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The sound of echoing boots reverberated through the stale, musty hallway when both Zorban and Johnson were heading for the training location.
Miah didn’t only convince them to join her team in a fight to the death in one of the twisted games of the goddess, but they also had to cope with the fact that Boar was in command.
Johnson’s aversion towards that freakishly large Boar started the moment, he plunged a stock in his stomach, unprovoked.
He cherished hope for a chance of returning the favor. Unfortunately, they were stuck on the same team now and had to work together. However, that doesn’t mean he can't show him some tricks during sparring sessions.

“Foolishness blossom best in a garden of haughtiness." Zorban chewed on a piece of bubblegum. "That’s what my old man always used to say in the approach of doing something stupid.” He made a sour face and spat it against the wall when he realized its flavor was drenched.

“Your old man sounds wise.” Johnson responded. He stopped before a heavy oaken door and knocked. This was the place according to the directions they've received earlier.

Zorban chuckled. “Yeah… sounds like... Too bad the idiot tried to take on two humans with a wooden stick. Where is the wisdom in that?”

Johnson chortled. “Now we know where your sense of recklessness comes from.”

“There is a notable difference between the seemingly audacious action of a well calculated move and the game of a brainless beaver. I only take what I can handle, and I can handle a lot.”

“Like me?” Johnson asked with a crooked smile.

“Especially you.” Zorban responded

“How is your eye by the way?”

Zorban snorted. “Better than your two broken ribs that’s for sure.”

“Fuckin cock suckers." Johnson grimaced while rubbing the painful spot. “Pummel someone on the chest when he lies helpless on the floor after being tasered.”

“Are these piss-bitches gonna open up or what?” Zorban toddled restless on his feet. “For fuck sake. This has got to be the most ludicrous idea you have ever agreed on.” He scoffed. “Fighting in a bloody arena for the amusement of some sexual breeded Brobdingnag wench.”

The door squeaked open and a bald man with narrow eyes and two lines for lips stared suspicious through the slight crack. It was like the features of his face were compressed together as much as possible to make room for his shiny egg-like forehead and stubby chin.

“God!” Zorban reacted baffled with bulging eyes. “I bet even your mother refused to call you pretty. Any more of you around here? My ego could use a boost.”

The bald man furrowed even deeper than Zorban and Johnson deemed possible. He was about to retort when a meaty hand swung the door open. The imposing posture of Boar filled up the entire doorway and more. It made the quite sturdy bald guy look like a push-over.

“Get in.” Was all he grumbled.

“Step aside fuck-face.” Zorban bounced against the bald guy’s shoulder to usher himself in. Johnson followed suit. They entered a moldy room, imbued with the scent of sour sweat. In the corner, they heard a third guy ragging on a tattered punching bag. In the middle of the room lay an island of dojo mats, puzzled in nicely, no windows, only a rattling ceiling ventilator to blend the different spices of bodily fluids in one nauseating cocktail.
Boar handed them an outfit and ordered them to get dressed.

“Lets see what you guys have in store.” Boar said with a grin and invited Zorban on the mat. “Marble, show our latest acquisition what he is made of.”

Like a slipping snail, the days pass by agonizing slow when Claire wrestled her way through a week of being grounded by her mom.
This torture only got heightened due to the constant updates by her friends, who kept underscoring the cool stuff she misses out.
She took a deep sigh when she plunged on her bed and scrutinized the ceiling with a faraway look. The curly face of Kelvin floated up in her mind. She hated him more than ever now, despite the sweet revenge, she had taken on him. If only he hadn’t cheated on her than none of this never would have happened, and Ashley would still be alive.
Its not that she cared about this Ashley. She hardly the girl. It was the fact that by killing her; she totally ruined the bond with her sister, Madison, whom she loved very much.

“You killed my friend! Get out! GET! OUT!” Madison shouted, tears in her eyes.
“Your not my sister anymore! You're a monster! I don't EVER wanna see you again!”

Claire did her utmost to avoid Madison, which was quite hard seeming the fact they lived under the same roof. She kept telling herself that she did this for the sake of respecting Madison’s wish. However, deep down, she knew she did it all for herself. Claire just couldn’t bear to see the grief and pain in Madison’s eyes. It was a little too late before Claire realized how much this Ashley meant to Madison. Who was she to ruin that for her? And why was her anger so desperately aimed towards Ashley? Kelvin was the one who had double-crossed her, not Ashley. Could it be that, deep inside; she was jealous of her, about the bond she had with Madison? Claire never had something like that. It didn’t matter though. Things done cannot be undone.

“Despicable!” Her mother’s voice chimed in her head. “Is wrecking the luck of others really everything you know?" Claire received an accusatory look from her mother while she comforted a heart-broken Madison.

Anger boiled up in her veins to see her mother acting all chaste in front of Madison. Claire knew better than that. Her mother couldn’t care less about the life of a Lilliputian.
What was it again Kelvin had told her earlier?

