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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sondra meets the family.  Some singing.  Some Sword fighting.  Lots of tears.  Next chapter: shrinking.


As surprised neither of them, Sondra and Wendy shared no classes. The always got together after and talked about their day. Who they liked as a teacher and who was pushing some bullshit agenda.

Wendy was sure she had spotted Buttercup spying around the edges of her vision, but the fairy had never made contact. It made sense she’d be here. The wards the family had placed on her were not repaired yet. She was probably just making sure she was safe.

There were lots of people at the club when Sondra played. Wendy was happy for her. Lots of “good crowds.” There seemed to be a lot of record company people, but none of them approached her. Wendy their auras looked bad, that was until Sondra encountered an agent.

Sondra had just come off stage and put an arm around her. “Tom, with the Dig-Nots, is having a problem with his amp.” She told her friend. “I gotta get my tools outta the car.”

“Miss, Dolan?” Came a voice from beside them. The speaker was tall, with a short chin-beard and black hair pulled into a man bun. He offered her hand.

Sondra looked at the offered hand, then grinned at Wendy. “That’s pretty good.”She informed her, “They usually go right to ‘Sondra,’ like we’re old buddies or something.” She shook his hand, “How can I help ya’?”

“Miss Dolan, I’m Avery Welles.” His voice was smooth, radio announcer like. “With Westcott and Snype.”

Sondra’s interest was clearly piqued. “Okay,” She kept the handshake going. “I’ve heard of you.”

Wendy shifted her vision into the aura range. His energy field was stained with black, smokey tendrils.

“I’d like to talk about representing you...” His smile beamed forth opportunity.

Sondra looked at Wendy, the big, hopeful smile on her face fade when she saw her friends expression. Her face shifted to one of confusion.

Wendy leaned in and whispered, “I don’t like him.”

Instantly Sondra disengaged from the agent.

“Sorry Mister Welles,” She dismissed him, “I can’t help ya’.”

“Miss Dolan...” He found himself talking to her back.

“Tell ya’ what,” She told him, “you show up with a studio contract, a total creative freedom contract, and I’ll think about it. Right now, I gotta see a guy about a busted amp.”

Wendy had to look confused at her friend. This was everything she was working for. To just say no.

“You didn’t like him.” She explained.



Then, they were tooling down the road in Sondra’s white pinto.

“Why do you cover so much nineties music?” Wendy asked, after a lull in the girl talk.

“Oh.” Sondra answered. “I found all these mix tapes my folks made for each other. It was kind of a musical chronical of their love. It just stuck with me.”

“But you don’t seem to like much other music.” Wendy stated.

“I play music from northwest artists.” She countered.

“Some.”Wendy gave a little.

“I love Canadian music.” She announced.

“What Canadian music?” Wendy was dubious.

In answer, Sondra started singing.

“Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker.

You're a cock-sucking, ass-licking uncle fucker.

You're an uncle fucker, yes it's true.

NOBODY fucks uncles quite like you.”

Wendy found herself laughing so hard it almost hurt. Sondra poured it on.

“Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker.

You're the one who fucked your uncle, uncle fucker.

You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn,

just fucked your uncle all day long.”

“STOP!” Wendy gasped.


At the entrance to the commune, a question occurred to Sondra.

“Umm...” She started, “What can you tell me about...you know...your religion?”

“Well...”Wendy smiled at her friend’s nervousness. “I can tell you we study magic. Details of our beliefs are kept secret,like an ancient Greek mystery cult. Oh, we belive that everybody has a special gift.”

“Like my music?” Sondra piqued.

“That might be your gift.” Wendy was thoughful. “Sometime it’s obvious when you’re a child, some times you have to spend your whole life looking for it. It depends.”

“Any taboo subjects here?” She queried.

“Not really...”Wendy considered.

“Witch burning jokes.” Sondra offered.

“Try to imagine thousands of people tortured and murdered, by somebody trying to get to you.” Wendy said, flatly,”How funny do you find that?”

“I got it.” Sondra nodded.


Wendy’s mother, Felicity, stood in front of their cabin, arms crossed in front of her like she had been waiting there for hours, an expression of indulgent patience on her face. “Show off.” Wendy thought.

Felicity was a tall brunette, still it surprised Wendy that, when they shook hands,her mother was taller than Sondra, her friend seemed so big compared to her. Was she slouching?

“Mother, this is Sondra.” Wendy did the introductions. “Sondra, my mother. Felicity.”

