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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Derek muttered to himself as two powerful fingertips locked onto his midsection and yanked him up into the air. His limbs swung about and he felt like his stomach was plummeting in the opposite direction as he was carried up out of the tupperware container and over the towering DM Screen.

He bit down to stifle his scream as he was dropped onto a rubber mat, the comparatively thick surface blunting the hardwood of the table beneath it. The tiny man rolled for a second before one of the immense fingers slammed down in front of him, and slid him back a few inches so that he was laying in the center of one of the squares that covered the mat he was standing on. Watching the hand retreat into the sky, Derek slowly forced himself to his feet, being sure to remain in the middle of his designated square as he looked out at the vast world that surrounded him.

Even if he hadn't been in Gina's service for almost two months, he'd have known two of the billboard sized faces hanging over his world. Directly to his right he recognized Sophie, a fellow chemistry major who shared the same lab with him at the start of the summer. He watched her dark eyes dance over him and his fellow prisoners without the barest hint of recognition, seeing them as mere pieces on a board rather than tiny shrunken people.

It was Sophie who had introduced him to the giantess sitting next to her in what Derek had initially thought or at least hoped was a sort of set-up. Emma had seemed very chill and down-to-earth when he met her, especially for someone who was an RA, but he knew now that that laid back attitude came from a deep seated sense of superiority.

They had invited him out for drinks and within an hour almost everything that had come out of the brunette's mouth had been a critique of someone else at the bar. And when she realized he had no interest in judging strangers with her, she had turned her cutting remarks on him. When Gina had joined them, and came to his defense, he had thought that the night still might be salvageable.

Instead, he woke up the next morning to find himself among the blonde's many slaves.

Emma watched the tiny men on the table with the same haughty smirk she always wore, her hazel eyes settling on each one in turn from behind a curtain of curly brown hair. As usual, she was dressed down in a baggy t-shirt and he assumed track or sweat pants, that all served to hide what he knew now was a thin frame.

On the other side of the table sat Michelle beside a small mountain of dice that was currently being tended to by a black man twice Derek's height. The guy had to have been a body builder before he was captured by the pale barista, his well muscled form seemed to be almost shining as he hauled a twenty-sided die above his head into his mistress's waiting fingers. She casually plucked the plastic boulder from him and flung it forward.

A man who Derek didn't recognize screamed as it bounced toward him, turning around in his square so that the die smashed into his back, sending him sprawling to the floor before it continued to roll on. The die stopped a few feet from Derek, and he could see the gold number fourteen clearly against its midnight blue surface.

“Sixteen,” the enormous brunette said as her finger came down and tapped the four-inch tall slave on his backside.

Dice rolled across the table and the other giantesses began to report their rolls as Gina settled in behind her screen, the scratching of a pencil against paper echoing up from behind it. Meanwhile, Michelle's shrunken slave jogged past them, his prodigious cock flopping at roughly eye level. He scooped up the hefty d20 with a grunt, and as he turned to run back to his mistress he paused to look at Derek.

Their eyes locked, and Derek saw the pity in the other man's eyes as he shook his head back and forth. He could almost hear the oversized man saying, Poor bastard, as he contemplated the shrunken man's fate.

“Alright, Leslie you're up first,” Gina's voice thundered from the other side.

“They haven't seen us yet, right?” Came the high pitched voice of the last player at the table, her bracelets jingling as she reached out to grab her miniature.

“Right,” came Gina's reply.

Her giggle echoed out like machine gun fire over the table as Derek turned to watch her. As always, the tall waifish girl looked like a rainbow had thrown up on someone. Her natural dark hair color was coming through at the roots before washing out to bleach blonde and then a mish-mash of bright psychedelic colors that matched her sparkly shirt and neon bangles. Her eye shadow was a hot pink that complimented the rosy rouge she wore on her cheeks, and the shimmering lip gloss that coated her lips.

