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Author's Chapter Notes:


Rachel carried the full garbage bag out of the kitchen, holding it practically at arm’s length out in front her to avoid soiling her pajamas. By the time she’d made it to the living room, her mother was already back inside after having deposited the recyclables on the curb.
“Oh good,” Janet spoke up. “Ya get everything cleaned up?”
“Yeah, I got it,” Rachel replied flatly.
“Thanks, Rach,” Janet said, trying to sound pleasant, “you’re being a big help.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Rachel sighed as she walked past her mother to the front door.
“Hunny, don’t you wanna put some shoes on?” Janet asked, noticing her daughter was still barefoot.
“I’m just going to the curb, mom. I’ll be fine.”
“OK, suit yourself. Oh, did you put in a new garbage bag?”
“No, not yet,” Rachel cringed, dreading having to do more work when she came back inside.
“That’s OK, I’ll go ahead put one in for you,” Janet replied as her daughter reached for the handle on the front door. “You’re welcome.”
“Thank you, mom,” Rachel said sarcastically as she headed out the front door, practically slamming it behind herself.

The sun was shining so brightly when Rachel stepped outside that she had to shield her eyes with her free hand, waiting until they adjusted before she continued down the walkway to the curb. The cement path down the sidewalk felt warm and slightly rough beneath her bare feet; although going barefoot outside was nothing new to her, she took each step carefully to avoid scraping her soles, rethinking her decision to forgo shoes like her mother had suggested. At least it was warm enough outside that Rachel didn’t mind being in only her pajamas. It wasn’t like she was exposed—wearing a light-colored T-shirt and tan-colored, plaid pajama shorts—she just preferred comfort over style.
As Rachel approached the curb, setting down the garbage bag, she took a quick moment to wipe off her hands, and was just about to brush the dust she’d kicked up earlier off her pant legs...
“Rachel,” a distant voice called out.
Rachel practically jumped! She snapped her head around to see who was calling her, but there was no one there. Her eyes were still poised as she continued brushing off her pajama bottoms, though she wondered if she might be hearing things.
“Rachel!” the voice repeated, louder this time.
Rachel lifted her head, checking across the street to see who the heck was calling her.
“H-Hello?” Rachel replied meekly.
“Over here.”
Just across the street and about one house down, Rachel spotted a gray, 4-door sedan parked catty corner from her position. She strode sideways through the grass adjacent the curb until the car was directly across the street...
Rachel’s eyes widened with surprise; she finally made out who was inside the car.


The whole time Rachel had been worrying about the garbage, Chris had been preoccupied with not falling. When she slammed the garbage bag onto the ground to compress all the trash, she’d sent Chris into a free-fall for a brief moment; upon impact, he bounced off a paperboard food container and flew clear out of the bag. The tiny boy went screaming through the air right towards Rachel’s giant body. Out of sheer desperation, Chris grasped at one of the drawstrings of her pajama bottoms and latched on, leaving him dangling helplessly from her shorts.
Unfortunately for Chris, Rachel had missed the entire show: she’d turned her head away to escape the dust cloud that had been kicked up from the trash bag. When she started walking, Chris was sent on a wild ride. Every step Rachel took on her journey out of the house and down the front walk to dispose of the garbage, Chris and the drawstring went swinging every which way, constantly slamming into crotch.
Then, at one point, when Rachel was setting the garbage bag down onto the curb, Chris thought she might have actually heard his tiny cries for help; but it turned out it wasn’t him that she had heard. Someone else had been calling for her.

“Sue Ann?” Rachel uttered.
“Shh!” Sue shushed her, beckoning Rachel over to her car with her free hand. “Come on.”
Rachel was slightly taken aback: what was Sue Ann doing there?
Nonetheless, Rachel shrugged her shoulders, took a quick look both ways, then hustled across the street to the car’s driver-side door.

“Sue Ann?!” Chris exclaimed in surprise upon Rachel’s utterance of a familiar name. “What’s SHE doing heeeeERE—?”
As Rachel hustled across the street, her sudden movements sent Chris swinging wildly from the drawstring, slamming back and forth between her thigh and her crotch.

“Quick, hop in!” Sue Ann instructed as Rachel approached the car.
“What?” Rachel uttered.
“Sh! I don’t want anyone to see me,” Sue Ann explained. “Now, get in.”
Rachel obliged, though was still somewhat confused, heading around the front of the car.

