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With me pursed between her fingertips Sarah walked back into the kitchen, carrying me at chest height.  While I was inside her mouth the remaining buttons on her shirt hard popped off, leaving it hanging like a vest around her torso.  The cuffs had been pushed up to her elbows and the sleeves each had long tears, exposing her expanding arms.  Though she had thoroughly ruined her wardrobe she seemed not to care, almost joyful to be so large no clothes could reasonably hold her.  Even her skirt, which was almost a blanket when she pulled it off the rack, looked like a miniskirt on her.


Sarah ducked under the threshold into the kitchen and had to turn to the side a little so her broad frame could fit through.  With her shirt destroyed the only thing restraining her expanding bosom was an increasingly tight bra, and I was mesmerized by their free movements as they bounced and swayed with her movement.  Though it was odd to me that in only a couple days Sarah’s thin and frankly unimpressive features had developed so much, but I was certainly not going to complain.  It was almost like she was going through a second, accelerated puberty to become the vixen who towered above me.


Back in the kitchen, Sarah’s long strides brought her to the table in only a couple steps, where she gently set me down on the hard wood surface.  I watched her glide to the far countertop, where she reached down to pick up a box of O-shaped cereal.  She gave it a quick shake to make sure it was half full, then leaned over to take a bowl from the cupboard.  Sarah had to crouch to get a spoon from the drawer then took a step to get some milk, closing the fridge door with her knee.  When she was ready she came back, grinning in anticipation of what we were about to do.


Sarah stood in front of me, and I gazed up at the magnificent sight of her enormous body towering over me.  Her legs were so gigantic now that the thick pillars of her thighs were visible from table height, her skirt no longer enough to cover more than a fraction of them.  She held a large bowl in her palm while lowering it to the table, setting it down beside me with a bang.  There was a pop while she opened the cereal box, her fingers nearly stretching from one end of it to the other, and she poured it into the bowl with a loud rush of grains.  One of her enormous hands seized the half-gallon of milk, and she carefully poured it into the bowl until it was up to the brim.


When her breakfast was prepared Sarah turned her attention down to me.  “Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you,” she said, lowering a hand toward me.  She laid it against the table, then went to pick me up.  Her thumb and forefinger clamped around the back of my collar and she lifted me off the table.  While she carried me up her tremendous body she added, “You’re what’s going to make this breakfast special.”  I could barely contain my excitement as she steadily lifted me higher.  Though I was eagerly awaiting the main event, Sarah knew how to build my anticipation even higher.


When I reached the top Sarah held me close, dangling me in front of her eyes.  She gave me a nearly contemptuous look, perfectly capturing the arrogance of a giantess who was about to toy with a tiny man in her gray eyes.  In an instant she seemed to double in size, causing her eyes to widen with joy.  “Ha!  Another inch gone!” she bellowed.  Although her voice was mostly a low rumble to me, I had no problem understanding her every word.  “Now you’re the perfect size to fit in my spoon.”  Sarah tilted her hand back and forth, shaking me from side to side while I hung helplessly beneath her fingers.


Once I came to a stop Sarah tilted her head back and gave me a crazed look, then flung her fingers open.  I plummeted from her face to the murky white pond below and splashed into the milk with a tiny plop.  The cold milk immediately made me tense up when I broke its surface, and I sunk into the depths until I came in contact with a large soggy circle about half my size.  It stopped my descent, then I kicked off it to propel myself back to the surface.  My head broke through and a stream of milk ran out of my hair and down to my face, and I did my best to tread milk.


Sarah still stood over me, her towering body seem to go up forever.  She clasped her hands to her cheeks and opened her mouth in mock surprise.  “Oh no!” she proclaimed.  It was hard to tell if she was being sarcastic or if acting was simply not a skill she had.  “I dropped my itty-bitty boyfriend and he fell into my cereal!”  Her massive torso leaned forward so it loomed over the bowl, casting it in her shadow while she pulled a chair up with a piercing screech.  When she sat she still leaned forward, driving home her tremendous size.  “Well, he told me he’s a good swimmer, so I’m sure he’ll be fine.”


She reached over and grabbed the spoon, then held it prepared over the bowl’s rim.  It looked like a plastic toy that came with a children’s tea set while she gripped it.  The basin of the puny spoon was barely larger than her thumbnail, and her hand completely engulfed the handle despite her delicate grip.  “Hm, I know he fell in here, but I don’t see any sign of him,” Sarah continued, looking directly at me.  “I guess he’s just so small he’s gotten lost in my breakfast.  If I spot him though, I’ll fish him out.”  Her spoon slipped into the bowl, making a large wave as it probed the surface.  “Of course, I can’t make any promises.  He’s gotten so puny I might scarf him down without even noticing!”


Sarah plunged her spoon into the cereal, driving little O’s out of its way as it skimmed the surface.  It was coming right for me, and even though it was tempting to get caught by the first spoonful I knew that would be no fun for either of us.  We had both been independently fantasizing about this for years, and giving up immediately would suck all the fun out of the game.  I swam to the side, just getting enough out of the way that her spoon brushed by my side.  The force pushed me away as it rose from beneath the milk, sending me bobbing toward the wall while she raised it to her face.


