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The voices all around Nate seemed to turn into distant echoes as the adrenaline he didn't even realize had been coursing through his tiny body suddenly crashed. Moments after being deposited atop Emma's dice bag, he had watched in horror as two more of his fellow prisoners were snatched up from the board by the titanic women leaning over it.

The first had gone to Michelle, who frowned as the tiny man began to plead with her for his life. He called her goddess as he begged, and Nate realized that the man must have been in the shoebox with him that afternoon, numb to Nate's calls for assistance. While the shrunken man screamed for mercy, Michelle began to toy with him; gripping him firmly by the torso with one hand before pinching a leg between the immense digits of the other. Then, she slowly started to twist it.

The tiny man screamed as she bent his leg as far as it would go in one direction before returning it to its natural position. A few panting pleas later and she would twist the leg the opposite way. The torture didn't even seem to bring a smile to the giant woman's face, instead her dark eyes remained focused on the game in front of her.

As her former slave cried out in pain, his little bones straining but never snapping, Leslie's hand swooped down on her latest kill. The immense girl giggled as she tossed the man high into the air, and his screams reached a terrified fever pitch right before her hand swatted him out of the sky.

Nate's whole body whipped about as he watched his fellow prisoner fly. The shrunken man's flailing form crossed the vast cavern of the apartment's living room before smashing into the wall. There was a soft distant crunch when the poor shrunken man connected with the wall and dark blood splattered across it almost simultaneously.

“Damn it, Leslie!” Gina roared from behind the DM screen, “You're going to clean that up.”

The giantess simply rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders, “Sorry, I forgot we weren't allowed to do that anymore.”

Silence reigned for a single moment before Sophie said, “Well, I'd still give it a solid 7. Good distance, nice splatter, and he's still stuck.”

On the far side of the immense room, Nate watched as the tiny man's body slowly started to peel off of the wall. The limp body smacked into the space beneath, sticking briefly before it started to peel once more and then began to tumble down.

Above him, Emma snickered.

He turned his head to watch the curtain of her hair shake from her wheezy laugh. A second later, her huge hand pushed the thick tresses back behind her ear and her flat voice had a hint of amusement as she added, “I think I'd actually go 8, we haven't had one roll like that in a long time.”

Her pale hand hovered over Nate's world as she made a quick circular motion with her index finger. She leaned forward, her hazel eyes tracking the progress of the dead shrunken man until he landed in a heap against the otherwise unblemished floor.

All the while, Nate found himself trembling in her shadow.


The tiny man in Michelle's hand had been twisted into an unnatural shape by her powerful digits. “Fuck,” she whispered, though the exclamation had nothing to do with the tiny corpse in her hand.

Gina had moved two of the shrunken men within striking range of Michelle's wizard and her hand was already shaking back and forth with dice as she roared, “Even Lizardmen know to geek the mage!”

As Michelle started to grind the dead man to paste in frustration, Nate suddenly felt his entire body start to shake as fatigue crashed into him like a wave. Sweat was pouring down his body as the muscles in his arms and legs spasmed involuntarily. With no further warning, he crumpled down against the velveteen bag.

The giantesses began to plot and execute their counterattack but it all blurred together in his exhausted mind, no longer able to process the byzantine rules that governed the wholesale slaughter that was happening around him. The joy of being spared was quickly disappearing but the idea of the horrible future that awaited him was something too difficult to comprehend in his present state.

Instead he just lay in a heap, watching as massive hands moved tiny people too and fro across the vast plateau of a folding table.

And then there was one.

The shaggy youth who had called him out for daring to suggest escape was possible stood at the center of the carnage, cackling madly as he stared up at the goddess-like beings arranged around him. “You think you can defeat me?!” He taunted.

Gina's laughter boomed across the heavens, “The lizardman shaman curses at you all as he shoots a lightning bolt at Sophie and Emma.”

“Stupid sorcerers,” Emma growled above him as she snatched up a die between her fingers and tossed it toward the lean young man. Nate watched with wide eyes as the same orb that had knocked him flat was nimbly avoided by his fellow prisoner. He then raised a defiant and angry middle finger at Emma, which only provoked an annoyed grunt from the giantess as she reached out to retrieve her twenty-sided die.

Numbers were called out by Sophie and Emma before Gina told them how much damage they took, provoking another annoyed grunt from Nate's new captress.

“Fuck you, stupid bitches!” The young man screamed, throwing up both his middle fingers as he danced in his square.

“Ugh, we should have gagged them,” Michelle announced as she pushed her tiny four inch tall slave up against her dice pile, “I'm gonna fling an acid arrow at him.”

