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The Forest Lake Incident

By NFalc


Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god... Stop. Okay, you've spent the last thirty minutes thinking those same three words, over and over again. Your breathing is shallow and rapid, your face feels flushed. Get a grip, Zach, you're hysterical.

Of course, I can't really blame myself for feeling like this. I had two weeks until graduation. I was ready for college. Hell, I was even ready for prom. I was not ready for the entire world to suddenly expand to three times its normal size. And I definitely wasn't ready to be literally at the feet of my female classmates. Although I'll admit, I've fantasized about that sort of thing before.

Given my complete inability to think ever since I regained consciousness, I guess I've made out pretty well. I've been locked inside this dark janitor's closet, a cold cement floor beneath me and the smell of chlorine in the air. Given the chemical reaction that occurred just a floor above, it's amazing this room didn't blow up.

I can barely see anything in here, it's so dark. The light switch is high above me. The mop leaning against the wall is twice as tall as I am, and with some difficulty I hoist it into the air, just managing to flip the switch on. Even the cleaning supplies dwarf me - a nearby spray bottle comes up to my chest. I feel like I'm a three-year-old playing hide and seek.

Hide and seek... Might as well be. The girls out there - good lord, they're fucking huge. I'm so small compared to them, they might not even see me as human. If I'm hiding from anything, it's from them. Then again, from the glimpses I've seen of the outside world, most of the guys are taller than me as well. Last thing I need is some stupid jock taking his frustration at his new size out on me. Those guys and their Freudian complexes...

Enough of that. Out of curiosity, I lean down and look out through the gap between the door and the cement flooring. Because of my reduced size, it's actually fairly easy to see through. I look out and see the entire corridor outside the closet is gone. Just crumbled, like a broken saltine. I can see bent iron supports where concrete is missing, and even more alarming, I can see straight through to two floors below.

Suddenly, something fills the gap where the corridor was. I blink, and realize I'm looking at the massive chest of a girl. She's standing up inside the building. She fills the space, floor to ceiling. I angle my head for a better look, and there, brushing her shoulders against the ceiling of B Building as she stretches, is the highly curvaceous form of Tara Holmes.

And I thought she looked beautiful at normal size. As it is now, the girl is magnificent: the sunlight streaming through a hole in the ceiling lights her face and hair with a soft, warm glow. Her hazel eyes sparkle, her pupils are dark mirrors I could lose myself in. Her breasts are near where the floor on this level would be, and I can see them rise and fall before me with her every breath. She has transcended from an average teenage sexpot to the status and stature of a goddess.

Her eyes, way up near the ceiling, flick towards the door. What, how could she know... Oh shit, the light! I quickly scramble for the nearest mop, then freeze. If I turn the lights off, she'll know for sure that I'm in here. Same thing goes for making noise. If I just stay put, she might think the lights were left on earlier in the day, and I might make it out.

I return, slowly, to my vantage point, the crack under the door. I don't think she'll be able to see through it, as her retinas are probably larger than the gap itself. When I look out, however, all I see is blackness. It feels strangely warm, and humid. And do I smell mint?


The force of the words spoken almost blows me backwards. I'm hit by a gust of warm wind heavy with the scent of spearmint gum. Good god, that was only a whisper. It's as I feared... these girls do not understand the new strength that has come with their increased size. Even their voices are powerful enough to damage guys like me. Imagine what a careless step, an idle twitch of a finger, the simple act of sitting down could do to an unlucky male student?

At least Tara seems to understand the affect her voice has; she backs up a little, until I have a great view of her mouth and upper neck. Well, I suppose that's as good as it gets when you're staring at a girl fifteen times your size through a three-inch gap. Today's been unusual, hasn't it?

"You can come out, I won't hurt you."

Should I take the chance? It's a gamble, certainly. I don't actually know Tara all that well, although I've always gotten the sense that she's a nice girl. Still, if she winds up being gentle... I'd both have a protector against any other harm, a way of getting around the school more quickly, and I'd be physically closer to a girl than I've ever been in my life. At this point, my chances of mortality are pretty high anyway.

I have to make a choice, so I slowly push the door open. And there she is in front of me, like a panorama come to life. I'm face to face with the neckline of her shirt. I crane my head up, trying to gauge her expression.

She's smiling, but it doesn't look like a cruel smile. "Zach! How long have you been hiding in there?" She's whispering now, so the roar is a little less than deafening.