“RACHEL, WAIEEEEET!” Chris could barely get a word in edgewise as the giant girl was on the move again, running around to the passenger side door and hopping into the front seat. The moment Rachel sat down, Chris lost his grip: the sudden jolt knocked him down into the seat and tumbling into her crotch.

“Hey,” Sue Ann said.
“Hey, yourself,” Rachel replied as she hopped into the front seat. “Now, what’s going on? What’re you doing here?”
“I’m on a stakeout.”
“What?!” Rachel replied, now extremely confused.
“I’m staking out Chris’s house. I wanna find out what’s going on with him.”
“Oh, my God! Seriously?!”
“Yeah,” Sue Ann admitted, “I know it’s a long shot, but I think that Shannon woman may be up to something, and I wanna find out what.”
“Oh, my God!” Rachel repeated, shifting slightly her seat. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that!”

“EEK! EASY, RACH!” Chris yelped as her crotch tilted forward, nearly squashing him.

“Well,” Sue Ann continued, “after our little chat in the park yesterday, several things in Shannon’s story didn’t add up; so, when I got home, I gave Sheila Martin a call—you know, Chris’s mom—and I told her what was going on.”
“Wh-? My mom called Chris’s mom too!” Rachel chimed in excitedly. “What did she say?”
“Uh, well, initially I just left her a message, but when she finally called me back, I reiterated my suspicions; that’s when she told me about your mom’s phone call. She said she was gonna look into it and get back to me.”
“And did she? I mean, did you find out what’s been going on?”
“No, she hasn’t gotten back to me yet, but I couldn’t wait. There’s something off about her—Shannon, I mean—and I think she hiding something about Chris.”
“Tell me about it!” Rachel added, slumping back into the seat. “You should’ve seen her yesterday!”
“Oh? What happened?”
“Well, after I left the park yesterday, before I went home, I stopped by Chris’s house—you know, just to check on him and see how he was doing—Shannon practically bit my head off!”
“Yeah,” Rachel continued, trying to hold back the her sobs. “She told me she never wanted me to come over ever again. I was so upset my mom go and smooth things over.”
“Wow!” Sue Ann exclaimed, unsure what to make of Rachel’s story. “And did your mom find out anything?”
“No! I mean, my mom said that Shannon apologized, but Shannon still wouldn’t let her inside. Sue Ann, I’m really worried. I-I mean, no one’s even SEEN Chris since last week!”
“I know, kiddo,” Sue Ann replied, “that’s why I’m here: to scope out the house for anything suspicious. I know it’s a long shot, but I’ve just gotta find out what’s been going on.”
“Well, have you seen anything yet?”
“Not yet, but I’ve only been here....” Sue Anne quickly checked her phone, “....uh, about a half-hour.”
Rachel sighed heavily, hoping for better news. She clasped her hands in her lap, and concentrated on her breathing, trying to subdue the tears she knew were on their way. Sue Ann turned her gaze back towards the house, eyes peeled for any sign of movement.

“RACH—ACK!” Chris exclaimed as Rachel’s giant hands collided with her lap, jiggling her legs.
While the two giant girls had been conversing, Chris had been crawling his way out of the depression in the seat from Rachel’s crotch to avoid being squished. The smell had been extremely overwhelming, although there was a strange euphoric aspect to it. Obviously, it wasn’t the first crotch he’d smelled this week, and it was somewhat stale, but there was a sweetness to it, unlike the sourness of Shannon or Mrs. Carson’s.
At the moment Rachel’s hands hit her lap, Chris had been climbing up her inner thigh to try to get noticed. They impacted just above him, cutting off his means of escape, and blocking any line of sight she may have had to his tiny form.

“Sue?” Rachel spoke up after a short silence.
“Yeah?” Sue Ann replied, still staring intently at the Martin home.
“Y-You don’t really think Shannon’s DONE something bad to Chris, do you?”
Sue Ann turned back to the worried teenager, trying to frame an answer that wouldn’t upset her more.
“Honestly, I don’t know, Rachel,” Sue Ann replied, shaking her head solemnly, “I don’t know her very well, but I know something weird is going on, and I’m gonna figure out what it is, even if I have to sit here all day long.”
“Oh, Sue, let me help you,” Rachel offered eagerly.
“No,” Sue Ann replied sternly, “I-I don’t want you to get into any more trouble.”
“Aw, come on, Sue Ann, please?” Rachel begged. “Chris is my friend; I wanna help.”
Sue Ann turned her gaze back to the Martin home as she pondered Rachel’s offer.
“Well,” she sighed, biting her lip, “alright, maybe I COULD use your help.”
Rachel’s eyes lit up; she sat up in her seat.
“It’ll look suspicious if someone catches ME hanging around,” Sue Ann continued. “Since YOU actually live here, no one’ll think twice, but you gotta be discreet.”
“I will, I promise,” Rachel said eagerly.
“OK, just keep a close eye on things while you go about your day, but be inconspicuous. I don’t want Shannon to know she’s being watched.”
“Can do!” Rachel nodded.
“Alright, hand me my purse real quick.”

