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Author's Chapter Notes:

Just a heads up. My real life is about to get pretty busy so there may be a delay between updates. I do plan to continue this story however. Having a lot of fun with this.

Chapter 4

Cradling her tiny new friends in her hands, Sapphire carried Mina and Swiftpaws up the stairs to her room above the dance hall. Despite herself, Mina couldn’t help but stare at the giant woman’s voluminous chest as it quivered slightly with each step. She remembered all too well her experiences within those dangerous curves. She forced herself to pull her eyes away, though this wasn’t easy when one was being carried at chest level by a buxom giantess.

Swiftpaws was given accommodations in a small gilded cage that had once housed a dancer’s pet canary. Mina was sad to see her loyal steed locked up but agreed that it was probably for the best. Goldie’s customers would not take kindly to a mouse scurrying about the premises.

“And the same goes for you, missy. Ya can’t just go wanderin’ around underfoot,” Sapphire said. She had placed Mina on a small nigtstand and taken a seat on the satin sheets of her bed nearby.

“If you and I are gonna be roomies,” the ginger giant continued, “we’ll have to set some ground rules. And I mean that literally. As in stay off the ground whenever possible.”

Sapphire slipped off her shoes and hoisted a leg, placing a stocking-clad foot on the tabletop beside Mina. The impact caused the tiny girl to stumble. Regaining her balance, she backed away cautiously from that monstrous appendage. Toes bigger than she was wiggled playfully through the sheer fabric.

“These tootsies may be cute but they’d be mighty deadly for a gal like you,” Sapphire reminded her. “The floor ain’t safe for ya.”

“How will I get around then?” Mina asked.

“I’ll have to carry ya,” said Sapphire. “It’s better that way. Sorry, sweet pea. I wish I could give ya the run o’ the place but it’s just too dangerous. You should probably stay off o’ chairs too.”


“Yep. Gotta watch out for this baby!”

The redhead stood up, spun around, and hiked up the back of her frilly skirt. She thrust her tremendous backside towards the table, hovering it directly above Mina. The minuscule girl looked up at it in absolute awe and fear. Like Sapphire’s chest, her bottom was formed by a whopping pair of perfect round hills, straining against the lacy undergarments that contained them.

“If the floor ain’t safe for ya, neither is chairs,” Sapphire concluded. “We wouldn’t want ya to get squashed when I sit down!” She clenched her mighty cheeks a few times to show their destructive capability. Mina gulped.

The giant woman dropped the bustle of her skirt back into place and turned around again. “Now then…where ya gonna sleep? There’s room for us both in the bed but I wouldn’t wanna roll over on top o’ ya. Plus, I sometimes get, *ahem*, gentleman callers. Might be best if I use the spare room for that. Yer innocent eyes don’t need to see such things. And ya certainly don’t wanna get caught in the middle of it! No siree! God, imagine all the places ya could wind up if…umm, what was I sayin’?”

“Where will I sleep?” Mina offered.

“Right, right. Sorry, my mind wanders sometimes. Hmm. I got me an idear.”

Sapphire walked over to a chest of drawers near the far wall and started rifling through one of the compartments. After a moment, she returned with a long elegant glove of red velvet. She unfolded this neatly and placed it on the table.

“Would this be all right to sleep in ya think?”

Mina approached the opening of the glove and wriggled into it like a sleeping bag. She pulled the edges up to her shoulders and slid her legs about, feeling the softness of the material.

“Ooo, it’s lovely!” she squealed.

“Glad ya approve.”

“Sapphire,” Mina said hesitantly, sitting up. “What do I do if I…if I need to…”

“To what, honey?”

Mina blushed. “Er, if I need to use the privy?”

The redhead’s eyes went wide. “Oh! Hmm. Guess I hadn’t thought of that. Let me see…”

Returning to the dresser, Sapphire shuffled things about in the drawer and returned with a handful of items. She placed a thimble on the tabletop and set an open book above it, forming a sort of pyramid. She took out a Japanese-style fan and, with a snap of her wrist, expanded it to its full width. Sapphire leaned the fan at an angle against the opening of this alcove.

“There ya go. A little privacy for ya.”

“Thank you, Sapphire,” Mina said, looking up at the towering lady. “For everything.”

“Aw, ‘tweren’t nothin’.”

“No, really,” the miniature girl declared. “You’ve been so nice to me. You didn’t have to be. I thought you would have squished me for sure when you found me in…uh, when I was in your…”

“When you were down between my jumblies?” Sapphire said with a smirk. “Don’t worry ‘bout it. There’s fellers in this town who’ve had their hands all over worse places. I’m just glad ya survived the trip. The girls here almost ate ya up!”

She cupped her enormous bosom with her hands and jiggled it again. Mina watched, mesmerized and a bit terrified by the violent motion.

“Ya know, I could stand to eat somethin’ myself,” the giant woman declared after releasing her assets. “Ya hungry, Miss Mina? I think I’ve got a box of chocolates around here somewhere. From one of my many admirers, ya see. A cattle rancher from the next town over. Or was it that blacksmith fella? Maybe the sheriff?”

Sapphire looked around quizzically and finally found what she sought on a nearby shelf. She scooped up a large red box in the shape of a heart and set it carefully on the table beside Mina. When she popped open the lid, the resulting sight took the tiny girl’s breath away. Laid out before her was a field of exotic chocolates, toffees, bonbons, and caramels. Some were as big as she was.

