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Rebecca smirked at her prey, she had been the teacher of this brat for some years now and during that time a day had not pass without him being a complete annoyance. Publicly she had to pretend that she adored every one of her pupils, even the rude and mean ones, but secretly, when she felt really creative, Rebecca liked to imagine herself abusing those terrible students and giving them what they deserved; it was her way to relieve her frustration and, sadly for terrible student Aaron, Rebecca believed that she was dreaming, for her this was only another one of those moments where her imaginary self was going to teach a lesson to an imaginary brat.


You.. are not... dreaming!- Said Aaron.


But Rebecca had stopped listening to Aaron years ago. She wiggled her fingers like if she was imitating a magician, yelled: "Become the worm that you are!"and so Aaron was transformed into a small and insignificant worm.  But how had this happened? Well, Alicia was the one who transformed him into a worm, she was hidden in the room, using the powers of her ring to be invisible.




Rebecca grabbed the nasty worm with two fingers and lifted him close to her eyes to see him better, Aaron could only wiggle from side to side in desperation. Rebecca intentionally let go of Aaron and as soon as he hit the floor, he started to wiggle away trying to escape, Rebecca laughed seeing the tiny creature trying to run away from her, she was a 5'9 woman (plus high heels) so the idea of a worm being able to escape from her was just too absurd.


Rebecca catched up with Aaron and pretended to squish him, then waited for a few seconds until Aaron had moved a little bit more and did the same. This quickly became a cat and mouse scenario where Rebecca, the cat, enjoyed the hunting and even see it as a game but for Aaron, the mouse,  or worm, this was a fight for survival. 


Rebecca got bored so she walked towards Aaron and raised her foot over him, covering Aaron with her foot's shadow, the next second her foot was on the floor. Even tho he was already dead, she continued to stomp over Aaron's worm body, she did it over and over as she yelled: "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!". After a couple of minutes of that, what once had been a worm now was a disgusting pulp like thing that not even the hungriest bird would eat. Alicia, still invisible, laughed at the scene.


Rebecca woke up at the school's cafeteria, she had no idea when she had fallen sleep but the smile on her face showed that she had enjoyed her dream, she walked to a table where Alicia and Aaron were sitting and greeted both of them, then she left but in her way out you could hear how she was laughing in a very low voice.


Witch, you did that!- Said Aaron to Alicia.


What? Did you mean transforming you into a worm so that our biology teacher could kill you in a very painful way? Well, duh. So... are you going eat your jello?- Said Alicia.


No! You cannot have my fucking jello! You are going to explain me how you are doing all of this, how you made me appear here, how you...- Said Aaron, before disappearing.


You should had given me that jello.- Said Alicia.


In a blink of an eye a group of Alicia's female friends appeared on the table, they were talking with each other as if they had been there all along. One of them said: "How can they call this shit, food?" and pointed at her plate with disgust. In her plate there was a dick with a pair of balls, nobody could have confuse it with anything else, but thanks to Alicia's ring that dick looked like something else, maybe another type a sausage, maybe another kind of meat, who knows.


What did you did this time?!- Said Aaron, his voice sounded in Alicia's head.


The girl grabbed Aaron's dick with one hand and looked at it trying to figure out how was she supposed to eat that small, small, small, small, really small piece of meat. She sniffed it but the meat did not smelled like anything in particular, then she licked the meat but could not taste any flavor in particular, the poor girl, without any other options left, tried to chew the top of the piece of meat while still holding the rest on her hand. Alicia, who was still able to listen to Aaron's voice in her head, burst out laughing.


What's so funny?- Asked the girl.


Sorry. I just remembered a funny joke.- Said Alicia.


The girl did not loved how the meat tasted but it was not like if she hated the flavor, she told the girl on her right to taste it, that girl chew on it and said: "I wonder what it is, it's feels kinda plasticky but it tastes good". The group of friends talked for a good while until the bell rang; the girl never stopped chewing on it during that long talk, she chewed it but never swallowed it, just like bubble gum.