“Ms....uh, Felicity.” Sondra hesitated.

“My daughter tells us you saved her life.” Felicity said, a small, inscrutable smile on her lips.

“She just ran into someone who needed a lesson in manners.” Sondra grinned, then faded, “I just...uh...”

“This is a sacred thing you’ve done.” Felicity stated. An imperious quality in her voice.

“Motheeerrrr...” Wendy leapt in, “Don’t weird her out! She just got here.”

“There’s my special girl!” With perfect timing, Sirius appeared on the porch. He was a big, tall guy, but he was among them in a second, scooping Wendy up in a hug and giving her a big smack on the cheek.

Still held off her feet, with her arms trapped by Sirius’ hug, Wendy turned to Sondra. “This is Uncle Sirius.” Then back to Sirius. “Are you planning on carrying me around all weekend? ‘Cause I’m not, you know, eight.”

Si set her down and mussed her hair. “There’s my big girl.” He teased, then. “You must be Sondra.” He offered a hand.

“Indeed I must, sir.” Sondra shook it, smiling.

“Si’s fine.” His bearded face split into his huge smile. “Who want’s barbecue?”


“...and then she yells ‘Break his cunt!’”

After eating and showing Sondra where the both the communal and private bathing facilities were, they joined most of the rest of the commune in the outdoor common area.

It was clear to Wendy that Sondra hadn’t intended to swear in mixed company, but the wall of laughter from her communal family seemed to give her leave to continue her tale.

“So, now I’ve got the guy’s neck and arm in a figure four leg lock and I ask Wendy to go get Tony, the bouncer...” Sondra soldiered on through her narrative. “and on her way out she almost slips on the guy’s knife!” More hails of encouraging laughter. “And I’m thinking ‘Haven’t you come close enough to getting killed enough for one night?’” Her audience was cracking up, wine helped with that. “Anyway, cops came. My dad was a cop, so everything went smooth. Blah, blah, blah, the end.”

There was actual applause after her story, making Sondra blush. Wendy found the sight of a demure Sondra so cute.

“Wendy say’s you sing.” Came a voice from the crowd, which Wendy recognized as Agnes.

“Yeah.” Sondra was smiling. Someone was offering her familiar ground. “I’d have to get my guitar.”

The crowd became a wall of “Yes, do.” and “Please.” At a little over a hundred people, Wendy had seen her play for smaller audiences.


While Sondra fetched her instrument, Si and mom approached Wendy.

“‘Break his cunt?’” He began with.

“I was trying to say ‘break his contact with the earth,’ but she was already on it.” Wendy explained, rolling her eyes.

“She just climbed his ass and flipped him?” Si was thoughtful.

“Like she knew what to do?” Mom sounded more interested than suspicious.

“I asked her about it.” Wendy said, “All she did was talk about the move, not why. She’s not always a great listener.”

“Hmmmm...” Mom and Si made the sound in unison...then looked at each other. “Jinx!” Also came in unison. Wendy loved her family.

“Holy crap! Who’s dog is THAT?” Sondra was back. And, it seemed, Si’s familiar had joined them.

“That’s Oscar.” He informed her.

“He’s part...wolf...right?” She seemed to be impressed at the beast’s size as it loped to Sirius’ side.

“Half.” Si drawled, “the rest is german shepherd and english mastiff.”

“He’s quite the guy.” She grinned. “Love his colors.”

The liver and red animal sat up straight at the compliment.

“Yes,” Sondra baby talked,”You’re a pretty boy.” Then to them. “I’m gonna try from over here.”

The common area was a bare circle, surrounded by sparse trees, pounded down mostly by dancing. Sondra simply chose the center to perform from. She looked at her audience for a moment, then. “This is one of my favorites.” She smiled a sad smile, “It’s called ‘Baby Girl’ by Sugarland.”

She started with a simple rhythm on her guitar, slowly bringing in more complicated notes.


“They say this town,

The stars stay up all night,

Don't know can't see'em,

For the glow of the neon lights.

And it's a long way from here,

To the place where the home fires burn,

Well it's 2,000 miles and one left turn.


Dear Mom and Dad,

Please send money,

I'm so broke that it ain't funny.

I don't need much just enough to get me through.

Please don't worry 'cause I'm alright.

I'm playin here at the bar tonight

This time I'm gonna make our dreams come true...

Well I love you more than anything in the world.


