteen."I wasn't planning on going by their village, but if you really want to meet them and get the attention you think you need, I can easily detour. It would only be an extra hour or two for me."

Chapter End Notes:

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