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Neverquest – Part 161

A loud boom echoed over the otherwise quiet city of Felwinter. Hundreds of pigeons burst from the bell tower, dipping and soaring into the red streaks of sky that the sun had painted.

Another clap of harmonious thunder brought out the beady little eyes of Men and rats down in the streets. The remains of the daytime's affairs would be their feast for the night.

Queen Isabella stood on the balcony outside her window, musing over the day's events, and cringed when the bell chimed a third time. She hadn't forgotten what they had almost done to her...up in that place...

On the fourth ring, she slowly touched her fingertips to her neck, tracing the red lines that still burned. How could anybody try to take her life? How dare they. She was a princess. She was better than them all!

The fifth and final bell was the loudest, but it did nothing to ease her pain. They were all jealous. They all wanted to be great.

"Juveniles ..." she muttered to the people who looked like ants below. "You'll just never be happy with what you are, will you?"

She sighed and let her hand fall.

"...Your Highness," came a voice from behind.

"Hm?" Isabella turned around. "Oh, Fallon! I'm glad to see you. This has been such a traumatic day and my hair is a mess... But so is yours! You're not even wearing your ribbons. That's so unlike you, Fallon." She shook her head. "Come on. We'll go get our hair done together."


"I insist! You've done more than enough for me today."

Fallon's face remained somber. "...I fear I have one more thing to do...and despite my best efforts, I can think of no right way to do it."

"You're shaking, Fallon." She spotted the tiny carrier pigeon that was perched on her courier's shoulder and raised her eyebrows. "What is wrong?"

"Your mother is dead."

Isabella's face sank. "... W...what?"

"...She was killed by an assassin a few days ago on her journey home from the Forsaken Lands," Fallon said softly. "I just received the message now."

"But... ..."

"Isabella, I am so sorry. I know how close you two were." Fallon looked down at her feet. "...If you want me to leave, I will understand."

Isabella immediately seized her hand. "Oh, Fallon... Never... Never. You know I always want you by my side."

"And I will always be here for you, Isabella. That was my vow to your mother and I will honor it even in her death."

"Thank you, Fallon..." Isabella buried her head in her courier's chest. "You've always been so good to me. Not like everybody else. They scoff at me because they want to be me, but they don't know what it's like. They don't even know me..."

"I trust they will soon enough. This is your kingdom to rule now."

Isabella cried into Fallon's blouse, clutching her arms with both hands.

Fallon held onto her just as tight. "From now on, everybody will take orders from you. But just this once, let me ask something of you, Isabella..."

"Yes, of course... Anything, Fallon."

"Allow me to find the one who killed your mother," she said. "I know it's unheard of, but I want this investigation."

"Yes, okay... If that's what you want." Isabella wiped her nose. "We'll get you a temporary position with the Paladins to—"

"If it would please Your Highness, I would rather do this alone."

Isabella stared up at her. "What? I could never allow that! Finding an assassin is far too dangerous of an assignment to let you do it by yourself."

"I haven't told anybody else about her death and I think it would be the best for everybody...and your mother's legacy...if this assassination wasn't made public. We'll say that she died from a prolonged illness. You must trust me on this, Isabella. I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't feel it was necessary...and that I could handle it."

Isabella continued to stare.

"...It's my duty to protect you and your family," Fallon said. "Please... Let me have this."

"...If you get killed, I will never forgive you."

"I understand."

"I mean it."

Fallon smiled. "You needn't worry about me. I know my limits."

"Will you go now?"

"Yes. But I will be back. My job is to you first, your mother second."

Isabella nodded and, somewhat reluctantly, released Fallon. She rubbed her eyes, took a couple of deep breaths, and stepped back.

"I'll expect you back at your post soon," Isabella said, somewhere between a cry and a laugh.

"I will be... And I assure you, Isabella—at the end of the day, when this is all over, everybody will get what they deserve."

Isabella smiled and watched her leave. Her smile didn't fade, though. It only grew into something far more sinister.

"That's right," she said, spinning around on her heels. "Everybody will get what they deserve...now that the rightful person is queen." She held out her arms, gazing down at her city below, and inhaled the sweet power of it all.

There was no moon that night. There was only the crescent shape of Isabella's smirk looming down on the hapless people of Felwinter.

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