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The room looked more like a yoga studio than a classroom, with wood flooring, and a mirror lining one wall. Perhaps a dozen chairs were set in rows, and Vanessa could see several of them were already occupied with young attractive girls as she filed in. While they all waited, she admired and envied the amazingly flat and defined tummy of the girl next to her. Vanessa was no slouch in the fitness department, but despite being exceptionally trim, her muscle definition never showed through the same way. She wondered what the woman's secret was. Probably starvation, something Vanessa had never given more than fleeting consideration. 

A woman walked in, closing the door behind her, and addressed the group, "Welcome ladies. You have all been carefully screened and selected to be here. This is goddess resort, and during your stay, if you follow our guidance, you are to be worshipped as goddess among men." There was some rustling and a chuckle at the dramatic opening. 

The presenter waved her hand and the lights went out, quickly punctuated by a projected image of some kind ofaztec monument. "Our journey began in Mexico, where for decades archaeologists have been revealing the history of a majestic ancient civilization." The picture changed to a moving collage, mostly of old looking gold jewelry. "The Aztecs were obsessed with gold. They molded it, worshiped it, and decorated their lives with it. However, they were also fascinated with the gods, or so we thought." 

The picture changed again to a stone carved tablet that appeared to depict a story. "Tablets like these have been uncovered from civilizations all over the world. Notice the proportions of the figures. Mainstream historians assumed this woman to be a god of fertility. Notice the size difference of the figures. She was drawn larger than the others to show she was the diety, the one they worshipped." 

The image switched to another panel, the crowd gasped and laughed as the processed the sexuality of the images. In these panels, the woman was repeatedly performing felatio to men, sometimes several men. "Recently, we uncovered this panel. Some dismissed it as mere entertainment, an early form of pornography. However, others were skeptical. The Aztecs are a people free with their bodies, often covered in nothing but jewlery. Why would a people who would merely walk their streets to see and touch real naked human flesh, laboriously spend years carving stone pornography? It is estimated that this fragment alone would have taken several artists more than a month of carving to complete." The picture dramatically zoomed out, showing that the fragment was only a small part of a wall of pictures, more than ten times larger. "The entire wall, it is estimated, might have taken more than a year. What purpose did it serve?

"Our own scientists spent years researching just that, and finally developed a theory. That theory was quickly shunned by the academic community, both because of the sexual nature of the tablets, and the unconventional ramifications." The screen shifted again, and now showed modern computer graphics connecting individual fragments of the Aztec story. "What we now know, is that the tables were not merely entertainment or even a story. They were an instruction manual. They depicted an ancient Aztec ritual, one that you will take part in this week while you enjoy your stay here." 

A door across the room opened, and someone entered. In the dim light of the projection, Vanessa could see that it was a completely naked man. He stood off to the side of the room. "On your applications, you all accepted a willingness to engage in sexual acts freely, sometimes publicly. May I have a volunteer to perform oral sex on this male resort guest?" The presenter scanned the room, and waved for a girl from the back to come up. Vanessa was shocked at how quickly someone had submitted. 

"Miss, what is your name, and may I ask how tall you are?" The audience couldn't hear her response so the presenter repeated it, "Jennifer is five foot nine. I need one of you the same height to merely stand next to her. Is there someone here who is five foot nine?" Vanessa was. What the heck, she rose her hand and the presenter gestured her forward. "Both of you please remove your shoes and stand facing each other. Closer." The woman pressed them until their noses were nearly touching. "You can all see these women are virtually identical heights." There were some nods and sounds of affirmation from the audience. 

The hostess gestured to Vanessa, "miss you may sit down. Jennifer, please see to our hotel guest over there, and please swallow his entire production." The volunteer walked over out of the light of the projector, and wasted no time in kneeling down and going to work on him there in front of the classroom. From the resort description Vanessa had expected some crazy happenings during her time here, but she wouldn't have predicted she'd be sitting in a classroom watching a powerpoint presentation while a man was fellated on the sideline. 

Despite the provocative distraction, the presenter reasserted her attention over the room. "These pictographs are the key elements of the story. In the left panel you see the rashja, the nectar, and the man drinking it. In the center panel you see the tonyata, or the transfer. The woman is pleasuring him orally to receive his production. The final step is the sernasa, the swelling, or the growth. The potency of the rashja, blessed and embodied by the male, has transformed the female. The sequence repeats, over an over, each segment building on the last, and the result?" 

The graphics changed, the right-hand panel becoming a flipbook, each flip changing the female figures shape. Where she started average, even homely, with each flip she slimmed and gained definition, then her form elongated and grew. Taller and more defined. The flipbook slid on the screen, making room for the previous carving, of the goddess of fertility. As it flipped, the woman's appearance approached that of the goddess. "This story was an instruction book, and instruction book to make the goddess." The crowd rustled and some laughed out loud at the seemingly preposterous implication. 

Somehow the woman pleasuring the man off to the side now seemed like a parlor trick, like this was some kind of magic show, or slight of hand. The thought entered Vanessa's mind that she could have been a plant, that would certainly explain why she so quickly volunteered. "We presented our interpretation at an international panel of academics. Their response, was to cast us out. We were accused of fabricating everything, including the tablets themselves, for sensationalism and attention. We were not only devastated, we were furious. Uncovering the tablets and their meanings had been almost a decade of work. Some of us were determined to set the record straight. We spent the next several years hunting the region for the source of our rashja, the nectar that we so firmly believed would demonstrate the truth in our interpretation. It was not an easy process. Once we found it, we began an entirely unconventional investigation, as the instructions next step clearly calls for sexual acts. Our team became mired in emotion and personal struggles, nearly tearing itself apart." 