She was, he had learned one afternoon as he and two other men were forced to paint each one of her toes a different color, the drummer of Gina's band and like his owner worked a few different jobs. Of course, he had lost any interest in knowing any more about the giantess's life when he had watched her toes clamp down on one of his fellow slaves. The man had screamed and begged for mercy as she crushed the life out of him, rendering him unconscious if not outright dead long before she smashed his body in half.

When Gina had asked her why, she had simply giggled, and said, “I love the way it feels.”

“I'm going to shoot at the injured one,” she announced as she placed a plastic figurine as tall as Derek a dozen or so yards away, giggling as the dice started to clack against the rings she was wearing. Like Michelle her twenty-sided die was aimed directly at them, and clearly angled for the man she was attacking.

To Derek it felt like the world slowed down as he watched the hunk of plastic bounce and roll toward his fellow prisoner. The middle aged man who he had watched Gina mercilessly cripple held his hands up in fear and let out an agonized scream as the d20 crashed in front of him and then bounced over his prone body before rolling to a stop.

All of the tiny men let out sighs of relief as the shrunken man made it out unharmed, and then came the crash of more dice down on the far end of the table. A loud victorious noise erupted, and Leslie said, “Holy shit! Thirty!”

As one, the tiny men turned to look up at Gina's head hanging over the screen. A smile spread across her lips and the world shook as she rose up from her seat. Her hand descended on the crippled man, “You kill him, the other Lizardfolk follow the arrow back and spot you guys in the trees.”

Her fingers snatched up the crippled man and with a flick of her wrist sent him flying toward Leslie on the far side of the table. His scream echoed over Derek's world before he smacked into the giantess's awaiting palm with a meaty sound.

“Mhm, yes,” she purred as she twisted him about in her fingers then lifted him up to her mouth legs first. With her tongue and thumb, she guided his dislocated right leg between her lips and bit down with a seemingly deafening crunch. Scarlet ribbons instantly joined the bright pink that colored her face as she proceeded to eat him limb by limb.

Derek was so entranced he didn't know what was happening as he was lifted up into the air. Terrified that he had just been claimed, he flailed his limbs and began to plead, “Please don't, no, no, no!”

When the hellish carnival ride stopped, he found himself face to face with a plastic figurine different from Leslie's. Rather than the svelte Elven woman with a bow that the practically tie dyed giantess played, this was a stout warrior type in hefty armor like a knight would wear with a big shield and a cool flail swinging above its head.

Dice clacked in the distance, and Gina cautiously said, “17?”

“Nope,” came Emma's haughty bored voice from the heavens, and suddenly her unpainted fingernail smashed atop the figure representing her character, “Sorry, little guy.”

She then tipped the miniature forward and released it, letting it fall toward him, and forcing the tiny man to stumble about as he tried to prop it back up. Despite being a light piece of plastic to the giants, to Derek the miniature felt like a hefty statue. He did his best to plant his feet into the rubber mat and push back, his muscles stretching and tensing as he tried.

With a hefty grunt, he managed to finally get it off of him, only for Emma to snatch it up.


The table shook and shuddered beneath his feet.

Turning around, Derek's eyes went wide as he saw Michelle's fist sitting like a squat tower in over a dozen yards away. Looking around, he quickly realized that two of his companions were suddenly gone.

“No, no, no,” he muttered as her fist began to rise from the table.

Hunks of bone rained down between thick sticky strands of viscera that stretched from the rubber mat to her meaty fist. “That'll teach them to clump together in a nice AoE-able bunch,” Michelle snickered as flattened body parts partially peeled off from her fist as it continued to rise in the air.

The giantess leaned down and lifted a thick roll of paper towels up, snatching a few to wipe off the mat before cleaning the bodies from her hand. The balled up paper towels she had used were dropped unceremoniously to the floor, as if they were no different than any other piece of garbage.

Michelle then leaned back in her seat and took a long pull from her beer bottle.

