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All was quiet in the Martin household. Not long before, a contentious battle had taken place between two tiny women as they battled for their lives, while an obvious giantess stomped around above, looking for answers on the whereabouts and condition of one of the children therein. Finding nothing, nor anyone at home, the giant woman left, just as confused as when she’d arrived.
The faint sound of rustling grass outside broke the silence of the household; a pair of beady, little, green eyes peered in through the living room window, looking for any sign of activity. A few minutes later, a door knob jiggled, and the back door into the kitchen creaked open.
The same beady eyes cautiously scanned the room, especially the floor, looking for any sign of a shrunken human being.
Less than half an hour ago, Rachel affirmed she couldn’t stand idly by while Sue Ann confronted Shannon about Chris’s whereabouts; she HAD to go over to Chris’s house and help, praying she wasn’t too late to save him, or to stop the evil babysitter who’d shrunk him.
As Rachel approached the house, she kept a low profile, opting to carefully peer in the windows to gauge the situation. She became worried when she didn’t see anyone initially, thinking she was too late, but then Rachel noticed Sue Ann’s car still out front, along which the strange car Shannon had been filling with luggage earlier that morning. She figured both women must still be there, or at least somewhere nearby.
Additionally, Rachel saw no sign of Chris, though it would’ve been hard to spot him through the window, especially if Shannon had shrunk him again. There WAS of course the possibility Chris was still back at Sue Ann’s, but Rachel wasn’t about to go back without proof, not after coming so far. For that, she would need to get inside.
Rachel quickly found the fake rock hiding the spare key and used it to unlock the back door; then, carefully stepped inside, quietly closing the door behind her. She kicked off her flip-flops by the back door, then tiptoed through the kitchen. Everything seemed quiet, which definitely didn’t sit right with her, and only made her even more nervous.
The first thing Rachel noticed was a purse sitting on the kitchen table, and a box with a vial of green liquid inside. She carefully inspected the vial; Rachel gulped, unsure if what she was holding was the shrinking potion Shannon had used on Chris. If it was, there was an ample supply, and if she’d given it to Chris again...
Rachel’s eyes shot to the floor, scrutinizing every inch. She hadn’t noticed Chris’s tiny form when she’d entered, but she was assuming he was still about an inch tall; he could conceivably be ANY size now. Rachel needed to search the house, but was still wary about making her presence known.
Rachel carefully set the box back down onto the table, then quietly made her way towards the living room.
“Chris?” she whispered, as carefully stepped into the hallway, “Chris, are you down there?”
Rachel turned the corner into the living room, checking along the walls as scanning the floor as best she could. Worried she could easily miss him, she carefully got down on all fours to continue her search.
Rachel gasped; her eyes went wide! She’d spotted something across the room. She crawled towards it, perking up a bit, but as she approached the object in question, Rachel’s hopes were dashed.
She gasped again, this time with horror, covering her mouth.
There was a tiny red stain on the floor!
“Chris?!” she squeaked, her eyes tearing up before she began sobbing uncontrollably. “No! No, Chris! No! God, please, no!”
Rachel tried to contain herself, but her tears flowed nonstop. The little red stain was a tiny splotch of blood. Chris had been squished!
Rachel cried uncontrollably over the loss of her friend. She didn’t care if anyone saw her now; she was ready to confront anyone who walked in that room, even if it was Shannon threatening to shrink her, too. At least maybe the Rachel could get some semblance of justice for her squashed friend.
Then, in the brief silence between sobs, Rachel heard something. She listened carefully....it was faint, like a tiny insect or something squeaking...
...Or a tiny person talking trying to get her attention!
“Hello?” Rachel sobbed, hoping whatever it was would sound off again.
The faint squeak returned.
Rachel perked up. Was it possible? Could Chris still be alive?!
“Chris, is that you?” Rachel whispered anxiously. “Where are you?”
She concentrated, listening intently, holding her breath, trying to make out what was being said.
“....ver here....over here....”
“Over where?” Rachel asked.
Rachel eyes shot to her right to the easy chair sitting next to the couch. She carefully crawled towards it, looking underneath for any sign of a tiny person.
Then, as Rachel lifted her head to level with the cushion, the voice became clear:
“Rachel, here! On the chair! In the cushion!”
Rachel’s eyes scanned the cushion, but she didn’t see anyone; then, the voice directed her to the side....there was a tiny figure stuck between the seat cushion and the soft inside of the chair!
“SUE ANN?!” Rachel exclaimed, then immediately lowered her voice. “Ope, sorry. Sue Ann?! Oh no! You got shrunk too?!”
“RACHEL, QUICK,” Sue squeaked, trying to free herself, “THE ANTIDOTE! GET THE ANTIDOTE!”
“What antidote? Where?”
“Uh, I think it’s on the kitchen table,” Rachel stammered anxiously, reaching down to help the tiny woman. “Hang on, I-I’ll get you out first.”
“Alright, alright,” Rachel said defensively, scurrying to get up. “I’m going.”