The picture went black, shrouding the room in dimness, and leaving the still bobbing head of the volunteer as the most prominent visual. "When we finally achieved the sernasa, we were elated. The effects were temporary, but astounding. We could finally prove our theories. However, after a few nights of reflection, we realized what we had was sacred. It was more important than fame, and more important than the Aztec gold." A picture returned, showing an ornately decorated glass, filled with a red liquid that could have been fruit punch bought at a stateside supermarket. "Rashja was the Aztec's legacy, their contribution to sexuality. It is that gift which we are sharing with you here. You will all be goddess among men. You will take the tonyata, and each experience sernasa. Lights please." The volunteer had finished her task, and was sitting patiently on the floor, the man had already left the room in the darkness. 

"Jennifer, you are about to experience sernasa. Let me warn you that there will temporarily be some severe discomfort, even pain. Please come stand over here." The presenter then turned to Vanessa, "miss, would you rejoin us and again stand facing Jennifer please." Vanessa skeptically rose from her seat, standing nose-to-nose in front of the other volunteer.

"Sernasa you experience here at the resort will be slower and calmer than what you are about to see. The comfort of our guests, all of our guests, is our utmost concern. However, we have learned that you will better submit to the rashja, and enjoy your time here, with an undeniable demonstration. Jennifer please brace yourself on her shoulders, and try your best to stay standing. Everyone, please watch carefully, as Jennifer begins her first step in becoming a goddess. It may take several minutes to begin." 

The room grew silent. Vanessa was reminded of watching David Copperfield make the Statue of Liberty disappear on national television. Her mind prepared for a source of trickery or distraction as she started at the eyes of Jennifer in front of her. 

Vanessa was the first to notice the onset of Jennifer's distress, as she could see it in her eyes, and feel it in her grip. Jennifer did her best to hide it, but in a moment she winced and let out a little yelp of pain. Originally just a contortion of her face, everyone could see and hear that this was much more than mild discomfort. She was already having trouble standing straight. The presenter moved and placed her hand on Jennifer's back in comfort, "breath deeply. The pain will only last a few minutes. Focus on my voice and your breathing. Yes. There is the beginning. I can see the definition in her arms increasing."

The presenter turned to the audience. "Please, come up out of your seats if you wish, you should see this up close." Vanessa was already inches from Jennifer's physique, and felt a chill run through her spine as she saw unnatural movement in her shoulder and neckline. Was it merely body movement? She couldn't be sure, but why did it cause her to shiver? When the moment passed, she could see Jennifer's eyes had risen notably higher. Had she let her posture slouch? She did her best to stand up straight as an arrow as Jennifer cried and winced at another wave of pain. "It's okay, breathe." 

Several of the girls had risen from their seats, and were standing near them now, careful not to block the view of others. One of the girls was pointing at Jennifer's leg and whispering something under her breath. Vanessa noticed it was shaking violently. "I can't, I can't," Jennifer cried out, falling onto Vanessa. Held for support, Jennifer's pain was obvious to everyone as she weeped, "it hurts, I can't handle it..." The thought crossed Vanessa's mind that in a magic show, this would be the distraction, the unexpected element everyone could focus on while they were secretly being duped. Yet the girl was crying in her arms. How exactly would they dup *her*? She felt another shiver as Jennifer's body shifted unnaturally against her. 

"Can you see it?" The presenter queried the observers. Some of them were nodding, others still searching for some confirmation of the outlandish claims. One girl was defensively postured in her chair, shaking her head, refusing to be pulled into even looking for evidence. "Jennifer, it should be over very soon. Can you try to stand up straight for us?" 

Vanessa felt some weight lift off her, as Jennifer strained to right herself. As the volunteer peeled away, Vanessa involuntarily gasped. One of the observers exclaimed, "oh my god!" The woman wasn't just a little taller. Where previously they were eye to eye, Vanessa was staring right at Jennifer's lips. She had to be easily three or four inches taller in the span of only a few minutes. How was that possible? 

Jennifer's grimace was fading along with her pain, and a few moment later she was standing free of Vanessa and registering her own shock at the situation. She reached out to touch Vanessa's face as if she didn't herself believe it was real, "that is amazing. I must be six feet tall!" Jennifer turned, taking in the other female patrons with a smile and her new vantage point. Some of their mouths were left hanging open.

The presenter resumed her explanation, "this, my goddesses, is the power of the Rasja. This is our mission, to welcome you into the ancient Aztec ritual. While you are here, you will service our male patrons, filling them with Rasja. You will pleasure and pamper them, so that you may receive the tonyata. In exchange, they will admire you, they will give you the sernasa, and ultimately, they will worship you as goddess among men." 

Some of the women were already visibly giddy with excitement, and started a round of clapping that infectiously spread through the room. They were all still staring at Jennifer, and having witnessed it, it was hard not to believe. Vanessa released her concerns. What was the worst that could happen? "Now ladies, if you'll head back out through those doors, we'll get you escorted to your rooms and settled in. I'll need to stay and attend to our doubter." Jennifer could see one woman still stalwart in her chair. She was curious about her path for only a blink before returning to thoughts, really fantasy, of what was in store for her. 

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