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“And with that, it's time for a commercial break! Will Joe pass the final round, netting himself the jackpot, or will he find himself with absolutely nothing? Find out, after the break!” Smelly Sally said to the cameras, before all the viewers at home would find themselves watching advertisements for a short while, or they would in a few days when this particular episode was broadcast.

The tall, older producer woman wearing a suit and holding a clipboard shouted “Cut!” After hearing this the atmosphere of the entire studio changed. The audience started chatting amongst themselves, discussing what they had just seen. The host let out a sigh, leaning against the wall and waving over an assistant holding her glass of water gratefully. The last remaining contestant, Joe, looked over the moon. He looked to his family in the crowd and waved. Luckily he had spotted them early on in the show, making things much easier when he had to find them.

With him he had brought along his girlfriend Lauren, his younger sister Hannah and his mom Jane. Strangely enough, his mom was missing. Joe frowned and mouthed “Where's mom?” at Lauren and Hannah. Instead of giving an actual answer they just shook their heads, shared a look and started giggling uncontrollably. This only served to confuse Joe even more.

“C'mon hotshot” Smelly Sally said, tugging at his arm “We need to get backstage out of the way so the crew can ready the studio for the final round. Joe gave in and followed her. His mom had probably gone to the bathroom anyway, nothing to worry about.

Once in the break room, Smelly Sally prepared two coffees and handed one to Joe. “Nervous?” She asked, smiled before sipping at the hot caffeinated liquid in a mug.

“Not really honestly, it's been surprisingly easy so far.” Joe answered, trying somewhat to seem cool. Despite her name, Smelly Sally was rather attractive. He already had a girlfriend of course, but he couldn't help but stare at the game show host's more... well formed parts.

“I'm shocked to hear that, with the introduction of our new final round and everything.”

“New final round?” In his research of what to expect when he was accepted for 'Stinkfest Extravaganza', nothing about them changing the final round had come up.

“Yeah, so many people were breezing through our final round, despite the humiliation involved. So the producers upped the jackpot a little and doubled up on the humiliation aspect and the challenge.”

“Oh” Joe wasn't sure how to feel about this turn of events. Until this moment, the $10,000 jackpot had seemed like the easiest payday of his life. The first round had consisted of sniffing strong cheeses whilst answering questions, easy enough. The second round he had to swim through a pool of artificially made sweat. Admittedly, it did smell bad, but it didn't hold a candle to real sweat. The third round, the penultimate round, Joe and other remaining contestant took turns being blindfolded and placed into a 'maze of smells'. At the beginning of this maze each of them sniffed one of Smelly Sally's socks, taken straight from her feet. They had to memorise the smell because she then placed a key inside and hid it in the maze, in which there were a collection of other socks gathered from assorted female members of the audience. Joe had been worried that they might have taken a pair from his mother or sister, knowing from growing up around the duo that any pair of socks belonging to them would pack a punch, but as far as the young man knew his nose had been safe. Not allowed to use his hands unless in the 'safe zone' where there was no smell, Joe had to locate the sock using his nose alone then fish it out using his mouth, bring it back and check inside for the key. Luckily Joe had a sensitive nose and while it made every round more taxing on his senses, it had helped him where he needed it.

“I was wondering how you were keeping so calm. Sorry to burst your bubble Joe” Smelly Sally said before chuckling.

“Can you not give me a hint or anything?” Joe tried desperately.

“Nope” Smelly Sally said with a touch too much joy “My lips are sealed. It's not often I get to see a contestant experience a round with no prior knowledge. All I will tell you is that it will definitely be stinkier than my socks were.”

“Awh you're cruel Smelly Sally. I feel like a guinea pig in an experiment right now.”

