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Author's Chapter Notes:

No internet = Unhappiness. Also, at the  the time of this note there is exactly 16969 read counts...PERFECT.

Bridgett stared down at the earth itself with such intensity that everyone that saw the eyes froze in place and held their breathe in anticipation and fear of what action will take place next. She was contemplating, in apparent deep thought, about which country to give Kawai to eat.


"You know I'm going to eat all of them, right?" Kawai interrupted Bridgett's line of thought. The red head looked at her blonde companion and was momentarily flustered,


"Oh, err...Right" Bridgett went for the first country she was looking at, Japan, and reached for it.


-Japan POV-


There was a man on top of the observation deck of Tokyo Tower looking straight up at the sky to witness an impossible event that is occurring all over the world. He was sitting down, messing with his laptop while wearing a gasmask to prevent sickness and nausea from the deadly toxic gas in the air. When a shadow loomed over the entire peaceful country, except the building he lives in, the man stared at the blurred image through his optic lenses.


"I wonder how my other self is doing in the actual world" He said as a child's hand, much greater in size than the country itself, dug it's fingers under the island nation, causing an earthquake unlike anything anyone who had lived their entire lives in Japan has ever experienced. While the tower was falling to its end, he city was becoming unraveled; The fissures that were created became so deep and wide, that people could actually see the ocean through themassive cracks.


The man stood up. "One last time to stretch out my legs...It has been quite a long time since I did" While the tower was at an angle, the man jumped off of the observation deck and ran down the red metal frame of the collapsing tower which was bending and twisting in all sorts of angles. Despite the challenge of avoiding the obstacles and nearly falling off several times due to continuous vibrations throughout the earth, the man made it to the bottom of the tower, with aching joints and legs, while chaos ensued all around him.


Even though the entire place became hellish to maintain balance on, the man managed to stay still relatively well. He looked up at the sky and saw the yellow hungry eyes of a blonde little girl. "Well, I got to say, out of all the ways I died, I didn't think getting devoured by a hungry little girl was an option, but then again...." She opened her mouth, revealing a deep abyss of a mouth, teeth far larger than any mountain, and a carnivorous tongue that was eager to feed by how much it was salivating. In fact, a drop of saliva slid off of the tongue and impacted the country like the largest bomb raid in history.


The drop of saliva immediately flattened all of the cities in its path and flooded nearby areas. Large cities that prospered and bolstered their magnificent size were leveled into nothingness and dense forests and mountain ranges became mere forgotten memories. Due to the size difference between the giants and the microscopic people, the saliva did much more damage than expected.


The sheer size of the tsunami of saliva left nothing standing, even mountains, as buildings were completely broken down out of extinction, people melted to the point that no blood remains, and the remains of once beautiful scenery were a utter flat lifeless wet wasteland. Eventually the large saliva flood faltered when it got near the man's city, but it still impacted it. Even a relative thin layer was deadly for the populace and environment.


The man, who saw the pure border line edge of the saliva flood, witnessed the effects the saliva had on the environment first hand. Buildings were collapsing in quick succession due to the breaking power of the saliva's enzymes. people were falling down due to their feet or legs becoming afflicted with a painful breakdown and they would instantly die by falling face first into the deadly liquid. No amount of cover protected anyone, from cars becoming dissolved to buildings becoming leveled, it was imminent extinction. Considering this was from saliva alone, it cannot be even fathomed on what stomach acid could due or what the power of the taste buds and teeth could inflict.


Upon the nation of Japan, a shadow fell on the entire nation as a sharp horrendous breathe blew through the lands, causing some of the saliva to fly through the air and causing more unconventional mayhem or causing some cities to fly off of the world and onto Bridgett's absurdly large world crushing palm. A pink tongue, with enough power to destroy entire planets and maybe even the sun, touched down onto the border of Japan, easily breaking it apart, and slowly dragging across the landscape like some sadistic playful goddess.


