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The ground rumbled beneath his feet.

“Do you feel that?” Austin asked from the driver's seat of his car, banging his head along to the thumping bass his new sound system was putting out.

“Yeah!” Chris called back, barely able to hear Austin between the car's stereo and the music spilling out of Olivia's front door, “It's pretty intense!”

Austin leaned over and shut the stereo off, and for a moment Chris could almost feel the sudden lack of noise. “Yeah, dude, it's pretty great,” Austin began as he got out of his car. He stood in front of the open door for a second before leaning back against it like he was posing for a photo shoot, “I'd say it was worth every day working with my annoying fucking uncle.”

Chris offered a short laugh and a, “Yeah, man, that must have sucked,” even though he knew that Austin had barely done any work at his Uncle's car dealership over the past year. A part of him wanted to give Austin shit for it, but he was distracted by the abs peeking out from beneath the hunk's shirt. Chris knew he should know better, especially since he was fairly certain the rumor that Austin was bi was wrong at this point, but he couldn't help himself as he saw Austin's biceps bulge against his too tight t-shirt.

He wasn't even listening to the handsome boy's words anymore, simply watching his soft lips go as he swayed back and forth to the heavy thumping of the car's subwoofer.

“Wait,” Chris suddenly said, making Austin's eyebrows knit together in annoyance at being interrupted, “You turned your stereo off, right?”

Before Austin could respond, Chris felt a strange jolt run up through his legs as his whole body swayed in response. Austin's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped open before he finally stammered out, “Y-ye-yeah.”

“Was that an-” Chris didn't even finish the thought before another more powerful jolt made them both visibly shudder. Looking back and forth, Chris realized that the trees around them were shaking and so were the cars.


Chris heard the sound right before he felt another vibration, and he could see several trees on the far end of the street shake.


He peered through the inky blackness of the unlit suburban development, swearing he could make out a big black car at the far end. The car seemed to suddenly lift off the ground and as it passed through a shaft of light cast by a house down the street, he realized that it looked like the chassis was covered in leather.


The vibration was more intense, and Chris felt himself stumble backwards, only staying upright thanks to Austin's firm hand on his shoulder. He could feel the other boy's breath on the nape of his neck, and heard him softly whisper, “Holy shit...”

Chris looked over his shoulder to see Austin's head crane back, and he turned around to follow the boy's gaze.

Two or three houses down sat two of the biggest Doc Marten boots he had ever seen, their thick soles easily rising up to Chris's knees. The leather was smooth but clearly scuffed and a little worn from use, and each of the eyes glinted in the dim light coming from open windows up and down the street. The boot ended what looked like several feet above his head, and that's where the frayed hem of a pair of pale blue denim jeans started. He started to lean his neck back as he took in a pair of legs that rose higher than the houses that lined the street.

A thick black belt cinched the slightly oversized jeans to what Chris quickly realized was a woman's waist, her pale stomach barely exposed by the way her plain black tank top rode up on it. Hands big enough to engulf his entire body sat on either hip, adorned with bulky rings, and sporting chipped sparkly purple nail polish that looked like the night's sky itself had been painted across the woman's nails.

His eyes followed a tattoo up what he now accepted was a gigantic woman's arm, dragons seeming to coil up along her forearm until disappearing beneath the rolled up sleeves of a faded green button down shirt she wore over her tank top. Even though he doubted the giantess's bicep was anything in comparison to Austin's if he were the girl's size, Chris couldn't help but notice the way it seemed to bulge beneath the breezy button down, forming what looked like a small hill in the fabric.

Finally he came to the giant's face.

The first thing he spotted were her plump dark red painted lips, that contrasted her pale blemishless skin. Above that he caught the shine of a septum pierce hanging from her cute button nose. Blue eyes sparkled from within perfect cat's eye makeup, and finally blonde hair sat in a messy bun atop the giantess's nearly seventy foot frame.

Her big scarlet lips twitched upwards in the barest hint of a smirk.