“Hahaha” Smelly Sally laughed, slapping Joe on the shoulder “Don't get too worked up about it. Do start drinking your coffee soon though, we don't have too long left.” The young host made as is to leave for her dressing room before pausing “Oh yeah Joe, in your dressing room there should have been a one piece suit left hung up for you. It may be a little tight but it is a necessity that you wear it. Don't worry about any... ahem, exposure, this is going on television eventually and you will be sufficiently covered.”

With that, Joe was left alone in the break room, fidgeting with his mug, the substance within slowly dwindling with every mouthful. He couldn't merely sit pondering what lay in store for him forever though, and proceeded to set aside a half finished cup of coffee and went on a short journey to his dressing room. It wasn't his personally, like the one Smelly Sally was in, but it was loaned to him so long as he was on the show.

Hung on a coat hanger, the only item on the clothing rail save for more empty coat hangers, was a handless and footless jumpsuit, all one piece. It was a dark hue of blue, thick black lines running up the arms and legs. Joe approached and felt one of the arms, rubbing the material between his fingers. The thing didn't feel unlike rubber, though far more yielding. The contestant stripped out of his own clothes, hanging them on the spare hangers and equipped the rubber-like jumpsuit, feeling it cling to his body. The closest thing that Joe had ever worn to this was a wetsuit one time when he thought it would be fun to go surfing. It wasn't.

Remembering Smelly Sally's remark Joe looked down at his crotch, finding it well padded and protected from any unexpected swelling from within thankfully.

The time to return to the stage had come at last. Joe made some last minute adjustments to how his tight outfit sat against his skin. Shaking a little with nerves, very different composure than he had before coming backstage, his hand clasped the door handle and twisted it. Retracing the steps he took to get here, Joe shortly emerged on the stage, the previous layout having been switched around almost completely.

Centrepiece to the setup was a large, long transparent structure. At the side closest to Joe's stage entrance, the structure was tallest, slightly taller than himself. Set into the back was a strange object, a metal rod with three discs placed vertically along the length and ending in a red ball. As you travelled along the inside, the way became smaller and smaller, tapering off into a tiny tube that you would have to be about an inch tall to pass through the furthest point. So far, nothing absolutely terrible could be seen, until Joe's eyes reached the equally see-through dome connected to the dreadfully small end of the transparent corridor. Within the dome were three things, well, technically five if you counted the pairs as singular.

Standing not far from the end wall, placed centrally, was a miniature pedestal with a miniature button on top. Then came the part that intimidated Joe. Outside of the dome sat his mother. She had spotted him, waving excitedly, clearly happily to be included in the show. She seemed very comfortable in the seat she had been given, despite the fact that both of her feet were stuck into the dome, totally bare. At the ankles were airtight seals. Between his mother's feet were the pedestal and a fan/air blower combo, simultaneously heating the air in the dome and blowing the warm air down the length of the structure. Parallel to the pair of big feet were similar metal rods to the one present at the start of the corridor, the balls on the tips following the movement of the foot closest to them.

“Okay, feet I get, they smell bad. But my mom's feet? That's gross.” Joe said to no one at all, a little stunned at the sight.

“Hey I don't know man. They just pay me to control the lights” said a man in a uniform, in earshot of Joe with a selection of levers and buttons in front of him.

“Oh right, uhh I wasn't saying that it was yo--” Joe started to apologise for the misunderstanding but was cut off by the blasting music of the show's theme tune.

“Welcome back to Stinkfest Extravaganza! I am your host, Smelly Sally! Remember folks, if your nose can't handle the smell, you're gonna be in hell.” Smelly Sally stood centre stage, dazzling the audience and cameras. They went wild with excitement.

“I'm sure you all remember, but I'm about to remind you anyway; before the break we found ourselves with one last contestant, Joe! He has overcome three stinky challenges so far, now it is time to see if he can withstand one more. Long time viewers and newcomers alike will not recognise the apparatus behind me as it is a completely new addition to our show!” Smelly Sally gestured to the see-through construction behind her. “The lovely lady who graciously accepted our request to borrow her feet is none other than the contestant's mother, Jane! Can we get a big cheer for Jane?”

