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We returned to the Professor’s office, he was standing there gripping the rail.

He looked disappointed.

“Violet…” he paused, “Are you fucking stupid?”

She was silent, waiting for anything else he might say.

“Why would you do that? I mean, for one you broke my window, and now the wind is getting in, but you just tried to kill yourself?!?”

She remained silent. So, I intervened, “Professor, she just learned something very difficult this morning about me… while I wouldn’t like to reveal exactly what that was, I can tell you it’s related to the scans you ran.”

Violet raised her hand to her forehead, “I’m sorry Professor… I was overwhelmed… and not really thinking clearly.”

He sighed, “Would you like something to calm you down?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Like?”

He coughed, and tapped a few buttons on his wrist, and a drone came from the back room, it deftly prepared a syringe. “The good stuff, it will calm you down for a little while and let you think.”

She nods and pulls up her sleeve, allowing the drone to inject her.

In a few moments she drops to her butt, leaning against the wall, in a drug induced trance.

“Professor, what did you give her?”

He laughed and raised his hand, as if to divert the sound from the entranced woman on the floor, “Widow… she’ll be out for a couple hours, it lets her process her trauma… and feels really good as well.” He turns and walks down the catwalk, back into the lab proper.

“Is that legal?”

He doesn’t look bad, but I see his shoulder rise, “Ehhh.”

“Got it.” I sit down beside Violet, taking her in my arms and running my fingers up and down her spine, comforting her as best I can.

We awaited in the main area of the lab, on the floor sharing some much-needed cuddling.

“Just like I thought!” the Professor yells from his office.

I open my eyes and kiss Violet’s cheek, whispering in her ear, “It sounds like he got something.”

She moans and covers her eyes, I take that as a hint, and get up on my own, stepping around toward the lab.

“Oh Alice, you’re up,” he waves his hand up toward a large display, “check this out!”

“Those tests we ran revealed something interesting, while you can push on objects and change their momentum through time, you can also push on the dimension itself. If you do that than in theory, you can push a hole through it.”

“Wait wait wait, you mean I can make a tunnel through time if I can focus on pushing on that specific dimension?”

“Exactly, but there is a catch, with this kind of temporal anomaly, you don’t get to just push into the past… the moment you change anything about it, in the slightest, you will create a temporal fork.”

I had never heard that term before, so naturally I just look back in confusion.

He laughs, “Simply, we have a breaking point, and the temporal reality you create will then become a kind of separate universe, which will quickly collapse on itself, returning to the nothingness from where it came.

“So, it’s not time travel?”

He thinks for a moment, tapping his fingers on the wall, “Think of it like this, the universe is like a highway, and everyone is on the highway, if we push on the past and make a path to the past, we back up and make a small dead-end exit.”

“So, what happens at the end of the exit?”

A grin spreads across his face, “We don’t know that, but I know it wouldn’t be something we want to test… I’m not a fan of being left outside of the universe.”

“Oh, yeah… I’m not a fan of that either.”

The professor leans up toward me, “If you don’t know what that means you can ask.”

I roll my eyes placing my hand on my hip, “I know what it means.”

I only hear his jolly laugh as he turns around.

“Wait, if I pushed back and made a path to the past, could we bring people back through the hole?”

He spins back, gripping the rail, “No! Yes? Wait, why would you even consider that?”

“Three years ago, Violet was used as the weapon for a devastating attack. If I could push back and save those people… she would be freed from the guilt she has been carrying all this time…”

“Alice, there’s no way… the implications of changing the past… are…”

“It’s not changing the past! We can’t stop the horrible thing that happened, and we can’t fix the grief that so many people endured… but if we bring these people back, by splitting them off and tunneling them to the proper future.”

“You did understand… you’re right… the past would be unaffected.”

I kneel down, getting close to the Professor, “can I save the people she was used to kill?”

He sighs, “Maybe, let me do some math, but it might be possible.”

Ignoring the task of asking his permission, I pluck the Professor off the catwalk, kissing him softly, covering most of him in the process. “Thank you, Professor!”

He laughs, then sighs, “Alice… please put me down.”

“Ooo sorry!” I place him back on the catwalk, and step back.

“It’s quite alright, I know size variance isn’t a thing on your home world.” He walks away, pulling out his phone, “Illiana, I need you at the lab as soon as you can get here.”

While he’s doing that… I have a call of my own to make.


“Alice! You said it was urgent?!” Elena yells as she runs into the lab, she takes me in her arms hugging me.

I hear a muffled voice from beneath… between Elena and I, I back up and see Falel’s diminutive form, “What’s going on Alice?”