"Little over half an hour." Play it cool. Feel the situation out. Be like Phillip Marlowe or something.

"Wow, you're so small... I've seen a couple of other guys running around, but I think they were taller than you. You're probably about as tall as one of my fingers..." Can't blame her for being intrigued, I suppose. The real test of whether she's friendly or not is yet to come.

She carefully slides a huge hand up and places it next to me. She was right... Her smooth palms could be walls, and her fingers are clearly as tall as I am. Tara lets out a little giggle. "That's so cute."

Okay, this is starting to be emasculating. Let's try to steer the conversation in another direction. "So, have you seen the rest of the school yet?"

"Well, um, I haven't been able to get out of the building." She blushes a little, like a girl who's discovered her dress no longer fits on prom night. "I did see some other people getting outside though... I think there was another girl, about half my height, who smashed her way out through a wall..."

"Why didn't you smash your way out?"

"I was worried I'd damage something. School property and all. Plus, I'm so big, I could probably tear down the entire building by accident." I shudder at the thought. She clearly notices, and brings her huge hands up in front of her, a gesture which at normal size is meant to be reassuring but here is just another example of how awe-inspiringly big she is. "Don't worry, I'm going to be really careful, I definitely wouldn't do anything like that with one of you little guys around."

"Yeah, I trust you not to," I say, with more confidence than I feel. I hadn't even thought about them being able to knock down buildings. "You know, if other girls have been demolishing walls, there might be structural damage. For all we know, the building isn't safe anymore."

As if to emphasize my point, the steel pillar on the left creaks. Was it always that crooked? Tara's eyes shift around the room. In the distance, there's the sound of a crumbling wall. The creaking turns into the full-fledged groan of the building shifting around us.

Suddenly, there's a loud snap, and a portion of the ceiling directly above us buckles in towards the ground. "Crap!" Tara yells. She really is the girl next door, doesn't even swear... She immediately raises her hands to the ceiling and presses up against it. The crack seems to bend a little back into place, but I can tell that Tara's straining. "Okay, I can hold it for a little while, but eventually the whole thing is gonna come down. You've got to get out of here while you still can."

"But what about you? You won't be able to hold it forever, and when it falls..." I don't even want to think about it. Tara is clearly one of the more reliable giants at this point. Plus, I get this funny feeling when I look at her. I'm not completely sure, but I think I might be falling in love with her.

"Trust me," Tara says, with a brave smile. "I'll be fine. Now, let's figure out a way to get you out of here."

I step out onto the small ledge in front of the closet. It's a very long drop, two stories down, to the floor below. The ledge itself is about six inches wide and only goes on for a foot or two laterally in either direction. I'm literally stranded in the middle of the hallway.

Tara's looking down at her feet. She realizes also. She takes a deep breath, tilts her gigantic head back, closes her eyes and sighs. Then she looks back down at me. "Okay, Zack, I know we don't know each other too well. But there's no way for me to carry you down, so you're going to have to climb."

"Climb what? I don't have a ladder."

"Climb me," Tara says, exasperated. "Grab onto my clothes and use them to hoist yourself down."

She's wearing a fairly low-cut orange top, and looking down, a pair of tight denim jeans and some simple white sneakers. I take a deep breath. This is going to be exciting. Life-threatening, sure, but exciting just the same. Tara is leaning forward so her chest is towards me. Her eyes are narrowed as I move towards her cleavage. "Not inside," she says through gritted teeth.

I nod, and move around to the side of her top. I grab the fabric of her neckline, and grasp it tightly. Shit, where do I go from here? I've never done any real mountain climbing, and I was always terrible at the rope climb in gym class.

I take a deep breath, then launch myself off the ledge, my body swinging wildly from her shirt and knocking against the soft flesh of her breast. Her entire body shakes slightly from the sensation, almost throwing me off. "Careful!" She says at almost deafening volume. "Those are sensitive."

Oh really, I hadn't noticed. My hands slide down the fabric, and my feet come to rest on the hip of her jeans. I stare up at her form looming above me, her curves almost blocking out the view of her face. "Hurry up," she says, "I'm not sure how much longer I can hold it!"

I awkwardly twist my body downwards until my hands are clasped around one of the belt loops on her jeans, then let myself hang down from there. I must look something like a keychain, swinging from her hips like this. At least I'm relatively secure though. Now, where do I go from here? It's still a good forty feet to the floor from my perspective, and her jeans are too stiff to use as hand or footholds.

