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Chris had been in total darkness for the past few minutes, drifting in and out of consciousness. The damp, musty smell of his environment was all too familiar; though not as bad as Shannons, Rachel’s didn’t exactly smell like roses either, despite having just finished a shower.
A few minutes beforehand, Rachel’s soapy hand had shoved Chris square into the crack of her ass; as she scrubbed it thoroughly, he was rubbed all over her monstrous ass checks and everywhere in between. During one pass, Chris slid down Rachel’s index finger, which in turn deposited his tiny body face-first into her wet sphincter, leaving only his legs hanging outside, helplessly kicking. When that very same finger returned to wash her asshole, it shoved him the rest of the way inside.
Chris squirmed frantically to get back out, forcing his head through the giant sphincter for some fresh air, all the while desperately shouting for Rachel’s help.
Then, Chris saw her hand returning; he wondered if Rachel had heard him, or maybe even felt him squirming around, and was now mounting a rescue attempt. Alas, her hand had only returned to rinse away the soap, and her giant fingers only shoved him right back in, this time even deeper inside her asshole. When Rachel’s hand finally retreated, he watched helplessly as his field of vision darkened and her butt swallowed him up.
Chris wasn’t exactly sure how long he been trapped, but he assumed it hadn’t been very long. Though the sounds outside were muffled, he could still hear water rushing around the exterior of Rachel‘s ass.
Who was he kidding? Rachel couldn’t hear his tiny voice, especially now that he was inside of her. Chris writhed in frustration as he tried to regain his bearings and locate the exit again, not that it would be that hard: all he had to do was follow the flow of gravity. Naturally, he was sick and tired of getting shoved around by giant women; he’d seen enough of their giant private areas this week to last a lifetime.
As he reached Rachel’s sphincter again, Chris quickly realized he had his work cut out for him overcoming the muscles keeping it closed this time. Despite being only the size of a teensy speck, there weren’t any openings his size that he could squeeze through. He pressed his hands into the sticky flesh and pulled apart the skin as best he could, then pushed his head through into the fresh air. It wasn’t completely fresh, but it sure smelled far better than inside. Thankfully, Rachel had just cleaned her self, leaving her ass with a slight odor of mint and lavender, otherwise it might’ve smelled much worse.
Now that his head was outside, Chris could much more clearly hear the water rushing around the outside of Rachel‘s ass, while tiny streams rolled through her crack. Like pressing his face through a gentle waterfall, Chris used the water as a lubricant to wiggle his way further out. Now, his best option would be to wait until Rachel was out of the shower, lest he risk falling and getting washed down the drain.
Finally, Rachel‘s ass checks parted; Chris could see light between the two massive globes on either side of them. Water streamed over the orbs as they separated, shimmering in the glow of the bathroom’s fluorescent lights, but just as quickly as the flow had started, it stopped. Rachel must’ve just finished her shower.
“RACHEL!” Chris screamed, hoping she might be able to hear him now, “RACHEL, HELP! I’M HERE! IN YOUR....BUTT!”
Chris cringed at the end of his sentence, embarrassed about having to shout his current location. Nevertheless, it was no time for shame; he needed to be rescued before something else happened. He used the opportunity to wiggle his body a little more out of her asshole. Now he was sticking about halfway out of Rachel’s sphincter; only his waist and legs remained stuck inside.
Suddenly, Rachel straightened up again, and her globular ass cheeks slammed together. The light that shone upon him trickled away, leaving Chris trapped in darkness. He’d have to wait for another chance to get Rachel‘s attention, but he hoped it would come soon; he wasn’t sure how much more punishment he could take.

Unfortunately for Chris, his punishment was far from over. He was only experiencing a momentary reprieve while Rachel grabbed a towel off the nearby towel rack and gently patted her hair down to dry it. She kicked her right leg up onto the edge of the tub and ran the towel up and down it, repeating he process with her left leg. All the while, Chris could tell Rachel was moving, but thankfully, she wasn’t causing him any further discomfort.
Once her feet were dry, Rachel stepped out of the shower onto the bathmat, flung her towel around her back, and began pulling it back-and-forth against her shoulder blades, slowly working it down her back.