Derek couldn't help but notice the red and pink stains that coated the side of her hand, wondering if his fellow tiny men had even been able to figure out their characters were dead before her fist came down.

A shadow loomed over him and Derek turned in time to see Emma's miniature moving away from him.

“You're not going after the one right in front of you?” Gina asked, and Derek couldn't help but shake slightly at the disappointment in her voice.

Emma's eyes settled on him, and he stared back trying to find some semblance of recognition on her face but instead saw only her decision that he wasn't worth it. Her huge shoulders shifted, sending a wave through her endless curls, “Not exactly, I'll throw a Hold Person at him and see what happens.”

Somewhere behind him, he heard Gina's dice clatter against the table followed by a sharp intake of breath like she had just stubbed her toe, “And he's paralyzed. Sophie?”

“Well, I think someone should teach this paralyzed little shit not to go after the party cleric,” Sophie's voice thundered, and he turned to see her fingers deposit a figurine of a burly snarling orc directly in front of him.

He swallowed hard as he listened to her dice crash against the table, excitement in her voice as she scooped them up again when Gina confirmed that her hits had connected. A huge shadow loomed over head as her hands filled the sky above him before they opened wide.

Derek screamed as twelve sized dice fell from the sky like monstrous hail.

None of them hit him as they clattered across the table, but each one sent a small tremor through the wood as they landed, making him wobble back and forth while Sophie's hand seemed to fly about him. A second later and all four of her dice were lined up in front of her as she quickly added them up.

Gina leaned out over her screen to look at Sophie's dice, cutting the other giantess off before she could speak, “You cut him in half with your greataxe.”

Derek felt like he had been hollowed out as he stared up at his former labmate, a smile plastered across her billboard sized face before it was blocked from his view by her hand. Her voice boomed out, “God, these dudes are pathetic.”

Her hand closed around him, and his scream was absorbed by her thick flesh as he was lifted up and then lowered. He fell the remaining few feet to crash beneath the massive table the giantesses were seated around. Directly in front of him he recognized the thick soled Doc Marten oxfords Sophie had always worn in the lab.

Fearing they were about to rise up and smash him into a pulp, Derek found himself backing up into the dark shadows of the table, only to catch sight of Gina's immense toes wiggling against the floor in the distance. He swallowed a thick lump in his throat as he slowly turned in a large circle, taking in the immense footwear of the giantesses that surrounded him.

Gina was barefoot, as she often was when she was home. Then came Michelle's converse; pitch black rubber toe cap and soles standing in stark contrast to the bright white canvas sneakers themselves. He stifled a shout as they seemed to barrel toward him, stopping well short of him as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her feet at the ankles, her long legs stretching up into the distant heavens.

Tapping against the floor beside Michelle were a pair of Nike Air Maxes that were a combination of such bright neon colors that Derek found them painful to look at. Out of them rose Leslie's long thin legs, disappearing into a pair of baggy cut offs with a few flowers embroidered on them. Across from Leslie, he realized that Emma was wearing a comfy pair of track pants that evening, the silky fabric pouring over her chunky white sneakers. Even completely still, Derek couldn't help but imagine how easily their thick soles could turn him into little more than a stain on their pristine white surface.

And finally, Derek found himself staring back at Sophie's shoes, which one of her immense hands were busy untying. He watched as the giantess's foot rose into the sky so her powerful hand could get a solid grip on the heel and yank off the shoe. It came free with a soft pop to reveal a dark black ankle sock wrapped around her foot.

Derek stood mesmerized as she repeated the process with her other foot and then her hand tapped the tops of her feet. The tiny man stared across the empty carpet between him and Sophie's immense peds before glancing for the distant door.

Some guy had just been shouting about how they could manage to escape before he was shouted down by almost everyone else. But for a brief moment, with none of the giantesses looking at him, Derek wondered if it actually was possible. If they really could escape and get help.

Maybe he could be the one to triumphantly return at full size and stop this carnage.


