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Chapter 7:

Down below on the tree stump, Carl heard sickeningly-wet noises escape from the giant woman’s lips as she savored the men inside her mouth. He had wished that the two men would meet a quick end, for their sake, so that they wouldn’t have to endure the torture of the woman’s stomach. However, it seemed fortune was not on their side. Ages passed before Carl detected an audible gulp from within Rose’s throat, signifying the death of his friends in one way or another. In respect for his fallen friends, Carl looked up to face the giantess once more; he knew he could stand the sight of the giant woman, as he was certain his companions had seen far more terrible things inside the beast. Shortly after swallowing the two men, Rose continued her meal. With one swift move, she grabbed dozens of berries from the basket beside her, and proceeded to gorge herself on them. As the orchestra of chewing began again, Carl noticed that the remaining men in his group had been defeated by the surrounding giantesses’ cruelty. Some of them cowered low to the surface of the tree stump, their hands raised above themselves in a futile attempt to provide protection from being eaten, while the others sat still in silence as the giant women feasted loudly all around them. Then, the chewing above stopped abruptly, and a feeling of uneasiness washed over Carl.

He watched as Rose filled her gullet with fruit for the fourth time, and then pause for a moment, as if to determine her next act of punishment for the tiny men beneath her. Carl saw her lips protrude slightly, parting them in the process, allowing a cascade of half-chewed fruit and spit to spill from within her mouth. Carl didn’t move, he was too fixated on the red slurry worming its way towards him; the stream of saliva met with the tree stump, remnants of berry splashed against its surface, and Carl’s group was encased in a liquid-dome of filth. Carl swam to the surface of the pool and retched. The small men then waded to the outskirts of Rose’s spit and collapsed, gasping from exhaustion.

High above the men drenched in spit, Rose felt her cheeks flush with excitement. She had known she would enjoy bringing justice down upon the men of the logging company in some way, but she could never have dreamt to this extent. During their test trials with the shrinking spores her group had developed years earlier, Rose had never felt any kind of thrill as she and her fellow researchers reduced animals to nanoscopic size; she had always viewed their experiments as a cruel, but necessary, means of achieving their goals. It was simply her duty to the Earth, and nothing more. However, seeing the miniature men suffer on the stump before her now caused Rose’s heart to pound wildly. The sensation of eating the two men moments before had driven her to the brink, and the thought of having utter control over another human had become addicting.  She gazed down at the men below doused in her fluids, thrashing in frustration against their inevitable doom; a pang of lust resonated from deep within her loins, causing her to lightly bite down on her lower lip. With bated breath, Rose observed the tiny men march towards the edge of her pool of spit and give in to their fatigue. Heat welled from within her, and Rose’s self-discipline vanished; her right hand darted between her thighs, and her fingertips probed for her clitoris; she vigorously massaged the sex organ’s hood, and its head began to extend out from beneath its shelter as it grew. Compelled by ecstasy, her left hand found its way to her left breast and began teasing her nipple, causing her to release a soft whimper. Rose’s whole body began to gyrate, united under one purpose. Ideas of torture for the tiny men flashed through her head, and she decided her next course of action. Rose stopped pleasuring herself; she gestured for the two Petals on either side of her to make room around the tree stump, they obliged knowingly, and started repositioning their tiny hostages elsewhere on the wooden surface. Trying to steady her nerves, Rose began to speak.

“D-dahlia, please bring me the field test kit, I’d like to conduct an experiment.”

The ebony giantess left momentarily, upon returning, she brandished a black-plastic case and set it onto the stump beside the basket full of fruits and flowers. Dahlia proceeded to unhinge two latches on the front of the container and gently opened it with both hands. Three columns of glass vials decorated the right-most portion of the box’s interior, secured safely within a foam rack; in contrast, the left side of the container was littered with several miscellaneous laboratory instruments and glassware. The dark-skinned giantess rotated the now opened black case towards Rose for her inspection. Visibly pleased with the selection of tools before her, Rose addressed the black giantess again.

“Thank you, Dahlia, that will be all for now.”

Rose averted her attention away from Dahlia and towards the eight tiny men remaining in her group. She called down below.

“Enjoying your swim? I can tell by the way you’re looking at me that you haven’t had enough. I just know you all are envious of the two men inside me, would you like it to be your turn next?”