Chris heard a loud brushing sound above him, the longer he listened, the closer it came. Then, his torture began.
Rachel began vigorously rubbing the towel back-and-forth across her ass cheeks, shoving and pulling them every which way. Chris began screaming hysterically as the huge globes on either side of him violently swung back-and-forth, slapping together with deafening smacks. His entire upper body was turbulently flung to and fro, helpless to the whims of the giant girl. Chris desperately shouted for help, begging Rachel to stop, but the torture persisted. It was the longest 10 seconds of his life.

Rachel wrapped the towel around her body, tucking one of the corners just below her armpit to keep it in place, then stepped a few feet over to the vanity. She reached into one of the drawers, pulling out her hair dryer and a hairbrush, and plugged the cord in just above the back of the sink. She flipped the on switch; the device whirred to life.

Chris heard a huge roaring sound above him. He wasn’t sure what Rachel was doing, he just prayed that whatever it was wasn’t going to head his direction; he’d already had enough excitement for one day. Heck, he’d had enough excitement the past 5 days to last a lifetime!
Thankfully, the next few minutes were uneventful: Rachel tossed and fluffed her hair as she blew it dry, running the brush through it to work out any remaining tangles. She softly hummed to herself to pass the time, not any tune in particular, just something to break the monotony.
Eventually, Rachel turned off the hair dryer, convinced her hair free of moisture. She set the device down onto the counter, but continued brushing her hair, grabbing small handfuls as she assumed an innocent, vulnerable stance.
As she brushed, Rachel stared sorrowfully at her reflection in the mirror, watching a meek, hazel-eyes girl staring back at her. The feelings of pity and feeling sorry for herself began flooding back, and mournful sighs were all that escaped her frowning lips. She began tearing up again, almost on purpose, wondering if she’d ever be happy again. Now more than ever, she really needed a friend to comfort her, someone she could talk to and vent her feelings.
I really wish Chris were here, she thought.

If only Rachel knew that Chris actually WAS there...
The tiny boy was still dangling halfway out of her asshole, still desperately trying to get her attention. Having received no response, however, Chris began assessing other options, taking a moment to gauge his surroundings and determine his next move.
If I can just get free, he pondered, I could use Rachel’s butt cheeks to scale her crack. Then, if I can make it to the top of her ass, I might be able to...
“‘Might be able to’ what?!” Chris rebuked himself, “Climb her?! I should be so athletic! I’d more likely fall to my death! And her butt cheeks are huge! One smack together and I’m nothing but a little red stain on her ass!”
Chris was starting to wonder if there actually WAS any way out of his predicament. The only way he’d escaped Shannon‘s ass was the fact that she actually knew he was there, and the other time he’d started growing again, and that point was at least another day or two away.
What if he waited until Rachel put on some underwear? Yeah, then he could safely drop down and climb his way out amongst the fabric. It wasn’t exactly easy when he was in Shannon’s panties; of course, Shannon’s ass was a lot juicier and took up every inch of space in her underwear. Hopefully Rachel’s panties wouldn’t fill out as much.
Chris’s only other option was continue his efforts to get Rachel’s attention, and as of yet, she’d displayed no signs that she could even hear him, which meant that he’d have to make enough of a disturbance for her to feel. Chris had to be careful, though, as Rachel might think he was just an itch like Noreen did. He could already picture Rachel sticking one of her fingers into her behind, rubbing him out of existence; of course, that was the point: not getting crushed, but getting her to notice him, and a finger would provide a mode of escape.
“Great,” Chris groaned sarcastically. Neither option seemed favorable, but at this point, what choice did he have? He reached his hands down and grabbed a handful of Rachel’s sphincter, then started pulling and pounding at her skin, hoping to create enough of a disturbance that the giantess could feel.