“Oh my…” Mina whispered breathily.

“Help yourself,” Sapphire told her, though the little lady was already trying to climb over the rim of the box. When she seemed to be struggling, Sapphire reached down and placed a fingertip under Mina’s dangling feet, giving her the last little boost she needed. Mina tumbled down into a veritable Candyland. She dove at a large chunk of chocolate that she could have used as a bench and began to nibble at it. Mina broke off pieces with both hands, stuffing her face and pulling out the gooey marshmallow center.

Sapphire beamed down at her miniature roommate. She watched her forage among the sweets like a small yet voracious animal.

“Aww, just look at ya,” the dancer cooed. “Cute enough to eat!”

Mina suddenly stopped and peered up at Sapphire with a look of panic.

“Oh! Sorry, Mina! I didn’t mean it!” Sapphire said quickly. “Guess that’s not just a figure o’ speech for somebody like you.”

“Not when one is bite-size, no,” Mina answered. She relaxed and resumed gorging herself on chocolate.

“That reminds me,” continued Sapphire. “We should probably work out a plan for mealtimes.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t eat much,” said Mina. “Mama always let me steal a few scraps from her plate and that was all I needed.”

“I don’t mind sharin’ with ya,” the red-haired beauty said. “Just, uh…don’t venture too far onto my plate. I should warn ya, I’ve got a powerful appetite. I tend to scarf down my food in big bites. So, don’t go gettin’ lost in my supper. If I don’t see ya there, I might send ya straight down my gullet!”

As if to demonstrate, Sapphire plucked up the bonbon next to Mina and popped it into her mouth. Her jaws got to work and a few seconds later, there was a loud audible gulp. Mina watched the enormous throat bob and traced the path of the bonbon with wide, horrified eyes.

“Ya may be a sweet pea but this is no place for ya,” said Sapphire as she rubbed her tummy. “Hmm. Probably safer if I cut some smaller portions for ya and leave ‘em on a napkin.”

“Y-yes!” Mina stammered. “Let’s do that, please!”

Sapphire frowned. “Aww, ya poor li’l mite! Scared o’ my feet and my bosoms and my arse and now my mouth too! I must seem like the worst roommate ever!”

“No, you’re wonderful!” Mina insisted. “Like I said, I appreciate everything you’re doing for me.”

“Good to know,” said the redhead. “Now save some o’ those chocolates for me, greedy!”

Sapphire’s long, slender fingers swooped down and closed around a handful of sweets, scooping Mina up in the process. She lifted her hand to her face and opened wide. Hot breath washed over Mina and she stared in terror at the vast cavern yawning before her. Her vision filled with glistening tombstone-like teeth, a writhing pink tongue spread out like a carpet, and thick strands of saliva stretching from floor to ceiling. Beyond this, she saw a dark abyss that could easily swallow her whole. Mina screamed.

The thick red lips suddenly closed and stretched into a smile wider than Mina was tall. “Sorry, sweet pea,” Sapphire chuckled. “Had ya goin’ there, didn’t I?”

Mina sat in the giant hand clutching her chest until she regained control of her breathing. “You mean you did that on purpose?”

“Yep,” Sapphire said sheepishly. “I couldn’t resist.”

“Why…why, you big meanie!” the tiny girl huffed. “Just for that, you know what I’m going to do?”

Sapphire arched an eyebrow. “What are ya gonna do, my wee missy?”

Mina thrust out both hands and pushed a sweet off the side of Sapphire’s palm. It plummeted to the floor and splattered. The enormous lips parted again, this time in surprise.

“Ya little devil, you!” Sapphire said in mock anger. She tried not to smile. “That was a strawberry one! Them’s my favorites!”

Mina crossed her arms over her chest and looked off to the side. “That’s what you get.”

“Oh yeah?” challenged the dancer. “Well, here’s what you get!”

Sapphire opened her mouth and popped the whole handful inside—candies, Mina and all. The huge, pillowy lips slammed shut behind the tiny girl, trapping her in the humid darkness. Mina felt the slippery, wet ground shift below her as a giant tongue began to swish her about. She tumbled over again and again, colliding with the bouncing chocolates or occasionally with a tooth or the ridged ceiling above. Mina’s heart was pounding. She couldn’t deny that she was scared but at the same time, this was sort of…fun. Mina squirmed and kicked wildly, laughing despite herself.

“Shtop wigglin’!” Sapphire mumbled through a mouthful of Mina. The motion of her tongue sent the little lady bouncing atop it. “I’m tryin’ not t’ shwallow ya!”

Just then, the door swung open and Opal stepped into the room.

“Hey, Saph!” called the brunette. “Miss Goldie has a contract ready for Mina to sign. Assumin’ she can work a pen. Say, where is the little gal any—?”

Opal suddenly noticed her friend’s bulging cheeks and flew into a panic. “Sapphire, no! Don’t eat her!”

Sapphire quickly reached into her mouth and retrieved a rather moist and bedraggled Mina. Doublechecking that she had grabbed the right item, she swallowed the mostly melted chocolates. Mina dangled once again between her thumb and forefinger. The tiny girl glared at her.

“Just look what you did to my dress!” she said. “I’m soaked!”

Mina and Sapphire stared at each other for a moment before bursting into giggles. Opal shook her head in confusion.

“You two are weird.”

To be continued...

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