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Chris felt like he’d been walking through the forest of grass for hours. Thankfully, the remainder of his journey had been uneventful. There hadn’t been anything trying to eat him, nor were there any unexpected perils. As long as he could use his house as a guide, there was still hope of making it back home in one piece; Chris just had to keep going.
Then, straight ahead in the distance, Chris could see light trickling in through the tall grass. As he kept going, the lawn became less dense, until he eventually came up to the edge of the forest. Before him lay a vast, barren landscape at least a mile across; beyond the wasteland stood an enormous stone wall expanding outwards for miles, creating a panoramic barrier with the upper part of his house visible above it.
Chris instantly realized he’d made it to the large dirt patch adjacent to his back steps. He let out a sigh of relief: despite knowing that he was coming up on the most difficult part of his journey, he took comfort in knowing he’d made it through the first leg. Now, he had to get across the dirt patch and scale the concrete steps on the other side, something that definitely wasn’t going to be easy feat. His home was only a few yards away but it might as well have been several miles. But what choice did he have? He couldn’t just stay where he was, he had to try.
Chris took a deep breath, and with newfound hope, slowly headed out across the wasteland.


Rachel heaved a sigh of relief when her house came into sight; it been a long walk, and she had worked up quite a sweat from head to toe. As she reached the edge of her backyard, Rachel kicked off her sandals once again and lifted her right leg, taking a moment to rub and comfort her aching foot and enjoy freedom from shoes once again. Then, mustering her last few bits of energy, Rachel briskly walked across the grass towards the back door of her house.
As she reached her back gate of he fenced-in part of her yard, however, Rachel paused, turning her gaze towards the house next door. She wasn’t sure why, but she suddenly got a strange impulse to go over and check on things, despite the fact Shannon had told her to wait. Filled with impatience and queer curiosity, Rachel dropped her sandals on the other side of the fence and walked across the lawn to Chris’s back door.


Chris was about halfway across the dirt patch when he felt the ground start to shake intermittently. He froze mid stride and gulped, praying the shaking wasn’t what he thought it was. Unfortunately, as the quakes became stronger, Chris realized his instincts are spot on: they were giant footsteps.
Chris looked behind him, shooting his gaze over the top of the grass to see who it was. First, he saw the top of a head, and not long after, the giant figure, towering hundreds of feet tall, came in to view: it was Rachel....and she was headed straight for him!
“RACHEL!” he cried, jumping up and down wildly, “RACHEL, DOWN HERE! IT’S ME, CHRIS! RACHEL, I’M DOWN HERE! HELP ME!”
Rachel’s giant figure kept coming, displaying no sign that she’d heard Chris’s tiny voice. Her left foot slammed into the ground at the edge of the dirt patch, crushing a huge swath of grass beneath it, and creating a tremendous earthquake that nearly knocked Chris off his feet. Then, her right foot raised up and drifted forward, casting a gigantic shadow over the center of the patch. Chris’s mouth hung open in awe, his jaw trembling with fear as her dirty sole hovered ominously overhead.
“EEK!” Chris ejaculated as he quickly dove out of the way, narrowly escaping her falling foot as it slammed into the ground. “RACHEL! DON’T SQUISH ME!”
The impact sent huge shockwaves radiating outwards, shaking Chris to his very core. Then, just as quickly as it landed, the huge foot lifted off again, leaving only crushed bits of dirt where it had just stepped.
Rachel’s giant figure quickly stomped up the steps and knocked on the back door. Despite wanting to get out of the way and very much avoid being crushed by the giant foot of his best friend, Chris realized he’d missed an opportunity to grab ahold of Rachel’s foot as it passed by and ride it to the top step. Now, he’d have to hope that she’d see him when she came back down, or that Shannon would see him when she came to the door.
Of course, Chris wasn’t exactly thrilled with that idea of trying to get Shannon’s attention instead of avoiding her. He was quite sure that when she found him, there’d be a lot of questions to answer, and it might be difficult to explain his position considering she couldn’t hear him. Unfortunately, at this point, Chris didn’t have much choice.
Chris watched helplessly as Rachel knocked on his back door again, frustrated that he was staring directly at the person who could literally save him, and that there was nothing he could do about it.


