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Author's Chapter Notes:

Important, please read it first !

So, finances are kind of short right now. Nothing that I can't handle or would prevent me from writing, but still, it got me thinking... if I did a patreon (with the minimal backing only, which is 1$ I guess ? I don't really know) would you be interested ? I've no idea yet what I could offer potential backers however, if you've got some ideas, you can post them in the comment !

So, to help me gauge the potentiality of this idea, here's the strawpoll : https://www.strawpoll.me/16340458

Thanks for reading it and voting !


Also, this chapter is for Panzerhunter who wanted more of those two !


Adrien's return

“Leave me the fuck alone!” roared Adrien, knowing full well that he probably looked crazy for the onlookers, screaming angrily at a stupid phone.

“Please! Just give me an opportunity to explain and…”

The still young looking man cut-off the communication and started running. The world had gone mad. He had children who were all crazier than the others, save perhaps  Alex. Then again, learning that the bombshell redhead girl had been a boy until months ago was a little hard on the former sex-toy. Just the thought of Johanna made his skin crawl. Those eighteen years had been utter nightmare, wallowing in despair and mental suffering, and his former crush’ spell to somehow prevent his mind from breaking had made it worse.

Adrien didn’t know where to go, to whom to turn. He had called his parents, of course, but they hadn’t understand his reaction, telling him how great his wife was, how awesome his Perfect –whatever it may mean- boy was. His own mother had told him of how Timothy made her feel great when they fucked and had presented him with a grand-daughter/half-sister who, at age 4, already looked like ten! She even had started getting curves, and she had eyed her with an hungry look which had frightened him quite a lot. But even more disgusting, his own father had offered him a cup of white goo, revealing that it was Tim’s semen only when asked, all the while his mother chided him for being too liberal in his consumption of it.

Everywhere he went, he saw his “grand-children”, all born from Timothy, if he understood right. The older were already looking like adult and several of them fucked peoples in the street, with no one caring. They were all huge, those new humans, the smaller of the “adult” was at a towering  2m05 (6f7), a young man with an incredible musculature, going in and out of a small woman who was probably his mother, while a smaller normal boy, around twelve, looked dejectedly at the ground near them, mightily embarrassed.

“Hey, John! Don’t stay here doing nothing!” suddenly called the giant, getting his enormous shaft out of the smaller woman, who collapsed on the ground, cum dripping out of her pussy, screaming incoherently. “Mom’s spent, and you need some nutrient to grow big and strong!”

Adrien turned away and started to run again before he could see the poor normal boy forced to suck his younger brother’s cock. Not that he could escape seeing things like that all around him. In the parks, on the street, everywhere, this new breed of humans was circled by normal men, desperate to pleasure them. He wondered if he would act the same if he ever ended tasting the semen of one of those “Perfects-spawned”. He decided that he would rather die than succumb to such a fate.


The lake was as calm as ever. Not many peoples in High Rocks ever came to this forested and rocky part, preferring the sandy shores at the southern tip of the water. But he had come there all his life when things seemed too dire to deal with. And right now, he really needed to take time for himself, away from all the insanity which had replaced is, admittedly, sad but predictable world. It hadn’t been the best world to live in, but at least he hadn’t needed to check his meal to be sure to avoid become a kind of insane zombie.

Something massive in the water caught his attention and he leaped on his feet, ready to flee, but some strange force glued him where he was. Try as he might, he couldn’t go away. Sitting, crouching, standing, he could, but nothing else. He could only curl his hands into fists as Johanna’s gigantic head pierced the watery wall to tower over him in all its magnificence. She had chosen a size she was apparently fond of, but he couldn’t be sure. Her head alone was probably five meters (16f4) tall, and her ginger locks made it look even more impressive.

“I told you to leave me alone!” bellowed Adrien, trying his best to not let his sudden terror quash his anger at her.

“Please… I just want to talk, I swear!”

“Oh yeah? Like you did all those years ago? We’ll talk and then I’ll be changed in what? An accessory? No, get the fuck away from me and let me go wherever I want!” 

“No! You’re my husband, I’m your wife, and… and Goddess” she thundered, still blushing at the last word. “You will talk to me and then we’ll see what you’ll want to do! That’s how it’ll be and if you don’t behave, I’ll put you in a place you won’t like and where you’ll have no other choice than to talk with me!”

“Oh yeah? I would like to see that!” growled Adrien, immediately regretting his impulse reaction.

“Suit yourself…” sighed Johanna, extending a gigantic hand which closed on Adrien.

The small man struggled against the mighty digits, to no avail. He stopped only when his wife rose to her full size, the water of the lake barely reaching her waist. Her enormous breasts, larger than her head even, standing proud and defying gravity, each big enough to be a small house? The white skin, adorned by beautiful freckles, was mesmerizing, and during a split second, Adrien forgot where he was. Then Johanna’s face occupied his field of vision and he screamed when her lips parted, revealing her hungry maw.

