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“Mmm, so tasty,” Katelyn said,
turning her eyes back to the two
remaining women she held in her
hand. “Your friend is in my stomach
now. Who wants to join her?” “No, no, not me, please!” Myra
shouted, her Latina accent growing
more pronounced the more
frightened she became. “Take her,
take her!” she yelled, pointing at
Jenna. “Hey, what the hell? No! Don’t eat
me, eat her!” Jenna said. “My, my,” Katelyn boomed. “You
two bugs still don’t get it. You
should be falling to your knees
worshiping me, but instead you
continue to yell and scream and
fight amongst yourselves. Stupid little bugs. Maybe I should keep you
two around. Maybe in time you’ll
learn how lucky you are to be
allowed to live as insects in my
house…but I liked the way your
friend felt as I rolled her around with my tongue. I could feel her tiny
arms and legs squirming as I
swallowed her. I want more. I
want…you.” Myra took a startled step
backwards as Katelyn’s fingers
reached for her. Myra fell on her
backside, landing on the smooth
skin of Katelyn’s palm. She
screamed and put a hand up in front of her face as if she could ward off
the giant fingers. Jenna screamed
as well and dove out of the path of
Katelyn’s fingers as they gently
pinched Myra’s body and took her
away. Myra, held the same way Kim had been–legs trapped, arms and
shoulders visible between Katelyn’s
fingers–squirmed as hard as she
could. She didn’t care if she slipped
out from between Katelyn’s fingers
and fell to the floor far below; she just wanted out. Wide, full lips filled Myra’s vision.
“So pretty,” Katelyn said, eying the
tiny woman between her fingers.
“Such luxurious hair; such a sexy
body. When I found you this
morning I knew I just had to have you, but I didn’t think it would be as
a snack. Now, you’re just a tiny,
sexy insect. I bet you’re only a few
calories. My body will digest and
absorb you in no time. I don’t know
how much sustenance I can get from someone like you…still…”
Katelyn slowly opened her mouth. “Ahhhh, NOOO!” Myra screamed as
Katelyn’s mouth yawned open.
Myra’s head swung from side to
side. The cave of a mouth in front
of her was so huge she could hardly
comprehend it. She looked in horror at the enormous white gleaming
teeth, the pink walls, the wet
velvety tongue, and the throat that
looked like it could swallow a house. Katelyn paused. “I’m going to put
you on my tongue,” she said to the
tiny woman she held. “I’m going to
press you into its soft, silky surface
and push you all the way into my
throat, tasting you the entire way.” Done taunting the woman, Katelyn
opened her mouth wide once more
but this time she extended her
tongue toward the woman she held. The tiny woman fought with all her
might, pushing against the pads of
the giant fingers to either side of
her. Myra watched, wide eyed, as a
massive wet pink tongue extended
toward her. It was so close she could see every tiny bump and detail
of its fibrous texture. Myra’s breath
caught in her throat. Her heart
raced faster and faster. Her body
tensed as Katelyn moved Myra
toward her tongue and then–Myra was pressed into its soft surface
and held there by the pad of
Katelyn’s index finger. The world turned pink. Myra
squirmed against the soft surface of
Katelyn’s tongue. She was in a
panic, held tightly against the
tongue and unable to breathe
normally. Her arms thrashed; she kicked with her legs. Saliva splashed
up over her body coating her skin
from head to toe and plastering her
long dark hair to her back. There was sudden movement. Myra
felt her body sliding along the
slippery surface of the tongue
beneath her. It was like gliding
across ice except instead of being
cold it was warm; instead of being smooth the surface was coated in
tiny bumps. Katelyn was slowly
pushed the ant-like woman into her
mouth, right along the centerline of
her tongue! Myra wanted to scream
but her throat was raw from all the yelling she had done already. She
continued to kick and squirm.
Everything was happening so fast!
She managed to tilt her head away
from the surface of the tongue and
look to the right. She saw massive teeth sliding by as she was pushed
deeper into Katelyn’s mouth. Myra
couldn’t believe how small she was,
how helpless. The oppressive
weight of the finger on top of her
was impossible to escape from, no matter how hard she struggled. Realizing all was lost, Myra stopped
fighting. She let her body be
pushed along the giant tongue, over
dozens and dozens of taste-buds,
some of which seemed to be larger
the further into Katelyn’s mouth she traveled. Myra craned her neck and
looked straight ahead. There was
Katelyn’s throat, the pink archway
loomed straight ahead, coming
closer–closer. Hot breath wafted
across Myra’s soaked body as she slid toward Katelyn’s waiting gullet,
her throat getting closer, the
hanging uvula seeming to grow
larger and larger. There was more
breath from deep within that
throat, growing hotter, hotter, and more humid. And then Myra finally did scream
again. She couldn’t help it. Pain
burst in her own throat as she let
out a terrified final yell as she
passed under Katelyn’s uvula. Still
being pushed by Katelyn’s mighty finger, Myra traveled over the back
of Katelyn’s tongue and followed its
surface as it made a downward turn.
Myra was gazing straight down
Katelyn’s gullet now. Katelyn’s
tongue and throat wall seemed to descend down into darkness–a
confined space that was the
entrance to the tunnel that led to
her lethal stomach. Myra stared into
the abyss, awestruck. She didn’t
even notice Katelyn’s finger lifting from her back. The next thing she
knew there was saliva flooding all
around her. Darkness surrounded
her as
Katelyn closed her mouth, and then
she was pushed violently downwards as Katelyn swallowed.
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