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With the creeping morning light, I feel a rustling in my shirt, my little wife stirring atop my chest. Such a nice feeling, having my Violet as close as she can possibly be to my heart.

I don’t have any desire to awaken. The bed feels so good, and I keep my eyes lazily shut.

Then Violet’s stirring turns to flailing, I feel Violet pushing the elastic of my top away, as she freezes in place, screaming, “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!”

I open my eyes, revealing a familiar face.


What the hell? I could have sworn I made it clear I wanted nothing to do with her. Her eyes are laser-focused on mine, and she ignores little Violet entirely. Since she says nothing, I decide I should probably speak up, I do my best to let my voice drip with sarcasm. “Hello ‘Goddess’ what exactly are you doing here?”

Violet pounds on my chest with her little hands, her eyes wide with panic in her voice, “You know her Alice?! What the hell is going on?”

Aurora raises her hand, “Be silent!” as she tosses her hand to the side and Violet is torn from my chest by some invisible force, thrusting her over to the window sill.

Aurora focuses on me once more her eyes far less kind than I recall, she comes closer to me and with a smile she inquires, “Alice, I gave you powers, why haven’t you used them?”

I twist myself about and rise to my feet, side-stepping off the bed to the floor, keeping my eyes locked with Aurora, answering with a guarded tone, “Don’t you remember what I told you then? … That I don't want any powers. That I don't want to be a Goddess?”

“Yes of course I do, but you should have at least given into it at this point, I’ve given you a gift which is quite rude to refuse!”

How clear can I be?

I squint slightly, “What the fuck do you not understand here? I DO NOT want your gift, and if my memory serves you were a much kinder woman last we met. Your smile wasn’t this twisted and you didn’t feel quite so evil.”

Aurora laughs, “Your memory serves? Really? Perhaps I’ve just run out of patience with you.” She rolls her eyes, “Well, one gets farther with honey than vinegar dear. With you however, I must apparently use something a little more… persuasive.”

She squeezes her fist, and a blue ball of energy forms around it, expanding and flying at me.

She holds her hands out, as if she were controlling a puppet, and I feel a blurriness cloud my vision, and my body feels something strange within… a deep feeling of power overwhelms my senses, as I fall to my knees.

My hearing dims, as suddenly all the furniture in the room is torn to shreds.

“What the hell are you doing to me Aurora? Stop this… Now!” I scream out, as waves of panic rush over me.

She chuckles lightly, under her breath, “No my dear… This will not stop until you learn to use what you have been so graciously given, my young friend.” She turns away from me with a puff of smoke, which rapidly fills the room, surrounding me entirely, and ensuring I could no longer see Violet to my side.

I quickly try to stand to go and find her, but find that I can’t get up, because my head is already touching the ceiling.

Despite the drama of the moment, I suddenly feel a sense of calm.

I hear a ripping sound, and a tightness all around me, as my nightie stretches over my expanding body, the threads strain, and buttons pop, as my body continues to ascend unabated. I feel a snap as the main seams give way and the garment collapses as the woven threads give way.

“Violet?” I call out. “Violet, where are you?!”

No response, she must be gone or passed out…. Or something else Aurora could have done to her…

Despite my concern for Violet, I have other issues, like the floor beneath my body, the joists begin to collapse under my exponentially expanding mass.

The remains of my nightie fall off my body first, left on the floor in tatters, followed quickly by my overstretched bra and panties. This was clearly a different form of mass expansion then I am accustomed to, Aurunian mass manipulators grow you AND your clothing.

I keep attempting to make my form smaller, first adjusting myself in such a way that I don’t break anything else, but I fail as my knee touches the ceiling, and my foot starts to buckle the floor.

I had started a mere fifteen meters high, but now, I’m pushing the ceiling and floor apart with only my right shank. I must be at least a hundred and twenty meters tall at this point.


I have a feeling this is only the beginning… and despite every synapse in my head telling me this is a terrible thing, and that I am going to hurt a lot of people, it feels so good, I don’t want this feeling to stop!

