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Liara smiled down at the lifewebs between her thighs. Glowing orange cracks split from new mountain ranges. Oozing liquid rock, consuming those close to her. But she didn’t have to go much more than the length of her hand to find dense clusters still, mostly, intact. Their streets twinkling invitingly. Her fingers danced over the crop of freshly ripe property. You can always tell because of the screaming. That one’s too small, that one’s too crumbly... oh! There’s a good one...

The devilish blood red sheen reflected off the pavement. Gusts of wind flushed scattered leaves, people and other filth through the streets while the arcs of flesh, scoured with ridges both irregular and familiar, twiddled coyly above them. The feeling of excitement was omnipresent, ebbing with each breath.

Her will surged, silencing all voices as they felt her permeate their beings inside and out. A deceptively gentle pressure that swaddled them in her protection, connecting them to their Goddess. It was as if their very selves were merging with hers. They could hide nothing from her, and she didn’t bother hiding anything from them. Feeling from her the minute effort being exerted on them was truly humbling. Holding their entire reality together for her own amusement, yet with the slightest twitch of her mind all felt as though it could be scoured to nothingness. The magnitude of her power was truly awe inspiring.

The crash of earth came out of nowhere. Chunks of jagged death rolled over a scant few unlucky dwellings and their entranced occupants unnoticed as solid walls of painted keratin speared the earth on opposite sides of the city. Feeling a shift in her force, a solid, eerie crack resounded beneath their feet as their Goddess’ passion excised the land like a scalpel.

With a cacophony of scrapes and groans they watched as the land on the horizon shifted, swayed slightly, and then fell away with a final crunch. Lifting them all, everything many of them had ever known. Emotion flowed through every brick, sealing it against the raucous tide of inertia. It was just a lazy twist of her wrist that lifted them. A tortuously slow motion that merely positioned her hand more comfortably as it rested nonchalantly on her thigh. It lifted them high, higher than the clouds, higher than the darkness as precious sunlight glinted over her leg. She sky of her palm slowly rotated away as her nails ground against the protective barrier on their edges. They all gaped up in awe of her. The bit of flesh of her thumb and the underside of its nail was an impassable wall for most of the city, but with them tilted somewhat towards her body it couldn’t do anything to hide the wrinkled, glistening wet folds of her cunt from view. An anticipatory clench squished out a stream of clear mucus that flowed down into the fractured hellscape below. Splashing into the immense, rippling lake of honey with a surge of volume. Expanding outwards ever more, overwhelming the many ragged canyons and mountains created from her weight and squelching their rivers of lava without effort.

They could see the burning remains of several cities. one was tilted dangerously to the side, a large number of buildings had clearly tumbled into the molten rock below. Cracked earth split another in three, the sections separated by glowing chasms. Each piece tilted slightly in a different direction. Horrifically, some areas on three others appeared relatively undamaged. And though distance and smoke prevented any detail, flashing lights of police, fire and ambulances could still be seen moving. Even as one of them was being slowly consumed by the encroaching pussy juice.

Above, through the haze of the atmosphere, and their tears, they could see her cruel eyes. Smiling down at them over the immense swell of her breasts. Liara’s girls began tensing with the rush of arousal. Nipples hardening as the creamy warmth pressurized inside. The sensation backed up into her areola. Prickling as the strain became more and more uncomfortable. A strange mix of dull, subcutaneous almost-tickles that teased the mind yet cut with a sharp undertone. Her breasts swelled as if to give the sensation somewhere to go, but this only made things worse. Her nipples throbbed, the areola was hardly any better off, and now the flesh of her breast ached too.

In a cruel rendition of Xeno’s Paradox, the pressure built closer and closer to release, yet could never seem to reach it. It needed a little bit more, just a little help from the outside to get it there. The slightest touch of a drifting finger, a puff of her breath, and geysers of sensation exploded across her skin. It felt good as she moaned softly, amazing even, yet it was only for a brief moment. A frustrating tease, as more of this mysterious pressure flowed in to replace it. She pinched her left nipple, releasing a lightning bolt of pleasure deep into her breast. Gasping as it dissipated throughout her abdomen and almost tingling in her pussy. But the pressure was unrelenting, there was far too much to release through just her nipple. Cupping her left hand under the breast, fingers splayed wide, she squeezed slowly and completely. It was incredible, yet as if by some cruel joke it was as if the act only stimulated the flow of this pressure further. Drowning it out in a flood of new sensation the way her growling voice drowned the dignity of her audience. She kneaded her breast and nipple in a cycle both tortuous and nirvanic... and she loved it!

The city jerked upwards again. The momentum would have reduced them to a finely cultured dust. But what a waste that would be. They passed in front of her flat belly. it’s strength was obvious yet devoid of any visible unfeminine muscle definition. Just as she wanted it, neither a skeleton pretending to be a girl nor a woman trying to look like a man. Liara was a Goddess, the purest expression of femininity, and she intended to look it.

As they passed her belly their ascent slowed in front of her mammoth breasts. Swollen to their natural size, the last thing these ladies needed was support. Firm yet yielding easily to the soft touch of a finger. She showed her left princess off to them. The nipple was erect in feral lust, it’s sensitive tip vast enough to contain a small city of it’s own. It was a divine spire grander than anything humanity could ever create surrounded by a dark areola. The rest was an unfathomable curving plain of caramel mixed with drops of burnt orange that deformed into valleys and mountains greater than anything they knew between her fingers as she squeezed

Grinning down at them with haughty pride and dazzlingly beautiful brown eyes. Their long lashes a crown for the rightful sovereign of their reality. Somewhere along the way the sky had changed from blue to black, filled with stars, and the sun. She lifted them higher again, past her slender throat stopping before her juicy, desirous, crimson red lips. A soft sheen glittering across their surface.