Your Baby Girl”


Wendy thought she heard a slight crack in Sondra’s voice. “Oh my gosh.” She thought, “Is she crying?” She found herself focusing on the lyrics.


“Black top blue sky,

Big town full of little white lies,

Everybody's your friend you can never be sure.

They'll promise fancy cars and diamond rings,

All sorts of shiny things.

Girl, you'll remember what your knees are for.


Dear Mom and Dad,

Please send money,

I'm so broke that it ain't funny.

I don't need much just enough to get me through.

Please don't worry 'cause I'm alright.

I'm playin here at the bar tonight

This time I'm gonna make our dreams come true...

Well I love you more than anything in the world.


Your Baby Girl”


There it was. A song about a girl, away from home, telling her parents about her trials as a singer. Something Sondra could never do. She found herself approaching her friend.


“I know that I'm on my way,

When I can tell every time I play.

And I know it's worth all the dues I pay,

When I can write to you and say...”


She set her hand on Sondra’s shoulder. Her tearfilled eyes met Wendy’s.


“Dear Mom and Dad,

I'll send money. I'm so rich that It ain't funny.

Well it oughtta be more then enough to get you through.

Please don't worry cause I'm alright,

I'm stayin here at the Ritz tonight,

Whatta ya know we made our dreams come true!

And there are fancy cars and diamond rings,

But you know that they don't mean a thing,

Well they all add up to nothin compared to you,

Well, remember me in ribbons and curls...

I still love you more than anything in the world



Your Baby Girl”


That was it. Being a success and sharing it with her parents. The one thing Sondra wanted most in the world...and could never have. Here, surrounded by Wendy’s family, she had impulsively decided to play a song that was clearly too personal. And now she was weeping her way through it. Her pretty face stained with tears. Wendy offered her an understanding smile.


“Your baby girl.....

Dear Mom and Dad,

Please send money,

I'm so broke that it ain't funny,

Don't need much just enough to get me through,

Please don't worry cause I'm alright,

I'm playin here at the bar tonight..

Dreams come true....”


Once she pulled the guitar’s strap until it rested on her back, she wrapped her arms around Wendy. The circle was filled with applause, enthusiastic, but subdued.

“You’re not alone.” Wendy whispered.


As the commune gathered for a meal, Sondra asked about Wendy's childhood, making it clear she understood the were things she couldn't know. Unfortunately, Sirius brought up the subject of Kendo.

“What?” Sondar exclamed, “Wendy can sword fight?”

“No.” Wendy grumbled, “I'm a disaster.”

“Oh, c'mon, I gotta see you fight.” Sondra insisted, “Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease...”

“All right...” Wendy conceded.


Soon Wendy and Sirius were standing around in improvised armor, Si's made from his biker leathers, Wendy's made from tires. Their swords were bamboo practice weapons.

“He's gonna expect you to keep your distance.” Sondra whispered to Wendy. “Be aggressive, go in hard and get out. If you can in this:go for his ankles.”

Wendy did, she actually forced Si to put his guard up first, costing him the initiative. He parried her swing, but not easily.

“Wow!” He commented, “Nice one.”

The crowd murmered. They had never seen Wendy get aggressive before.

“Good!” Sondra yelled.

The fighters backed away from each other. Giving each other room and circling. When Wendy neared Sondra she said, “Stop and circle the other way. Go for his right flank.” Wendy did. Sirius stalled and she came at his right. He gave ground, his guard all he had. Once he was able to establish a good stance she no longer pressed.

“What's gotten into you?” He laughed.

“He's tryin' to get into your head.” Sondra warned, “Focus.”

The fighters continued testing each other for a few moves. Many of the crowd were looking at Sondra, Smiles and understanding on their faces.

Sirius brought his weapon up in a swing aimed at Wendy's shoulder. She simply ducked the blow. From her frog crouch, she struck him on the ankle. Using the momentum she tapped him on the wrist with her weapon, then spun while rising to rest the blade at his neck.

For a long moment all was silence. Everyone staring in disbelief. Then the silence was broken.

“That means she won?” Sondra asked loudly, “Right?”

There was a bit of applause, but mostly small sounds of approval. The gathering collected around Wendy, lots of hugs and pats on the back. People got out of Sirius' way as he slowly departed.

“Where's he going?” Sondra indicated Si's back.

“I don't know.” Wendy answered, a little confused.

“Is he mad?”

“I don't think so.” Wendy observed, “I've never beaten him before. I usually fold.”

“Really?” Sondra looked surpised. “You were great.”