“It got wrecked. Crushed to oblivion by the high-heel of a Brobdingnagian woman.”

Kelvin stated that her mother carelessly annihilated an entire city in his homeland by stomping it to bits.
Could it be that her mother felt the same joy like Claire had when she was attacking the city? It was like she was lingering in another state of consciousness, in full rapture. She was an unstoppable force to these dust mites. They were so incredible, infinitesimal and helpless. One touch of her finger was enough to make one of their most impressive structures crumble to grind.
Before she knew it, her hand had found his way to her vulva. She started by softly scratching the fabric of her underwear on the most sensual spot. No haste was needed. She really wanted to enjoy this.
She shuttered her eyes, images rattled by in her head of various scenes. The boxed micro-city, sprawled out in all of its glorious helplessness, all those blocks of countless of structures, filled with innumerable people, searching hopeless for ways of escape. Each and everyone of them, delivered to the whims of a plain teen-girl.

“I’m so powerful.” Claire moaned under a salvo of deep thrilling breaths. “They are all mine to play with.”

She imagined her black shiny booth crashing down on a few city blocks.

Her finger slithered and sopping its way between the glutinous hug of her vulval lips. In a slow and gentle wobbling motion, up and down, Claire forged the preamble for a monstrous orgasm. She just felt it in her whole body. Pleasure tinkles reached the outskirts of her body all the way to the tips of her toes under the symphony of violent pants and gasps.
Her mind played an incessant movie of her domination over tiny people in the most horrific and degrading manner.
Like lighting, the scenes flickered along whereby one scene kept finding its way back onto the white screen of her consciousness.
It was a scene whereby her red stiletto heels shadowed a lilliputian cityscape, like an upside-down abyss. Her massive manicured toes wiggled its crawling crowd into crave submission.
Claire ramped up the pace a bit when she caressed her swollen clit with the tip of her finger.
From every curvy corner of her body, flows of pleasure pumped their way to the core of her womanhood, ready to give ignite to an all-powerful explosive convulsion.
An intense groan escaped her mouth before she could clench a pillow to muffle her mouth. She was afraid that Madison or her mother would hear her.
Her whole body arched all spastic when she discharged the final residues of sex out of her body.

“Oh. My. God. That was the most intense finger play I EVER had. I GOT to have some tinies for myself like right now.”



He used his hand as a sunscreen to squint at the horizon. A vast sandy field of nothingness was all he could see, an unending dessert. Plowing through the sand, every step felt like a thousand-pounds, the sun burned down on him relentlessly. With a slight shaking hand, he grabbed his flask and tried for the millionth time to rattle a longing drop of water on his tongue in an attempt to spray his paper dry throat. Of course, nothing came out. The flask dried out long ago. It seems like some part of his brain still had hope. It was at this point that Ralph, normally a man of principles, realized he would do anything for a drop of water. He would even kill an innocent child if that stood in the way of him and a cold bottle of water.

His mind drifted off to the invasion of his home-country, Tendaric. What imbecile he was not to heed his father’s advice, just a young fool who deemed himself invincible.
He saw giants before in his life, fought them even, the humans. They were very powerful, big as their tallest skyscrapers, with the might to cause earthquakes with the stomp of their feet and obliterate structures with a mere swing of their hands.
Yet still, these monsters weren’t invincible. The Lilliputians, tiny as they were, at least had a fighting chance against them, especially with their highly advanced weaponry.
These Brobdingnagians however, were a different story. That day was the first time in his life, he ever witnessed the sight of a real Brobdingnagian. He heard stories though, from the elders, horrible stories. He dismissed them all as nonsense. He was more than eager to proof them all wrong and be the first of his country to take down a Brobdingnagian.
Unfortunately, things worked out entirely different than expected.
This Brobdingnagian, a very beautiful woman nonetheless, was more powerful than he could ever deem possible, she annihilated an entire city of millions with a mere stomp of her high heel. And no matter what their military would have thrown at her, nothing seemed to harm her. It was the first time in his life that Ralph felt powerless and vulnerable.

Panting deeply, he plodded through the sand and tripped over his own feet and fell face first in the burning sand. He knew for a certain that he would die. He closed his eyes to surrender himself to the eternal sleep.
Promptly he heard the sound of a giggle in the far distance, a child’s giggle. With his final strength, he peeled his eyes open and saw a girl approaching, and she had a bottle of water in her hand. He had to stand up and kill this youth to steal her water. It was his only chance of survival and of completing his mission.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to stand up, he simple lacked the strength. Lying there, apathetic, he saw the girl approaching him fast, and it seemed like she became bigger and bigger.
This was no Lilliputian girl. She was a human. Now he knew for a certain that the end was near. He closed his eyes and hoped that death would claim him before she found him.
He slowly lost his consciousness.
The last things he experienced were the rumbles of her footsteps and some voices calling out.

“Hey I found a Lilliputian mom!”

“Let me see hon.”

“I think he’s dead.”

Chapter End Notes:


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