Summary: A humble and devoted servant fulfills the desires of his beautiful, adorable, playful and enormous princess the best he can.
Rated: R
Categories: Adventure,
Body Exploration,
Mouth Play,
Vore Characters: None
Growth: Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.)Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)Size Roles: F/mWarnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5
Completed: No
Word count: 5452
Read: 62990
Published: September 09 2016
Updated: June 07 2017
Story Notes:
I haven't written size smut in ages, so i guess im back? hope the start isnt too slow
1. Summons by ElectricNova [Reviews - 6] (552 words)
a lot of the tags are hypothetical at the moment, so might not all happen
2. History by ElectricNova [Reviews - 0] (612 words)
Some backstory! And some descriptions that are hopefully sexy on sheer scale. Sorry for how long this took. More progress will come don't worry
3. Task 1: Feetsies by ElectricNova [Reviews - 0] (1071 words)
If anyone's reading and enjoying, could I have some more feedback please? ^_^
And updates will be more frequent, hopefully. i swear!
4. Task 2: Butt duty (And the big reveal) by ElectricNova [Reviews - 2] (1813 words)
woo im back to writing this! im sorry i took so long but inspiration takes awhile to get and looking at other size smut distracts me from bothering to write my own. anyway even with a slow writing rate i can keep it going on as an occasional project i guess?
enjoy hopefully!
5. Task 3: Cock climbing by ElectricNova [Reviews - 0] (1404 words)
(Ayy im back with more shitty writing)