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I stared up at my giant mother sleeping on her bed and snoring loudly. But there was some other sound. In the background of her snoring was little thuds getting louder and louder. Someone was coming and I was stranded in the middle of the room. I ran towards her bed as whoever was coming created round the door.

There was only a 50 metre sprint till I reached the bed but got denied by a gigantic foot came over me. It landed inches in front of me, I couldn't slow down quick enough and ran straight into the side of the foot. I fell looking up at what I saw was my sister Amber.

My whole body froze in fear as she bent down and grabbed me between her thumb and index finger. "So you survived the onslaught of Chloe and Maria" she laughed. "Boy you stink badly" she said sniffing me and pulling a face. "You need a clean" she followed licking me all over.

"Were you thinking about trying to get mums attention" she asked knowing that I was. She just smiled and chucked me on my sleeping mum and said "good luck". She laughed as she left through the door. I stood and to find I was standing on her arm.

I jumped up and down in a desperate attempt to get her attention. She felt a slight tickle and she woke up. As she scratched her arm I got caught under her finger nail. A fly came a long and landed on her foot. She screamed as she whacked it with her hand I was on. The fly was no good to her flying and got squashed under the palm of her hand.

I knew I would be like that fly if she didn't see me or know that I wasn't that fly she just killed. She got up and started to get dressed. She might be 27 and a mother of 3 but she is quite a fit woman. She's over 6 foot tall and regularly goes to the gym.

I freed my arm from under her nail and tried to break free the rest of her body. I completely ignored the fact I was being waved about as my mum got out her clothes and focused on pushing on her nail. My right leg escaped followed by the other and then my torso.

Only my left arm was trapped keeping my body attached by her nail but dangling down. My arm was in too much pain to reach to my other arm and I'm not a flexible person so my feet couldn't get up there. All I could do was just try and wriggle my trapped arm.

My legs were aching from dangling for a while so I looked down to find something to rest on. I couldn't find anything to cling onto because my mum was naked and putting on her jogging shorts. As she reached down towards her shorts which were on the bed. I tried to wriggle away but that just freed me from her nail and I fell into her shorts.

I screamed as her asshole got bigger and bigger. She never wore panties when she went jogging as I noticed at that point. I froze in fear again as her asshole consumed my face and crushed my body between her cheeks. She put the rest of her clothes and left for her jog.

Every step she took sounded like a massive earthquakes, shook my body like a hurricane rocking my body back and forth, while great sweat tsunamis sprayed my body. I couldn't remove my face that was trapped in her asshole because the rest of my body was between her butt cheek-jam.

After 40 minutes of sweaty running in the heat she stopped and I could fell her panting. Also I couldn't feel the sun beaming down on me so that's what made me feel like she had stopped and went back to her room to cool down. Instead she had gone to the gym to start a whole day doing workouts.