“WAIT, RACHEL, Dommn—!” Chris tried shouting as he was suddenly squeezed between Rachel’s inner thigh and her crotch as she bent forward.

Rachel retrieved a small, brown hand bag from the floor of the passenger’s seat and handed it to Sue Ann, who quickly unzipped it and reached inside, retrieving a business card containing her cellphone number.
“Alright, my cell phone number’s at the bottom,” Sue Ann instructed. “If you see or hear anything, give me a call, OK?”
“Got it!” Rachel nodded, taking the card and reaching for the door handle, “I’d better get back to my mom before she misses me.”
“OK. Hey, listen,” Sue Ann continued, “it....might be best NOT to tell your mom what you’re up to, a-at least for now. Like I said, I don’t want you getting in any more trouble, especially on my account.”
“Right,” Rachel agreed, as she opened the door, “good idea.”
“Just be careful,” Sue Ann called out as Rachel stepped out of the car.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Rachel replied.
Then, she paused. She turned around and leaned back into the car, her right arm resting on the open door.
“Hey, Sue Ann?” Rachel asked softly.
“Thanks,” Rachel replied somberly, flashing a soft smile.
“You’re welcome,” Sue Ann replied, returning a soft smile of her own. “You know, Chris is really lucky to have a friend like you lookin’ out for him.”
“Yeah, well....” Rachel blushed, bowing her head shyly, “I, uh—
“EW!” Rachel shrieked, frantically brushing off the front of her pajamas.
“What?!” Sue Ann jumped, “What’s wrong?”
“There was a bug on me!”
“Oh!” Sue Ann uttered, watching Rachel frantically brush herself off. “Is it gone?”
“Hang on,” Rachel replied as she looked around her feet, lifting up each one to inspect the bottoms.
Then, she spotted a tiny speck wiggling on the curb between her feet. The teenager quickly raised her right foot, her sole casting an ominous shadow over the tiny bug. Then, in one quick move, Rachel stomped her bare foot onto the curb, rubbing it back and forth.
“Did you get it?” She Ann inquired.
“Yeah, I think so,” Rachel cringed, lifting up her foot to inspect the damage. “Yuck!”
“Whew, you’re braver than I am, sweetie!” Sue Ann admitted. “I’d normally think twice before doing that without shoes.”
“Yeah, don’t remind me,” Rachel sighed, brushing the dirt and bug remains off her sole.
“Well, anyway,” Sue Ann said, getting back to topic, “you’d better get back inside before your mom wonders where you are.”
“Alright,” Rachel said, “Bye, Sue Ann.”
“Bye, Rach.”
Rachel hustled around the car again again, looking both ways again before scurrying back across the the street, although this time she was more concerned with someone seeing her get out of the parked car rather than if there was any traffic coming.
As Rachel stepped back onto the curb and scuttled up the path to her house, Sue Ann started her car and slowly drove away.


Janet was sitting in her favorite chair in the living room, still in her pink nightgown, completely engrossed in the romantic novel she was reading when Rachel burst through the front door.
“Hey hon,” Janet said, pulling her eyes away from the page she was on, “where’ve you been?”
“Nowhere,” Rachel said as she whisked behind the couch towards the stairs. “I just took the trash out the curb like you asked.”
“You were out there for almost 10 minutes! What took you so long?”
“I was just....enjoying the morning air, that’s all,” Rachel lied. “I’m....gonna go get dressed.”
“Wh—don’t you want some breakfast?”
“Not hungry anymore,” Rachel replied swiftly, her words blurring together as she practically stomped up the steps.
“O-OK,” Janet called up, “Uh, don’t forget to let Chloe back in.”
“I’ll get her when I come back down,” Rachel called down from the top of the steps.
Janet heard Rachel’s bedroom door shut. She turned her head forward, raised her eyebrows, and shrugged her shoulders, making a slight “huhn” sound as her eyes fell back into her book.