Shannon’s search of the hallway carpet was interrupted by a loud knocking downstairs.
“Great!” she cursed, “Just what I need: more interruptions!”
Shannon grumbled angrily as she tied off her bathrobe and stomped down the stairs, not giving a care in the world to watching where she was stepping. She just wanted to deal with whoever was at the door quickly and get back to her search.
As Shannon hit the bottom step, the knocking happened again; she cringed, realizing it was coming from the back door, having a good idea who it was. Low and behold, as Shannon reached the back door, she gazed upon the unwelcome face of Rachel, no doubt snooping around, looking for Chris.
“Rachel,” Sharon said with frustration as she opened the door, “this really isn’t a good time.”
“Shannon, I’m sorry,” Rachel began, “but I was really hoping I could see Chris today.”
“Rachel, I told you: I’ll send him over when he’s feeling better, OK?”
“Shannon, I know what you said, but I haven’t seen Chris in almost a week, and I’m really worried about him. I just wanted to come in and say ‘hello’. I promise I won’t be long.”
As the woman and the teenager shared words, a tiny Chris was squeaking and flailing his arms below, hopping up and down, desperate to get Rachel’s attention. Alas, his voice was too small to be heard, a neither of the giantesses paid any attention to the dirt patch at the bottom of the steps.
“Rachel, I told you: now isn’t a good time, OK?” Shannon said bluntly, about to close the door.
“Shannon, please,” Rachel said insistently, putting her hand out to stop the door from closing, “I understand it’s a bad time, but I just have this feeling that something’s wrong. Chris has been sick all week; I-I just want to make sure he’s okay.”
“He’s fine, Rachel, I promise, but he really needs his rest. Now, GO HOME! I’ll let you know when he’s feeling better.”

“NO, RACHEL!” Chris’s tiny voice squeaked from the dirt patch, “SHE’S LYING! SHANNON SHRUNK ME! DON’T LISTEN TO HER! PLEASE, LOOK FOR ME!”

“Shannon,” Rachel said bluntly, “What’s going on? Why won’t you let me see Chris? And what does he have?”
“Look kid,” Shannon said coldly, getting right up into Rachel’s face, “you’re are really getting on my last nerve.”
Instinctively, Rachel backed away, sliding her left foot down onto the bottom step.

Chris watched fearfully as Rachel’s giant foot hit the bottom step, sending a rockslide of dust, concrete, and other debris down into the dirt.
“ACK!” Chris exclaimed as he struggled to dodge the falling rocks, “RACHEL, WATCH IT!”

“And for the record,” Shannon continued, “I’ve had just about enough of you coming over here uninvited. First, you come over and get into the pool without even asking if it’s okay; then, you almost squish Chri-uh, my contact lens; and now you have the gall to come over here and demand something from me?! You’ve got a lot a nerve! Now, go home, and from now on, you are no longer welcome at this house whenever I’m here. You got that?”
Rachel was taken aback; she’d never seen Shannon this angry before. She was so shocked at Shannon’s words, she almost wanted to cry.
“Shannon,” Rachel sobbed, “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—“
“I said ‘GO HOME’!” Shannon cut her off angrily.
Rachel put her hand over her mouth, trying to conceal her crying, but there was no point. She began sobbing and sniffling uncontrollably as she stepped off the stairs, so upset she couldn’t think straight; she just wanted to get home.

Chris was so preoccupied with screaming for Rachel that he was caught off guard when she stepped off the porch. With no time to react, he could only watch in horror as the dirty sole of her right foot descended upon him.
Rachel stepped directly into the dirt patch, right where the tiny boy stood, cutting off his tiny cries. She backed away, turned, and headed back across the lawn, sobbing the entire way.
“Nosy little brat!” Shannon scoffed to herself as she watched the young girl walk away.
Then, the evil babysitter stepped back inside the house and closed the back door behind her, thinking nothing of the dirt patch at the bottom of the steps, or the possibility that a tiny boy, until only moments before, had once occupied it.


Rachel was struggling to hold back the tears when she approached her fence and unhooked the gate. She stepped inside the inner yard, collected her sandals, and headed over to her back steps.
Then, just as she’d ascended the steps and reached her back porch, Rachel couldn’t hold back any more. She started full-on crying, dropping her sandals on the top step in the process. She sat down on the edge of the porch, hugging her knees to her chest and rocking back-and-forth. She was far too upset to go inside and face her mother in the state she was in, opting instead to wait until she could compose herself.
Rachel turned her head and placed her cheek on her knee—an unsuccessful attempt to comfort herself. She had completely messed up: all she wanted was to do was see her friend and make sure he was alright. Now, she’d gotten herself completely banished from his house. How could she tell her mother? How would she ever face Shannon again?
“What was I thinking?!” Rachel sobbed, scolding herself, “How could I be so stupid?!”
She was so embarrassed, she just wanted to die, burying her face in her knees to hide her emotions.
“Why do I have to be so nosey?” she sobbed.