From where the man stood, he saw a dreadfully gigantic pink wall heading straight for his city at an ungodly rate. The ground was becoming even more undone and a morbidly sweet scent invaded the noses of anyone still alive, except the man. Knowing full well of his fate, the man just sat down and started to count,


"1...2...3...4...5..." The tongue was now practically on top of the city, the taste buds being incredibly prominent and the saliva on the tongue, plus debris of the land and cities plastered on it, glistened in the light "Well that was quick" The speed of the tongue moved faster than the sounds of destruction could be heard. At the very least, the man didn't feel any pain. His last thoughts were, "I blame Yukiko for this"


Japan had disappeared completely from Bridgett's palm and completely transferred to Kawai's tongue, leaving a trail of saliva to remain on the hand, with some debris left over. The blonde little girl swished around the broken country in her mouth, savoring or tasting what sort of country Japan tasted like. It didn't take much time for the nation to become completely broken down by enzymes, disappointing Kawai with how much it lasted, and she swallowed.


"So, how was it?" Bridget asked. Although Kawai didn't express it through facial features,


"Weird, sweet and...interesting all at the same time" Kawai looked down at the small world in its damaged glory and had an interesting thought, "Bridgett, I want you to eat something with me for once" Before Bridgett could say anything, Kawai reached out to Asia and dug her fingers around the general area of Russia.




Upon my experiences of earth, I have never encountered such a more lethal and surreal scene than what I am seeing. Fingers that could easily crush entire countries within mere moments reached around the entirety of my homeland, and maybe even more nations. The god palm cloaked the already dim lighting of my area to near eclipse and around me was the earth shattering into many pieces.


I pull out my bottle of vodka, drank it, pulled out a cigarette and lit it on fire as I managed to passively puff out my last smoke in an ending world.


"I have lived for many years...at least I went out in an unexpected way" The older Russian gentlemen said out loud in his native language. Not only was the entire country collapsing upon itself, but, for whatever reason, an absurd amount of wind blew through the entire nation, leading a wall of frost and debris to cripple the land "Ah..." He breathed out a puff of smoke that was true art "Fuck, this is worse than last winter" The man was overtaken by the irregular cold storm and immediately died, but not without releasing a glorious middle finger right up toward the sky while grinning.




Because of a lack of gentleness and haphazard handling, the large country had already started to become broken into a pile of indistinguishable dirt. The speed of which Kawai moved the country wasn't reassuring as some microscopic cities and forests fell off of the border of the earth and plummeted down toward the infinite abyss that was the real world. Kawai roughly placed the country in the palm of her free hand and got Bridgett to get down on her knees.


"Say ah~" The red head complied and opened her mouth wide as Kawai tilted her hand to let the country slide onto the tongue. The country had struck the tongue at such an angle that the back end of the country had folded over on top of the part that crashed onto the tongue first. In short, the land collapsed on itself.


Automatically, Bridgett pushed her tongue to the roof of the mouth, completely snuffing out all forms of life and any significant details to tell dirt from everything else, and swallowed. To Bridgett, Russia was a very light snack and was embarrassingly unsatisfying in both filling and taste. She dropped her tongue out, "How can you eat this stuff?" Kawai reached down and aimed at North America, specifically, the united states.


-Chamber of the eight generals-


Due to forlorn hope and plain giving up, practically everyone went along with Jaune's idea of sex and orgy to commemorate the last days of earth...and to lose your virginity if you haven't done so. The only one's who didn't do so were Murasaki, who was just sitting there staring at Nilo's laptop on...questionable topics, Roan and Aka were too bust beating each other up a quarter to death, apparently it was a final battle to the death to see who was better, and Nilo was sucking the breast of a taller woman...You'd be damned to know that it is not willingly. Shiro and Cheren were still having rough sex and as for Jaune and Cairo...


Aka was holding Roan by the shirt with fist near his face when he saw Jaune sitting on Cairo's lap, facing him, he grabbed Cairo's collar and both of their lips connected to each other. At the time, Jaune was closing his eyes and Cairo was presumably asleep during the entire affair.


"What in the actual fuck?" Aka whispered to himself in disbelief as Roan looked over to where he was staring at, dumbfounded


"Hey, what...Oh" Roan's mind practically fractured when he saw the random gay romance. Then both of them immediately recovered from the moment,


"Why..." Both of them were saying at the same time "In the hell aren't we surprised" With both of them blanked faced, Roan grabbed the distracted Aka by the shirt and pounded him in the face before the red man elbowed him in the stomach and was now grappling him to continue the onslaught with knees to the stomach.