Those lips softened, then began to part slightly. Her tongue flexed and twitched silently...


The air shuddered against the lust of her thunderous, rumbling moan. People covered their ears and hugged their bodies as their skeletons reverberated. Knocking many of them to the ground as the pavement beneath their feet shivered like a leaf. It squealed as cracks began slowly snaking there way here and there as the asphalt tore itself apart against her voice. Sinking foundations as buildings were shaken like dogs of dust and chips of concrete. Their windows beginning to burst one after the other like popcorn just reaching its temperature. It was the price they paid for being windbreaks on the frontline allowing those behind them to keep their balance and at least attempt to flee. Until her hot breath stripped the flesh and intestines from their steel skeletons. Casting it into the people, cars and other detritus tumbling down the streets. Chunks slamming into other buildings and each other as her mouth continued opening wider, her tongue flexing against its floor...


The frequency became more shrill. The surviving windbreaks of the first line and the slightly wounded of the second crackled as their concrete seemed to all but liquefy in places. Groaning and screaming in defeat as they leaned backwards, breaking apart as they collapsed. Large chunks of poured stone crashing into other, lesser structures below. Burying crowds of barely fleeing people as her gentler breath still scattered bits of lighter debris. The dust not allowed to settle as it scoured more of the steel and rebar titans behind them. Sandblasting cars, trucks, trains and buses. Shredding their aluminum husks with uncountable sharpened pebbles of this, that and the other. Perforating tires, seats and passengers while the windows shattered inwards in a choking grey cloud. The vehicles skidding and rolling along the fracturing, dancing ground and everything on it as clothing was scraped from bodies. All while Liara’s tongue pressed itself against her palate, her cheeks scrinching, her open lips forming a soft, unconscious smile...


The sound transitioning into a deep, throaty rumble resonating through her sinuses. Shaking the entire city with it’s painful subsonic elations. Piercing far to the back of the municipality, deep into the places that had thus far been spared the depth of destruction their forebearers suffered. Rattling wards, districts, and neighbourhoods with the brute jackhammer of her approval. Weaker pavement split with an explosive crunch and several houses collapsed in heaps. But the devastation was far milder overall. Her breath mercifully absent as all the tumbling things reached their final resting places. As the sound ebbed away that of the screams, sobs and car alarms took its place. Punctuated by the rain of glass, concrete and steel slowing to a drizzle as the storm passed. Yet overall, for the size of their immense metropolis, the damage was quite minor. Mostly contained to only a few areas unlucky enough to live on the wrong side of town. For those who’d escaped mostly unscathed this was not a reason to celebrate. For they had the misfortune of feeling how her presence had flexed and twisted around them the whole time. And knew, better than anyone, just how little of her glee had been allowed to touch them.

Thy watched as she raised them to her glimmering right eye for a closer look. A ringed skyline of dark chocolate flecked with gold and small bits of green lapping at the shores of oblivion that was her pupil. Flitting from district to district with an excited curiosity which nearly scorched the plucked earth. A swash from her lashes battered them with the crosswinds of a satisfied blink. A gust that rattled more buildings, cracked more windows, tossed more cars, scattered more people.

“Her favourite!” She purred.

She did make sure to pick one of the bigger ones... didn’t she? Flitting a glance back at the ground, the scar she left certainly did appear much larger than most of the other kitty treats around it, measuring maybe three by four finger widths in size, if she was generous.

It was a little hard, but she could make out individual buildings in the core. Tiny grains of sand was all they were. Well, ‘grains of sand’ was more of a figure of speech than the reality, but she wasn’t quite sure how else to describe them. She could make them out individually so they weren’t dust but at the same time is sand really this fine?

There sure were a lot of them. Most of the kitty biscuit looked to be made out of them. She tried to count but lost her place. She tried to times the length by the width but that made her head hurt, and she lost her place. Well they sparkle and that’s all that matters. She could still make out the important details. Crisscrossed streets and avenues, warehouses, offices and bus terminals. Though she did have to strain a little and her shadow got in the way. There were little wisps of thin smoke in a couple places and a few small patches that looked to have lost their sand.

Letting her eye relax and drink in the scenery she started to see the blurry dots of vehicles and individual humans. Well, it was more like she could tell they were there, it was hard to pick out just one when they were all moving around in a crowd like that. She swore she could really hear them screaming, begging, pleading. It made her smile, it made her smile wickedly.

Satisfied with her inspection Liara transferred them to her left hand. Idly plucking more cities from the ground like loose change. Like clockwork her thumb and index fingernails touched outside the limits and her aura made a quick, surgical slice beneath the foundations. Coating them in an invisible, hard shelled protective bubble as she lifted them. Capturing every water sanitation facility, every power station, even the outlying farms intact and unharmed. Depositing them in her left palm with the first. Casually dropping them on top of each other, the auras preventing even a leaf to be stirred by the impact. Cities of all forms and sizes piled into her palm like potato chips. Their names and history’s irrelevant to her. All that mattered was they were large enough to catch her eye. And within a minute or two the dozen or so within easy reach were being idly shuffled in her hand while the rest of the country watched. There was so many others that she’d ignored. Larger towns and the smallest of cities. Things so small they barely counted as sprinkles to garnish a cupcake with.

Slowly she laid herself back. Supporting herself with her right elbow as her back impacted the ground. Sending forth a massive shockwave of condensed air that stripped the land of forests and all else. Her aura preventing the land from doing much more than flex and rebound as the energy forced the chemical bonds to hold beyond all reason. Though much further out the ripple of earth left her protection and snapped into rough shards, glowing faintly in places where the magma peeked through.