“WOOOOOOOO” the crowd cheered loudly, causing Jane to blush and smile bashfully.

“Aww isn't she a sweet lady? But enough on that, I bet you're all itching to find out the details of this round, huh?” the audience answered all together with a positive. Smelly Sally closed her eyes and treated everyone to a sweet smile before continuing. “Well, our contestant will get in the big side where he will be safe from any smells, for a short time anyway. The machine set between the beautiful feet of our volunteer Jane will both heat up the air in that dome and her bare feet, making them nice and sweaty, and blow the air towards Joe. Once Joe makes it to the dome and pushes the button, he wins our jackpot of $15,000!”

Waiting until the next bout of cheers subsided, the host carried on “'But Smelly Sally' I hear you ask, 'How is a tall young man like Joe supposed to fit through that little space and reach the button?' That's where the challenge comes in. To maximise humiliation just for the entertainment of our beloved viewers, I shall be asking Joe intimate questions. As the round goes on the questions will become more and more revealing and by the end we will all know Joe so much more profoundly than we already do. The snag is that every time he answers truthfully, as determined by our lie detector, the shrink ray positioned behind him will make him slightly smaller. You may be wondering what those almost identical ray barrels in the dome with Jane's feet are. Those are stink rays. For every correct answer not only will Joe get smaller, Jane's feet will get even stinkier! There is no actual time limit here, the round goes on until our contestant either reaches the button and walks away with the money, or when he gives up by shouting 'Smelly Sally, I beg you to let me out of here!' At which point he will lose the ability to claim the jackpot, but will be utterly at my mercy because I can take as long as I want to free him. While having no time limit may seem like it'll make this easy, I assure you that won't be the case. Regardless of whether or not our contestant is getting questions right or wrong, regardless of how rapidly he answers, the stink rays will fire every minute. We've yet to see the limit of the stink ray's power, I wonder if Joe will experience it tonight?”

Joe was sweating bullets of fear right about now. Nothing about this sounded worth doing until he thought about the jackpot that was potentially minutes away. All that he had to do was answer the possibly embarrassing questions as fast as he could, hit the button and get out of there. Easy enough.

Brought forward by Smelly Sally's ushering hand, Joe walked onstage, waving to the people watching. “Tell me Joe, are you ready to begin?” the host asked him.

“As ready as I'll ever be Smelly Sally.”

“Great! Let's get you nice and secure in there. You're not permitted to move until the siren. If your feet are detected leaving the pressure plate, your punishment will be your mom's feet getting a precursory shot from the stink rays.” Not far away, Jane giggled and shook her feet in amusement.

“Whilst Joe gets into the apparatus, Jane, have you ever been shot by a stink ray before?” Smelly Sally asked Jane, leaving Joe to get into the structure alone. As soon as the door closed it sealed shut with a hiss. Joe gave it a push, finding it to have absolutely no give. He was locked in here. A light, warm breeze was blowing soothingly against his skin. At least, it was soothing until he took a sniff. Feet. His mom's feet no less. Taking a glance down the narrowing path, he saw that the heater part of the fan was orange, already turned on and making those feet sweat. That explained the smell. Joe just wondered how much worse it could possibly get, if this was the lowest point.

“Nope. Never” Jane answered.

“I suppose I should ask you if you want us to quickly try it on you, just to get you ready?”

“Hmm” Jane thought about it, not seeing the look of trepidation on her son's face “It's probably for the best. What does it actually do?”

“Well” Smelly Sally began to explain “the stink ray will heighten the natural aroma of your feet, amplifying the already present smell particles. It adds nothing new. So for example, the effects of a stink ray would be near unnoticeable on a part of the body that doesn't smell as much, such as the elbow; whereas on what we call 'stink zones', places such as the feet or armpit, the effects are severely more pronounced.”

“In that case, go for it” Jane happily agreed, scrunching her toes decorated with black nail polish up in anticipation.

