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Professor Hammer stood in the now empty lecturing room. She was astonished and angry. How dare they! A shame for their science! She, who knew more about the growing agent than them! She, who had suffered in the tropical climate for months, worked under primitive circumstances, to get this sample! A sample that worked! Sandra was mad at those conservative, arrogant fools who were blind for the possibilities of her discovery.
Sulking, she went to the canteen. She had to eat something. Much to her dismay, prof. Hammer saw that Laura Wolf was cooking in the kitchen today.
Laura was a small, squatty woman (5'2), around thirty, with long, dirty-blond hair. She had a round face, small, brown piggy eyes and quite big breasts (E- cups, but prof. Hammer didn't know that). Laura's feet were small and carried thick, almost trunk-like calves. Her behind and hips were impressive.
All in all, the cook was quite the opposite of prof. Hammer, who stood a proud six feet tall. The professor, 34 years old, had a plain face, flat like a pancake, with a small nose and quite large, grey-brown eyes. Her neck-length hair had the color of beach sand. Small A-cup  breasts, a thin body with almost no hip and quite big feet (size 12).
Although she would never admit it, prof. Hammer secretly envied Laura. She envied her boobs, her hips, cooking skills, and her- in Sandra's eyes- easy job. Therefore, she always treated her like dirt.

Laura didn't like prof. Hammer either. In her eyes, it was Sandra who had the easy job, got well paid and did research she, Laura, could hardly see the use of. And Laura was envious of prof. Hammers' height. The way the professor treated her only fuelled Laura's dislike.

It was an unpleasant surprise, to say the least, for Laura when the University's management ordered her to accompany prof. Hammer and her team to Rwanda a few months ago, where they did some research in a weird, local mountain range. Laura was supposed to cook the meals for them, as the local food was either of a too low quality or too risky to eat because of the bad hygienic circumstances. So Laura spend three months in Eastern Africa near the equator, in a damp, jungle-like surrounding trying to make food as good as she could manage.

Because of their mutual dislike, Laura considered the local insect fauna she had to keep out of her field kitchen less a pest than prof. Hammer.

As she saw Sandra enter the canteen and take seat, her heart sank.

"There is that beanstalk again," she thought. But she had to serve her, whether she liked it or not. So she approached her.

"Yes?" Laura asked, with a little more despise in her voice as she intended.

"The same as always. And don't ask so stupid," Sandra sneered without even looking at her. The cook stood next to her, looking at prof. Hammer with anger. The beanstalk was today even cheekier than usual. Sandra noticed that Laura didn't move from the corner of her eye. She turned towards her.

"If it is possible, can you make it still this millennium, huh?" Sandra spat at her.

Laura shot her an angry look and left, muttering curses, for the kitchen. Just as she entered it, she bumped into Alexandra, a 23-year old student, who worked as a kitchen help and waitress for her. Alexandra studied Geochemistry and Sandra Hammer was her professor. She got her job in Laura's kitchen because of her, the professor had good connections with the University's management. Sandra had taken care Alexandra got the job so she wouldn't always be served by Laura.
Alexandra was a beauty. She had dark hair, almost black, and eyes equally dark because of her partially Greek ancestry. Slim and athletic, 5'7 tall. Compared to Sandra and certainly Laura, Alexandra was a stunner.
Because of all this, Laura didn't like Alexandra too. A mutual dislike, for Alexandra admired her professor and knew Laura and Sandra hated each other. The dislike between cook and kitchen help had grown in the last months as well because Alexandra was with them in Rwanda, both to study and to aid Laura. The reason for that growth was she didn't provide much "aid" back there. Claiming she was needed by the professor, Alexandra left Laura doing everything by herself most of the time.
And now she and Laura had collided. Too bad Alexandra was just carrying two full plates, which fell clattering on the ground. Their contents splattered all over the tiles.

"GOD DAMMIT!!" Laura swore. "Can't you watch out?"

"Why, you suddenly came around the corner and...." Alexandra protested, but Laura cut her off.

"Shut up and clean this mess, or else you're fired," she hissed and left for the kitchen.

"Slaves are released, not fired," Alexandra muttered as she began cleaning the mess. A lot of hatred in the air today.

Sandra ate without much appetite. Her mind was focused on showing those fools she was correct. She hated the headmaster and the others. Sandra, in her fantasy, thought of all kinds how she killed the members, one by one , while they cowered in fear for her.

"Perhaps I should drink it myself," she thought. "Grow into a giant and squash them to goo. Yes, that'd be..."

Sandra looked up. In her mind, she saw herself, gigantic, her tiny audience at her mercy. They were afraid, tried to run away but she was just too big to get away from. She grabbed the tiny men like dolls, and killed them by merely squeezing them in her hands. One of them ended under her boot, crushed like an insect. Another one, she ate alive. Sandra laughed. It was a good thought.

An exciting thought.

"Yes. That is what I'm going to do! That'll show them! I've got more than enough of the stuff to grow bigger than King Kong! Yes!!!"

The young professor stood up and went for her laboratory. It'd be a unique revenge!

Too bad that she had spoken her last thought aloud and Laura, removing plates from a nearby table, had heard it.

Sandra drove quickly to her lab, which was located on the other side of Detroit. She would show them. Oh yes!

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