Liara pulled her legs in, spreading them, bending her knees and resting the soles and heels of her soft feet on the ground. A more comfortable position that spread her sopping wet pussylips a little on their own. Exposing the deep pink abyss of her vagina, twitching and quivering as it salivated, waiting for it’s first mouthful. Spreading the collection of toys evenly across her torso. She could feel their fear and despair. Their delicious prayers fuelled her act. With the exception of her first wafer which remained lightly grasped between her fingers. Having already been toyed with, devastated by her lustful voice, and inspected, they couldn’t help but feel she was singling them out. Their psychotic panic became so strong it made her a little lightheaded as she drank it in. Stimulating her with a sudden, narcotic rush of emotion. The death, the fear, it fed her most primal instincts as a Goddess. That of inherent, immutable superiority and power. Power which stoked an unquenchable fire within her. She closed her eyes and relaxed her neck and shoulders as the giddiness washed over her mind. Sinking ever deeper into the hazy fog of the character. Desiring nothing but to play.

Reaching down with her left hand Liara felt the thick ooze that coated her labia and the warm squelch of mucus under and between her fingers as she dug in. Prying herself open with a wet slortch. A sound that triggered anarchy amongst the toys waiting their turn across her body. The one in her hand was buzzing with a couple million tiny voices. All shouting something different yet all saying the same thing as her right hand swept over her abdomen and between her thighs. They begged and pleaded, swore they would do anything for her. Promised to worship her or... whatever it was she wanted from them. Liara smiled as she felt the buzz intensify as her hand lowered into position. As her pussy came into view for them. Their dread so powerful it radiated off of the little cracker and tingled her flesh delicately.

She held them there for another moment just to feel it. That pause was the luckiest moment of their lives. Out of the cacophony of voices one small message reached her subconscious just as she started to move her hand inwards. An impression she could only half make out, a suggestion for a hotter, more sensual game. It made her flinch to a stop, trying to make out the message. There it was again, but the tsunami of fear and panic drowned it out, like trying to pick out one person yelling across a crowded, screaming auditorium. The chaos absorbed it into itself. Only her subconscious fully understood it, and it liked whatever it was. Sending her a hit of intuition, trying to prevent her from taking them all now. She struggled to comply, she was never that great at this sort of thing, she held them there, in front of her drooling snatch. It’s maw clenching and squirming as if trying to stretch for the treat just out of reach.

She sighed, relenting to her instincts, lifting the city away from her pussy and releasing her left hand from it. Her stomach tensed a little as her head and shoulders raised off the ground. A soft, bored look in her eyes as she brought them before her.

“Be... quiet...” she commanded. Everything in the vicinity obeyed her. “One of you sounded like you had a suggestion for me, how I could make my little kitten purrrrrrr that much louder?” She said, half teasingly, half threatening that this had better be worth it. Her mind quickly homed in on the original sender, a man of no particular note. “You.” she crooned devilishly, everyone else knew she wasn’t talking to them. She was smiling sinisterly, almost hoping his idea was a dud, hoping she’d get to torture them for delaying her pleasure.

The man sputtered and coughed but his mind gave her the images and sensations that his mouth couldn’t. She smiled, she smiled very wide.

Imagination can make even the most mundane things exciting...

Oooooooo... I’ve never done something like that before!” Liara said, her eyes narrowing with intrigue, voice lowering to a seductive growl, “It sounds hot!” Twisting her pelvis to point her crotch to the sky, “So like this?” She asked innocently as she moved the city back into position. The peoples silent optimism snapped to loud, wailing agony as their dreams were shattered once more. She spread her labia wide in preparation for the little cracker. The screams of the man came through just as she predicted. His mind babbling incoherently, pleading, plotting to somehow remind her as politely and calmly as he could muster that his city was no good for this game.

“It’s not?” Liara asked with as much innocent, well meaning naivety as she possibly could. Holding their city right over the abyss, tipping it just enough to let people see just how starved her kitty kat was. How much it wanted to feed on them, savour them. A few people, vehicles and one small building tumbled over the side through a tiny hole she’d ‘accidentally’ left in her aura.

Skydiving headlong towards the sloshing ocean of honey at the bottom of her quivering pink hole. Watching it get larger and larger as she continued talking, unaware of their predicament. “Why’s that?” She struggled a moment to hold back an evil, knowing grin bubbling up inside before the character took over again. He stammered something incoherent. Trying to think of some believable way to say it was the wrong shape to feel good.

“Oh?” She cocked her head, playing along, “What’s the best one then?” she asked, bringing their city over the collection across her body. She knew he was somewhere that could see it. He gasped at the sight, the area was a massive plain of flesh ebbing with her breath. The cities below didn’t look real, stuck to her skin almost like they were painted on.

The spacing between them was far more vast than anything he’d experienced in his crowded country. Splayed out from her pelvis to a few rimming her belly button, a cluster around her solar plexus and ribcage, and even a couple nestled between the mountains of her chest. Her body could’ve probably hosted his entire nation with ease.

“Hmmmm? What’s wrong?” She asked teasingly, snapping his attention back to the task at hand. He’d been paralyzed by the sight of her torso’s rhythmic undulations as she spoke. The way they all moved with her should have reduced them to dust and yet they were clearly unscathed. His eyes fell on one that looked about as large as her belly button, near her solar plexus, “Ohh? This one?” she asked as her left hand darkened its sky, causing some streetlights to flicker on in the shadow as her index finger pointed limply down at it. The tip slick and shiny with her juices. His mind acknowledged like a zombie, not even aware of what he was doing anymore, he couldn’t process this reality in any logical way. “Okay!” She said excitedly, a giggle pulsating through her abs as she brought his city towards her right breast again. Placing it on the border of her areola, just to the left from her point of view. A place of honour if there ever was one. Liara laid herself back down, closing her eyes to guide herself through touch alone. Ignoring the pleas of her toyscape.