All Joe wanted to do was shout “NO!” and change his mother's mind. Couldn't she understand that she was making this more difficult than it already is? Both stink rays fired at the same time, a narrow blue laser zapping Jane's feet. The effects were immediately noticeable. A look of disgust crossed Joe's face as the far stinker air was blown his way.

“Would you take a look at poor Joe's face, this is going to be fun” Smelly Sally chuckled, promoting the laughter from the audience that followed. “Take your position Joe, unless of course you want those things to fire again?”

Without hesitation Joe stood bravely on the pressure plate, enduring the smelly wind tickling his face. He was ready to begin at the drop of a hat. The sooner this was over with, the better. “Aaaaaaaand go!” Smelly Sally commanded. Instantly Joe flew forward, pretty much diving from the pressure plate. Then the siren sounded. Smelly Sally started laughing, the crowd joining in with her. Joe cursed himself for falling for the trick.

“Oh dear! It looks like our contestant moved before the siren. I think we all know what that means!” Either Smelly Sally was an incredible actress, or she enjoyed seeing people suffer because she managed to sound very excited. The stink rays fired for the second time, ramping up the stench further.

“I thought my feet smelled bad after work, I'd hate to find out what they smell like now!” Jane commented, also joining in with the laughter. Joe wasted no time getting back into position.

This time when Smelly Sally told him to go, Joe ignored her. Instead he did the correct thing and waiting for the siren before going. Smelly Sally read him the first question “Tell me Joe, what was the name of your childhood pet?”

If all the questions are so easy, perhaps this round won't be so bad after all. Joe thought to himself as he moved as far into the structure as he possibly could at his full size. There was no point answering right away if he didn't need to. Eventually the walls were squeezing him and there was no way to progress further. The smell of his mother's feet was ever present, the tainted air filling his lungs growing stronger ever step he took forward. “She was called Squeak!” He yelled.

“Correct!” Smelly Sally announced with glee. All three rays fired together. Joe was overcome by a strange sensation as a portion of his height disappeared, just as the strong foot aroma was ramped up once more. Only three shots in and Jane's feet already smelt much worse than any feet Joe had had the displeasure of sampling. It was potent enough for the young man to taste it on his tongue just by breathing. However his now smaller size meant he could progress further.

“Next question!” Smelly Sally called out “Why did Jane have to get rid of dear old Squeak?”

The question caught Joe a little off guard. He looked at Smelly Sally who was sporting a devious smile, clearly aware of the answer. His gaze shifted to his mother who was watching him with curiosity. When Joe had been younger he had accidentally lost Jane's favourite piece of jewellery, a silver ring that matched with one her best friend had. To avoid getting into trouble Joe had blamed it on Squeak, their dog, unaware that his mom would be angry enough to give her away for eating something. He could never bring himself to own up to the truth. But now there was money on the line. She couldn't be too mad at him after all his time, could she?

“Because I lied!” Joe answered loudly as he found himself stuck once again “I lost mom's favourite ring and told her that the dog must have eaten it.” Joe winced as the words left his mouth, sneaking a glance at his mom. She looked far from happy to hear the news, but it didn't look like it took her by surprise. “I'm sorry mom” Joe muttered quietly to himself. He promised himself that he'd treat her if he won the jackpot. The booing from the crowd wasn't helpful.

“Correct!” Smelly Sally announced, signalling the ray guns to fire again. Joe felt very odd being smaller than he was supposed to be. He was usually quite tall, nearing the six foot mark. If he had to estimate how tall he stood now, he would guess somewhere near four foot.

Apparently a minute had just ticked past because up ahead the stink rays fired without the influence of any questions being answered. This time the smell became powerful enough to sting his eyes slightly. It was incredibly distracting when it felt like someone was wafting a block of extra mature cheddar under your nose, even at such a distance.

