[Reviews - 8] starstarstarhalf-starPrinter

A Strong new drug is introduced into the populace,it's desired effects is to enhance the human immune system.The issue with it is it only works on people with the double x chromosome in their D.N.A.The results seemed to enhance everything about the female body including strength,sex drive,intelligence and aggresiveness.One other unintended side effect is the growth of the female body and as men come to find out that's not all.

Rated: R
Categories: Humiliation, Growing Woman, New World Order Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 5941 Read: 39137
Published: March 07 2014 Updated: March 16 2014

1. Chapter 1 by ChaosDuck [Reviews - 6] starstarstarhalf-star (869 words)

Life on Earth will forever be changed with the introduciton of vitamin X.

2. Chapter 2 by ChaosDuck [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (1348 words)

The story of Levi Dauss,a 28 year old man who was a young child when the dawning of a new age ocurred.He manages to escape the clutches of women,escaping at the age of 12 when his mom experiences the effects of vitamin x.


3. Chapter 3 by ChaosDuck [Reviews - 0] (1304 words)

This chapter introduces us to Jake Thomas who is a 22 year old man who lives with two college girls Maria and Carmen.

4. Chapter 4 by ChaosDuck [Reviews - 0] (727 words)

The continuation of Carmen's day at school with Jake.

5. Chapter 5 by ChaosDuck [Reviews - 1] (1693 words)

Thad a recently married 25 year old man who was literally forced to marry 22 year old Nicole Thompson is convicted of trying to escape her.This is where Melissa Santia comes into play.