On her breast her powerful heartbeat boomed throughout the city as her right hand moved towards the offering on her belly. A little rapid with arousal, gently shaking buildings as it pulsed through her aura. Barely a crack appeared in the alreadyd damaged pavement people were stumbling across. Skyscrapers slowly crinkled in their frameworks, swaying a little with each thrum. Bits of glass, flower pots and concrete chips were raining into various intact hotspots downtown. Though it was nothing the buildings couldn’t survive. Difficult and painful as this was, when they saw her casually grasp the offering like a paintchip, they were thankful.

They heard the rush of a gentle inhale as they were thrust against the ground. Feeling heavier but still able to stand as Liara’s chest heaved skyward, her whole abdomen deforming momentarily. Slowing into a dizzying second of weightlessness. Freefall lurched in their stomachs before most could get their balance, accelerating beyond terminal velocity as her presence kept them, mostly, glued to the ground. Transitioning into a crushing second of force that left most of them face down in the dirt. Leaving them nauseous a second longer before the maddening cycle began again. Their insignificance was humbling to say the least, but they were getting used to that.

A small community in a neighbourhood with a great view of the shifting plains of Liara’s belly had gathered to watch the show. Most had little else to do or live for but some had to admit they were more than a little aroused. Some by her. Others by it. Their legs already learning the pattern of ebbs in the ground. The constant rocking was kinda soothing actually. Many were already adapting their gait to it till the ground slid from under them. Yelping a little on impact, the sidewalks, grass, dirt, stone or asphalt seemed to rush up to meet their bodies.

The jolt swept though the city, derailing a train and causing several freight trucks to tip over, one ending with a spectacular explosion of propane. Multitudes of weaker buildings cracked and faltered against the sudden lateral force. Joining the many others that had already fallen. Sending the little figures scurrying as best they could, wherever they could, with the ground still wobbling around them. Their little brains whirring over this sudden poignant display from their Goddess. Was this a warning? Did they do something wrong? No, Liara had just unconsciously nudged her breast. It squashed gently against her right bicep, rolling inwards a little when she extended her arm. Not everything is about you you know?

Though this was little consolation to the metropolis sweating in her cleavage. Only slightly smaller than that on her breast it suffered far more from her excited heart and lungs. Over a million found themselves disillusioned, confused. Suddenly floating as formless orbs of consciousness, feeling their beings burning. Ripping apart as their selves seemed to dissolve inside this strange, heavy void they now existed in. Until they blanked out entirely a moment later. Elsewhere, others barely had time to notice the vast swaths of residential and commercial suburbia, thousands and thousands of buildings of steel, wood, concrete and glass, disappear under the deeply tanned flesh. Squashing out an immense pressure wave, a solid white cloud of atmospheric force tearing apart the fabric of society.

Entire communities burst against the ghastly arc. Towers contorted, concrete blew off in great heaps as the windows imploded into the cowering masses inside. The wave, like a vengeful wraith, grey and omnipresent, burst drywall and panelling like soap bubbles. Furniture, along with the meeting rooms and apartments they came from, exploded out the other side of the building. The structures groaning loudly as they bowed backwards, the vengeful phantom already long passed. Collapsing towards the flayed crowds struggling in the bouncing, scraping, careening rubble. Their own stone flesh barely clinging in scraps to the shattered bones of fire resistant steel.

Below, everything else had reduced to a fuzz of splinters and blood at the touch of the white spirit. The land squealing for a moment before a symphony of explosive snaps and bangs ripped through the pavement. Then, the demonic wall of air disappeared. Gone, its hunger sated in that single second of gluttonous rage, not a trace of it’s presence remained in this world. Only the results. A tide of crumpling aluminum husks, bodies, chunks of stone rolling through the streets as the land fractured. Rising, tipping into plates throwing even more screaming people, buildings, cars, trains and detritus into the air and each other. Gore and ichor spat, squashed, chunked and ran as more peasantry died by the horde.

Those far enough away, spared from all of this but witnessing it nonetheless, gazed on at the scene that their minds hadn’t even had time to see yet. It had twitched, that’s what they saw. The solid wall of flesh that stretched across the horizon and further above than their necks would take them had moved only slightly. Its sheer scale made it impossible to realize just how far that simple nudge had carried it. The death, destruction, they were unaware of it. As was the divine princess that now sat upon it, though for far more sensible reasons. A third of the mortal metropolis flattened beneath her in an instant. How could one expect such noble anatomy to notice? The grandest of constructions comparable to the smallest grains of sand in size alone. As even a single grain of such sand was sturdy as to be felt under her weight. Whereas these... excuses... shattered like an image darting at the corner of one’s sight. Faeries. Wondering if the thing had existed at all? Perhaps the trick of a mind coerced by the legendarily sensitive flesh of a princess. Feeling phantoms where only fantasies existed.

The screams and cries rising from the remaining peasants dared to suggest otherwise. The cataclysm still sweeping through the core of their business and administrative center their evidence. But such mundanity was unworthy of her note. Just don’t tell her sister about it.

Above, the titquake was subsiding enough to catch their breath as they watched Liara’s new toy being whisked toward her waiting vagina. Some were starting to see why she found all this so erotic, women in particular. Maybe because they could imagine themselves in her position in a far more literal, accurate sense. Maybe because there was something about it that spoke to them on a deeper, more intrinsic level. As if the act itself was somehow feminine, or perhaps... ‘them’.