“We're fucked,” Austin muttered


Chris fell backwards with Austin as the giantess took another step forward, neither of them prepared for it because they were too focused on her face up in the sky. Another explosive noise ripped through the world and suddenly Chris found himself plunged in shadow as the giantess literally loomed over them both. Looking into the heavens, the comparatively tiny teen realized that the girl's bright blue eyes weren't on him or Austin but Austin's car.

Her voice boomed like a thunderclap, “Sweet ride.”

Metal screeched as her enormous hand wrapped around Austin's Mustang, her purple nails standing out against the car's cherry red finish. Austin flailed beneath him and screamed as his car was lifted casually into the air all the way to the giantess's face.

She held it in both hands and inspected it like it were an impressive model, turning it over again and again.

Chris grunted as Austin pushed him aside and jumped to his feet. “Hey!” He screamed up at the giant girl, “What the fuck do you think you're doing with my car?! Where the hell did you even come from you freak?!”

The giantess held the car up close to her face, one of her big eyes squinting to get a look inside before she scoffed, “Automatic? What a worthless piece of junk.”

With a shrug, she tossed the car over her shoulder, and Chris watched it sail back across the street before it landed with a horrific crash on a neighbor's front yard. Glass shards exploded outward as the mustang's roof crumpled, and the car rocked back and forth before coming to a stop a second later.

Austin let out a horrific painful scream, and Chris watched as he rushed toward the girl's enormous booted foot, his face rapidly going from its usual tan to a deep rage-filled purple. Chris winced as he realized that even Austin's 6'2'' frame fell several feet short of the top of the girl's boot. When the boy began to pound against the leather a second later, Chris wanted to call out and beg him to stop but fear strangled his voice in his own throat.

“Aw, was that your car, little dude?” The giantess cooed as Austin continued to pound against the side of her boot, “Well, sorry not sorry.”

And then the wall of leather simply twitched.

Chris didn't even realize he was screaming until Austin hit the ground thirty or forty feet down the road. A tremor beneath his feet told Chris that the giantess's foot had already settled back down after kicking Austin away like he were an annoying bug. Adrenaline kicked in and the young man could finally move, his body scrambling toward Austin as quickly as his limbs could carry him.

The gigantic girl followed his mad crawl with vague interest, her eyes flickering between him and Olivia Hudson's house. Behind him, Chris could dimly hear people back in the party freaking out as they caught sight of the gigantic girl and processed that she was real. He didn't care though, he was focused squarely on the crumpled body of his crush sitting in the middle of the street.

Chris choked on a sob as he got close and could see the way Austin's body was twisted about, blood the same color as the giantess's lips seeping out of him in all directions. Then came a horrific wet sound from the broken young man, and Chris realized that he was still alive. Austin twitched and it was accompanied by what sounded like corn popping in the microwave as his broken bones and joints tried to do something to get him up.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Chris muttered as he knelt over Austin and heard another horrible wet noise, softer and more deliberate than the previous one. “No, no,” he whispered as he realized Austin was trying to speak, “Austin, don't...”

The ground shook beneath them and the giantess's voice rang in his ears, “Oh, sorry, was he your boyfriend?”

Chris looked up to see the arrogant smirk she wore on her face and all of the questions of who she was or how she got so big or why she was doing any of this were burned away by the sheer rage that suddenly filled him. “Fuck you, you big fucking bitch!”

Her head bobbed back as if she had been slapped, and then she simply said, “Rude.”

Before Chris could comprehend what was going on, he realized he was staring up at the grimy tread of the giantess's boot. “Oh no, no, no,” he stammered, as his body went from fight to flight in an instant. Grabbing onto what he hoped were Austin's shoulders, Chris tried to drag him out of the way but then the boot was upon them.

The force of it hitting him was so strong that he didn't process the pain until he was already flattened against the ground, the tread mashing through his ribcage and legs, separating his body between what was being ground by the boot and what was being ground into it. He could barely make out some light behind him but then the leather groaned as the giantess pressed down with her toes. The light disappeared and for a brief moment it felt like his entire skull were being pressed by a single weight.

Then Chris felt nothing.

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