She looked at the mouthful in front of her, acting like she was inspecting it.  “Nope, no tiny boyfriend in here,” she declared, parting her lips and sliding the spoon between them.  Slowly she pulled it back out, dumping the milk-saturated cereal into her mouth with her lips.  Sarah moved her jaw in huge, exaggerated motions, grinding the bite up into a fine paste before swallowing it, a huge lump moving down her throat.  Her eyes scanned the cereal, finding me easily as I kicked in the water to remain afloat.  “Where could my morsel of a man have gone?”


Her spoon came back for another pass, and she held it upside-down while probing the cereal less than an inch from me.  “I hope I don’t scoop him up with the cereal” she said, poking it through the top layer of O’s.  “I would just feel so awful if I accidentally swallowed him.”  The spoon rose to the surface, clipping me with its edge and pulling me from the pool of milk.  I quickly lost balance and toppled off the side, and Sarah left her spoon hovering over me while it dripped milk over the side and onto my head.


She raised the spoon to her mouth and devoured this bite in the same way as the last, making a big show of chewing and swallowing.  When her mouth was empty she brought the spoon back to the bowl and held it poised over me.  “He must be so terrified right now,” she continued, dipping the spoon halfway into the milk.  “Looking up at his gigantic girlfriend while she peers into the bowl, not knowing if this will be the time he ends up on my spoon.  He must be trying so hard to get my attention, not knowing that he’s just too tiny for me to see him!”


Sarah swirled the spoon around me, making a small whirlpool centered on me.  Suddenly she jabbed it forward, sliding it under me along with a small hill of cereal.  She raised it out, taking me along on its ascent with me perched on the front edge.  When she stopped to flick off some of the milk I stepped backward, dropping off the spoon and plunging back into her cereal.  There was another rush of cold when I dropped into it but I quickly returned to the surface, the thick liquid making me feel much more buoyant.


“Mm, looks like the cereal’s getting a little thin,” Sarah declared, grabbing the bowl with one hand.  “I better clear out some of the milk so I can get more with each bite.”  She lifted it from the table and brought the rim to her mouth so she could rest her lips on either side of it.  Her face completely covered the bowl, dominating my view while she tilted it up.  A current of milk rushed into her mouth, carrying dozens of cereal bits into the waiting orifice.  I got caught up in the tide and the soggy cereal bunched up around me, crowding my movement.  Every way I turned there were milk-saturated O’s thick enough that I could not move through them.


The steady stream of milk conveyed cereal into Sarah’s cavernous mouth, and she noisily slurped at it to get more.  Her lips raked in huge gulps for her, and she did not even have to chew them at this point.  Each time she closed her lips she swished them around in her mouth before gulping them down, coming back for another helping.  I was drawn closer and closer to her hungry lips until I could see inside the teeth-lined pit, strewn with debris from her meal.  Sarah’s pink, milk-splashed lip loomed over me, and I prepared myself for another trip into her mouth.


Suddenly her lips clamped shut in front of me, and the milk pushed me against her pursed lips.  She lowered the bowl from her face and looked forward, and I tumbled from her lips back into the bowl.  The mushy cereal provided a nice cushion for me to land on, but even my insignificant weight tore through it like wet paper.  I fell through the pile of O’s and dropped back into the milk with a splash, and the pile of cereal collapsed inward after me.


Sarah plunged her spoon into the mount over me, scraping my scalp with its bottom while she dug me out from being buried.  She slid it into her mouth then mashed the bite against the roof of her mouth before swallowing it.  A broad smile spread across her face while she looked down at me in the soggy morass.  “Huh, guess I can just swallow it whole now it’s so soggy,” she commented, lowering her spoon back in.  “It’s a shame I haven’t found my little bite-sized partner yet.  I’ll probably end up swallowing him whole too if I haven’t already.”


After another scoop and bite it was just me and a few stray O’s still floating in the small amount of milk remaining.  Sarah spied me bobbing at the bottom of the bowl and smirked.  “That’s a weird-looking piece of cereal,” she commented, skimming the liquid with the tip of her spoon.  She brought it closer and prodded me in the chest.  “Neat, it’s still solid, too.”  I floated away from the enormous metal tool while she concluded, “I bet it’ll go right down with the rest, though.”


She scooted the spoon away to scoop up the other O’s left in the bowl before swooping it around to come back for me.  I started swimming the other direction, but the viscosity of the liquid made it difficult to make any progress.  The spoon sped by, bumping my arm to start me spinning.  It curved back around, clipping me on the other arm as it raced past.  Sarah spun it around to face me, then sighed loudly and said, “The last one’s always the hardest.  It’s like it doesn’t want me to eat it!”


Sarah dipped the spoon in as far as it could go and rushed it toward me, and I was easily caught in the basin.  Milk sloshed over the sides as she lifted it out, and the mushy grains settled over me.  I could just barely see while Sarah slowly lifted me to her face.  During the inexorable rise I settled into the spoon’s middle, with my limbs and head just barely poking out of the surface.  Her face grew larger in my view until it was the only thing I could see in front.


