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Author's Chapter Notes:

Things begin to grow tense between Kelly and Jake as she gains her independence back and he wonders about the future. Written from Jake's point of view 

Sleeping in a purse actually wasn't so bad ... at least it was kind of soft and forgiving on my back, I thought as I rolled over a couple of times. I wore myself out changing positions until I finally settled on my back, staring straight up at nothing in particular. I couldn't help but think in my head how I had ended up at this point. A selfish part of me even wondered how much different things could've been if I had just left the tiny lady alone at the museum. She didn't want me to find her and she didn't even want my help... yet, now that I had found her and all of these things had transpired, she was thinking of getting back together with her ex-boyfriend. So where did that leave me?

Shrunk. Stranded. Alone.

I flinched at the thought but even worse, I was powerless to change it. I was also too tired to dwell on it and so I was soon fast asleep.

In the hours that followed, I remember only brief sounds. Some of them loud and thunderous as the 2 girls made their way around the room. Then I heard some distant sounds in the background. I could hear faint conversation and even the sounds of silverware from the nearby kitchen. I groaned as a headache grew within me. This was too much to process. Where the hell was Kelly?

Out of boredom, I slipped my cell phone from my pocket again, seemingly obsessed with the small device all of a sudden. After all, I knew it wouldn't be long before the phone would die and I'd be completely cut off from the rest of the world. And then what? Was Kelly planning on giving me up to someone else? Was she going to keep me with her when she got back home? Even if she did that, did I really want to watch her hook up with her old boyfriend again? What would he think of all this?

My phone suddenly flickers to life and reveals that I have 2 text messages waiting. They're both from Kendra.

There's another thought... if I had stayed with her, I definitely wouldn't be in this mess. I guess I can't say that for sure but it was unlikely I ever would've met Lillian and even more unlikely I'd be inside her purse at the moment.

The messages from Kendra were short. They usually were, towards the tail end of our relationship. We used to talk all the time, multiple times a day, but after a while, we became too used to each other. She'd be reluctant to talk certain days, unless it was important. Needless to say, this was important.

Kendra's 2 text messages were just : "Jake?"

and then a second one that read : "Am I crazy or did you try to call me last night?"

I decided to leave it be -- for now. I had a sneaking suspicion that I would be tempted to revisit the idea of texting Kendra again though and I was worried about what that may lead to. Hopefully my phone may die by then and leave me no such option. I was about to get comfortable for another power nap when I suddenly felt the purse lifting up off of the ground. Now I could hear more clearly what the ladies were saying.

"Thank you again so much" Kelly said, as I felt the purse shift violently to the side when she gave her friend a hug.

"Think nothing of it, seriously" Jess replied, "are you sure you don't need anything else?"

"You are seriously amazing" Kelly answered, "but I think I'll be good, you've done more than enough. Thank you so much"

"No worries. I'm glad you called your dad and told him you'd be heading back" Jess said, "but seriously girl, you need to tell me what happened sometime... where have you been?"

"I...I'll tell you someday" Kelly said after a long pause. "I'm just kind of relieved to see my dad again"

"You remember the way to the station, right?" Jess asked.

"Yes, I should be good, but I'll call you if I get lost" Kelly replied.

"You still have my number? Don't go dissapearing on me again" I heard Jess chuckle.

"Yes, yes" Kelly said, with a slight chuckle in her voice as the purse slowly bobbed up and down with each step. "I'll give you a call if anything comes up, and thanks again. We'll have to hang out when things are more... settled"

"Definitely" Jess said, and I could hear the girls' voice get more distant as Kelly walked away. Now it was finally just her and I. There was something comforting about that thought, even if we were seperated by a great distant and a dark suede purse. At least, I think it was seude. Whatever it was, was kind of comfortable.

A long time passed in between Kelly saying goodbye and her reaching what sounded like an elevator. I heard her take a couple footsteps and felt myself get jarred again. Not that I was complaining but I most likely wasn't getting any sleep like this. I'd be glad to get this whole ordeal behind me anyway.

I heard the mechanical "ding" of an elevator and felt the slow, fleeting feeling of Kelly and I descending down the levels of Jess' apartment building. Before long, I heard the doors open again and Kelly stepped out into the outdoors. All this time, I wondered why she hadn't talked to me, and why she was so quick to end our conversation last night.