I feel myself slip, and accidentally let go, tumbling down the front of her leg. The floor is rushing up towards me. Aw shit.

My elbows slam into something soft and yielding, and I go head over heels onto a strange surface covered in long tubelike protrusions. I look up and see the cuffs of her jeans, as well as the puffy white tongue of her sneaker. I must have landed on her instep. Real graceful.

"Are you all right?" Tara calls down from above.

"I'm okay," I yell upwards. And I really am, somehow. Falling from that height without getting hurt should be impossible, but as far as I can tell I'm only bruised. "I think I can probably make it down from here."

I quickly swing myself over the edge of her sneakers, which are each about four feet tall compared to me, and land easily on the ground. I can barely feel any shock from falling.

I look up to see Tara's entire body move drastically towards the ground, her knees bending outwards. She's now looming over me, her head and shoulders pressed against the quickly buckling ceiling. "It's coming down!" she cries. "Get out of here, fast."

"But how are you going to -"

"I'll be fine. Just go!" She says loudly, her voice ringing in my ears.

I dash towards the nearest exit, but it's closed, and the handle is high above my head. I jump for it and fail, then glance up at Tara. She's busy holding up the ceiling, no way she could open the door for me... Even if she could kick it down, that would probably accelerate the building's collapse.

Another exit, need another way out fast. I look around. There at the end of the hallway is a wall that has been knocked over. I run, hearing the walls around me creak and crumble, dust from the shifting ceiling falling around me. I run, hearing Tara groan behind me as the walls buckle inwards, the collapsing weight of the building coming upon her. I run for my life.

Almost there. An exposed steel girder to my left abruptly snaps, and the entire building begins to tilt to the left. Just twenty feet more. The wall on my right looks like it's giving way... Into the sunshine. Behind me, there's a sound like rolling thunder.

Behind me, the hallway has caved in. As far as I can tell, the rest of the structure is still standing, but where the hall once was is a wall of broken concrete, twisted iron and shattered glass. I quickly find a small crack in the landslide, try and peek through. Can't seen anything though.

"Tara!" I call out, "Are you okay?"

Her voice is muted amongst all the rubble. "I'm all right. I think I'm going to have to bust out of this building, though, before the whole thing comes down on me."

"Which side are you coming out of? I'll meet you there."

"No, you can't stay here, it's too risky. If I knock out one of the walls, the whole structure could fall in the wrong direction and land on top of you. We'll meet up again at some point, I'm sure, but for now you've got to move. I'll give you ten minutes to get out of range."

I nod to myself. On my own again, which is risky. Out in the open, which is a bad idea. I quickly glance around, and see that I'm technically on the pathway between B and C building, if you could even call it a path any more. The pavement looks like it's been broken up by an earthquake, and it lies on top of huge brown and orange boulders that don't look terribly steady. So I can't go that way. I turn around and see that the 2nd floor tunnel to A building has partially collapsed - all the supports on the B building side have fallen, so the tunnel looks like it's leaning up against A building. It looks like there's a small gap between the tunnel and the ground... maybe I could climb through the fallen tunnel?

I hear a noise behind me and freeze. What was that? A gust of wind, or a girl's breathing? I get this feeling like I'm being watched.

I turn and find myself face to giant face with Laura Davids. She's lying down, so we look each other almost eye to eye. I'm something like ten feet away from her face, which is fifteen feet tall from my perspective... About the same size as Tara's, but I'm far closer to it. Close enough to count the relatively tiny freckles on her cheeks. She gasps, a sound which would probably be cute and feminine if I was normal, but at this size sounds like the vacuum cleaner of the Apocalypse.

"Zach?" She says. Her open mouth is a dark, wet tunnel from which blasts the sound of her voice. It's large enough that I could probably dive into it. Or be thrown in. "Is that you?"

"Yeah," I call up. Here we go again. Is she good or bad? Actually, now that I think about it, if she was bad I'd probably be dead or close to dead already. She was watching me before I saw her, after all.

"Jeez, you're tiny... Hold on a sec, let me back up so we can look at each other more easily." I smile at that. My neck's starting to ache already from having to look up all the time. Plus, I like the fact that she's still lying down, almost insisting on us being on the same level.