She held the spoon in front of her mouth, lips pulled wide in a smile.  “Mm,” she moaned, and licked her lips.  “The last bite is always the best.”  Her warm breath washed over me, smelling strongly of the cereal I had been swimming with.  “It’s a shame I never found my tiny boyfriend though.  For all I know he could be in this very last spoonful, but he’s gotten so small I’d never even know.”


Sarah’s lips parted, and she began moving the spoon between them.  Through the thin layer of mush over me I could see her tongue waggle in the dark pit ahead, tiny bits of chewed cereal still clinging to it.  She brought me through her teeth, fresh food stuck to their surfaces, and set the spoon down on her tongue.  Her lips closed around the handle, casting me into darkness, and I was pushed off onto her tongue while she pulled it through her lips.


I rolled off the enormous pink tentacle and landed in the puddle of milk forming around it to join the few bits of cereal floating in it.  Sarah tilted her head back, bringing me toward the back of her throat, and light peeked through her sealed lips.  A deluge of milk spilled forth between them, quickly filling her mouth.  The liquid rapidly became warmer after it entered the tremendous cavern, and I quickly found myself picked up by it.


A strong current of milk rushed from one side of her mouth to the other, and when it recirculated into the pool by her tongue I found myself caught in it.  The liquid rushed back and forth while she swished it around, tossing me to and fro along with it.  I struggled to swim against it but it was too strong, and I was unable to resist.  Cereal of remnants slammed against me in the darkness and were quickly pulled away again, the forces inside Sarah’s mouth too strong for any kind of contact.


I bumped into Sarah’s tongue and it quickly slammed down, holding me against her frenulum.  She flattened it, pinning me in place, and the last bit of her breakfast began to flow strongly away from me.  There was a great slosh and a series of squishing sounds, with terrifyingly audible gulps echoing throughout her mouth.  When the last milk was gone she wedged the tip of her tongue beneath me and lifted me out of the small pocket of safety.


Sarah reached her fingers into my mouth and easily found me standing on the middle of her tongue, then pinched around my body.  Her soft fingertips encompassed me from head to toe, and she carefully drew me out of her open mouth.  She quickly set me down on her enormous, waiting palm, then looked at me with a huge smile.  Before either of us could say anything she reached over me, precisely pinching the collar of my shirt so she could pluck me out of her palm.


Slowly Sarah raised me up her face until she dangled my miniscule body in front of one enormous gray eye.  She blinked, and I could see her pupil rapidly readjust itself to focus on me so close to it.  Every line and fleck of color in her iris stood out to me like a blinking light as I took it in, having to look around in order to view the whole thing.  Something tugged on the side of her eye and they lit up, and I realized she was smiling.


There’s my tiny boyfriend!” she exclaimed, doing her best to act surprised.  “And to think, I almost swallowed someone as great as you with my cereal.”  She paused again and blinked, her eyelids tickling me as they brushed over me.  “So, how was it?  Did you believe I was gonna eat you?”


“Yes!” I exclaimed, still not fully recovered from the thrill.  “Sarah, that was incredible!  I’ve dreamt of being stuck in your cereal for years, and it lived up to my expectations!  And how you toyed with me using the spoon, taunted me with your lips, even the slow way you stuck me in your mouth with the last bite, they were all magnificent!”


Sarah gave a curt nod, then pulled me away so she could actually focus on me, holding me between her eyes and a few inches from her face.  “I know, wasn’t it great?” she replied.  “I always imagined you were the last little piece of cereal, and now you were!  I wish I could chase you around with my spoon for hours, or ‘accidentally’ dropping you out of it just before you went in my mouth.”


“I never want either of us to have to imagine I’m part of that last bite again,” I declared.


“It’s a deal,” Sarah agreed.  “I don’t think you should be part of every meal I have, though.  I really would feel terrible if I swallowed you by accident.  I never want to lose you, and if I’m the one who did it…”


“Hey, don’t worry about it,” I offered, trying to keep her spirits up.  “That sounds perfectly fine.  I wouldn’t want to be in every meal, anyway.  I’d hardly be able to see you if I was in your sandwich or something.”


“Thanks for understanding, little guy,” Sarah said, playfully batting me with a finger on her free hand.  When I stopped swinging we did our best approximation of staring into each other’s eyes, with her gazing at me while I looked into one of her brilliant eyes.  “So, I’ve been holding you up here for a while,” she began, breaking the silence, “and I don’t think you’ve gotten one bit smaller.”


“Huh, you’re right,” I said.  I hadn’t thought about it, but Sarah was the same amount of gargantuan she was now as when she pulled me out of her mouth.  “Maybe I’ve hit some kind of minimum size?”


“That would make sense,” Sarah replied.  “You’re already teensy, and if you got much smaller I’d have trouble playing with you.”  She grew silent and a devilish grin spread across her face.  “You know what that means, right?”


“No, what?” I asked.  I had an idea what she was thinking, but I wanted to hear her say it.


“It means, my miniscule man,” she answered, scrunching her nose playfully, “that it’s time for us to have some real fun.”


That was exactly what I wanted to hear.  “Let’s do it, my colossal companion.”

Chapter End Notes:

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