Though they were more than a little horrified at the mass murder. And the idea of having so much debris stuck inside them sounded kinda gross, I mean, cities aren’t clean y’know. But at the same time, that seemed like the whole point. Destroying the results of so many people’s time, effort, expertise, hopes, dreams and ambitions was so primal. And the idea of ending so many lives for one moment of sensual joy, if that, seemed so incredibly right. The idea of being able to just let go and give into your desires without any fear of anything. An act of absolute indulgence, where all obligation, worry and weakness cease to exist until all that was left was pleasure. Being in a state of total control, peace and self.

Some felt like they were getting a glimpse of something important, but they couldn’t quite put their finger on what. Their minds started kneading the concepts into something with a form they could grasp. It seemed almost... enlightening. But it slipped around their psyches again and again, unable to balance the obvious contradictions and paradoxes into the answer they all knew was there but could not see.

Until it all tumbled away, crumbling from their awareness as a thunderous wet smack echoed over their thoughts. Liara was peeling herself open now. Some of the ladies compulsively followed suit, their thoughts fogging with images of other girls. Sometimes accompanied with feelings of arousal they’d never had before. Liara’s pheromones were only meant for other, powerful, divine beings like herself after all. Oh well, maybe next time.

She slowly placed the paintchip of humanity on her slick labia, just below her throbbing clit and the sight of her onlookers. The sight of it twitching in step with her heart released any remaining pent up guttural screams of the people.

“A~hhhhhnnn” Liara sighed softly with ecstasy. The vibrations shuddered through the devastated city between her breasts. Some of its people foolishly believed it was from the sensation of her tit crushing their lives.

Two fingers on her left hand kept her open while the thumb and forefinger of her right pulled away. The red nails lifted with them a rope of sticky mucus each. Snapping and splattering back onto the pink surface in foamy heaps. The landscape settled, its foundations crackled loudly under their own weight and the shifting contours of her sex. Her protection slowly evaporating from them so she could feel every little wiggle.

Liara’s breast rolled off the city dying in her cleavage. The homogenized gravel of steel, concrete and blood stuck to her body, crumbling off the soft tit in flecks. Her hand slowly drifting its way towards it, fingers splayed lazily.

A lustful clench bulged and deformed her labia’s surface. Almost immediately large tears started ripping open all over the metropolitan area. Two parallel ridges swelled upwards across the entire length of the city as the flesh underneath stretched, wrinkling just a little. The pavement drooped down each slope, ripping apart on the peak. Severing gaslines into a flash of two perfect lengths of bright orange fire that even Liara could’ve seen had she cared to look. Houses, towers, stadiums and the rest leaned reluctantly down the slopes. The valley between them threatening to become a graveyard of suburbia as single instances broke off and began to slide along with all the vehicles that beat them to it. She could feel them dying, thousands and thousands of them. She could feel their souls entering her body, dissolving to mix with the energy already overflowing within her. There were no tingles.

But the ridges settled just as quickly as they appeared. Mercifully, or not, protecting the vast majority of the city from any real damage. Though it looked nearly split into thirds. Until a deep, groaning squeak, almost like rubber on rubber, vibrated through their fractured city. The entire thing started to slide down the lubricated ravine. carried along by the flow of cum oozing from her clit. A few unlucky people too close to the edge slipped over and down into the mucus below. Stuck in place suffocating or swept away by the tide.

Fingers gently clasped around the lower swell of her right tit. Spread wide, kneading the tender bosom idly as her sacrifice ground near imperceptibly down her labia. The sway in the tattered streets, how the surviving buildings creaked, was a bad omen to the guests atop her breast. Closing her eyes, head rolling to the right. A pleased expression spread on her lips as she squeezed the bountiful flesh. Slowly massaging her special girl as she allowed her shoulders to relax into the soft crust of her playground. Her other special girl was not impressed, not at all. Liara always plays with her sister and ignores her entirely! It’s true, she swears! Liara promised that her left princess would get some attention too, but she was skeptical.

Between her legs, the pink sea undulated with every heartbeat. rippling the pavement and clattering cars and people like ragdolls. Every surface was becoming strangely slick with her wetness. Condensing into droplets that slowly grew. On people, cars, buildings, even grass. Until they began to drip, and then flow. Collecting, growing, it was a flash flood of feminine arousal. All of the nectar steaming off her cunt had to go somewhere. Houses were threatening to cave in under the weight, downtown was pure chaos. Streets and avenues were quickly being transformed into a tight network of jagged webs filling with her liquid passion. There was nowhere to run, no way to escape, but people fled anyways. From glass, metal, and fire.

The first intact chunks began breaking off and falling over the side one by one. Their contents, sometimes entire neighbourhoods or shopping districts, were often relatively intact and inhabited. Flipping slowly as the sheer distance ensured survivors had a good few seconds to contemplate their fates before plunging into the lake of cum at the bottom. Or sometimes embedding into the mucus that coated her walls. Occasionally hitting with enough force to actually touch her flesh. It felt like someone dropping a single grain of sand into her every few seconds. It teased her ever so slightly.

Above, her guests were tossed about as her hand continued playing with her voluptuous body. Cars jostled onto their sides, people knocked to the ground. Odds and ends falling off shelves and tables. Her aura mostly serving to protect the buildings and pavement from the bulk of the erratic motions. A mercy for sure. Though even that was being tested as the divine being caressed her supple asset. Squashing and rolling her bosom around her-... What was that feeling? Probably just her imagination.