Laura wiggles her huge body as she moves backwards a little bit, then rests her chin in her hands. She was much shorter than Tara before, but now they're both the same size. The change looks even more impressive on Laura as a result... The once tiny girl is now a colossus.

She grins as she stares at me, revealing rows of slick white teeth longer than my finger. "You really are kinda cute at this size," she starts. Second time I've heard that today. Too bad cute doesn't necessarily mean sexy. "Now, what were you doing? I saw you looking around."

"I was trying to find a place to hide," I admit, half-embarrassed. "I mean, it's not really safe for us guys right now with you giants walking around."

Laura smirks. "Aw, come on, you don't have anything to worry about from a girl like me. Besides, I know what it's like to be short."

Not this short. "So what do you suggest I do?"

"Well, you could stick with me," she says. It's strange... she sounds almost hopeful. Here's a being fifteen times my size who is trying to cajole me into doing something. Doesn't she realize she could make me do anything she wants, and I would have no choice but to obey?

"I'd take care of you," she adds. "I'm about as big as most of the other girls, I could keep you safe. If there really are some girls who'd want to do you harm."

I try to weigh the positives and negatives. I'd be trading freedom for safety here, which seems to be at a premium today - I can see at least one suspicious red blotch along the pathways, and whether it came from an intentional act or an unintentional one, I can only guess. Of course, if I stay with her, I probably won't be able to leave. Again, I decide I'll take my chances, and nod quickly to show her I'll stay.

She gets to her feet (the ground rumbling beneath me), crouches and extends a hand onto the ground. I climb onto it. Her hands are small compared to the rest of her, but they're still easily large enough to hold me, given that I'm roughly the equivalent of three inches tall at her scale. At least, that's what I presume from my own judgment of scale. She slowly raises me to eye level, the motion of her hand slightly shaky but steady enough for me to hold on without feeling like I'm about to die.

I promise myself I won't look down, and instead focus on Laura's face. She does have a sort of prettiness, perhaps not obvious upon first looking at her - her brown eyes have a certain softness, and her lips are full and quite kissable. Body-wise, she doesn't have too much in the breast department, but she does have a pretty nice butt. However, physical things have always come second for me when thinking seriously about girls. I mean, it's not like I have a chance with a truly hot girl anyway. Still, despite the fact that she's pretty and kind, I don't think I feel the same way she feels about me. Not that I'm going to tell her that, especially not right now.

Wait, she's no longer looking at me, but up and behind me. I spin around, only to see one of the three people I'd least like to meet at my current size. It's Rose, looking smug and pugnacious as always. Except Rose isn't as tall as Tara or Laura. She's much taller. At least a good three heads taller than Laura. I'm being held at Laura's face height right now, yet I find myself staring straight at Rose's ample chest, filling a tight black t-shirt.

There's a bulge in the shirt's breast pocket which catches my eye. It looks like it might be... It is. It's moving. I can't believe she would do that.

"Hey, looks like Laura Davids finally found herself a way to get laid," Rose says snidely. "Who's the little guy you're sweet-talking?"

I feel Laura's warm hand lower beneath me. She's instinctively holding me closer to her chest, as if to protect me. "Buzz off, Rose. I don't want to talk to you right now."

Rose raises an eyebrow. "You got a problem with me? 'Cause I don't like it when shrimps talk down to me." She takes a step forward, looming over Laura, casting a shadow over me. She looks down at me, and her mouth twists into a cruel smile. "You're kidding. Zach's your guy? God, the dweeb was pathetic when he was normal size, but look at him now."

I thought it was bad enough being belittled by these girls on average days. But it turns out that when your tormentor is booming down insults from high above you, it's much, much worse. Like the voice of God telling you how much you suck.

"Just leave us alone, okay, Rose?" Laura asks, almost pleadingly. This probably won't work. Begging with Rose and her friends is just an indication of weakness.

"I'll leave you alone. But not your little friend. He's coming with me." From above, I see a gigantic hand with polished black nails coming towards me, blocking out the sun. I duck, and hear the whoosh of air overhead as Laura drops her hand out of Rose's path. I clutch one of her fingers to keep from falling.

"What do you want with him?"

"Me, Carla and Jamie are rounding up the little guys. We're gonna have some fun with them, teach 'em a few things about how you should treat girls like us. And how we treat them." I don't like the way she says this. I don't like the sound of any of this. "Zach would be great for our collection."