Aaron changed places once more and, when he appeared this time, he had all of his body (an small section hurted like hell). The room he was in was completely dark, but he could feel his body so he assumed that he was human, Aaron stayed in the darkness enjoying the feeling of almost no pain when suddenly, the room brightened up. A giant girl that he recognized as Amanda looked at him from above, the last time he had seen her was when she almost had killed him with her huge breasts (good times?),  giantess Amanda was outside the room he was in, Aaron was seeing her through some kind of glass window.


Good morning Charlie.- Said Amanda.


Aaron moved his head looking for this Charlie but there was no Charlie there, he was alone, Aaron then tried to speak with the giantess but he had no voice, he could only move his mouth but no sound would came out. Amanda told him: "Hope you are hungry" and then a bunch of fruit appeared in the room; some apples, bananas, grapes and oranges. Aron hated anything healthy, he would normally don't eat fruit, but his body started to move by itself forcing him to eat a banana, then is when he tasted the damn thing and found out that tasted like shit; maybe in a literal way, it wasn't because it was healthy, it just tasted like that for some reason, Aaron almost threw up when he finished the banana.


Awww you don't like it, but you have to eat more to full your hunger bar.- Said Amanda.


That's when Aaron figured out what was happening, he was some kind of pet in a phone game and Amanda could make him eat as much of that stuff as she wanted. Amanda said hi to another woman and invited her to look at her phone.


How cute, what's the name of your pet?- Said Alicia.


Charlie, but he hates fruit.- Said Amanda.


Awww poor guy, but he has to eat, give him more.- Said Alicia.


From outside the phone the two giantess were looking at him, both of them loved to see him ingesting more and more of that disgusting tasting food, Aaron was not allowed to stop, his suffering was just so much fun to Amanda and Alicia; especially to Alicia, every face of disgust that he made was qualified by the giantess as "fun" or "cute".


Suddenly the "room" went dark again, before Aaron knew what was happening he disappeared from the "room". The next second he was on the floor of the school bus, his face was right below the seat of a beautiful red headed girl wearing flats but the rest of his body was missing, to make it even worse, his mouth was wide open and he could not closed it.


She dangle one shoe until it came off, it hit Aaron in the face and then fell to the floor, instead of picking it up she placed her foot over his face like if it was the most normal thing in the world; her foot was so warm. Moments later she found his tongue and started to play with it, she use her toes to pull it for a while; I guess that was as good of a distraction on her ride home as anything else. 


The girl then felt an itchiness on her foot, she tried to scratch it with her hand but that did not help much so, she got the idea that she could use Aaron's teeth to relieve her itchiness, she put the bottom of her foot on his top teeth and then moved it up and down; it probably tasted worse than the fruit from before. 


The bus stopped and the red haired girl stood over Aaron's face, completely crushing his nose, she looked down when she heard this "crack" noise but not even when she looked straight into his eyes does she noticed anything weird, she stood with her full weight over him while she slowly; very slowly,  stretched her body, put her shoe again and got off the bus.


Aaron fainted; probably because of the broken nose and, when he opened his eyes again, he was laying on the bed of his room, Aaron then screamed as loud as his lungs allowed him. Deborah, his mother, ran from wherever she was and entered his room in like five seconds.


Are you ok?! What's happening?!- Said Deborah.


What I am this time?! What did the witch did this time?- Said Aaron.Witch?- Asked Deborah.


Alicia, that fucking bitch! She has transformed me into a carton box, a pair of bunny slippers, a worm, a..- Said Aaron.


Aaron, my perfect boy, that was a nightmare.- Said Deborah.


That was all a... nightmare?- Asked Aaron.


Of course it was, now go to sleep and have happy dreams about happy stuff.- Said Deborah, she then repeatedly kissed him in the forehead.


Aaron closed his eyes and smiled, tomorrow he was going to make Alicia pay for this, sure, it was not his sister's fault what he dreamed but Aaron did not cared whose fault it was. Deborah got off the room to let him sleep, she was glad that his "perfect boy" had awoken from that crazy nightmare. Then, after a few seconds, Aaron felt how someone was kissing him in the forehead once more, he opened his eyes thinking that it was his mother only to found out that it was Alicia, she gave him the finger, showing her ring that normally was on her index finger, and disappeared.

Chapter End Notes:

---Please, feel free to suggest what you want to happen next.---

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