Rachel finished brushing her hair and began putting things back into their respective drawers. She surveyed the bathroom for a moment, eyeing her discarded clothes; she didn’t really want to leave them strewn about, but figured she could just come back for them in a few minutes. Besides, she’d have to come back and clean up the dirt and grime she tracked in earlier anyway, though she preferred to be dressed when she did.
With her towel still wrapped around her, Rachel unlocked the door and headed out of the bathroom. As soon as she opened the door, Chloe, who had relegated herself to lying down with her head between her paws, immediately pounced as soon as Rachel stepped into the hallway, pawing and jumping up-and-down at her master’s leg as she tried to make her way to her bedroom.
“Not now, Chloe!” Rachel scolded, “GEEZ! What is with you today?!”
Rachel kicked the little dog away and quickly shuffled down to her room. Chloe was in hot pursuit though, still trying to alert her master to the tiny human’s presence.
Rachel entered her room and walked over her dresser, pulling out a pair of underwear and throwing them on the bed. As she opened another drawer to grab a fresh pair of jean shorts, Chloe sat down beside her on the floor, continuing her whining and whimpering. Rachel closed the drawers and took a step towards her closet across the room...
Chloe cried in agony as her master’s shin slammed into her snout.
“DANG IT, CHLOE!” Rachel exclaimed with frustration, almost tripping over the dog. She bent over and snatched up the animal in her hands, walking her over at arm’s length to the door. Rachel practically threw Chloe down the hallway, slamming the door afterwards, leaving the poor dog whimpering in the hallway.
“Ugh!” Rachel sighed as she headed over to her closet. She slid open the door and pulled a fresh T-shirt from a folded pile on one of the shelves and walked it over to the bed. Now that she finally had an outfit, Rachel untucked her towel and let it fall to the floor, taking a moment to breathe and revel in her nakedness.
Just as she bent over the bed to grab her underwear, Rachel felt a tiny tickle square in the middle of her butt. She clenched and relaxed her sprinter, wiggling her ass in an attempt to scratch it, but the irritation persisted.
“Umph, Stupid itch!” Rachel uttered. Since she had just showered and didn’t want to walk back down to the restroom to wash her hands after scratching, she bent down and retrieved her towel. Why not, she was going to wash it anyway. Taking the towel in one hand and covering her index finder, she spread her legs and squatted, using her free hand to pull apart her ass cheeks, then reached around to scratch.

“Come on, Rachel,” Chris said with frustration as he worked, “Please feel me.”
For the past several minutes, he’d been pounding, pulling, massaging, and kneading the sensitive skin of Rachel’s sphincter, trying to beckon a response. He was hoping she’d feel him before leaving the bathroom, but unfortunately, he had to endure the unwelcome squeezing and stretching of her asshole as she walked, along with the swishing of her ass cheeks as they rubbed against each other.
When Chris heard Chloe’s whimpers and her collar jingling, he perked up, hoping Rachel would pick up on something being wrong, but his hopes were dashed yet again when she shooed the dog away.
Chris could only listen helplessly at Rachel’s frustration as she tossed the dog aside.
Obviously, what he was doing wasn’t working, but he refused to give up.
“RACHEL! RACHELLLLLL!” He screamed, pounding both his fists into her sphincter at he same time.
Suddenly, Chris felt Rachel’s stance widen, and her ass drop slightly.
Did it work? He wondered, had she finally noticed him?
Chris watched with baited breath as Rachel’s ass cheeks parted.
“Yes!” Chris exclaimed with excitement, realizing his plan had worked. Finally, a bit of luck! Now, he just had to be careful not to get squished by her finger.
He watched anxiously as something large came into view, ready to brace himself and grab ahold of her finger...
Only, it wasn’t a finger coming. Chris’s eyes widened at the sight of a huge, tan tapestry heading his direction.
It was a giant towel!
“Oh my gosh!” Chris exclaimed as he reached out his hands to brace himself. The towel collided with the giant rectum, shoving the tiny boy back inside Rachel’s asshole. Muffled screams of agony were all Chris could manage to eke out as the giant towel scraped along Rachel’s crack and massaged her butthole in small circles. He kept pushing against the surface of the towel that protruded through the opening of her sphincter, trying to stay out of its path so as not to get crushed, but he knew that he’d eventually have to make his move: it was his only chance to escape.
Then, Chris felt the scratching slowing down. Without hesitation, he reached out and grabbed one of the towel’s fibers, pulling himself close enough to wrap his tiny arms around it.
Things happened swiftly.
As Rachel withdrew the towel from her crack, Chris was yanked out of her sphincter with a wet POP, his body flailing like a windsock from the speed of its withdrawal. He held firm, however, straining to keep his grip as the towel whipped around to Rachel‘s front; in no time, Chris was staring directly into her giant face.
“RACHEL!” he shouted, waving up to her with a free hand. “RACHEL, IT’S ME, CHRIS! HELP!”
Suddenly, the sky darkened. Chris let out a muffled yelp as Rachel folded the towel over her hand, concealing the spot she’d just used to scratch her ass.
“Ah,” Rachel sighed, “much better.”
She’d never even noticed the tiny boy as she balled up the towel and threw it back onto the floor. Chris let out muffled squeaks as the towel collapsed in around him, then experienced a brief moment of zero gravity before impacting the floor. Thankfully, the towel was soft and fluffy enough to cushion his landing, though he was now completely enveloped in darkness with a huge mountain of fabric on top of him. It was so compressed that he could barely move, let alone find his way out.