Chris awoke face-down on a cool, fuzzy surface, the floor vibrating with a constant hum. He struggled to push up his torso, but his body felt like it had just been through a blender. He rubbed the side of his aching head, his thoughts all jumbled in a fog.
Then, as Chris gazed up, his view was completely filled by a giant woman, her massive form sitting in the driver’s seat. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, trying to make sure he was actually awake.
“Sue Ann?” Chris uttered to himself. Apparently, he was still in her car. The last thing he remembered was hanging from the crotch of Rachel’s shorts, calling for help as she was getting out of the car. She had just happened to glance down when her eyes fell upon him. Chris vaguely remembered Rachel shrieking, and her giant hand crashing into him. Apparently, she’d knocked him unconscious on the floor mat on the passenger’s side of Sue Ann’s car.
“SUE ANN!” Chris screamed as he quickly stood up, waving his arms. “SUE ANN, DOWN HERE! LOOK DOWN HERE!”
Despite neither Sue Ann nor Rachel noticing him, Chris was filled with newfound hope. Even though he’d been focused on getting out from under Rachel the whole time she was in the car, he’d been listening to their entire conversation. Not only were they both worried about him and concerned for his safety, they were on to Shannon’s deception, and were actively searching for him. Of course, they had no idea exactly how much trouble he was actually in, nor even conceive the notion of him being shrunken, but they weren’t going to rest until they got to the bottom of things.
Chris was completely revitalized, reaffirmed in his quest to be rescued!
Unfortunately, it wouldn’t make a lick of difference if he didn’t get someone’s attention, and Sue Ann’s attention was currently fixated on the road. He’d have to get to her, and he didn’t exactly have much time: Sue Ann didn’t live very far away, and if Chris didn’t get rescued before she got out of the car, he’d risk being trapped inside a sealed automobile on a hot, summer day. It’d be like a huge sauna; he could literally roast to death.
There was still hope, however; if Chris could at least get to Sue Ann’s side of the car, he might stand a chance. Unfortunately, there was a huge barrier in his way....literally. The center gearshift console and armrest completely isolated the driver from the passenger seat. The only way for Chris to get to Sue Ann was to take the long way around.
With no time to spare, Chris took off as quickly as he could, dashing across the open plain of the floor mat, hopping the bumps and chasms of the rubber sides, and frantically scaling the small hump between the floor mat and the area underneath the passenger seat. As he descended the slope under the seat, he plotted his way to the hump on the floor of the backseat. It was slow going, however; he was still less than a quarter of an inch tall, and his path was riddled dust bunnies, dirt, and tiny food particles strewn about.
Somehow, though, Chris managed to make it make it to the floor of the backseat in only about 10 minutes. Huge windows loomed overhead, only offering the view of a clear, blue sky from the tiny boy’s vantage point. Chris was panting hard and nearly out of breath, but he pushed himself to keep going, quickly scrambling up the hump of the backseat.
Suddenly, just before he reached the top, the car took a hard, right turn. Chris flew up and over the hump, landing hard and tumbling across the floor mat on the opposite side of the car. He recovered as quickly as he could, though was extremely unsteady on his feet. The car suddenly took another sharp turn, this time to the left; Chris fell to his knees, trying to steady himself...
The car suddenly came to a complete stop. Chris went flying forward, slamming into a small, green bead underneath the driver’s seat. The tiny boy bounced off the top and tumbled towards the front of the seat. The bead had been knocked forward, and was currently rolling towards where the tiny boy currently lay prone. Thankfully, it rolled to a stop right just before it would have steam-rolled over him.
Chris was still trying to push himself back up when he heard the gear shift moving.
Oh no, he thought, Sue Ann’s about to leave the car!
Then, he heard a giant whirring sound. Sue Ann had just rolled her window down. After a few moments of quiet, a gigantic voice boomed to life:
“Hi, how can I help you today?”
“Hi,” Sue Ann answered, “can I get a chicken, breakfast sandwich and a cup of coffee please?”
Chris heaved a humongous sigh. Sue Ann was at the drive thru; he still had time! Chris redoubled his efforts to get to her, struggling to maintain his balance once the car was in motion again.
Then, he came upon an unexpected obstacle: the separator between the underside of the car seat and the driver’s side floor didn’t have a slope he could easily climb; it was a solid wall of carpet. Chris frantically looked around for an alternative...