Sophie's sock-clad foot smashed down before him, making him stumble backwards. He turned to see her leaned down low in her chair, a clearly annoyed look on her face as she started to drag her foot toward him, corralling him back towards her seat. Facing the rolling wall of cotton and muscle, Derek had no choice but to scramble just ahead of it before he found himself between the giantess's powerful feet once more.

Her big toe thumped against the carpet, and he dutifully crawled toward it.

After two months of abuse and slavery, Derek knew what was expected of him. He embraced the thick toe that was easily as big as he was, and rubbed himself against it in an attempt to massage the flesh.

The tiny man sincerely doubted that the giant women who forced him to do this actually got any tangible benefit from it. There was no way he alone could actually relieve any tension in her or any of the other girl's massive peds.

But they all clearly enjoyed it.

They loved simply feeling him, and all the men they imprisoned like him, struggle to please them. They delighted in watching a dozen men clamber about their feet, desperately trying to service them in any way possible. How many times, he suddenly wondered, had he begged to serve Gina or her friends in the hopes that proving his worth would somehow extend his life under her rule?

He had seen her casually toss men back into her maw like they were peanuts, so he knew that death could come at any second. And other prisoners had told him about the cullings, nights when all the giantesses would get together and utterly decimate their collections. Yet, he had always assumed that those stories were about the slaves that didn't volunteer for humiliating duties.

As he pressed his lips against Sophie's sweat soaked socks and let the salty funky flavor of her toes coat his lips, he couldn't help but remember the disgusting flavor of Gina's gym shoes. He had literally begged to lick and suck the insoles of her gym shoes dry in the hopes that it would somehow help him avoid this fate.

Instead, when she decided she needed to kill them, there was no warning.

When she got home from her afternoon shift, she snatched a bulging handful of men up like it was any other day. Derek had expected to end up on the coffee table to massage and lotion her feet but then they were dropped into a tupperware container, and a wall covered in charts suddenly appeared around them.

Panic had set in almost immediately as several veterans realized what was happening.

It was confirmed when they heard Michelle's voice thunder in the distance, asking Gina to grab however many men she wanted from the brunette's collection of runts.

And then, after he had been spared being chosen for the first combat of their D&D session, three men were returned to the box as she punished a fourth. He remembered watching one of them dive deep into wall of bodies around them, desperately shoving and pushing to get away from the small hole that had appeared in the crowd. A second later, Gina's fingers had snatched him.

And now he was on the ground at the feet of his former labmate, wondering if he had somehow proved himself to the enormous Asian girl. If maybe she would simply take him home to join her collection of tiny men.

Derek started to move toward her second toe, only to be tossed backwards as her foot lifted up.

Her heel ground against the carpet as she inched her foot forward, her toes hanging over him.

“Oh shit,” he managed to get out, struggling to move before they fell down on him like a hammer.

Instantly, he was in a prison of black cotton and muscle. The heat increased by what felt like twenty or thirty degrees and sweat blossomed across his entire naked body only to be completely absorbed by her sock. He could hear her joints creaking all around him as she started to curl her toes, and then he heard the much softer sound of his own joints starting to groan.

Air was pushed from his lungs as she squeezed harder, and when his body struggled to suck in something to replace it, all he could taste was her toe sweat. He tried to squirm but her toes completely immobilized him.

Slowly, he could feel her foot lifting up higher, his body floating in the air along with it.

Light suddenly burst into his vision, dim though it was it still managed to blind him as he plummeted toward the floor. The wind whistled in his ears before he hit the carpet with a dull thud. The shock of the landing hit his whole body at once, leaving him dazed and struggling to move.

Darkness spread around him rapidly, and Derek forced himself, through the pain and fatigue to turn his head toward the sky. Through the corner of his right eye, he watched as the ball of Sophie's foot grew wider as it fell.

He tried to scream, but there wasn't enough air in his tiny lungs.

Then everything went black as the cotton filled his entire world.

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