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Stinky was soon picked up by the male toe jam figure.

"Why hello there Stinky! Are you ready to stay with us for four days?!," suddenly he caught a whiff of something strong and pungent as he then said, "Whoo! Speaking of Stinky!"

Stinky was then handed over to the female of the two.

"Oh I see how it is!," she joked as she carried him to the inside of the "sock-house", "now let Aunty Jam get you all cleaned up."

When he was taken inside the sock-house, he found it was very simplistic. Not like his Poopy-House. There was no tv, as far as he could tell, but there was what looked to be books made out of toenail clippings. He was gonna ask if those where actually books that he was seeing, when he was startled by a strange and noisy thing coming right after him.

The "creature" seemed to be some kind of mushroom thingy coming towards him and making a weird barking/squishing sound.

Stinky covered his face in his Aunty Jam's shoulder.

"Shame on you! For scaring the little one!," she scolded the strange "creature" before cooing to Stinky, "there. There. There. There. It's ok now! It's just our Fungog Athlete. Can you say 'Hi Athlete'?"

Stinky just looked at the strange "creature" and said, "Hi Athlete!"

The "creature" called a Fungog and known as Athlete wagged its moldy tail as it then called out, "Barquish! Barquish! Barquish!"

"There. You see? You two are friends now," stated Aunty Jam.

Soon Stinky was laid down, as he was given another "diaper change". When he was done, he was set down into an empty toenail polish bottle. He didn't like this one bit! But he knew he didn't have a choice. So he just sat down and waited patiently.

"Here!," stated Aunty Jam as she placed Athlete into the polish pen with him, "you two play nice now!"

As she left, Athlete began "licking" at Stinky's face. This caused him to giggle and pet Athlete. This became a little cycle. The cycle was broken, when they were taken out of their polish pen, by Uncle Toe.

"Hey there little guy!," he said to the tiny human, "how about I show you around the farm!"

"Farm?," Stinky had asked curiously.

"Yep! This is our Toenail Farm, and we live here! Now let's show you the shoestrings first!"

He was taken outside through some of the toenail fields. He looked at and began to see just how truly MASSIVE this place is. They soon came to a place, that looked like a fence that was made out of high-heels. Inside he saw what looked to be shoestrings wandering about.

"These are our Shoestrings!," spoke his Uncle Toe, "we breed them and raise them for their warmth and for their nutritional features."

Soon Stinky found himself asking, "can I pet them?"

"I don't see why not!"

Soon Stinky was given tiny pieces (or flakes) of plastics.

"What're these?," he had to ask his Uncle Toe.

Uncle Toe just replied, "why those are aglets! It's what shoestrings like to eat."

Soon the shoestrings came right for them, as they began to eat out of Stinky's hand. This gave Stinky the opportunity to pet them.

"Good shoestrings," he said to them gently, "good shoestrings."

He was soon taken away from there, as he was led to the next place. He looked around this area to see what he thought was slippers sliding all over the place.

"This!," shouted out his Uncle Toe joyfully, "is how we get around!"

"Slippers?," the tiny male had to ask.

"Would you like to ride one?"

"Uh? Ride one?"

Uncle Toe soon whistled, as a tiny little pink slipper with ponies on it showed up.

"Now this should be perfect for you!," said his Uncle Toe, as he began lowering Stinky into it.

This caused Pavel to struggle to break free and yell, "No! That's a baby girl's shoe! Don't put me in that one!"

"Hey!," scolded Uncle Toe, "don't make me call Sabel Zerose on you!"

Pavel soon stopped, before starting up again. The struggling would not let up and the intensity only grew stronger with each passing second. It became apparent, that Uncle Toe had no choice.

"Oh mistress!," was all that Uncle Toe had to say.

Pavel soon found himself at the feet of Sabel. He soon found himself to be placed inside her mouth, so she could give him his "licking".

"This! Is! What! You! Get! For! Being! Naughty! During! A! Slipper! Ride!," she yelled to him with each swat.

"Buh-but! It's for babies who are girls!," he whined in protest.

He was soon dropped into Sabel's hand.

She then said to him, "uh? No offense but you are a baby."

"What?! No I'm not!," he snapped.

"Uh? You're wearing a 'diaper'."

"That's not fair! I am perfectly potty trained!"

"Oh is that so? Well I'm gonna put you someplace safe, while I go and make a little phone call."

Soon Pavel was taken into Sabel's room, as he was dropped into her sock and underwear drawer. Then the lid was closed on him, causing him to be trapped inside this darkness. What was to happen to him? And what was he to do now?

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