“How many school reports did you hide from your mother, afraid that she would get angry at your poor performance?” Smelly Sally wasted no time asking her next question.

For a moment, Joe had to think. The vile odour infesting his airways was slowing down his thought process. He couldn't remember “Do you need an exact number?” Joe desperately asked the host.

“No” Smelly Sally replied after an annoyingly long pause. Joe had surged forward whilst waiting and become lodged between the walls again, hands trapped by his sides, unable to offer his nose the feeble protection of pinched fingers like he had been doing frequently. “We will accept a more general answer.”

“A lot!” Joe shouted instantly “I threw a lot of them away! I didn't get the best grades and teachers always had something bad to say. I knew mom would be angry if she saw them.”

It took a little longer this time before Smelly Sally called out “Correct!” Joe had feared that his answer wasn't enough. He slipped closer to his goal, standing about halfway down the transparent structure. “Even if he does end up winning” Joe overheard his mother saying to one of the stage helpers “That boy of mine is in trouble.”

“Say Joe, I'm sure your sister has plenty of hot friends” Smelly Sally started, a smirk on her face. Already he was worried as it was obvious where this was going “Have you ever been... intimate with any of them?”

The end was in sight. Joe could see the tiny hole leading to the dome. “Yes!” He answered. Every time Joe had to shout louder as his voice was dwindling with his body.

“Correct!” Smelly Sally said. Jane's feet were shot twice this time; the first due to the correct answer given, the second due to the passing of another minute. Those feet were excessively strong now, surely surpassing human boundaries. It was like his mom had neglected to wash her feet for the last few years.

“WHAT!?” Joe heard Hannah's voice from the audience. He glimpsed her face and she was pissed, far more enraged than their mother. “Which one Joe? Who did you fuck?”

“Gonna have to bleep that” Smelly Sally commented dryly.

“IT WAS JESSICA OKAY?” Joe answered his sister's question. He was taken by surprise when the stink and shrink rays fired upon answering. He had thought that it was only Smelly Sally's questions that mattered. Joe was under one foot tall now, the substantially scented air weighing down on his small body.

“We can ask our own questions?” Jane asked the host.

“Of course. I encourage you to keep them highly personal to maximise embarrassment.”

“Hold on a moment, I ain't done” Hannah said, leaving her seat and stomping over. Security guards stepped forward but the smiling, suit wearing producer waved her hand at them, calling them off. “When was this Joe? When did you sleep with one of my best friends?”

“Ummm, it was... two years ago! At a party!” Joe lied, eyeing his girlfriend nervously, she was watching the exchange intently. This time, Joe didn't shrink and Jane's feet didn't get any smellier. Well, not from the stink rays anyway, they were still sweating intensely due to the heater in close proximity.

“Incorrect!” Smelly Sally shouted happily.

Damn that lie detector.

“Wait, why would you lie about when you did it Joe, when you've already admitted to doing it?” Hannah asked, confused. Judging by the look on Lauren's face, she'd already figured out why.

“Fine!” By Joe's reasoning, the secret was already out. It didn't take a genius to work out that the reason he was lying was because it had occurred when he was with Lauren. “It happened last year, in June when you were away with mom. She came over and it just kinda happened.” Joe admitted with shame.

The sensation of becoming smaller was evidence to the truth of his answer. “Correct!” The passage into the dome was almost doable. Joe guessed that he'd need to answer two, maybe three more questions. Though he didn't know how much more of his mother's reeking feet he could endure. Every breath was torment. Not only were the stink rays increasing the level of odour, the closing distance and heater were doing work too. Right on cue another minute passed, accompanied by a stink ray shot.

Lauren had stood up now, looking shaken, and joined Hannah on stage. “Joe. We were together last year in June. D-did you cheat on me Joe?” She asked with a cool, calm voice, surprising considering the accusation.

Silent seconds ticked on by. Joe didn't want to answer, even though it would bring him closer to victory. “We're waiting. The latest question stands” Smelly Sally pressed with mock sternness.

