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Author's Chapter Notes:

This short story was totally inspired by Javert's chapter 6 of his Growth Potential story; so go read that one people !

The Première Family

“Mama?” asked Sarah, her second firstborn, barely five years old, and always curious.

“Not now baby…” moaned Maria, hoping that her little princess wouldn’t come over to see what she and her husband were doing;

“But Mama!” replied Sarah, and Maria could almost see her pouting. “They are doing it again! They don’t want to play with me!”

Maria sighed and let her head rest comfortably on the ground. There was no point talking with her daughter when she was like that. Even at her age, she still couldn’t grasp that the little things had their lives and didn’t entirely exists to play with her. But the thirty something-looking Latina couldn’t really blame her darling. It was a hard concept to grasp, to begin with, and especially when one was born around five kilometers tall. Maria and José had had the luxury of growing into their God-like self at a far older age, so they had least retained some ties to the minuscule humans. Like their actual firstborn.

“Dios mio!” groaned José as he came inside her; the thought that Antonio was far smaller than even his father’s individual sperms came to Maria’s mind and she let out a monstrous roar of pleasure as she climaxed, her voice ringing over the whole Northern Hemisphere.


“You hear that, cum bucket!” growled Jackson, as he pounded his prey mercilessly. “That’s mommy calling for you, you little shit stain!”

Fourteen years old Antonio cried as his anus was violated by the nineteen year old brute. His life was hell, but the petite and girlish teenager couldn’t do much to fight it. While he was kin to Gods, he didn’t share their greatness. All he could be was to be one of the dust mites they ruled over, with the added curse that everyone knew who he was, because his parents had wanted to “protect” him when it had become apparent that he wouldn’t grow like they had. But what had been protection at nine had turned to abuse at fourteen. When his parents had been one hundred meters tall, they could still act on their threats, after all.

At several kilometers, it was impossible for them to distinguish him from the rest of humanity. And his siblings, rampaging through the world with the casual indifference of toddlers and kindergartener only added to his misery. If he was still alive and in one piece, it was only because peoples could be cruel, not from any kindness of their hearts, he had learnt it long ago. His parents had become Gods so quickly that he had almost died under their ever growing bodies. Then he had been kept alive so the powerful few in this new world order could forget that they were insignificants, if only for a moment.

“Dad told me he’ll make you breed, you pathetic scum” growled Jackson. “We’ll make sure that everyone with a little bit of influence will get one of your kind. We’ll fuck them, we’ll beat them to death, we’ll treat them like cattle. Yours will be the première family of the slave! Forever and ever, no one will ever let your kind forget that you’re tied to those abominations who killed billions!”

Jackson voice became raspy in the end of his tirade, and he finally came. Antonio struggled and tried to get free, but it was no use. The taller and far more muscular man held him in place as he ejaculated an enormous amount of sperm in his poor ass. That it wasn’t the first time, nor would be the last, did nothing to abate the pain and shame Antonio felt. He had hoped that Jackson would be different, but as soon as he had discovered who he was, he had proven himself as mean and petty as any other person the non-divine member of the world’s première Family had ever met.

“Antonio?” suddenly asked a voice which split the skies. “Is that guy being bad to you?”


Maria and José, having finished their lovemaking session, gazed contentedly at their daughter. Marco, their second God-like child, was suckling on his mother’s perky tits. Sarah had wandered away, barely a few meters from them, dozens of kilometers for the humans. She wondered if they even still registered the shockwaves that her kind produced by simply being. Probably, she decided, but they seemed to have adapted. They must spent most of the time crawling on their belly all the time. The idea made her chuckle.

“Antonio?” asked Sarah, immediately catching the attention of her parents.

“Don’t you think we should do something? It’s not healthy for her to be obsessed by a mite like that” grumbled José, who seemed a little angry at their daughter.

“José!” Maria chastised him. “Antonio’s our first firstborn, our legacy as human beings! You can’t dismiss it like that!”

“Sorry, my love” mumbled the giant, humbled by his taller and broader wife.

“I’m not mad. I just think you shouldn’t forget that we exist to be adored, my amor. And only humans can make us feel so special. If we forget about them entirely, then we’ll just be the loneliest creatures on Earth” she explained calmly, caressing his muscular torso. “But to be frank, I too think that she wants to spend a little too much time with Antonio. Then again, she doesn’t really know him, and it’ll be a great opportunity to learn how he’s doing, don’t you think.”

“As you say” huffed José. “But I was expecting some more sex this afternoon, to be honest” he added with a sly smile. “I want to make some more mountain ranges here!”

“You animal!” chided Maria, laughing. She stopped when a powerful smack shattered the ground and made it shook, even for them.

“Sarah!” yelled both parents as their daughter stood triumphant over the crushed husk of a former metropolis.


Antonio screamed as his gigantic sister jumped high into the hair and simply let herself fall on the city. That he was safe and secure in the palm of her hand, hundreds of meters away from its edges, did nothing to alleviate his fear, quite the contrary. Five years old, even god-like ones, hadn’t much of an attention span. Sooner or later, he would be dropped to his death, or simply forgotten here, with so few oxygen and freezing temperatures. In fact, he would have probably died already if Sarah’s skin wasn’t so warm.