He fell, far longer than he should have, while her teeth, uvula and tongue grew and grew. Had he been able to think, he would have realized that he had been shrink to a microscopic size, probably around a half of millimeter tall. Sadly, passing teeth as high as skyscrapers and having to swim in seas of saliva was making it hard to focus on anything else than survival. And when Johanna gulped him down, he was certain the fall would feel endless.

“There! Now that you’ve no choice but listen to me, I highly recommend talking, my love” suddenly said his former crush’ voice, resounding in his head.

“You’re eating me alive and you want me to talk!?” he screamed

“You’re exaggerating, babe. If I wanted to eat you alive, I would have done something like that. There, look up, behind your back, if you prefer. You can turn on yourself.”

It didn’t make sense but Adrien did as she told and he managed to turn. A sudden incorporeal light shone in the esophagus and he screamed in horror when he saw massive forms falling far from above him. Either because she wished so or simply because he was so light, the peoples that she had apparently gulped down in a second were quite a lot faster than him. They were three old men, clothed and all, and they seemed quite happy to be there.

“I say to you, being vored by our Goddess is quite the honor” said one.

“Why, indeed. With any luck, we will be used to feed an unborn child of her” added the second.

“Bollocks” huffed the third. “Our Goddess Johanna hasn’t have a child in year. I say we will fuel her magnificent body and it should already be more than enough for you!”

 The men passed him in a concert of “Yes” and “You’re quite right sir”. The light revealed suddenly a turn and, once they passed it, he heard a sound not unlike that of a rock falling in water. He passed the turn himself and saw a vision of horror. Dozens of body, at varying degree of decomposition, were resting in this mighty belly. The older were barely held together, the bones poked by the acidic fluid of the stomach. Others were only partially digested, rotting flesh still clinging on the bones. And of course were the three men, joyfully talking and immersing themselves willingly in the deadly liquid.

“See, if I had wanted to eat you, I wouldn’t have shrunk you like that. I just needed some place where you would listen to me. I mean, I don’t think that staying here for days is in your intentions right?”

“For days? I would be dead in minute!”


“You’re exaggerating sweetheart” sighed Johanna, even as she gulped another trio of men down her gullet. “I mean, do you think I would ever let anything hurt you? Really?”

Tilting her head to listen to the voice only she could hear, she plopped another man in her mouth, taking her time to savor him this time. Londoners were always the best, they all washed and kept themselves clean to please her in case she came by and ate some of them. The feeling of a little man on her tongue, roiling on it, being crushed against her palate or reduced to a delicious paste by her teeth… It was so good to be a Goddess!

“I knew you would come to your sense sweetie!” she cheered Adrien. “It’s hard, returning to a changed world, I get it, but if you truly try, you’ll see that we can work pretty well as a family. I have ways to ease your suffering; even if I can’t erase it and –kaarh, ach, ach!”

Johanna had forgotten about the little man in her mouth while replying to her husband and the little fella had almost went down the wrong hole. It wouldn’t have been terrible, of course, she could have teleported him in her stomach, to be digested with the others, but her body had reacted before she could and the poor fellow had been spat out and reduced to a mangled corpse on the pavement.

“Oops, sorry folk! But your Goddess is heading home to prepare something for her hubby!”


Adrien fell to his knee, his hand touching a woolly carpet, soft and warm. Shaking his head and looking up, he was greeted by Johanna at a more manageable size of 7 meters (23f), naked and smiling tenderly. She seemed over joyous, as if the fact that he had agreed to be brought back to her home just to avoid being stuck in her belly meant that he was forgiving her. Then again, holding a grudge against such a puppy eyed beauty was hard and…

“Wait a minute! What are you doing to me?” he asked suspiciously.

“I’m making your whole ordeal easier to deal with. The memories are… less important, let’s say. Others take precedence, like our good time together… or the sight of little old me naked ready to do the naughty!” she laughed before letting herself fall on him.

Adrien squeals were promptly silenced when her enormous tongue invaded his mouth and that her hands caressed his suddenly naked body. It was something incredible, to be so utterly dominated, he had to admit it. Now that he could touch her back, that he wasn’t just a toy for her to use, he actually enjoyed the whole thing, as insane as it was. A small part of him wondered if it wasn’t the result of her powers, but a larger part of him couldn’t care less. More important was the pressure of her enormous breasts on his body, their crushing weight somehow prevented from hurting him.

“You shouldn’t do it” he still managed to complain, after her tongue retreated to let him breath, as his whole body was engulfed by the red-haired giantess’ cleavage. “It’s unfair, you can’t build a healthy relationship like that!”

“You bet I can’t” laughed the Goddess, a hungry look in her eyes. “Now enjoy the ride baby, because you’ve always made it wonderful for me.”


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