With that, Rose leaned over to reach into the test kit with her right hand and withdrew a small pipette. She placed the instrument down onto the surface of the stump in front of her, and turned once again to grab something from the basket full of fruits and flowers. Rose pulled out one of the glass vials filled with the mysterious yellow powder that she had used earlier on the tiny men, and began to remove the tube’s seal. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, but she managed to pour a small sample of the vial’s yellow contents onto the palm of her left hand. Rose licked her lips as she pinched some of the yellow dust with the fingers of her right hand, like she had earlier that day, and she shifted her hand into position above the already tiny men, still lodged in a puddle of her drool. Although, unlike last time, Rose was now nervous with anticipation. Her right hand clumsily released the mysterious substance, and it spread unevenly across the group of men beneath. The tiny men began to cough and wheeze as the yellow rain covered them, then became limp within the spit as the dust took effect. Rose had failed to properly apply the toxic pollen, but had succeeded in another way. Several of the men from her group had shrunk to an extreme degree, due to the sloppy application of the powder, while the others had only shrunken slightly by comparison. Rose was ecstatic, she had relished the feeling of being relatively enormous, wondering how terrifying she looked to the men below. However, a new dynamic had been introduced, now even some of the shrunken men dwarfed their companions; Rose began to salivate, her plan had gone better than expected.

 On the surface of the tree stump, Carl and his men fought to recover from the powder’s influence, they were so small now that they had to tread water to stay afloat in Rose’s saliva. Knowing the effect of the yellow powder, Carl’s eyes searched for the fig berries that had fallen on the tree stump earlier, to compare his new size to a familiar reference point. When his eyes found the berries, he figured that he must now be roughly a quarter of a centimeter tall, as the berries appeared now eight times larger than himself and several of the other men swimming beside him. A depressing revelation struck him, where were the other men in his group? Carl spun around as fast as he could, scanning the waters of the red pool of spit. When he finally found the missing men, his heart sunk into his chest; three of the men in his group had somehow shrunken much more than the others, they seemed to be approximately the same length as his thumb within the liquid, though he couldn’t be completely sure.  

As Carl and his men fought not to drown, Rose lifted the needle nosed opening of the pipette just above the pool of spit; Rose depressed the bulb of the instrument with the fingers of her right hand, and then swiftly inserted the glass tip into the middle of the half-chewed sludge.  She loosened her grip on the bulb, and the red-colored spit was sucked away; the eight tiny men were instantaneously drawn into the glass pipette, before surfacing for air about half-way up the length of the glass chamber. Unfortunately, the inside of the instrument was too small to allow all eight men to swim on the surface of its contents simultaneously, so the men frantically pulled at one another for a chance to stay alive, nearly killing each other in the process. While the insignificant men clawed at the interior of the glass cylinder, Rose delicately handed the pipette over to Dahlia, and issued a request to the ebony giantess.

“Dahlia, please hold onto this for a second, I need to prepare for my next test. Be careful though, our guests seem to be having a moment, and we wouldn’t want to agitate them further. I don’t think their little hearts could take it.

The dark-skinned giantess gladly accepted the narrow instrument, and she gave the glass prison a quick swirl with her left hand. The tiny men inside the pipette flailed wildly as their world spun. While the eight shrunken men pleaded for release from the oversized receptacle, Rose carefully lowered herself back onto her hands and feet, before propping her wide hips against the edge of the stump; she slowly released the tension on her arms, allowing her shoulder blades and upper-spine to rest in the soft wet soil beneath her. With her hands, free once again, she made a request to the black giantess.

“Dahlia, if you would, please hand me the pipette.”

Dahlia surrendered the tool to Rose, who was now positioned comfortably on her back, and gently placed the glass instrument into the woman’s outstretched right hand. Rose gripped the pipette lightly, making sure not to prematurely expel its contents. She carried the tube full of tiny men between her thighs, and angled the mouth of the lab instrument towards her pussy. Rose used the index and middle finger of her left hand to pry apart the folds masking her sex’s interior, and began to speak, her voice quivering.

“I want all of you inside of me. But, I do hope I’m big enough for you, I wouldn’t want it to be a tight fit.”


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