She brushed the tip of her nipple with her middle finger, her breath quickening. Smiling when she realized she nearly forgot about that city on top of her princess. Lightly pressing on her nipple with a finger, consciously feeling the small weight of the large human city a little to it’s left. Their aura had weakened considerably thanks to her forgetfulness. Easily fixed, but they were fine... mostly... for her tastes. Liara inhaled deeply, her head rolling to the left as she twirled the nub in a slow circle. Checking her body to see if there were any other toys she’d forgotten about.


People had been living their lives a heartbeat at a time for an hour now. People, some of them, had seen the portal open far on the horizon, only half visible. They didn’t believe what they were seeing, a massive human figure stepping through a pool of yellow light. Though the extreme distance hid her exact features, they had no difficulty seeing that she was a woman. Aided by her caramel complexion, contrasting against the blue of the horizon and white-gold of the portal. They felt the small tremors from her first steps. They felt the near instantaneous change in the air, the odd static feeling that seemed to cling to their skin. They heard her voice, smooth and silky. Rich as dark chocolate, teasing as a dreamy lover. They saw her figure, beautiful, divine. They witnessed her actions, playful, seductive... cruel.

She had slowly moved towards them over the next hour, toying with humanity along the way as only a Goddess could. Scratching her itch with their microbial lives. Then she had stared cravingly at them. Storming towards them on her hands and knees, they thought for sure that was it. But she passed them, heading instead towards the neighbouring nation. Moaning so loudly it threatened to shatter every window in the city, though that static feeling seemed to absorb the bulk of the force. She teased them the way she teased the rest, and when she laid back they believed that was it, but her head missed them, as did every strange of hair. The quakes they thought would end their lives never came, the ground seemed to only flex slightly and buzz loudly. And now she’s laid there, playing with herself, moaning, sighing.

Her head rolled in their direction. thousands of hectares of dead earth crushing beneath her soft cheek As her filled her lungs to the brim through her nose. Gazing upon the pleased expression on her luscious red lips. Her eyes were closed in satisfaction, lashes fanning out brilliantly. A lock of wavy black hair falling across her cheek and throat, a few strands shading her right eye. She looked serene, peaceful and caring. The air seemed to ripple and flex as her lips parted, forming thin misty streaks that vanished just as quickly. Hints of white teeth gleamed within.

“Haaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh” She sighed, as though sinking into a warm, scented mineral bath. Evaporating even the deepest tension from her body as their Goddess’ eyes slid open. Liara's gentle breath carried all the stress, all the worries, all the bad, unpleasant things from her soul. Her smile softening as her voice echoed around them. Those on the outskirts watched a great plume of dust rise before her lips. Becoming a solid, grainy wall of brown and black. Barely allowed to hear, feel, the calm elation in her voice before whole neighbourhoods exploded in an instant. All of downtown scoured from existence in seconds. The rest followed suite moments later. The vibrations ripped torrents of dirt and rock from the land as everything became just more dust in the maelstrom.

Her breath continued, expanding, disintegrating all the surrounding towns in a swell of earth on its way towards the next large city. Burying it under the ocean of rolling, bouncing debris before wiping all traces of it from the surface along with it. Only after decimating all the small hovels that suckled from its economic teat, and all the forests their citizens were running to in their vain attempts to survive, did her breath begin to lose enough force to at least leave hints of what it rolled over. Though that wasn’t much consolation, as it’s widening arc covered three more cities, only one of them of appreciable size to her, closer in scale to her areola, but far from matching it. They watched her eyes, they looked so satisfied and calm, staring blankly ahead. Then the dust stole them from view, darkening everything. Showering them in an artillery barrage of unrecognizable chunks of metal, rock and wood. Cratering, crushing, toppling and rending every street, every life, in the few long seconds her sigh washed over them. Blanketing the ruins in the cloud of dust as the survivors cried in blinded agony. Choking for air against the particulate rock and the sobs.


She scanned her body, looking for cities she wasn’t aware of. But couldn’t find any. The cloud of dust slowly spreading in front of her face caught her eye. Flitting to it, blinking, wondering, just in case... but nothing seemed to have ever been there. She smiled toothily, that settled it, there wasn’t a soul out of place. She doesn’t even know why she’d been so paranoid. Her self awareness was impeccable after all.

“Uuuuuuhhhhhnnnnnnn....” Liara moaned with a growl as she pinched her nipple. A few skyscrapers on her kitty’s treat simply exploded against the sheer force of her voice while huge chasms ripped open in what remained of the streets. Arching her back, jutting her chest into the sky. Tearing buildings from their foundations and tossing them into everything between them and her waiting pink abyss with a slight swivel of her hips. “It’s cruummbbllllyyyyyy!” she purred, groping her breast as she settled back down. The vibrations slid nearly half the city briskly over the side. Hitting a few seconds later as a light drizzle of erotic tickles. She could feel some of them, especially on her walls, breaking apart as they flowed down even more. Dissolving until she couldn’t feel them at all.

She shivered and sighed from the delicate sensations, shaking the rest of the city over the edge. Strengthening the fading drizzle into a sprinkle. She laid there, enjoying it for the few seconds it lasted before all that was left was the faint feeling of grit swimming inside her. Some pieces still held a few thousand living souls, protected from the fall by faint wisps of her fading energy. Crying as they watched the bubble of air around their chunk slowly collapsing. But before they could drown, crushed under an ocean of warm, slimy cum. The walls of her pussy flexed, sloshing the sea of honey just before her muscles clenched. Crushing every last trace of them into the sticky goo.

