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For anyone who celebrates a holiday around this time - Happy Holidays! This is my present to you :3



“I am sorry, but I call absolute bullshit,” Evangeline stated firmly. “I have known her for a long time and I do not buy that story.” Evangeline stalked down the stairs, Hadley on her shoulder.

“I do not know for sure, but why would she want to be a part of the Class Law Division? It would take someone really twisted to go into a career with the only purpose being to jeopardize that Division.”

Evangeline snorted. “I would not put it past her.”

“Come on,” Hadley urged. “She seemed sincere.”

“What about the time she assaulted us in the hall?”

“I did technically provoke her,” Hadley recalled, but Evangeline was not convinced.

“So she is saying that it is all about Henry White trying to keep in business?”

Hadley audibly sighed. “You know there are people in the world who would hold anything over someone’s head to get them to sing their tune.” Evangeline frowned, but was silent. “Political candidates often go against their own beliefs to gain favor from those who would back them.”

“And you think that is what Henry White is doing?”

As the entered the living room, Ambrose popped out of the kitchen. “Do I hear talk of Henry White?” Evangeline frowned at her father, while Hadley called out affirmation. “We used to see each other on occasion at business gatherings. You discussing his business practices?”

“In part,” Evangeline said, “but mostly his daughter.”

“The eldest?” He pouted in thought. “Isabelle, right?” Evangeline nodded. “She and Elizabeth both seemed like bright young girls when they visited the lab, all those years ago.”

“More like doom and gloom these days,” Evangeline groaned.

“Pity,” Ambrose said with a shrug. “Cake?” He produced a plate with a slice of flourless chocolate cake on it, from behind his back.

“We have not had dinner yet,” Evangeline informed him.

Ambrose just grinned impishly. “Then do not tell Jaz.” Hadley giggled and urged Evangeline to take the cake. “Dinner is in twenty. You had better hurry before Jazeera gets home.”

Evangeline exhaled a laugh and took the plate. She and Hadley settled at the dining room table, and shared the slice. “This is so delicious, Ambrose,” Hadley called out though a mouthful, causing Evangeline to giggle at her.

“It is rather great, Dad,” Evangeline agreed. “It is my favorite kind of cake,” she told Hadley.

“Good to know, if I ever find myself making you a cake.” They laughed together about the prospect.

Ambrose set out dinner and was just putting the finishing touches on when Jazeera got home. “You outdo yourself every year, Ambrose,” she praised as they all settled around the table. “Happy holidays, everyone!”

“A toast!” Ambrose cheered. “I am thankful for the growth of our family and the love that we all share!”

“I am thankful for the opportunity we have been presented with to grow together,” Jazeera added.

“I am thankful for the successes we have had and the support we all share,” Hadley sang loudly, grinning broadly.

“I am thankful for the hope that we give each other,” Evangeline finished.

They raised their glasses in unison and then dug in. Hadley thanked Ambrose for making her favorite meal. “It is my pleasure,” he afforded. “This is your first holiday with us and it should be special!”

“So, I am sad to see that your family declined to join us,” Jazeera noted.

Hadley nodded somberly. “James is home for the holiday and is not the socializing type,” Hadley informed her.

“Which is code for ‘he is not a fan of the upper class’,” she returned smoothly. “I mandated that anyone working for Transupport has two weeks of paid vacation for the holiday and New Year. I hope he enjoys the time with his family.”

“Yes, thank you! I will be over there tomorrow and I really look forward to seeing him!”

Conversation shifted through numerous topics while everyone enjoyed the food and company. Finally, everyone pushed their plates away and Jazeera rose. “I heard Ambrose made some cake,” she said with a smile, moving to the kitchen. Evangeline, Hadley, and Ambrose exchanged looks. Jazeera returned, holding the cake dish with a piece distinctly missing. “I see someone got into the cake early,” she eyed each of the suspects.

At once, Hadley pointed at Evangeline, Evangeline pointed at Ambrose, and Ambrose pointed at Hadley, each accusing another of being the perpetrator. The moment was held, as they all tried to keep straight faces, but then everyone broke into laughter.

They took their slices of cake to the family room, where an exchange of gifts happened. Jazeera received the latest in communication software. Ambrose received a high-tech set of scalpels. He made a show of hugging the safely packaged scalpels in a loving embrace. Evangeline received an earpiece alarm set, but she noted that it was not really for her, with a laugh. She also received a pair of sunglasses that everyone agreed would go very well with her SPD uniform. They had a lot of tech features that Evangeline and Hadley agreed to explore together.

Evangeline handed Hadley, who sat on her thigh, a package. The smaller girl immediately dropped it to her thigh, squawking that it was heavy. She tore at the wrapping and then opened the box that was large to her. From inside she held up a notebook. “We figured that you are going to need some supplies when you get into Infinity University,” Evangeline grinned down at her as she stared dumbfounded back.

“Guys!” Hadley called back. “This is amazing!”

Jazeera stepped forward, placing a new package on Evangeline’s thigh, in front of Hadley. Evangeline had not realized that anything else had been gotten for Hadley and looked up in confusion at her mother, who just smiled pristinely.

Hadley opened the new package, revealing a watch sized for an S class person. Hadley and Evangeline both looked to her in confusion. “This is a reminder that time is the same for everyone,” Jazeera explained. Hadley touched her hand to the clock face, watching the analog hands ticking.