I feel the floor crack beneath me as my leg grows too long to be contained, my knee pushes through to the next floor up, as my foot collapses the floor, which gives away as a full piece, the entire floor of the apartment dropped down, pancaking the floor below, and all the people in those apartments.


This feels so good, but I don’t want to keep growing. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t want to have these insane powers.

Why the fuck is this happening to me?!

A burst of energy flows through me, and I start to expand faster. The building supports around me creak, as the joists and columns start to fail entirely. My foot effortlessly starts to push the floor down, as gravity takes control. Floors pancake together as I drop faster toward the surface of Auru.

I live three-hundred-forty-five floors up… thousands of people live below me, and my growing form continues to snuff them out, as floor after floor collapses downward, structurally failing and crushing the helpless people living inside.

They never stood a chance against my body…

Then suddenly as quickly as it began, it stops. As my foot impacts the ground and I feel the top hundred and fifty-five stories resting atop my head.

Not for long, as entropy demands disorder, and disorder it shall have. The structure rotates forward, falling past my eyes, and I can see briefly into the windows.

I swear I can see Elena in her apartment, holding Falel in her hands as they fall to their doom.

The top floors impact my left breast, collapsing against them, and splitting in two, the highest floors crumble to dust and fall between my breasts, while the lower floors fall and are obliterated on impact with my left nipple.

Holy shit…

I just killed more people with this growth then everyone that died in the attack on Auru all those years ago. At first, I feel disbelief. This is impossible… there is no way I would grow like this, for no reason, killing my friends and neighbors.

Then I feel overwhelming excitement. I smile. I just felt a building crumble around me, it’s structure yielding to my body, the top floors breaking against my ponderous tits. Such a power trip. This is how things are supposed to be, women breaking out, growing past their obstacles.

A chill runs down my spine. Goddess… it feels both physically sensual, and mentally invigorating. Like… something buzzing through you after a thrill. I just obliterated a building with my body, entirely by accident. I guess I could say oops.

Or I could move on.

I experiment with my foot, I slide it to the right, tapping the next building over to my side.

The impact ripples up the ten-kilometer high structure, waving through, dampened several times by its mass dampeners, but ultimately yielding the networking antenna atop the roof, which collapses, and falls off the northern face of the structure.

I laugh a little, considering what else I could do with my newfound mass.

But, just then I see Violet standing atop the building.

Just barely.



I stoop downward, getting closer to her, “Violet?”

“lice… ALICE…”

“Yes? How did you get over there?” I ask, curious how she escaped the apartment in such a short time.

“Sweetie, come back to me! Come back!” she is jumping and waving now.

“Come back? I’m right here… and bigger than ever…”

“Wake up Alice… Come on… wake up…”

“Wait what? Wake up?” I ask, feeling a small patting feeling on my cheek… growing larger and more powerful with each and every tap, how strange…


My eyes open in an instant. I am on the floor, Violet’s little panicked face hovers over me.

I curl my fingers into fists against the floor, “What the hell happened?”

Aurora laughs, as she leans on the wall, “You felt your power and you imagined yourself using it. Admit it Alice, that felt wonderful… didn’t it?”

I take a deep breath, the memories I had just formed didn’t feel like a dream, they felt like reality!

Rolling around, I brace myself on my arm and push myself up to my feet, “I will admit that it FELT good, but you know, whatever you did, the voice of my wife was enough to break me away from your stupid powers.”

I take a breath and step back toward Violet, placing myself between her and Aurora, “She clearly has more power over me then you.”

In that moment, Violet step around me, having found the mass manipulator in the chaos, she rapidly approaches Aurora her fists at her sides, “Why are you doing this?”

Aurora ignores Violet, staring instead directly past her at me, waiting to see if I have anything else to say.

Shocked at her brazenness, I watch in horror as Violet storms to the periphery of the apartment, grabbing a sharp decorative rock that we collected on an asteroid from the ground, throwing it at Aurora’s face.