Rachel quickly tiptoed back into the kitchen, snatched the box off the kitchen table, and headed back to the living room, kneeling down by he chair again. She removed the potion from the foam, placing the empty box on the floor, then carefully unscrewed the lid and filled the dropper with the green liquid, reaching down to feed it to Sue Ann.
Things happened quickly.
Sue Ann’s tiny body started expanding: from 1/3 of an inch to a half inch, then a full inch....2 inches....4 inches....she was doubling in size so quickly she practically popped out from between the cushion and the arm rest, plopping into the center of the chair. She kept growing....and growing....and growing...
Rachel screwed the top back on the bottle and carefully set it back onto the floor, then moved back as Sue Ann’s legs extended off the chair. A moment later Sue was back to her normal size.
“Sue Ann!” Rachel exclaimed, embracing the young woman in a bear hug.
“Thanks, Rach,” Sue replied, breathing a sigh of relief, thankful she was back to normal. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“Sue Ann, I’m sorry,” Rachel said tearfully. “I-I know you told me to stay put, but I just couldn’t. I had to come...”
“I know, Rach. I know,” Sue replied, comforting her, “and I’m grateful, but I really need you hand me my clothes, sweetie.”
Rachel pushed back from the hug, completely oblivious to the fact that Sue was sitting buck naked in the chair in front of her. Rachel averted her eyes, and quickly looked to where Sue was motioning, grabbing the woman’s clothes off the nearby couch.
“Thank you,” Sue replied, covering her shame. “Let me get my clothes on, then we’ve gotta find Chris before it’s too late.”
Rachel teared up again, looking down at the floor.
“Rachel, what is it?” Sue asked as she adjusted her panties. “What’s wrong?”
“Sue Ann,” Rachel sobbed, “it’s already too late.”
“Wha—? What do ya mean?”
“Chris is...He’s...”
Rachel turned her head away, trying to hold back her emotions, but was already crying.
“Rachel,” Sue said, placing her arms around Rachel’s back, trying to comfort the teenager. “Rachel, hunny, what’s wrong?”
Rachel cringed as she motioned to the red spot on the floor. Sue Ann moved in close to get a better look: there was a tiny bloodstain on the floor, and what appeared be tiny, crushed remains. Sue Ann was shocked, but also puzzled.
“Rach,” Sue Ann uttered, “Rachel, I know what you’re thinking, but this doesn’t make any sense.”
“Oh my God, Sue Ann! Isn’t it obvious?!” Rachel cried hysterically. “We’re too late! Chris is dead. He’s been squashed!”
“No hunny,” Sue Ann replied, moving back to her. “I-I don’t think so. Look, I don’t know who this was, but I’m almost POSITIVE it’s NOT Chris!”
“W-What?” Rachel sniffled. “H-How do you know?”
“Chris is....really small!”
“Yeah, and...” Rachel sobbed.
“No,” Sue clarified, “I mean, Chris is even small-er than before. Like, almost microscopic!”
“What?!” Rachel exclaimed.
“I know, I know. I got here and caught Shannon before she could leave. I-I tried to stop her, but she overpowered me. She was about to use her shrinking potion on me, when suddenly, out of nowhere, Chris jumped out and saved me!”
“Saved you?!” Rachel exclaimed, completely flummoxed. “H-How?!”
“He jumped out and latched onto her face! The potion spilled everywhere; we ALL got dosed! Shannon, too!”
“Seriously?!” Rachel exclaimed, scrambling to her feet.
“Yeah,” Sue nodded, “we ALL shrank, even Chris! But HE shrank small enough to fit in my hands, and that was at MY tiny size. I was trying to hold onto him and keep him safe.”
“Oh, Sue Ann, Where is he?!” Rachel pleaded, tugging on her shirt.
“I-I don’t know,” Sue replied, fumbling to get the rest of her clothes on. “I lost him while I was trying to fight off Shannon. It was when your mom came over.”
“M-My MOM?!” Rachel exclaimed. “Wha—Why was my MOM here?!”
“Rachel, it’s not important right now! We’ve gotta find Chris!”
“B-But HOW?!” Rachel whined. “YOU said he was microscopic! He could be ANYWHERE! How’re we ever gonna FIND him?!”
“Look, there might be a way,” Sue explained. “Shannon showed me some kind of ‘tracker’ she used to locate Chris the first time. THAT’S how she found him at MY house. Maybe we can use it again to help locate him.”
“Wh—Where is it?” Rachel gasped.
“I-I think it’s in her purse,” Sue remembered. “Have you seen it?”
“Yeah,” Rachel uttered quickly, her eyes widening. “I think it’s on the kitchen table.”
“Alright, let’s go,” Sue replied, both getting to their feet. “Oh, and don’t forget the antidote!”
“Right!” Rachel replied, leaning down to collect the vial.
Sue Ann was already headed out of the room as Rachel quickly scooped up the vial of antidote and scurried after her.
“Got i—“
Rachel’s words cut off when her foot hit the corner of the ottoman. She tripped, falling to the floor with a slam, and knocking the bottle out of her hands.
“NOOO!” Rachel screamed as the vial flew across the room. Sue Ann scampered back into the room, but was too late.
The glass bottle crashed to the ground, shattering, and spilling its contents onto the wood floor.
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