[Reviews - 31] starstarstarstarstarPrinter

Rick, a young and jaded NYC lawyer, becomes fed up with life. Things take an interesting twist though when he meets a woman with magical powers at a bar.



Rated: X
Categories: Giantess, Body Exploration, Butt, Feet, Gentle, Insertion, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: Yes
Word count: 41127 Read: 295741
Published: December 14 2014 Updated: August 08 2015

1. The Disappointment by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar (2350 words)


This chapter is setting up the background, just to help you know some of the main characters before the shrinking begins.


I promise the GTS stuff will start in Chapter 2, so stay tuned :)

2. Magina the Giantess by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 0] (2404 words)

What is in store for a shrunken Rick and a normal-sized Magina?

3. The Salon: Round 1 by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 0] (2088 words)

Things are about to change for the worse..

4. Rick and His Torture : Part 1 by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (827 words)

5. Rick and His Torture: Part 2 by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 1] (2208 words)

6. Rick and the End of His Torture by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2214 words)

7. Pictures With Magina by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2237 words)

8. The Salon: Round 2 by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2471 words)

9. Giantess Amy by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 0] (2001 words)

10. Building Confidence by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1985 words)

11. A Growing Relationship by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2487 words)

12. Inside Magina and a Twist by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1817 words)

13. Amy and Lena by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (2311 words)

This chapter is from Amy's POV.


14. Giantess Lena by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (2600 words)

15. Magina vs. Imperia by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 0] (2259 words)

The battle of the sisters!

16. The Yacht by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2253 words)

WARNING: Very brief moment with a giant man towards the end of the chapter- it isn't long, but felt like it adds to the flow of the story. Just thought I would warn you in advance about that.. but it isn't long at all - almost entirely giantesess.

17. Sisters by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 1] (2254 words)

18. Outlook Changed by Somewhereinthenight [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (2253 words)