The rock makes a fairly large gash in Aurora’s face, and that gets her attention, she turns to face Violet, “Really Aurunian? What do you want?” she raises her hand nonchalantly, covering the gash, but to my surprise she doesn’t have some bullshit magic to heal herself with.

“What do I want?” Violet’s voice cracks, “I want you to leave my wife alone, and let us live our lives, I don’t know who you are, but it’s clear to me that Alice wants nothing to do with you. So… so, do that. Leave our home, and never return!”

“You clearly don’t understand what your wife is then Violet.” Aurora waves her hand that isn’t covering her gashed face. “She isn’t human. She is more.”

I step in, worried that this bitch will try to do something to Violet now that she has her attention. “More? Really?” I chuckle lightly, “I don’t feel like more than a human, I’m just Alice.”

Aurora scoffs, “You are a really strange person Alice. I gave you the greatest give a Goddess can give, and you seem intent on rejecting me at every turn.”

I nod, “Yes. That is because I have and will continue to reject your bullshit. I don’t need any powers, I’m happily married and love my life just the way it is, so could you please… leave?” I reach out my hand, gesturing outside, away from here.

She slams her fist on the window, smashing it out and revealing the strong winds at this altitude. She backs out, hovering into the intense wind. “You will reject this Alice? The power of a Goddess? You aren’t just human, you are now one of us.” She points at me, “You are El, a member of the original race that foolishly made and spread humans to the rest of the galaxy.”

I squint my eyes and yell back at her, “How could that be? I was born on Earth,” I point up at her, “and YOU told me years ago that you were returning me to Auru as myself.”

She raises her hand, “I lied. Alice died three years ago, pathetically crushed by her lover Violet, like a puny bug” she then points at Violet, “While you were too pathetic to overcome the power of a man with a remote control.”

I look to Violet, as she looks down, her eyes darken, like something inside her died.

Now I’m angry, “Whatever happened to me, you do NOT get to speak to Violet that way, you fucking cunt! You aren’t a Goddess, you are just a bitch with superpowers, that doesn’t mean you get to come in here and denigrate my wife for your own selfish purposes!”

She laughs again, ignoring my insults. “You are a copy Alice, not a real person, just a copy with the memories Alice made during her short, pathetic life. I tried to give you the chance to do something real with her memories. But clearly, you are a failed experiment, nothing more than a disappointment.”

I move to block Violet from this bitch and yell, “LEAVE Aurora, and take your bad attitude and self-righteousness with you.”

She stares back into my eyes, “You clearly don’t know the power you’ve been given… I promise, you will regret rejecting me.”

I sigh, and walk to the nearby armor cabinet, kicking it and grabbing an energy shotgun from the rack, pointing it out the window at Aurora. “You might be El or whatever, but judging by that gash on your face, you aren’t invincible. Leave.”

Infuriated, she balls her fists again, and raises her hand briefly as if she was going to say something, before she finally flies away.

I run to the window, watching as the flying woman faded into the morning fog, my heart pounding, filled with anger for such an evil being.

“Fuck her.” I mutter, grateful she finally left.

Then I hear Violet hit the ground behind me.

I spin around and rush past the broken furniture to her side.

She is silent, her eyes dead, she stares forward, her eyes not focusing on me. “Violet…”

She remains silent.

So, I turn and lie down beside her. Amid our destroyed furniture and possessions.

I move a few centimeters in front of her face, doing my best to lock eyes with my lover, I run my hand through her hair, softly touching her scalp, lightly brushing my nails on her cheek… like I know she loves.

She closes her eyes, and I watch as her tears slowly form in the corners of her eyes. I lay there with her, caressing her, touching her body, running my hands across her cheeks… wanting her to know I am here.

My lover, my sweet loving Violet…

Seeing the girl who gave me the life I love in such pain is harrowing. I want nothing more than to take this memory from her, I wonder if I have the power to remove the essence of this new truth she had learned. To rip thoughts from the mind itself.