Chris was in absolute peril. Despite having survived being stepped on by his giant friend, he was now completely engulfed in the dirt and dust now stuck to the bottom of her foot, held in place by her sweaty sole. Each step Rachel took sent Chris on a wild and terrifying ride: he could feel himself zooming through the air at amazing speed, and each impact when her foot collided with the ground, which only compressed the debris around him and squeezed him tighter.
Each time Rachel’s foot lifted into the air, Chris flailed his free arm and squeaked for mercy, only to have his shouts silenced as it stepped back down. His desperate pleas for help were completely useless: he was too small to be heard, and completely indistinguishable from the specs of dirt stuck to Rachel’s foot.
Then, Chris watched the ground beneath him change from grass to concrete, and felt his elevation increase very quickly. He yelped with fear, cringing as Rachel‘s foot slammed into the concrete steps, thinking the change in terrain would end him. Thankfully, it didn’t.
Suddenly, Rachel’s movement stopped; Chris wondered if the torture was over. Then, her foot moved again, stepping in the opposite direction, before stopping at the edge of the porch, leaving him dangling off the top step. Chris eyed the drop fearfully, terrified he was going to fall.
Then, as he waited for a response, Chris heard sobbing. It was Rachel! Rachel was crying. He listened helplessly as his gigantic friend was balling her eyes out above him.
Why was Rachel crying? Because of what Shannon had said? Rachel wasn’t the kind of person who took things personally.
“RACHEL! RACHEL, PLEASE DON’T CRY!” Chris called up, forgetting all about his plight, his thoughts only for his melancholy friend. He felt helpless not being able to comfort her, tearing up himself in the process.
Suddenly, Rachel began rocking her body back-and-forth. Chris started squeaking with fear again, pleading for her to stop, but she just kept going, sobbing and sniffling all the while, completely unaware of the torture she was putting her tiny friend through.
Eventually, though, the rocking stopped, and Rachel’s sobs became further and further apart.
Chris waited with baited breath to see if everything was stable before calling to her again.
Chris calls for help weren’t heard, but they did elicit a response. Rachel‘s foot began descending to the step below.

Rachel placed her feet on the next step down, her toes hanging just over the edge. She leaned forward, placed her elbows on her thighs, and rested her cheeks in her fists, deeply contemplating everything that had happened, and pondering what she was going to do next. She’d have to tell her mother somehow, but how? And what about Chris? She hadn’t seen him for days; she needed answers.
As Rachel weighed her options, she unconsciously kicked her right foot onto her heel and scooted her left foot forward, scraping the sole across the edge of the step.
Chris was once again staring at a huge descent below him, but this time, his attention was focused on the loud grinding noise Rachel’s left foot was making as it slid back and forth across the step. He watched intently with sheer terror, knowing that if she started scraping her right sole along the step, he’d be ground to a pulp for sure.
“RACHEL! RACHEL, HELP!” he screamed desperately, clawing at her giant sole. “PLEASE, LOOK FOR ME! PLEASE RACHEL, BEFORE YOU CRUSH ME!”

As Rachel nonchalantly scraped her sole across the step, she suddenly hit a tender area.
“Ow!” she exclaimed, lifting up her foot to examine it. There was so much dirt and dust caked onto it, her sole was a healthy shade of dark brown. It was nothing she hadn’t experienced before; just the cost of going barefoot outside. With a look of disgust on her face, she began brushing off the excess dirt with her hand. Then, when she’d finished with her left foot, she placed it back onto the step and lifted her right foot and placed it face up in her hand.

“WHOA! ACK!” Chris exclaimed as he was lifted high into the air, then yelping as his environment landed with a jolt.
He looked up with surprise: Rachel was staring right at him! Had she heard him?
“RACH?! RACHEL, YES! I’M RIGHT HERE!” he shouted energetically, frantically waving his arms. “RIGHT HERE, RACH, CAN YOU SEE ME?”
“ICK!” the giantess said with disgust, lifting her huge hand over her foot.
“NO, RACHEL! IT’S ME! IT’S CHRIS!” Chris yelped frantically, thinking she’d mistaken him for a bug. He watched in horror as her giant hand raised above him, casting an ominous shadow across her foot.

In reality, Rachel hadn’t noticed the tiny boy at all. He was so small and covered with microscopic particles of dust that he was completely indistinguishable from the rest of the dirt on her sole. With a few quick brushes of her hand, Rachel had dislodged Chris’s tiny body from her foot, shooting him into the air in front of her. The poor shrunken boy was sent careening downwards, screaming the entire flight before his tiny form crashed into the grass.

Chris lay lifeless on the ground a few inches from the stairs, his poor body extensively beaten and bruised, tossed away like a common speck of dust.
Up above, Rachel finished brushing off her feet; unfortunately, they were still quite dirty from her walking. She stood up, brushed herself off, and composed herself before picking up her sandals and heading inside, her mind now too focused on how icky she felt to worry about the events that had just transpired next door.
For the moment, at least, she was done crying.
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