Was it something I said? I worried. I wasn't the best with detecting these types of things. Often times, I'd offend Kendra on accident and not even realize it until days later. I hoped Kelly would at least stop and tell me if something I said or did bothered her. Did she forget I was in here?

I felt her footsteps continue as the sounds of the city served as a greater distraction. I could feel every small bump on her route, until finally I felt the purse slowly swing to one side. She lowered it down some and her giant hands soon parted the steel teeth above me. I could see her face peering down from miles above me.

"Hey..." she said, her face appearing even more gorgeous with the proper amount of sunlight illuminating it from overhead. She no longer looked as tired ; probably a pleasant result from the goodnight sleep and the shower products she had used. Now it was me that appeared dis-sheveled by comparison. I stood up weakly to greet her. "Are you okay in there?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine" I sighed, trying to put a smile on my face but it was like I couldn't bring myself to. "I'm uh glad you're fine too"

"Yeah..." she said, slowly nodding as if deep in thought. I would've loved to know in that moment what she was thinking. "Yeah... I think things are going to be okay"

I looked at her kind of puzzled but didn't want to upset the situation. I was glad to see her with a calmer demeanor but how was this going to be okay? How was I going to be okay? I hope she didn't think this was okay because riding in a cramped purse for the rest of my life wasn't really the plan I had in mind when I went to college.

I decided to acknowledge her words with a simple nod and nothing more.

"So, I'm going to be getting on the train soon" Kelly said, "I'm going back to my house in Valleydale... I called my dad while we were at Jess' and gave him the good news"

"I know" I said, nodding slowly, "I heard"

"I'm so excited honestly" she said, a bright smile lighting her face as she looked down on me in the bag, "My dad's going to be ecstatic to see me -- I thought I was dead... can you imagine, Jake? I feel so bad for making him worry..."

"It's okay" I said, trying to be the sympathetic one here, "You didn't mean for any of this to happen and... it wasn't your fault. I'm just glad... I'm glad you're okay and going home... you deserve this"

There was a long pause after I said that and Kelly's face remained static.

"Yeah... um... thank you... seriously. Thank you so much... none of this would be possible without you" Kelly said. "But I need to ask you something"

"Sure, ask away" I replied

"I think I already know what you'll say..." Kelly said, "but are you sure you want to come with me? I mean, to Valleydale... once we get on the train, my dad said he'd pick me up from the station. We'll pretty much be right back at my house. I have no issues with taking you, obviously and considering everything that's going on..."

"...well, where else could I go?" I said, a slight defiance in my voice. I don't know why but I was suddenly feeling very angry inside. I felt like I was being neglected or ignored. Despite the fact that I was happy for her, I feel like my being small was just an inconvenience for her, and I was just a distraction. Something to be dealt with and set aside...

"...I know, I know" Kelly said, slowing down and letting me vent. "I didn't mean that, I just meant... you're welcome to stay with me, but I don't know if there was anyone you wanted to call... any friend or family member that you wanted to talk to... because I know what it's like to be alone, Jake... I was in your shoes not too long ago..."

"Yeah, I know..." I groaned, feeling like a real fool right now as she spoke.

"...and Jake, I completely understand if you're mad at me, and I really don't want you to be..." Kelly said, her voice breaking a bit as she spoke. "but I can understand it... trust me, I can. I just don't want you to hate me, okay? No matter what happens... you're welcome to stay with me but please... understand..."

"I'd never hate you, Kelly" I smiled. "I wouldn't have tried to help you if I had. It's not your fault any of this happened"

Kelly nodded.

"Thank you so much for understanding" Kelly said, "We'll talk more once we get back to Valleydale"

With that, she slowly zipped up the purse, leaving me alone in the darkness. I threw my arms to the side and sighed. I felt like I had so much more to say but it didn't matter. She shut me out because she could, because I was too little to do anything about it. She got up from the bench or seat or whereever she had been and started walking again. I heard the crowd noises pick up as she walked towards the train station. Before long, we were there and the doors parted, letting us in. I sat uselessly inside the purse and waited out the long train ride.

Looks like my next stop was Kelly's home town...
Chapter End Notes:

I hope you guys are enjoying the story and haven't minded the couple of chapters being on the slower side. I promise some intriguing plot twists in the next few chapters as we begin to meet people from Kelly's former life and Jake begins to examine his own future a little more closely. 

Until then, I'm here to field your comments, questions and ideas and thank you again for reading and supporting my story 

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