“Yes” Joe answered, his head hung low.

A small sob from Lauren was the first thing Joe heard “How could you?” She said, her voice a whisper. The next sound was the deafening booing of the audience. Third was the rays all firing in unison, lastly came Smelly Sally's confirmation.

As Joe's sister escorted the upset Lauren away, she glared back at him. Joe simply proceeded onwards, eyes set on the prize. He was nearing one inch tall (perhaps short would be more accurate) meaning that he could fit his body partway through the tiny hole leading to the dome. In fact, Joe was eager enough to get this over with this that he attempted to push more than just his head through, leading to him getting stuck, arms and head in the dome itself.

Even with the ability to cover his nostrils with his fingers, the smell that Joe was currently experiencing was otherworldly. It seemed as though only scraps of his mother's now inhuman foot stench had been blown his way whilst the rest had been gathering here, gaining potency with every passing second. The hot air trapped in the dome had been made unbearably humid and thick with his mom's salty sweat. The smell was strong enough to be both visible, tainting the air with a revolting green hue, and heavy, making it so that Joe could physically feel it being processed within his shrunken body.

“NEXT QUESTION! PLEASE!” Joe begged the host, staring at her with pitiful, pleading eyes.

“What do you think guys? Does he deserve another question? Or does he deserve to stew in mommy's cheesy foot odour for a little longer?”

“Just leave him there!” A particularly sadistic girl in the audience called out, much to the delight of her friends. The other responses from the audience were of the same ilk.

“As much as I agree with you all, the show must go on!” Smelly Sally announced, sparing the trapped, tiny contestant a teasing wink. Though Joe was happy it wasn't up to the audience to decide, he didn't appreciate the delay when stuck in this precarious situation. “I'll leave the last question to you Jane. Is there anything you'd like to ask your son?” Smelly Sally spoke to Joe's mom.

“Yeah, just one” Jane wore a steely expression on her face. A mix of disappointment and anger. “Joe sweetie, before I ask, I need you to agree to something.”

“What is it mom?” Joe shouted back so that she could hear him. His voice wasn't very powerful when he stood nearly an inch in height, choking on reeking foot fumes.

“You need to agree, in front of all these people, to let me punish you when we get home. To punish you for lying to me. To punish you for crossing Hannah's boundaries. To punish you for breaking that poor girl's heart.” Jane said with conviction.

Considering it for a moment, Joe couldn't see why not. He was already in a miserable position, why not get fifteen grand out of it? “Sure mom. I deserve it. Punish me how you see fit. Just let me win.”

Jane smiled. “Very well. How would you best describe the smell flowing into your nose right now Joe? How would you describe my foot odour?”

“The most terrible smell I have ever faced. It's... near indescribable how stinky your feet are right now mom.” At last, the shrink ray fired for the last time today. Joe, now exactly one inch tall, crawled through into the dome. The shrink rays fired above his head, somehow increasing the insane stench.

Joe stared at the titanic monstrosities that were his mother's sweaty, stinky feet. They had turned an aggressive red colour, coated in a layer of sour moisture. Under the effects of the heat Jane flexed and scrunched her soles every so often, and wiggled her long toes. The tiny man marvelled at the amount of wrinkles that appeared when she scrunched up her feet, only into disperse in a canvas of smooth, yet slimy, skin.

Each step towards the button was a fresh torment for Joe's nose, the heat and thickness of the air growing. Eventually he stood primed to press the button and win his jackpot. One last look up at his mom from down between her massive feet told him that the hell wouldn't end here. A smirk was present on her face and though she was looking at her son, her eyes were glazed over. Not that Joe would know this, but she was thinking about how best to teach her son a lesson, and was wondering if the producers would let her 'borrow' a stink ray. Perhaps they wouldn't even need to grow him back, for the time being at least.

Joe's miniscule hand pressed the button. He was $15,000 richer, but at what cost?