“There!” he exclaimed aloud. There was a slope he could traverse to his right, between the side of the seat and the side console. Chris made a mad dash for the hill and scaled it in a matter of seconds. He hiked along the hill until the he was clear of the seat and driver’s-side floor was in view.
High above the tiny boy’s position was his giant savior, clad in an off-white T-shirt and cut-off jean shorts, which he’d noticed earlier, but were currently obscured from his view by her seat. A pair of massively long legs protruded from the seat above down to two, giant, sandal-clad feet: one on the accelerator and one resting on the floor, each sporting a slight French-tip pedicure.
“SUE ANN! SUE ANN!” Chris shouted up repeatedly, jumping up and down and waving his arms again.
It was no good: she still couldn’t hear him, nor see him. Even when she placed her coffee in the cup holder on the console, she never really looked down, opting to get back to driving.
Chris started to panic. He didn’t know what to do, and he was quickly running out of time.
That’s when he took a closer look at Sue Ann’s sandals: they were flat, T-strap thong sandals, tan in color, with straps going up the sides of each foot, and another strap wrapping around the back of each ankle, comfortably encasing the giantess’s two massive, bare feet. Chris was hesitant, having had more than enough encounters with giant feet that week to last a lifetime, but honestly, what other choice did he have?
As carefully as he could, he slid down the carpet and made his way to the center of the floor mat just below the seat; that way, he wouldn’t risk being crushed by Sue Ann’s sandals should either foot make any sudden move. Before long, he’d reached his destination; Chris faced the seat and backed up carefully, until he had a straight line-of-sight to her face.
“SUE ANN!” Chris shouted up, jumping and waving to her again in one last-ditch effort.
The giant woman still didn’t look down; Chris knew what he had to do next.
Unfortunately, before he could make his next move, Sue Ann’s right foot suddenly lifted off the accelerator and moved almost directly over the tiny boy’s head. Chris recoiled, taking a defensive posture, afraid that her sandal was about to crush him. Instead of descending, however, it passed overhead and pressed the brake.
Chris stumbled backwards, falling hard onto his back. From his prone position, he watched Sue Ann flip on the turn signal before taking a swift left turn over a large bump. Even on the floor, Chris had trouble maintaining his position as the car jostled violently, his tiny body bouncing up and down on the surface of the mat. The huge sandal pressed the brake again, this time holding firm while Sue Ann reached for the gearshift, shoving it all the way forward in a rapid series of deafening clicks; then, she turned off the ignition. Wherever she’d been going, they’d finally arrived.
Sue Ann’s right foot suddenly landed on the floor with a BOOM as she fiddled with removing her keys from the ignition.
“EEK!” Chris yelped as the giant sandal narrowly missed him, crashing down just to his right.
The driver’s side door quickly flew open; Sue Ann’s left foot suddenly departed the floor mat, stepping down just outside the car. Chris was stunned; his means of escape had just departed.
Sue Ann’s huge form leaned over the center console, attempting to retrieve her purse from the passenger’s side floor.
“SUE ANN, DOWN HERE!” Chris screamed desperately, hoping her closer proximity would make him audible, but the giantess made no reaction besides grabbing her purse and throwing it over her shoulder as she sat back up.
When Sue Ann reached into the passenger’s seat to grab her bag of food, Chris knew he was out of time! He scrambled to his feet and took off for her remaining sandal, running as fast as he could. Then, with one giant leap, he dove towards her right foot, narrowly grabbing ahold of one of the rawhide, sandal straps, right before it lifted up and out of the car. Chris shouted for mercy, holding on for dear life as Sue Ann’s foot soared through the air.
“OOF!” Chris yelped as Sue Ann’s foot hit the ground. The impact had nearly dislodged him, but the tiny boy held firm, determined not to let his last hope of being rescued slip through his fingers.

Meanwhile, Sue Ann, oblivious to the tiny passenger clinging to her sandal strap, slammed her car door shut, pressed the “lock” button on her key, and headed down the path away from her driveway, her bag of food and coffee gripped in her left hand. She scurried up to the steps to her front porch, stepped over to her front door, and with a quick jingle of her keys, turned the doorknob and stepped inside, closing the door behind her.
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