“Mmmmmmmmnnnnnnnn...” She groaned, her pussy relaxed slowly with an audible slurp, feeling the thick ropes of mucus tearing between her walls, “Allllllllll goonnnnnnneeeeeee...” She sang playfully. Removing her left hand from her nether lips. Feeling them slowly close. The wrinkling, squelching pressure popped the last few dozen people stuck to them into red paste, not that she noticed. Bringing her hand to her lips she began sucking her juices off of each digit one at a time.

The city on her breast was in shock, it was already over. The guy who gave her the idea timidly reached out with his mind, “S-so... uhhh... how... was it?” was his first coherent sentence to his Goddess.

Liara chuckled lightly, inhaled deeply, sucked another finger dry, “Tingly...” she answered, with two scoops of sultry caramel. Her cleaned fingers drifted limply over her torso while her right hand descending between her legs.

“W-well I’m glad you-” he was cut off by the echoing slurp of her pussylips peeling open again, “-... liked... it...”

“Mmmnn, it feels so good...” she purred, as the nails of her left hand gripped the borders of another treat, this one plucked from her solar plexus. Ignoring their screams as it touched her labia, it felt so light! Like a small dried leaf. Refreshingly cool to the touch too. Her moistness and heat quickly overwhelmed the delicate little thing. Sagging as it started to crumble, carried downwards by her fluids. She fondled her left breast, as promised, while she enjoyed the feeling of it dissolving. Her right princess immediately kicked up a fuss. Why does she always play with the left so much? Liara reminded her that she just had a turn. But the right one retorted that that barely counted, she only plays with her just to say she does before going back to her sister on the left. Liara said that wasn’t true, she loves both of her girls equally. But her right was unimpressed, she knows that’s not true, Liara can’t fool her!

Oh those girls, after she finishes feeding her kitty kat she’ll find them something fun to play with.

Her pussy was nearly done with it’s latest mouthful. Disintegrating the pathetic little thing as it crumbled over the edge. An entire city dying inside her for barely a touch. The sheer ease of destruction made her shiver. This was what it meant to be divine!

These treats don’t taste very good... Her kitten lamented as it finished chewing. Opening it’s maw with a loud slorping “Pleh”. Drooling thick strings of warm mucus into the lake below, such a messy eater!

But it said it loved these treats a moment ago! Oh, no matter, Liara knows she can’t argue with her kitten no matter what persona’s in her head. If it doesn’t like it it just doesn’t like it and that’s that.

Besides, Liara thought as she reached for another city, kitty kats can’t live on wafers alone.

This one floated on the copious mucus, flowing down faster than the others. Flooding in places as it reached the edge all too quickly. Dripping in grainy globs down into her quivering tunnel. “Mmmmnnnnn... more.” Liara growled to the man.

“M-more...? You mean cities for you... to...”

Liara giggled as his innocence tickled her nerves, “No!” she said playfully, “More games. I‘m getting bored of this one.”

“Ummmm.... well... I...”

Grabbing another random city on her belly, she quickly reached between her legs. Squelching loudly as she simply fed it to her voracious feline. All subtlety thrown out the window. She moaned, reaching for another, “Hurry up!” She couldn’t’ve sounded more like a horny valley girl if she tried. Her poor little kitty kat was absolutely famished! “I’m running out of toys.” Liara sighed with defeated exasperation and impatience. Something in her tone caught peoples ear as her fingers paused above a loose cluster on her solar plexus. Something sinister and suggestive. A slight inflection that said,

They would entertain her. One way... or the other.

A flood of thoughts suddenly pressed against her. Ideas were streaming from every remaining city on her body and even ones off of it. All desperately trying to avoid becoming her next idle plaything, all trying to stay alive, all trying to avoid the torture of her attention. Liara grinned, her plan was complete.

“Wow, so many smart people.” Her hand drifted over her torso, flitting from city to city. “Ooooooo, that sounds fun.” She cooed as her fingers descended towards one wailing mass of despair, darkening its sky as her nails scooped underneath its foundations. Lifting it slowly as the crying, pleading masses huddled together, “And, by the way...” she breathed, bringing it to her face, turning it until her eyes were their sky. Sultry, scary, a little coy. The intensity radiating from them was so much more than whatever resistance gravity could muster. Her mouth opened slowly, deliberately, her eyes pressing them all to the pavement.

“I don’t... do... butt stuff.” she coldly enunciated.

The whole city burst into apologetics and anger, She smiled, blinking slowly “Awwwwww... don’t worry, I forgive you.” Her voice consoled with a catch while her eyes glinted with playful cruelty. “Even though you let people with ideas your Goddess doesn’t like live with you.” People quieted into a murmur as she quickly grabbed two more cities who had the gall to harbour such thought criminals. They didn’t have any time to feel more than stunned. Certainly she could’ve gathered every city on her body but she chose only those with the highest concentrations of such vulgarity. Only so she wouldn’t run out of toys to play with so quickly, of course.

“But it’s not me you need to apologize to...” Her silky smooth, dark chocolate voice poured over them warmly. Placing them on her groin, giving them all clear line of sight of her enormous, pulsating clit. “It’s her.” her voice cooled, crackling mischievously.

People stood dumbfounded for a moment. It twitched and throbbed with insatiated regularity, thick ooze pouring from it’s tip. Larger than any mountain on this worthless little dustball. Not because hers was truly big, just that they are all so, so tiny. The ground flexed mightily as her muscles clenched, shuddering through their legs as the oozing button shivered. “Ohhhh... she’s excited! She wants to play with allllll the toy soldiers...” The words dripped deviously with glee.