Murasaki saw the gay scene and immediately waved it off as nothing special "Is Cairo even awake? And didn't Jaune just kiss a woman?" Then he made a random guess "Oh bi-sexual with a childhood friend...How many times have I seen that?" He returned back to his laptop of questionable topics and pictures.


Jaune released his lips from his best friend, strings of saliva between the lips, as he embraced his tall friend tightly "At least I got to do that before we all die" The entire place began to vibrate and break apart violently as an earth shattering rumbling is heard throughout the air and intense shockwaves made it near-impossible to keep ones balance.


Even though the entire structure is well fortified, it is no match for the power of tera-sized little girls, and, slowly, the entire place started to fall apart. All 8 of the generals, despite some of them doing last-minute final actions or sleeping, got their act together. This caused the workers to do the same as well, even if they were in the middle of sex.


All of them, higher and lower ranks alike, with pants zipped up, uniforms adjusted to at least look presentable, and with the scent of either sexual spirit and roughhousing on them, saluted simultaneously.


Cheren and Shiro yelled at the same time, "It has been a pleasure working with you all!"


"Sir yes sir!" All of them responded as the entire country broke into pieces.




Kawai was a bit more careful this time as the country did not immediately start to degrade into an indecipherable mess. She gently placed in onto her palm and went to Bridgett whom was sitting there obediently. Without a spoken word she opened her mouth, stretched out her tongue, and Kawai slid the country slowly onto the pink slimy land mass. Before the miniaturized freedom land completely landed on the new world, "Bridgett, don't close your mouth" Kawai grinned playfully as the land completely fell squarely onto the tongue which immediately twitched, causing damage visual to even the blond little girl.


Bridgett sat there for a moment, wondering what her friend was planning on doing, when her mind completely stopped operating. Kawai, with tongue out first, locked lips with her red haired friend. The ravenous little girl easily conquered both the green and pink lands in a one sided affair. Unfortunately, the strongest nation in the world couldn't even last even a measly three seconds, but at the least the mischievous little girl can mess with the emotions of her anxious companion.


With the country practically being reduced to nothing but the basic compounds of minerals or nutrients in the midst of the foreplay, all that matter was how much Kawai decided to completely overwhelm the senses and imagination of Bridgett. In short...Overkill with lasting effects.


Mercilessly, with nothing held back, Kawai's tongue did not just stop from dominating one pink base, but all of Bridgett's bases, that could be physically reached by Kawai's tongue, belongs to her. Roof of the mouth, top, bottom, behind, and front of the teeth, and striking down the tongue numerous times and the sides of the mouth repeatedly. And this was just one strike zone. Kawai, while invading the mouth, decided to go for the lower parts. It actually wasn't that significant because all Kawai did was embrace Bridgett tightly, with the only different is Kawai's hand placement toward the southern hills.


Bridgett, covered in goose bumps, red with love, compassion, and fulfilled desire, with eyes presenting the escaped soul of her once intact piece of mind, had slouched backwards once Kawai unlocked their lips. The blonde gently laid Bridgett to the ground onto her side and she went to the table for one last run.


She looked over to Yukiko and Katana, which currently Katana was on the bed hugging a body-pillow and Yukiko was sitting off to the side with a full-sized Jade in maid clothing sleeping on her lap while stroking the cross dresser's hair. "Hey Yukiko! Lower the table to ground level!" The albino goddess looked toward Kawai and smirked,


"Oh, so you want to mimic what me and Katana do daily?" Without a single gesture, the table had immediately dropped down to floor level, with walls still containing the oceans. If one had strong enough equipment, or if anyone could see properly beyond even halfway up the legs, even the most hardened, bravest, or fearless person would have shit their pants in astonishment and denial at how truly puny their lives were. Kawai took a little step toward the grounded earth, just a little step, and this insignificant action caused an earthquake that broke the Richter scale in half...It seems the table had a lack of shock absorbtion.


The blonde, practically, god-like little girl stood over the earth, arms crossed, and pondered what to do. From what she recalled from Katana and Yukiko's open experiences, they had used all physically possible and absolutely absurd plays with various cities and worlds of different sizes and shapes. After a bit of thinking, and looking at her yellow-socked feet, she came to a decision. Stomp the world out of existence.


She reached down and pulled off both of her socks and threw them at the sides of the unconscious red-head. She stared down the earth and commanded Yukiko, "Remove the walls" When the walls fell apart, an insignificant layer of water spilled out and covered the pure bottom part of Kawai's soles. Though cool, it was ignorable and the blonde little god planted the ball of her foot far north onto Greenland.


