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I could feel myself getting giddy over the fact that I had just save one of my own. I watched as Tina's face didn't change in the slightest. Her eyes were moving, she was clearly reading the message. Yet she wasn't doing anything. Instead she deactivated the cylinder and got back to her lesson. I stood in shock.

"What's she doing?" I asked.

"I have no clue." Miry said. Her voice as filled with confusion as mine.

"You did send the message right?"

"Yes, and it's marked as read. So she knows but she's not acting on anything."

"Well then we need to....we need to save that poor girl." Miry turned to me.

"We can't. What could we do anyways?"

"We could....we could....damn it I don't know, but we have to do something. I am not going to sit here and watch one of my own suffer. I don't care if I have to climb over the tank I'm going to save her."

"Now that's just suicide."

"How? I a fast runner. I could be there and back before they can lay a finger on me."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"Then what are you talking about." I was starting to lose my temper.

"Galactic law #18621368757. It states that if any pet human leaves its habitat without the owner's consent, then said human is to be put to death." She put her hand on my shoulder. "Bottom line is. You go out there, Tina'll have no choice but to kill you." I pushed her hands off me.

"Then what the fuck do you think I should do?! Sit here and let that little bitch get away with this?!" Miranda looked out of the tank, then gave a smile. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. All she did was point out of the tank. I turned to see the bitch with the human at Tina's desk. I turned back to Miry.

"Already on it." She said before I could speak. The circle surrounded Tina and Monica.

"I am very disappointed with you Monica." Tian said.

"I don't know what you mean." Monica said calmly.

"You know what I mean Monica. Now hand her over for inspection." Tina said extending her arm.

"Hand who over?" Monica said. Suddenly an orange box appeared next to Monica. Hearts Rates read the top of the box. Two heart rate monitors, one atop the other, filled the box. The first one was extraordinary fast, the second was pumping normally.

"Monica, you know the rules. If you have a human and a higher up tells you to hand it over for inspection, you must comply. Now hand her over. Or do you want me to call the principal in?" Suddenly the second heart started going berserk. Monica reached into her pocket and pulled out the tiny sliver box. "Good now have a seat."

"But you haven't even checked the human yet." Monica protested.

"If it was in your hands, Monica, then I already know it's in bad condition. Take your seat." Monica returned to her seat as Tina brought the box over to the tank.

"Start snoring." Miry hissed. I quickly laid down and began to snore. Tina opened the tank and placed the box in front of me.

"Miranda?" Tina whispered.

"Yea, boss?" Miry said quietly.

"I want you to open this up ok? And try not to wake Robert up."

"I'll do my best boss." Tina closed the cage again. "Alright, you can get up now." I stood up and walked over to the box. Miry appeared on the opposite end of the silver capsule.

"Why did you tell me to snore?" I asked

"Cause once that barrier drops, they can hear anything going on in the tank. So I wanted to make sure any one that was listening thought you were asleep."

"Good idea. Now how are we going to get her out of there?"

"I'll have to activate the unfreezing process. Normally it would be easy, but Monica built some traps into the capsule so I'll have to disarm them first."

"What will they do if they're activated?"

"Kill the girl." I shook my head in disbelief.

"How could someone be this cruel?"

"Quiet easily."

"What do you mean?" I snapped.

"I don't know if you've picked up on this or not, but humans aren't exactly like by the rest of the galaxy."

"Why? What did we do?"

"Why you're hated depends on which race you're talking about. Some hate you for warring so much. Others for your religious tendency."

"Why do the Babylonians hate us?" I cut in leaning on the box.

"Get off the box!" Miry screamed. She rushed over to my side of the box as I stepped back from it. She put her hands were I had leaned and the box became entrapped in code.

"What? What did I do?"

"Nothing, but you were pressing on one of the traps. Had you been pressing a little harder, she'd be dead. Now back to why the Babylonians hate you. They hate you because of an old legend."

"A legend?"

"Yes, a tale as old as the people themselves. It tells of one, small in stature, which will rebel against their master and will slowly break down a false gov't. And make his people rulers over the large. He will kill off all the rebellious ones and raise a generation of Babylonian slaves. He will reign for a thousand years before his death. After which his children will continue his legacy."

"Really? They hate us because a thousand year old Legend?"

"You don't understand. This legend was created in the Age of Truths. Only three legends have arisen from this time period two of them came true just as the legends said. The third has yet to come true. And that is scaring anyone who knows of it and of humans." Suddenly a loud hiss erupted from the box. Miry stepped back. I wanted to ask a few questions but I was too stunned by what I saw. A white line traced all the away around the box until a loud POOF sounded and the top of the box flew open.

I could not believe my eyes.

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