“First time for everything.” Wendy shrugged, smiling.

When Sirius returned the crowd fell silent, parting before him. He was bearing a sword.

“I made this for you when you were still in your mother's belly.” He solemnly handed her a sheathed katana. “I am so proud of you.”

Considering Uncle Sirius' special gift involved the manipulation of metals, it was bound to be an exceptional blade. There was probably silver, impossibly blended into the steel.

Then there was much hugging and weeping. Wendy's mother was tearing up. Sondra put an arm around Sirius.

Then her expression changed.

“What is that?” She asked, indicating the biker heraldry on his back.

“I used to ride with the Road Druids...” He grinned.

“No.” Her tone was flat, her smile cold. “This.” She indicated a single patch.

Wendy moved closer to them.

“Anarchy symbol...”Si said proudly, “Before the show came out...”

“Kinda looks like a pentagram.” She said, “Don't you think?”

“Kinda...” Si twisted to look. “What do...?”

“'Road Druids.'” Sondra said, “Ya ever get down around San Diego?”

Wendy took a real look at Sondra. Out of nowhere, red was blossoming throughout her aura.

“Some.” Si was trying to be charming. “Open road...”

“You ever run into a Patrolman Chad Dolan?” The red was everywhere now.

“Yeah...” Sirius seemed to sense a problem. Oscar started moving closer.

“Sondra...” Wendy whispered, “No....”

“You ever fire an MP5, Si?” Sondra's too-calm voice was cracking now.

“Uhhh...” Was all he could manage.

Sondra's aura was like armor coated in blood now. Wendy,started to cry.

“I asked you a question.” Sondra seethed, “ Have you ever fired an EM! PEE! FIVE?”

Her back arched, she set her foot.

“Look, hon...” Sirius's arms were out in front of him.

“Stop!” Wendy half wept, half choked. “Sondra, stop!”

“The man who killed my father, “ Sondra was less loud, but her voice was...worse.” He had a pentagram on his leathers...”

“That doesn't...” Si was rocking on his feet, not sure how to proceed.

Oscar emitted a low, dangerous growl.

“You need the dog for this?” Sondra asked, like she was asking if he wanted popcorn. Her aura took on a fire like aspect, fraying. Her body was a steel spring, ready to direct her rage in a focused explosion.

“SONDRA! STOP!” Wendy cried. “Please, stop!”

When Sondra broke her focus on Si, she saw Wendy's tears and froze. Her eyes went back to him for a moment, shame welling up in them, then she went to her friend. She had no words, she just put her arms around her friend.

Once Oscar calmed down, Sirius approached the pair. His hand found Sondra's shoulder.

“Chad Dolan was your father?” He asked, priming the pump.

“Yes.” Sondra choked.

“Chad Dolan was a good man.” Sirius said, “He was honest and fair with his authority...I could never do harm to a good man.”

It seemed that had cleared the air, but Wendy could still feel Sondra's body shaking with regret. Hers was just shaking it felt like.

“Let's go.” Wendy said, leading Sondra to a guest bungalow.

Once inside, all the strength seemed to leave Sondra's body. Wendy held her, trying to help her bigger friend to the bed. She didn't quite make it, finding herself sitting on it with Sondra kneeling on the floor, her face buried in Wendy's lap. She was sobbing. Wendy stroked her hair for a moment, then Sondra lifted her tear-stained face to her.

“I miss my Daddy so much...” She wailed. “I mean my Mom, I got stay goodbye to her, but my Dad.....one day he was just gone...”

Wendy could only nod her understanding, pulling a wayward lock of hair out of Sondra's tears.

“I hate the man who killed him SO much...” She said in a sorrowful, dangerous voice,” I wanna find him and I wanna kick him and I wanna hurt him and I wanna kill him....” She set her face in Wendy's lap again. Strong, harsh sobs making her shake.

A slight pull and Wendy was able to get her to help getting them both on the bed. They laid together for what seemed like a long time. Finally Sondra's emotions exhausted the tough beauty and she settled into a quiet slumber, breathing slow and evenly.

Wendy stayed there, a human pillow for her friend. She felt deeply for Sondra in her sadness. She knew the old her would be back tomorrow, embarrassed but back. This weekend had not gone to her plan at all. While she felt duty bound to see to Sondra, a small, selfish part of her bemoaned the dashing of her dream.

“...And that,” She though to herself, “is how is didn't have sex with my best friend.”

Chapter End Notes:

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