A second later the glistening man heaved a twenty sided die up toward her but her index finger gently pushed him forward. He stumbled before catching himself and then he repositioned the heavy sphere-like object until it looked like he was going to roll with an oversized bowling ball. His loud grunt echoed across the world as he tossed it and the die managed to travel barely a quarter of the distance it would have if Michelle had rolled it herself.

“Twenty-one,” the giantess's lips twitched into a smile as her finger came down and brushed against the well-built man's backside. “I assume that hits?”

Gina nodded and more dice were rolled as her pencil scratched loudly against paper behind her DM screen. The next round began with Leslie striking the shaman, her dice clattering loudly as she gazed down at the tiny man with hunger in her eyes and a thick tongue raking over her blood stained teeth.

“Fuck you!” He screamed as the damage was rolled and tears began to well in his eyes.

Sophie's miniature slammed down next to him, and he flinched before lashing out at the hefty piece of plastic. The heavy miniature barely wobbled as he let out a painful cry and began to shake his fist.

All that earned him was a laugh from Sophie as her character's axe struck true.

High above, Gina described the carnage, “The air glimmers around your greataxe as you cut through his magical defenses and there's an audible crack as it crashes through his scaly hide to bite deep into his flesh. As you pull back the weapon, a gout of blood follows it, and your second strike deepens the wound, leaving him hobbled and moaning in pain.”

Tears flowed freely down the youth's face and his voice was hoarse, “I hate you all! You're all monsters!”

Emma's hand drifted over the world like an immense albino serpent. Her fingers passed over her miniature and then it seemed to appear directly in front of the sobbing teen. “In the name of Pelor,” she said with a haughty smirk, “I'm going to shut this little runt up.”

She threw her twenty sided die and it crashed down with a terrible sound before barely rolling a few times. Gina confirmed the hit and Emma scooped up a handful of dice, all of them clacking together as her eyes narrowed on the shrunken man representing the shaman. The dice crashed against the battle mat and Emma's eyes quickly darted between them before returning to rest on the tiny man, “Fifteen.”

“Oh yeah, that'll kill him,” Gina said, her blonde bun bobbing above her DM screen as she scratched something out against a piece of paper.

“Fuck you!” Screamed the tiny youth, his voice cracking as he started to run, “I won't be your slave! I'm done with this! All of this!”

Despite the tears in his eyes, he picked up speed as he ran headlong for the edge of the table.

“Oh come on,” Emma growled in annoyance as her hand smashed down in front of him.

He slammed into it and crashed back to the mat clutching his face, his screams turning wordless and nasally as he tried to staunch the blood flow suddenly coming from his nose.

“Ew, don't let him bleed on the battlemat,” Gina said.

“Where can I stomp him?” Emma asked as casually as if she was asking where she could put a bottle of wine, her fingers delicately pinching the sobbing young man up around the torso.

“Outside,” Gina said, pointing to the front door with a mechanical pencil.

“Cool,” Emma boomed as she rose from her seat.

Leslie cooed with excitement, clapping loudly as she stood up and rushed to open the front door for the brunette. A roar ripped through the world as the tie-dye wearing giantess wrenched the door open, revealing the inky blackness of a late summer's night.

Nate watched as his new 'owner' stepped into the warm orange glow of the out dated sodium light that hung above the door to Gina and Michelle's apartment. The immense girl looked like she was dressed to do laundry in a baggy white tee and what looked like loose track pants, but Nate recognized the chunky white sneakers on her feet as a recent fashion trend and quickly realized that the girl's 'no effort' look was an affectation.

The realization made him shudder as he wondered how high maintenance the giantess was behind her 'low-key' facade.

She bent down and set the sobbing boy on the concrete of the apartment entrance.

Her leg rose, the light playing across the silky material of her track pants as it stretched and bunched. Nate could see the thick, almost fanged, sole of her sneaker as it hung over the poor wailing young man. He wanted to turn his head away but something kept his gaze completely transfixed on the hefty shoe as it wavered momentarily in the air.

“For Pelor!”

Emma's voice rang through the world as her bright white sneaker plummeted toward the ground. There was no splat or crunch like Nate had expected, just the hefty thud of the thick rubber sole hitting the cement. Blood spurted out through the teeth like tread of the shoe, and flecks splashed up against its pristine white surface.

The giantesses around him roared with laughter but all Nate could hear was the silly fantasy warcry that she had shouted before killing someone. It continued to ring in his ears as she madly swept her foot against the concrete to clear his remains from the chunky tread. Even as the giantesses moved on and started to talk about other things, it was all Nate could hear.

It was still rattling around his skull as Emma's footsteps shook his very world, and her cool hand scooped him up off the table. He stared up at her, mesmerized, but she only shot him a quick glance that ended in a shrug.

Suddenly the fleshy platform beneath him moved and he found himself tumbling into the dark world of her pants pocket.

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