The defensive bases embedded in the three cities were already busy preparing whatever weapons they had available in a daze. Missile systems armed, jets already taxiing on the runways. Artillery shells primed and loaded, rifles were pointless. “You should be thankful to the people of... Desre... Des...” Liara struggled with the unfamiliar speech as she fondled both her breasts. Her princesses, for once, weren’t complaining about being treated unequally. The amount of pleasure though... “...Whatever.” She sighed, groping herself, Rolling her massive tits around her chest slowly, “They gave you this chance to repent... Make the most of it.” She didn’t need to tell them twice, every mustered gun roared into action. Artillery lobbed high impact shells from range, Piercing deep into the mucus before exploding. The foamy bubbles collapsed immediately under their own weight, swept away by the constant flow of cum from above. Peppering her nub with fire and steel from all angles. Bombers took off, laden with the most armour piercing things at their disposal and started their approach to the quivering mountain. Interceptors flying in front with cruise missiles whizzing past their wings. Launched in swarms ahead of the pack, their explosions dotted its surface. Splattering globs of the thick coating of ooze but little else.

The aircraft joined the fray, interceptors with bombers and gunships not too far behind. Strafing the tip’s vast purple landscape with rockets and cannon fire. Carpet bombing the top. Her nub twitched unconsciously, flexing upwards. Erupting the incendiary cargo of a dozen heavy bombers all at once as their aluminum frames crunched like gnats against her. Burning shrapnel sticking to the cum dribbling off its surface before the mucus put them out.

The gunships wouldn’t make the same mistake, taking up formation at a safe distance they unloaded dozens of rockets each into the pulsating clit. Adding meagerly to the tiny sparkles dancing all over the slimy surface. A deep groan reverberated through the atmosphere... but it didn’t sound like Liara’s voice... No...

Her clit was swelling.

“NnnnnnNNNNMMmmm” she purred. The vibration of her lustful voice shook some planes off course... and ruptured others. Her nub’s already sensitive nerves were stretching, flattening all across the surface. They were doing it! More and more armaments in the heavily garrisoned cities came to life in elation, bombarding the gargantuan love button with abandon. Stockpiles, gathered over decades in preparation for an apocalyptic showdown with their northern rivals, were being emptied. All to satisfy a young Goddess’ clit. Bathing it in fire, steel, lead and shrapnel. Proving their worth to this incredible being, so powerful it used them as mere sex toys.

“Hu~hhhh” Liara sighed, relaxing her shoulders into the soft earth. The molten mud squished delightfully between her toes as the balls of her feet crunched through the surface. Red fissures erupting around them as her pelvis lifted a little. But there was something off in her tone, it wasn’t quite pleased, not satisfied... it sounded almost... exasperated. As she relaxed her powerful legs, her butt sunk down on the planet again. The almighty crunch of her weight shattering the fragile surface. The waves of molten rock overflowed their chasms in a splashing wave. The land it swallowed was made desolate and bare of life. Her body was too much for their fragile world. Her aura now only served to keep her from having to swim in it’s magma or kill those on her body. Barely preventing the landbound remains of her toy nation from dissolving in cataclysmic earthquakes as she enjoyed the warmth on her back. They remained alive and aware, forced to hear their Goddess’ next words along with everyone else.

“Why haven’t you started yet? Your Goddess is sooooooo hooooorrrrnnnnyyyyyyyy...” Liara groaned wantonly.

The morale bubble popped, the garrisons on her groin flew into confused desperation. Even as her clit’s nerves tightened into stiff threads the soft, teasing sensations they were barely producing couldn’t even pass as foreplay. It had only swelled in a maddening attempt to feel even one... single... tingle.

The generals and advisors of each city coordinated with each other to pull off a manoeuvre they never thought they’d ever have to use. Something that had been written up and drilled only as a formality, something that should never have needed to leave the realm of battlefield theory. All aircraft were rapidly rearmed, artillery shells were cycled, precision bunker busting missiles linked their firing controls. Computer systems fed auto calculated targeting data to every regiment and asset in the area. And then with a single button, the sky was set ablaze.

Everything fired as a single unified volley, soaring towards their designated zones, evenly distributed for maximum possible coverage. Impacting in a single orange sheet of death all across her clit. All the power of a nuke but without the radiation. Surely this so-called Goddess had felt that. But they weren’t done, reloading and repositioning again, the automated system fired another mega attack. Impacting in another glorious sheet of flame and steel. It was quite the beta test.

Liara was busy tending to her girls. Giving them all the love and affection they desired. Her engorged clit quaked with jealousy as another of these tiny patches of sparkles touched it. It was so excited to make some new friends and it knows it can... sometimes... be a little too... enthusiastic during its play dates. So it tried really hard to be patient just like Liara told it to! But, as yet another of these strange little flashes covered it, these playthings clearly weren’t interested in entertaining it. They just keep sending it these little sparkles that are just... pathetic! Like that one, its drool already covered the spots they touched. Well it was done playing nice. It wanted fun and it wanted fun now!

Her kitty kat began to call to Liara, louder and louder, threatening to descend into a full blown temper tantrum. Its cries irritated the princesses, but even at their worst they were not as demanding and impatient as Kitty could be. And they knew it. There was simply no competing with its appetite. Liara sighed long, a mixture of disappointment and savage amusement flowed from her lips and nostrils.

“I guess you need to be reminded that you only exist for my pleasure.” she cooed with that sultry sweet voice of hers. Smooth and rich like an elegant fondue. It was about time to wipe away these bacteria for their arrogance. But as her arm began to flex, readying to snuff out their existence under her slender fingers, her loins started feeling...

Strangely warm.


Chapter End Notes:

Weighing in at 9,201 words this is the longest chapter so far and it feels really good to get back to this format. I figure long chapters makes up for the fact that it takes me a good half year or more to update. I had a lot of fun wriitng it and I hope everyone had fun reading it.

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