“What do you think you’re doing, young lady!” bellowed a voice so much more powerful than anything he had ever heard that Antonio feared that Doomsday had come.

“Mama! I just punished the bad guys, like you taught me to!” whined Sarah, her voice only slightly less powerful.

Through his teary eyes, Antonio looked up at his mom. Well, his mom’s pussy. Her waist was simply too vast for him to see past it. Maria had always been rather heavy, with an ass to die for –courtesy of some black ancestors, she used to joke when he was a little kid- and big but perky breasts. But right now, it was her cave which dominated his view and Antonio shook in utter terror. The forest of black hair which hid a part of it was matted and covered in a going substance which could only be his father’s cum. In fact, he saw a minuscule portion of it detach itself from the dark forest and fall toward him.

Sarah didn’t even flinch when the dot fell on her palm, and Antonio guessed she was used to it. But for him, the experience was horrific. Individual sperms fell near him, even if the point of impact was dozen of meters away from him. Each one was at least twice as big as he was, each teeming with God-like potential when he was a pathetic human. He felt his tears rolling on his cheeks, but did his best to muffle his anguish. He was pathetic but he didn’t want Them to notice. It was atrocious enough already that they always managed to find him whenever they wanted, as if they weren’t so tall they were destroying the world simply by being.

“What bad guys?” asked José, his deep voice even more frightening than his wife’s to their first child, who was taken aback by his presence.

His monstrous shaft drove his attention away from everything else. It was simply disproportionate, and Antonio was almost certain it hadn’t been that big when he had been normal-sized. Or human sized, since he guessed that his parents had never been normal to being with. Normal peoples didn’t grew to be several times taller than the Everest and reshaping the world with everything they did, consciously or not. In any case, José’s dick was a monolith which drove all mad with lust or jealousy, and he wielded it as if it was nothing. Antonio had seen hookers being killed and jocks left to death because they had mentioned it in a fit of sex…

In the presence of such divine beings, Antonio couldn’t help it. He took his dick and started masturbating. What else could anyone do, when so close to such over-powerful sexuality. His parents spent most of their time fucking, after all. Each of their rutting session changed the continents, erecting mountains and digging canyons, opening seas and enclosing oceans. Antonio touched himself, to forget the pain of his backside, to forget the shame of his existence. He masturbated, hoping that he would be seen, judged unworthy of existence and finally snuffed out by his family.

“He looks like a girl, with his long hair and his gangly limbs!” spat José, sounding a little disgusted. “And what is he doing when with his family! That’s pathetic!”

Antonio felt a fresh wave of terror wash over him as a massive shadow fell around him. A gigantic finger covered the sky above Sarah’s palm, pointing at him accusingly. He felt blood rush to his face and away from his penis, which deflated immediately. His father had always been harsher and swifter to deal punishments than his mother, and right about now, he felt the weight of his displeasure. A part of him hoped that it would mean the end of his suffering, but he doubted it would happen. His mother had a sick obsession with him and she would “save” him once more, he just knew it.

“José!” bellowed his mother, right on cue. “You can’t judge him like that! Even if… You shouldn’t do that when we are around, Antonino… Wait a minute… What are those marks on your cheeks?”


“A told you there were bad guys mama!” chirped Sarah. “There was one speck who was hurting Antonio, he was doing something with his penis to little brother!”

Maria took a sharp breath, stopping only when she saw her little Antonio being caught up and lifted from his sister’s palm. She clenched her hands into fists and even José took a step back, clutching Marco against his chest and even taking a step back. Sarah gulped and rose a protective hand over her older brother. Maria couldn’t blame them, she knew she had quite the temper. But somebody hadn’t taken her seriously and hurt him. It was unacceptable. She had to ascertain the damage, congratulate Sarah and then take revenge on any who had hurt her oh so small and weak and feeble and pathetic baby. No one did, he was from the Gods, after all.

“Antonio” she ordered, her voice harsh as steel. “Sarah will lower her hand and we’ll all lie on the ground, and we’ll talk. And then, you’ll tell me everything which has happened to you. And I’ll dole out punishment as I see fit, so don’t lie to me. Mama will take care of everything.”

She saw her son fidgeting, mightily embarrassed. She could almost, almost, hear his breathing. It was the only flaw in her eyes, her inability to hear everything the small shits did without having to focus on that or them screaming. They were hers and her families, yet they had dared disobey her orders, and she wouldn’t have known if not for Sarah. Someone had to pay, and someone would, but right now, she needed to speak with Antonio.

“I asked you to tell me what happened” she repeated to the speck, getting mightily angry, once they all were on their bellies, crushing untold acres of lands.

And he did, and as he spoke, Maria grew angrier and angrier. Even José let out several swears which thundered like the dark omens they were. But when her little speck finally spoke about their plan to make slaves out of her bloodline, she completely lost it. Without even realizing it she lightly smacked Sarah’s end, extinguishing her pathetic mortal child, preventing her line from being debased further. Sarah wailed for a moment, and had to be calmed by suckling on her tit, but José simply nodded in agreement.

“It’s time to stop being the Première Family to become the only one” she hissed ominously.


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