"First I think some breakfast will get me going for the day" she said heading for the sign that had a plate on it. It probably said cafeteria in Spanish or something but anyway back to the story. She joined the line about a dozen people down from the food. A Spanish man joined in behind her and couldn't help but notice my mothers figure. He looked down at her ass which showed a sweat line down her crack. I was right in the middle of that failing at trying to escape it. The eagerness of the man took over as he drew back his hand and gave her ass a giant whack. His hand went straight into her asshole pushing my whole body into it. I was now free to move but her shorts blocked the exit. My mum screamed as she turned in frustration at the man who smiled in pleasure of feeling her ass. "How dare you do that to me" she screamed into his face punching him on the nose. "Go mum" I screamed from her ass that the man had trapped me in.The man help his nose in pain as he ran off almost crying. My mum who is called Julia watched him leave before turning back to the food line. As she got there she said to herself "hhmmmm I need something that will give me the carbs I need for the day but has something that tastes good with it. Ah beans on toast yum!" I gasped in shock as I remembered the rhyme for when you eat baked beans. 'Beans beans good for your heart, The more you eat the more you.........' Oh my shit fucking ballocks on an asshole full of horny tits. I rattled my weak hands inside her ass jumping up and down on the sticky surface. But she was too hungry to notice anything else. She sat down by herself and tucked into the meal. (Bet some of you put your life savings to thinking there would be vore in a minute) =-) When she sat down I landed on the stretchy material of her shorts and tried pushing down on it. It was no use as it was tight around her ass and then held in place by the moons of her ass cheeks. I'm pretty sure a normal person would struggle with trying to detach the two objects. Julia finished her meal complimenting it with a burp at the end. I could hear her digestive system working above me as I realised I would witness it soon if I didn't get to work. Suddenly she stood up sending back down her ass tumbling me around. Feeling good she kept a spring in her step as she strolled along to the gym. This left me bouncing off the sides of her ass hitting them hard. "Phew it's hot today" she said allowing air into her shorts try into cool them down. This finally released me from the prison and I clambered out. Landing at the bottom of her shorts right under her shaking ass I still needed fresh air. I couldn't do much as her ass cheeks still blocked me but at least it could move about freely. I always wanted some bonding time with mum as she spent all her life looking after Amber who barely noticed her in the house these days. This was not the bonding moment I had planned I thought as she opened the doors to the gym. She had come up with a routine with her starting with the apparatus at the back and working back to the exit so she had less walking about time to do. First off she started on the weights. Not much happened to me except for tumbling over and her ass getting closer to me. It was when she tried to lift a 9 kg weight she struggled. Despite her efforts to keep it above her head she dropped it and fell on the floor. This came unexpected for me as I just started lying down when I tumbled again and her ass dropped down on me again. Now my body was back stuck in her cheek jam. After a bit of help from a nearby person Julia got to her feet and chose not to carry on with the weights. She got a thumping headache so she chose just 1 item to do before she left. She walked over to what seemed to be a rower but with no seat. She sat down on it anyway squashing her ass all over me. I got pushed back inside her asshole before a rumbling sound came from above. Her entire ass started to shake as I soon found out what was happening. Those baked beans had passed through as she let the wettest fart through. The wind pushed me against the side of her ass hard. She felt this lifting one cheek of the seat and lowering her hand down. I had just escaped when her hand came back to scratch the itch that was me. Her finger pinned me against her ass as she moved about her right cheek. She immediately put her ass back down sealing me against her butt cheek. She started the machine, grabbed the handles and started rowing. What she had to do was use the handles to push and pull her along the beam like seat as if your rowing. The surface was smoothend so less friction was caused when she grinded her ass up and down on the seat. The experience was not so pleasant for me. Being flattened up against her ass cheek made me being squashed between it and the seat. Therefore when she started grinding I got crushed under her swaying ass. It was as if she was twerking sitting down with her ass moving about like this. Once again she let off a whopping fart but she didn't move her ass. This kept the smell in her shorts filling my lungs with her toxic waste. Worst of all she set the distance she had to row to 4km before she could stop. So this workout went on for almost an hour and she didn't stop one bit. As she finished she stood up gulping down her bottle of water. Still pinned to her ass cheek I was relieved that hell of a workout was finished. "Right I need to relax quickly before I get back." She said running out. Her cheek vibrated as she ran making everything look a blur. Later light finally appeared as I saw her hand lower the shorts off her ass and passed her feet. I breathed I sigh of relief and a breath of fresh air at the same time. Then I noticed that she wasn't wearing anything and was standing in the showers. The water came down splatting onto me or dripping down her body into me. After a while the water took the stick from the sweat on her ass as I fell down what felt like 1000 feet. I screamed from when I first left her ass to when I landed on my side to prevent less damage to me. I was still pretty bruised got slowly got up. But before that my mum took a step back onto me. The pressure on her heel cracked some rib bones causing me to yelp in pain. She took her foot off, now I couldn't stand and I let the water take me to my death. The drain that would soon be the death of me came nearer and nearer. There was no turning back now as I accepted my death. I took one last look up to my mum who was looking down at the floor. She looked straight at me and said "Joe?" before I disappeared down the drain where I drowned. After I fell I spent the remaining moments of my life thinking if my mum did really see me down there and if she was a second too late to save me. She didn't bother to look any further but got rather suspicious when she came home to find me missing. I was soon pronounced dead as the investigation closed two months later due to lack of leads and information. The only person in my family who missed me was Patch who took a while to get back to his normal self. But he couldn't do anything about it as the one moment of hope I had when I heard my mum call out to me "Joe"
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