3 months later

“Mom! I'm home!” Hannah shouted, drenched in sweat from her run in the midday summer sun. A towel hung on a nearby hook, prepared by herself before she went out. The young woman wiped down her face gratefully, dumping the towel onto the floor when finished.

“Hi honey! I'm still in Joe's room!” Jane replied loudly from upstairs.

“I'll be a couple minutes!” Hannah strode into the kitchen, pouring a glass of water before gulping it down thirstily. “Ah. Damn that's good after such a tough run.” She said to herself. Now with nothing holding her back, a gleeful smile crawled onto Hannah's face, those toned legs of hers carrying her quickly up to join her mother and brother.

The fanciest door in the house belonged to Joe without a shadow of a doubt. It was the most high tech door that Hannah had ever seen, built with intention of quarantining diseased air, however Jane had purchased it for a far different reason. Hannah punched in the four digit code and the door slid open with a whoosh, allowing the girl in her late teens access to her brother's room.

Joe's stuff had been gotten rid of months ago. It was necessary for the redesigning process. All the walls had to be altered in order to be utterly odour-proof to protect the rest of the house. Air filtration had to be installed in the ceiling and two heating systems had to be installed within the room. The room itself felt like standing outside in the summer heat all over again. That $15,000 jackpot had been put to good use.

Jane was sat in one of the three pieces of equipment in the room. A chair. The older female turned slightly, giving her daughter a smile and a wave. “Is he behaving today?” Hannah asked her mom as she took the chair directly opposite.

“He is now” Jane informed Hannah “At first he wasn't particularly compliant, but as usual after a few shots of this” Jane gestured to the stink ray holstered to the side of her chair “Joe was licking and kissing like a pro.”

Hannah couldn't but giggle when she witnessed the scene before her. Between the two chairs was a transparent dome, a thick black foundation underneath it. There were four seal-able holes on the dome, two pairs facing each chair. Currently, Jane's legs occupied two of them, the seal locked around her calves. This meant that both of her feet were inside the dome, free to play with the prisoner as Jane desired.

The prisoner was Joe, as you might have guessed. Still one inch tall and now nude, the young man was mostly immobile, his wrists bound behind his back and his knees and ankles also bound together. All he could do was lay there, sometimes roll around a little. Right now though, one of Jane's feet was over him, pinning him to the floor whilst he licked what his tongue could reach of her disgustingly stinky sole. The air within the dome was steamy and had the green hue as evidence had a stink ray had been used several times on Jane's feet, bringing their stink level to an impossible state.

“Ergh, gross” Hannah commented, still giggling slightly. Jane couldn't help but smile either. Hannah slipped her own feet out of her running shoes with some exertion, impressed by how sweaty she'd managed to get her white ankle socks today.

As the young woman peeled them off, Jane noticed too “Wow it must be super hot out there today, those things are soaked!”

“Yeah it certainly was mom. A lot of it could be due to me pushing myself a little further too today.”

“I'm so proud of you sweetie. You've become such a good runner.” Hannah blushed at her mom's compliment, reaching down for a handle on the black base under the dome. A tray appeared in a smooth sliding motion, filled with many pairs of dirty socks stuffed inside. Feeling them with her fingers, Hannah picked the least damp pair and removed them before placing them into her vacant running shoes.

“How many shots do you think he deserves today mom?” Hannah asked with a grin.

“Hmmm” Jane thought about it for a few moments, her foot that wasn't being used to torture her son swaying nonchalantly. “Three for your socks. Then I'll let you decide for your feet.”

“Hold your breath mom” Withdrawing the stink ray from the side of her own chair, Hannah gave both socks three blasts from the stink ray, quickly putting them into the tray and sliding it back inside. A click sounded and both of them released their breath. Those socks would now work to make the air inside the dome stinkier and more humid, thanks to the second, more powerful heater in the room located at the very bottom of the dome's black base. That was the reason for the thousands of near invisible holes in the floor of the dome.