Then I realize just how wrong that thought is. She may be my wife, but her mind is hers.

I wouldn’t…

I couldn’t ever violate that sacred trust we have.

With the banishment of my inane thoughts, I notice Violet starting to stir.

After what feel like eternity she opens her eyes, her mouth quivers, “How are you not real…” she runs her fingers through my hair as I stare back into her eyes, “You feel so real…”

“Violet… I am real.”

She turns from me, her eyes wild, “Alice… you heard what the floating super woman said, she made you,” her hand slammed on the ground, “… no matter how real you feel, or look…” Her voice cracks as she turns back to me, her fist coming from behind her, slamming into my cheek, “You are not my Alice!”

I groan, El-human or not, her punch hurt, and honestly, her words hurt too, I simply watch from the ground as she stands up.

“Violet…” I sit up and get on my feet.

She paces around the room, muttering to herself. I hear only small bits, and it’s mostly Aurunian expletives.

I walk over and stand in front of her blocking her way. She simply looks at the ground. “Move… you... copy! Not-Alice, whatever you are!”

“My name is Alice and I’m right here Violet…”

She balls her fist again. “No… Alice is dead… I killed her, and you were made to ruin my life… to punish me.”

I feel anger rising in me, seriously? This is not my fault. “I’m sorry I exist Violet, I have been loyal to you for years, and this is clearly news to me. I feel like me, I don’t feel like a copy.”

“Yeah?” She finally looks up, her face covered in trails of tears. “What is real then? If I copy something, is the copy as real as the original? NO! It’s not the original, it’s not mine, you aren’t my wife. I never fucking married Alice, because I FUCKING KILLED HER.”

“Seriously? Why does it matter? I’m still me, you clearly didn’t notice for YEARS, I didn’t know! So why would it matter, I have the memories, I have the past, and I have the connection with you!”

Violet stands there silently, her hand falling to her side. “I knew…”

Her tone is entirely different, she sounds broken… not angry. “I always knew. I made up excuses.”

I try to get her to look into my eyes, gently prodding with my hands, “What do you mean you knew?”

“I knew. When you came back I figured you were lost in the carnage and recovered in a hospital somewhere. I had memories of killing you, crushing your body between my fingers, I justified those as hallucinations. But now I realize that deep down, I always knew…”

My heart dropped in my chest, seeing this pain pulsing through my broken wife, “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have comforted you, tried to prove I’m real…”

“How would you bring that up in a conversation? GOOD MORNING? I DON’T BELIEVE YOU ARE REAL?” she sobs uncontrollably, holding her face in her hands.

I stay silent for a moment… and decide to try something different. “Before I met you Violet, I was a sad, broken, lonely girl, living in bondage in a basement of an asshole, and YOU saved ME, I remember it clearly!

Then I realize, these early memories are the key to her heart.

So, I storm over to the closet and pull out my childhood dress, the blue gown, and hold it in the air as I walk back to Violet, “I used to wear this to feel beautiful, because I was unable to express myself in any other way! I brought this to Auru as a memory, to remind me of where I came from.”

“I worked in a fucking factory, with people who were my only connection to the world. I even crushed my own father under my foot, ending his life to free myself from him, after YOU empowered ME to do it.” I throw the dress on the ground walking to her and taking her arms, these are my memories. Why would it matter where my body came from, I am my memories!”

She trembles and looks in my eyes again, she appeared to be thinking, but then she turns and walks back to our bed. She sits down and quietly pats the bed, inviting me to sit, so I sit softly by her.

She sits quietly, drying her tears.

Then she takes my hands in hers…

“You are right, real or not… It doesn’t matter does it? The last three years have been wonderful, we got married, we enjoyed time together, and enjoyed a good life…”

I nod my head smiling weakly.

She rests her hand on my face, “Look, I’ll need time to really get over it… but I believe that you believe you are mine and that’s enough for now.”

We slowly tilt over, lying on the bed. I rest my forehead on hers, and we lay there quietly, bonding in silence.

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