As much as the dreadful scene of tsunamis, dropping rain, absurd wind speeds, and another world breaking earthquake that out classed the most major of natural disasters and natural occurrences would be oh so greatly accepted, in this instance, it would be a waste of space. Before anyone could possible, and truly, experience the real pain of the initial final strike of their lives, Kawai dragged the ball of her foot down.


In no time at all, land was carried off like a glacier carved through it. People were immediately mixed into the earth as much of the landmass became indefinitely flattened and became stuck to the foot due to the ocean water onto it. In the eyes of many, this fleshy end came in at speeds so ungodly that people didn't even know what killed them at that moment except when they realize it in the afterlife. Nothing slowed the foot down as it made its way clear from what was left of North America and down to South America.


She lifted her foot to inspect how much debris got on it and saw half the world crushed onto it. Kawai merely smiled at the thought as she wiped her foot clean and paid attention to the other side of the world. With her other foot, she raised it over the continent of Africa and left it hanging there while drops of water that could constitute as several atomic bombs strapped together struck the land.


Entire cities were completely flattened and flushed out from any form of existence. Entire deserts became mucky, darkened, and deformed masses. On the bright side, they have water, on the downside, it's saltwater...that is coming down at velocities that put the orbital space weapon that drops down tungsten rods to shame.


After letting the shadow of the world smasher drown Africa in darkness for a little bit, Kawai smashed her foot down and dragged her toes forward into Asia. With a single movement, she sweeped her foot to the left, completely snuffing out Europe and countries out west. Then, she raised her foot up and stomped on the rest of Asia. Returning her foot to its original position, Kawai observed her handiwork.


"Even there was a lot of tsunami's, there are some tiny islands that I missed" She turned around and raised her dress up "This should do it~!" She dropped down onto the remains of the earth. Her panties soaked up much of the water and for whatever still remained alive now was did...Oh right, there is one more detail. It appears we all forgot about Antarctica. Well, if anyone wants to know what happened to the desolate wasteland of ice...


*Shows a picture of Antarctica being crushed under the private bit of a little girl. Even the coldness of Antarctica did not make Kawai even chilly down there*...It is also amazing how Antarctica even survived the hell that was the inferno.


Kawai stood up while touching her wet butt with a pouting face "Now I need some new panties" She looked over to Yukiko, who was now alone with Jade missing and Katana still on the bed "Where did Jade go?"


"Oh...Just somewhere special, maybe a happy place" She then pulled out a pair of white panties out of nowhere, balled it up, and tossed it to Kawai.


"Ah, thanks!" While Kawai was changing, after she had dried herself, Yukiko looked at her in interest,


"So...Are you more into vore or crushing?" Kawai stuck out her tongue,


"I like Vore better"


Bridgett was still on the ground, still out cold from the sequence of events she just experience and Kawai was still holding onto the body pillow for no inexplicable reason.




Science note: I am no science major and due to my inaccessibility of the internet at the time I wrote this chapter (Or rant, actually, in which I may just leave this in just because) I am pretty sure that at the size the people of Earth are, the actual bacteria that can be witnessed under a microscope can definitely by seen by the tiny people...If anything, the bacteria might be larger than the people to the point of either human size or building size. Who knows? (And considering how tiny humans are compared to Kawai and Bridgett, the size different might actually be even more glaring...To the point of probable nightmares for readers and tiny people alike) Godzilla Bacteria anyone?


I fully recognize that I could have included the detail of giant enzymes devouring entire cities and whatnot...But really now, it is already irregular that I have GIANTESS LITTLE GIRLS, the Yuri Loli's, and trap giant(s) Also, really, witnessing bacteria devouring people would be a cool scene to see, but I'm quite unsure if anyone really does want full immersion. If anyone does, I might write some variant of this particular part of the story of just make an entirely different story with TONS of details later. Or of course use your imagination.

You know what, just use your imagination.

I thank anyone who took time to read my little rant and for the next chapter I hope to do...Something productive with chapter. See you later! –From: An inconsistent writer

Chapter End Notes:

At the time of this note, I am stuck in the water for inspiration. As such...Well I don't know, read a book?

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