“How many blasts did you give your feet mom?” Hannah asked.

“I think I got up to about seven before your brother started behaving.”

“Seven it is” Hannah said with a smile. Neither of the two heard it, but Joe let out a tiny groan into his mother's smelly foot. “One more time mom” Hannah said, meaning for Jane to hold her breath once more. Seven blasts to each foot caused such a strong level of stink that even when Hannah's feet, a size smaller than her mother's, would pass through the seal, Hannah would have to endure the remnant of the odour for a minute or so before it was filtered out of the room. The sealed worked by opening when pressure was applied to the outside, then closing around any object inserted, preventing the vile air within form escaping.

When Hannah's feet finally entered the dome, Joe's struggled around under his mom's foot, unable to cope with the combination of two different enhanced foot odours. “Worship time is over Joe” Jane stated, lifting her foot from the tiny young man, letting it join the other in looming ominously over him, toes wiggling hungrily. Hannah's feet did the same as her mother's, the bright blue polish of her younger toenails contrasting the shiny black that Jane always went with.

“It's time for wrestling practice” Jane told Joe. Though Joe wasn't the one who would be practising. It was an activity where Jane and Hannah would wrestle with their feet, fighting for Joe's small body. It often meant a world of hell for the prisoner, crushed beneath and between four smelly feet over and over again, being drenched in their revolting sweat.

“What are we playing for this time mom?” Hannah asked as she made the first of many moves, slamming the soft, fleshy ball of her foot down on her brother, keeping it firm whilst Jane's toes wormed away at two different angles, trying to access her son. Hannah giggled. Those long toes managed to tickle her feet.

“How about... winner feeds Joe tonight?” Jane suggested, finally slipping Joe out from under Hannah's sole in a cage of greasy toes.

“Yes yes yes!” Hannah said excitedly, her concentration breaking for a moment before going right back to retrieve her brother. “What's he having?”

“I was thinking of doing creamy mashed potatoes again, it works so well with the feeding method.” Jane answered, trying not to laugh. One of Hannah's feet had trapped her own, the other wriggling its toes at Jane's exposed and trapped sole. When Jane finally started spluttering with laughter, her toes gave way slightly. Hannah took full advantage, expertly knocking her mother's foot away and replacing the toe cage with another ceiling of sole.

But this time, Hannah was intent to hold onto her brother. She dragged him over to her other foot and sandwiched both feet together, entombing Joe in sweaty foot flesh. Try as Jane might, she couldn't get Joe back. “I give” She said.

“Yes!” Hannah celebrated, separating her soles. Since Joe was stuck due to the pressure and sweat, she had to use her toes to peel him off. Dropping to the floor, Hannah looked down at him. “Guess what bro? I'm feeding you tonight! And it'll be your favourite too, mashed potatoes. Emphasis on the TOES. I hope you're ready to feast from my feet, because I feel like I have another run in me before dinner time; add some extra cheese hahaha.”

Joe could only cry. Helpless to the whims of his cruel mother and sister. He may have done some bad stuff, but Joe didn't think he deserved this. Every day he ate his food from their feet. The water bowl that was placed in his cage every few hours, filtered through a sweaty sock, had to be drank as quickly as possible before it evaporated due to the hot conditions of his prison. Although that wasn't to say that he wouldn't drink enough sweat to sustain him during the inevitable foot worshipping. There was no escape from the smell, if the feet of his mother or sister weren't in the dome with him, the socks placed beneath the floor were formidable enough. And even through all this Joe was expected to do as either of them asked, worshipping or rubbing their gargantuan soles and toes on command, unless he wanted them to make continued use of the stink ray.

“Since that didn't last long mom, do you wanna go again, just for fun?” Hannah asked.

“You're on!” Jane said, making the first move this time, once more plunging Joe into a battle between two pairs of two titanic, unbelievably stinky feet.


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