I wave my hand inviting them to a monitor, “Well, we discovered some abilities… that I have… and we have a plan to change the past.”

Elena looks to Violet, who waves her hands, “Sounds insane to me too, but the math looks valid.”

“It is valid!” the Professor yells from the other room, his voice echoing down the hall.

Elena steps toward the board, “I leave you guys alone for a day, and you come up with a plan to change the past.” She sighs, looking back at me.

“I just want to fix the past… I want to save the people killed in the attack on Auru three years ago.”

Elena blinks, looking at me intently… “Have you lost your mind girl?”

I shake my head, “No, as insane as this sounds… I think we can do this, and here’s how.”

Elena sits down with Violet, whispering to her something I can’t hear, so I move on, I cup my hands, projecting my voice toward Professor Duval, “Are you seeing this Professor?”


“Good, so hold with me, this is the plan.”

I point to the screen.

“I have a newfound power… an ability to push on time, and while I can’t explain how or why… I can tell you that it works. So, I just want to ask for your trust. Plain and simple.”

I see Elena’s worried expression start to melt, and Violet’s smile encourages me.

“Here’s the timeline. I will push a tunnel in time and space, over there by the windows, we will arrive in the past, three years ago, in Oatis’ Indev plaza.”

“The moment we arrive, the clock starts ticking, we have a small team, and only a few minutes.”

“How many minutes?” Falel interrupts.

“Good point, the Professor’s calculations say that we’ll have about thirty-eight minutes, a max of sixty, but we are not pushing out to the last moment.”

I shuffle my feet a little before deciding to lean on the wall for stability, “Like I was saying, the moment we arrive the clock is ticking, and the first thing we will need to do is take control of the local communications grid, which is why we need you Elena.”

She grins, “Of course dear, as weird as this plan is, Violet has been telling me about what happened. I think I can get control… because my credentials should be valid anywhere in time.”

Thankful she is on board, I continue, “We’ll have two minutes for that, then the rest of us will split up, Falel will remain at the fissure to monitor it with a device the Professor is rigging up, Professor Duval will stay on this side and ensure we don’t get stuck on the other side.”

“Violet’s job will be to get all the signage in the district to get people moving and listening, while Elena convinces people to listen and trust us, the moment that…Violet arrives as a giantess, panic will hopefully not take over.”

Violet shudders lightly at the mention... I hope she doesn’t freeze either…

“Then Violet will head to the orbital tether, 6 men in the tether monitor were killed, and we need to make sure we get them, Elena will go to the Action Tower, to ensure the people are out of the building and moving toward the fissure, and I will clear the south trains.”

Just then Ganymede decides to fly down and perch on my head, “Gany! No! You are staying here!”

“But, he really wants to help Alice.” Elena giggles, “Let him come!”

“Last thing I need is my bird getting lost-in-time, because the only time he listens is when he is NOT in danger.”

I pause and shoo my bird away, he flies back to the little nest of old lab equipment he gathered up on a high shelf.

I tap my fingers on the monitor, “Three years ago, I failed to stop a disaster, and my wife was used to hurt her world.” I look around the room, “We lost Two-Thousand-Eight-Hundred and Thirty-Six people to a humiliating and horrific attack… and we can make this right.”

“We simple few… we can fix it, but I need everyone to believe this is possible… I’m not a great leader, but I love Violet more than anything, and seeing her suffer over these years has been the hardest thing I’ve ever endured."

When I take a few moments to look around, everyone is smiling, even the Professor’s beautiful assistant, Illiana who barely knows us from the people outside.

“Everyone… come here… on Earth we do this thing where we make a circle, put our hands together and raise them as a group… it signifies unity… or teamwork…”

I put my hand out, as Violet steps to my right side and Elena on my left, even Illiana places her hand in the middle, directly across from me. “It might not mean much to everyone here… but I hope this all works, on three…”

Then I hear Elena, “Wait!” She reaches into her pocket with her free hand, revealing Falel, and placing him on top of Illiana’s hand.

“Wait, seriously, why” he yells up at Elena, who seemed to happily ignore his plea.

Why would we argue with his wife?

“On three, yell ‘teamwork’.”

I look around, “One, two, three… TEAMWORK!”

We raise our hands in the moment… and Falel flies forty meters into the air, and Elena pulls me forward, allowing him to fall between my breasts.

I look over at her, “Seriously?”

She smiles as I hoist Falel out of my shirt and place him in her shirt.

“He belongs to you.”

He raises a fist, “I belong to myself thank you very much.”

She bounces her chest, forcing him to fall inward, and down, beneath the surface, “That’s what he thinks…” she winks, “he’s really mine.”

I just roll my eyes, “You two are just perfect for each other.”

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