"That's too bad, Rose, because you're not going to get him." Laura says. I suddenly feel the ground beneath me plummet, as Laura's hand drops to the ground. She motions with her head for me to move, then looks up and says, "Now, do me a favor and fuck off."

I quickly jump off Laura's palm and start running. What the hell does she think she's doing? Rose is practically twice her size, she'll kill her! Okay, can't focus on that now, need a place to hide. I can't use the walkway to C building, it's decimated. I should climb the broken tunnel to A building. But Rose is currently standing right in my way.

I dash towards her anyway. Rose runs forward, her beat-up sneakers pounding into the ground and causing minor seismic disturbances, and I swerve to try and get around, but she's still coming right in my direction. It feels like playing chicken with an eighteen-wheeler that's swinging from a crane, but somehow I manage to stay low and avoid Rose's foot, then run around her to get to the path.

Just as I manage to get back to the pathway, I hear a muffled thump to my left, and turn to see a person sprawled on the concrete. I look up, and see the bulge in Rose's pocket is gone. The person rolls over, and gets to his feet.

"Hey, Max," I say, my mouth hanging open. "Did you just fall out of Rose's pocket?"

The wiry Asian pats himself down, wincing a little when he goes over his ribs. "Jumped, actually. I can't believe I made it..."

I quickly grab his arm and begin to drag him towards A building.

"Where are we going?" he shouts.

"Away from here! If Laura loses, Rose will get us both, and we can't let that happen."

The two of us sprint full-speed towards the collapsed tunnel, not once looking back. There's a three-foot gap where the leaning portion of the tunnel meets the ground, and I quickly swing myself under and into the tunnel. Max has a little more trouble, and it's then that I realize that he's now much taller than me, probably two and a half feet tall relative to the school as opposed to just two.

We begin crawling up the tunnel, which is slanted at an angle that makes it difficult to run straight through, but sloped enough that we don't have to climb. We quickly scale it all the way to the top, and push in the doors to A building. We run a little ways further after that, until we can convince our legs to stop, and lean against the whitewashed wall.

"Shit," Max pants. "This is fucking crazy."

"What?" I ask between gasps.

"This. Rose. You, me. The whole school, everything's gone completely crazy."

I don't even ask where he was when this happened, or what happened to him after that. All that matters is that we're safe for the moment.

"We're lucky Laura was there," Max says, taking his glasses out of his pockets and wiping them nervously. "If she hadn't fought Rose, I'd have wound up in Jamie's clutches."

"Me too, man," I say, wiping a hand over my brow. "And she didn't really hate you or anything. Me, she would've had a field day with."

"Psychos. I didn't think they'd ever be this bad. Maybe they're on a power trip or something."

"I don't know. I don't even really care about psychoanalyzing them at this point. I just want to stay far away."

Distantly, down the hall, there's an echo of a great booming sound. Then a giggle that could only come from a teenage giantess. Max and I look at each other.


Then we're flying down the corridors again, searching for any place where we can hide. I see the cafeteria doors ahead, and quickly spurt towards them, only to slam into them without any noticeable effect.

"The doors are barricaded," Max says, pointing at the windows, which show the outlines of tables and chairs stacked against them.

I pound on the window, unsure of how much sound my tiny fists can make, but willing to try. "Open up! Please!"

"There's someone coming, we need your help!" Max yells.

I can hear a slight, uncertain shifting sound behind the door. I pound louder. "Let us in, please! We need somewhere to hide!" From down the hallway, there's the echo of giant footsteps, mirroring the sound of our fists on the window.

There's the sound of tables and chairs scraping on linoleum, then the tall cafeteria doors open. Filling the doorway is the frame of a large blond woman who I vaguely recognize from the history department. She looks to be about ten feet tall compared to the school, which makes her something like thirty from my perspective. She motions us inside, and Max and I duck into the cafeteria.

The blond woman shuts the door behind us. I look around. Here, in the cafeteria, appears to be the sum total of all the teachers of the school, huddled together. The female teachers are all slightly larger, although not nearly as big as the schoolgirls. The men are about as short as I am. Some of the male teachers lounging in chairs obviously three times their size, others are leaning against the women who dwarf them. Fifty of them, holed up in here. All things considered, it's kind of pathetic.

I glance at Max, as if to ask, "Should we really stay here?"

He shrugs. "It's safe. We can't ask for much more than that."

I nod, and start searching for a place to sit.
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