“I like it! I can put it in my room,” Hadley said, grinning up at Jazeera.

Which gift giving concluded, they settled in for a movie. Ambrose and Jazeera shared the loveseat, while Evangeline lay across the length of the couch, with Hadley on her stomach, just above her navel. It was a short holiday film that was traditional for the family to watch, and when it was finished, Jazeera and Ambrose excused themselves. Evangeline smiled as the left, knowing they generally felt obligated to stick around for family time, but with Hadley as an addition, Evangeline would not be alone.

Evangeline switched off the television and looked to Hadley, who swayed slightly where she sat cross-legged. “Hadley?”

The other girl jerked her head toward her, a goofy grin on her face. She stood and strode up Evangeline’s torso, stumbling slightly, causing Evangeline’s brow to furrow. She walked straight up to Evangeline’s face, clumsily climbing onto it until they were looking eye to eye. Evangeline stared wide-eyed. “Eva,” Hadley started, giggling as she spoke, “I love you.” Evangeline felt her face heat, with Hadley’s hands cool against her cheeks. “Like, you are a super awesome friend,” Hadley continued. “The best of friends! I had some friends before, but they were more bonds of circumstance, you know?”

“Hadley,” Evangeline mumbled, trying very hard to keep her lips from parting too much.

“Yes, Eva?”

“Are you drunk?”

Hadley grinned down at Evangeline. “My toasting glass was rather large,” she giggled.

“You are going to see your family tomorrow; would you like to go to bed?”

Hadley pouted, lifting so that she was kneeling. “That is not really fun.” She shifted backwards, stumbling off of Evangeline’s chin, tumbling onto Evangeline’s chest. Evangeline raised just her head to check on her friend. Hadley looked perplexed. “It is cold,” the smaller girl announced. “You should share the covers.”

Evangeline was about to ask about which covers she meant, but Hadley lifted the collar of Evangeline’s shirt, wriggling her way under and then hugging it close to her neck. “Hadley,” Evangeline said, “that is my shirt.”

Hadley lifted herself up into her elbow, looking down at the material that covered her. “Huh, so it is.” She lifted the collar over her head, causing Evangeline to reflexively sit up.

“Hadley,” Evangeline squeaked. The smaller girl had caught her foot in Evangeline’s bra and her hand pressed into the flesh at the top of Evangeline’s breast, just below her collarbone. Evangeline hastily reached her hand up her shirt, blindly grasping onto the girl, lifting her out of the bra and then bringing her out from inside the shirt. “Are you alright,” she surveyed.

Hadley chuckled. “Meeting them up close, your boobies are kind of small,” she hummed. “Mine are almost as big,” she said, grabbing her own chest.

“We are getting you some water,” Evangeline announced, rising from the couch.

“Can I sit on your shoulder?”

“No,” Evangeline stated flatly.

“You are being a party pooper,” she pouted, squirming in Evangeline’s grasp.

Evangeline placed her on the kitchen counter, far from the edge and found an F class sized water bottle, bringing it to her friend. “I am looking out for your health,” she asserted, holding the bottle out to Hadley. “Drink some of this.”

“I am not drunk,” Hadley declared.

“Then you will drink some for me, right?”

Hadley’s eyes narrowed on Evangeline. “Only if you do something for me.”

“Why do I have to do something for you?”

“Because,” Hadley comically drew out the word, “this is a negotiation.”

Evangeline rolled her eyes. “What do you want?”

“It is nothing much,” Hadley informed her. “Just a peck on the cheek,” she pointed to her own cheek.

Evangeline’s eyes narrowed. “And if I do this, you will drink the water?” Hadley nodded, smiling primly. Evangeline sighed and leaned over the counter as Hadley turned her head, making her cheek more easily accessible. Just as Evangeline reached Hadley, lips puckered, she caught the shift of the girl’s head. Hadley had turned so that lips met lips.

Evangeline jerked back, a moment too late. Contact had been made and Hadley grinned up at her. “Hadley!”

“I will drink the whole bottle for that,” Hadley sang.

“You just drunkenly coerced a kiss out of me,” Evangeline grumbled, color suffusing her cheeks. “Drink. Then we are going to bed.”

Hadley frowned as she chugged water. Pulling the bottle away from her lips, she said, “it was just a kiss, Eva. Let’s not move too fast.” She giggled to herself as she drank more water, but Evangeline was blushing madly at her words. Hadley held an empty bottle up to Evangeline, who took it, disposing of it. “Alright, take me away,” she sang.

Evangeline plucked her off the counter, moving them both upstairs. She opened the roof of Hadley’s apartment, depositing the girl in her bedroom. “Get ready for bed and do not forget to set your alarm.”

“Your face is red, Eva. You sure you are not drunk,” Hadley chuckled. Evangeline shook her head. “Alright, I am going. Good night and happy holidays!”

Evangeline returned the sentiment and left the roof open while she went to do her own night time things. When she returned, Hadley was already asleep. She shook her head, returning downstairs to retrieve Hadley’s new watch, placing it in the corner of the girl’s bedroom before she shut the roof.

Chapter End Notes:

I hope this was enjoyable. I look forward to feedback!

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