While Chris lay trapped, screaming for help to a giant girl who couldn’t hear him, Rachel had resumed getting dressed: she casually slid her legs into her panties and was soon buttoning her shorts. Then, she threw her shirt on over her head, slipping her arms through the sleeves and stretching it down to her waist. Rachel flipped her hair out of the collar, tossing it a couple of times to free it completely, then reached down to collect her towel and head back to the bathroom.
As expected, Chloe was right there as Rachel opened her bedroom door, waiting patiently for her to exit the room.
“Get in here!” Rachel commanded angrily, pointing towards her bed. Chloe sauntered into the room, whining somberly.
“On the bed! Come on!” Rachel snapped again, waiting for the little dog to obey. Chloe reluctantly followed her masters orders, hopping up on the bed to lay down; of course, she didn’t actually understand what Rachel was saying, but certainly recognized the tone of her voice and the anger in her face.
“Good!” Rachel said irately, “Now, stay there!”
Rachel pulled the door closed, leaving it open just enough, however, for Chloe to escape if needed, and walked back down the hall to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, Chris felt every step Rachel took as the whole towel bobbed up-and-down in her arms. He couldn’t muster enough strength to push the fabric off himself, not that it would help: the towel was too massive and he couldn’t see anything despite being small enough to observe the holes in the weaving of the fabric.
Rachel entered the bathroom and tossed the towel on the floor again, before gathering up her dirty clothes. She tossed them into a heap in the hallway just outside the bathroom, then stepped back in front of the towel, eyeing her dirty footprints on the floor. Not wanting to get on her hands and knees to scrub, she slowly lifted her right foot and lowered it into the center of the towel, using her leg to drag it across the floor and quickly wipe away her footprints. Thankfully, the dirt she’d tracked in earlier wasn’t sticking, and her towel was still wet enough to mop effectively. The bathroom would be clean in no time.

“OOF!” Chris yelped as the towel impacted again. He was so tired of all the jostling and being thrown about like a rag doll, he honestly didn’t think things could get much worse.
Chris was still screaming for help when something huge landed on top of him. He cried out in agony as the the towel compressed around him, pressing his face into the fabric.
Suddenly, he felt himself being pushed along. Normally, he’d worry about being crushed, but he’d been in that same situation so many times at that point he’d became normalized to the torment: if he could survive Shannon putting her big ass foot on top of him with her full weight, he could get through this, providing he didn’t suffocate first.

Rachel stood and marveled at the newly clean floor of the bathroom. With a nod of approval, she picked up the towel and tossed it in with the dirty clothes in the hallway, then gathered the whole bundle into her arms to carry downstairs.
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